Beginning runner using C25k



  • AShannon54
    AShannon54 Posts: 111 Member
    Happy New Year. Thank you so much for your posts. You are an inspiration.
  • wulfax
    wulfax Posts: 93 Member
    Happy New Year everone!

    So how did everyone do over the holiday period? I know some of you had runs planned, how did they go?

    As for me, I have not exercised since I did the 5k on December 20th. It was almost if my body was holding off being sick until after the 5k because once I was done with that I got some kind of chest cold and I am just now getting over it. I went from running a 5k to being out of breath walking up 1 flight of stairs (and coughing my lungs up while i did it).

    I still cannot run yet, so today I am going to try walking again. I will go out, walk a mile or two, and see how I feel. The good news is that I only gained 4 lbs. over the holiday season and with a little buckling down and a bit of exercise I should be able to take it back off shortly.
  • VoodooChummy
    VoodooChummy Posts: 53 Member
    wulfax wrote: »
    Happy New Year everone!

    So how did everyone do over the holiday period? I know some of you had runs planned, how did they go?

    I didn't have any runs planned but I must credit your creation of this thread to motivate me to get back out and enjoy some runs again. A friend and I decided to tackle a modest paced 2miles and it turned out better than expected for not having run in probably 5 months.
  • haircuttergirl
    haircuttergirl Posts: 33 Member
    I'm new to this thread. But I dig it! Wulfax, I smiled when I read your first post about your C25k sentiments. When I started, I couldn't run for a full minute either. I thought C25k was going to kill me. Haha
    Hi, everyone :) I'm Jenn.
  • haircuttergirl
    haircuttergirl Posts: 33 Member
    edited January 2015
    wulfax wrote: »
    Happy New Year everone!

    So how did everyone do over the holiday period? I know some of you had runs planned, how did they go?

    I know I'm the newbie here, but would love to chime in.
    I ate fairly healthy over the holidays, just slacked a little... so was very discouraged to realize I gained 14 lbs in 3 wks. I was 1.8 lbs away from my goal weight prior to that, too :( I guess since I was eating pretty clean before the holidays and then ate more processed stuff, even though healthy choices, made the difference? I don't know. But either way I'm working my tail off to lose it again. I can gain weight just looking at food, ha.
    On New Years day I did a 5k Resolution Run and a 4 mile Breast Cancer Run. I'm training for my first half marathon in March and that week of training called for 7 miles. I struggled on the first but felt fantastic on the second one.
    I've run off and on for years but never stuck with it much until March 2014 when I restarted running by doing a 5k. Took me about 48 mins, mostly walking. I've been consistent since then and I love it. I get crabby when I go a couple/few days without running. :) Still have a long way to go but I feel myself improving from where I was in March.

  • LazyButHealthy
    LazyButHealthy Posts: 257 Member
    edited January 2015
    Wulfax! I was thinking of you on the 20th. So happy you had such a great run, and such a lovely family event!
    Congratulations. You've worked your *kitten* off to deserve that.

    As for my Christmas update:

    I hadn't posted in the last few weeks as I travelled home for Christmas and wasn't online much.

    However, despite the eating, drinking and merriness, I kept up the programme, and on January 2nd I ran my first 5k. I did not do it continuously - it was only 2 days after I finished week 8, and was averaging 3-3.5k run non-stop. Nevertheless, I didn't walk longer than 30 seconds when I had to, so I did run most of it - my 5k time was 41 minutes 28 seconds, so I'm happy with that.
    And last November 4th I struggled 60 seconds...

    Very happy with myself, and this programme!

    I plan now to repeat week 8 several times just to work on stamina and speed, and build up to a stronger 5k.
    I was tired for a few days, so on the 5th January I just ran 2k to stretch the legs. I might go out tonight to see how I fare.
  • wulfax
    wulfax Posts: 93 Member
    edited April 2015
    I must admit to a bit of bitterness reading my last post on this thread. Mostly this part here:
    wulfax wrote: »
    It was almost if my body was holding off being sick until after the 5k because once I was done with that I got some kind of chest cold and I am just now getting over it. I went from running a 5k to being out of breath walking up 1 flight of stairs (and coughing my lungs up while i did it).

    The reason for the bitterness is that it wasn’t just a chest cold, it was also heart failure. The reason for the bad breathing was because I was starting to build fluid up in my chest.

    Yesterday when I was talking to my wife my bitterness really welled up. We are going on vacation at the end of May and I was on track to have been around or just below 200lbs. My family moved from Washington in mid-2013 and this is our first trip back. When we left I weighted just under 300lbs and I was really excited to lose around 100lbs and go back and visit friends and family. I currently weigh about 235lbs. This was supposed to be my year.

    So here I am now, a little over 4 months past when I ran my 5k and I haven’t run a step since. The semi-good news is that even though I haven’t exercised, I have not gained too much weight. I weigh just about the same as I did when I did the 5k in December.

    I don’t know if I am allowed to, but I am going to try to resurrect this thread. I feel a lot better than I have in a while and I am going to start the C25K program again. The last one I did was by Zen Labs, this time I am going to use the one from RunDouble using the distance plan.

    For those of you in the know and who may be curious, I have been diagnosed with Cardiomyopathy and had an EF of less than 10% when my echo was done in February. I had a stent procedure in early March where 2 stents were inserted into one artery and am currently waiting to see if my doctor wants to perform a 2nd surgery on another artery. Right now the projection is to have my next echo in June or July depending on the surgery.

    As an addendum, I am being careful and taking care of myself. I have a HR monitor and am religious about taking my meds and monitoring myself.

  • Just_Ceci
    Just_Ceci Posts: 5,926 Member

    Definitely proceed only with the blessing of your doctor.

    (I used the RunDouble distance version when I did C25K. Loved it!)
  • truelight_photo_craig
    truelight_photo_craig Posts: 347 Member
    edited April 2015
    Follow your doctors advice, but I'm here to tell you, it can be done. First off, I was never a runner. In fact, for most of my adult life, I was morbidly obese. A little over 4 years ago I had to go on disability with CHF. At first I was depressed and ready to just give up. But a newly rekindled faith and the support of my Pastor and his wife (now my best friends), I got myself on track. Started walking, and last year tried to run a bit. It was slow and painful, but as long as I saw progress, I'd keep going. Last fall I finished a 5k on a very difficult trail in 56:45. This week I did a training run and finished in 46:24, and for the first time since 1978 weighed in below 200 pounds. I still have trouble running for more than a minute at a time, but I recover quicker and do more run intervals. Take your time, listen to the docs and your body, but believe you can do it.
  • Aine8046
    Aine8046 Posts: 2,122 Member
    Get well! I was inspired by your topic and hope you'll be able to get back to running soon!
  • MamaMollyT
    MamaMollyT Posts: 197 Member
    Stick with it. Exact program I used to recover after knee surgery and gaining weight. It was so hard at first. Now I'm running marathons. It really eased me in and gave me a solid basis to get back into running after being so deconditioned. I'm almost 40 and have gone from running zero after the injury/surgery to running 30 miles/week now. Lost about 40 lbs along the way. Good luck!
  • angelexperiment
    angelexperiment Posts: 1,917 Member
    Wow! I am sorry to hear that but I hope you can still run? I just want you to know how you inspired me! I am currently about to be on week 6 in my c25k and plan on doing my first 5k in may! I ran a full 20 min! The other day. It is as been hard but so worth it to myself! Thank you for inspiring me to start running something I thought I could never do!
  • wulfax
    wulfax Posts: 93 Member
    Wow! I am sorry to hear that but I hope you can still run? I just want you to know how you inspired me! I am currently about to be on week 6 in my c25k and plan on doing my first 5k in may! I ran a full 20 min! The other day. It is as been hard but so worth it to myself! Thank you for inspiring me to start running something I thought I could never do!

    Good job! This is why I started doing these posts!

    I haven't walked at more than a snails pace for 4 months and plan to re-start W1D1 next week. I am going to get a HR chest strap this weekend so that I can closely monitor my heart during exercise. This will also allow me to take the the results to my cardiologist and have some discussion about exercise with some data.
  • IndigoSue13
    IndigoSue13 Posts: 99 Member
    Wulfax, I'm so sorry to hear about your health setback. But, with your doctor's permission, I'm glad you aren't letting it stop you from moving forward!
  • Gska17
    Gska17 Posts: 752 Member
    I just discovered this thread. I'm currently making my way though C25K.

    I'm sorry to hear about your heart troubles. :( I hope you're back at it soon.
  • jgnatca
    jgnatca Posts: 14,464 Member
    @wulfax , yes, data is good when negotiating with doctors. That's how I got off my meds. I proved I was tracking, and the numbers all looked good.