Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • Hello. I hope 2015 is going great. THANKS to each of u who shares the stories. I think I have the hang of this know... Stay inspired :)
  • MaryPoppinsIAint
    MaryPoppinsIAint Posts: 157 Member
    edited January 2015
    @tlh0407‌ - that water will help you more than you know, keep it up. I have a 32oz water bottle that I keep full and within reach at all times, and just sip each time it catches my eye. I go through 3-4 of those 32oz bottles a day. Once your body realizes there is water close to hand, it will start letting you consciously be aware of how THIRSTY you have been. It's nuts.

    @bsracer‌ - 5 pounds in a week is huge! Rock on!!!

    @Lives2Travel‌ - It is SO hard to reset the brain sometimes! Keep it up! i :)

    @MKknits - I had hair down to my hips until this past fall. It's still long, but I had it cut to about my bra band. Months later, and it still feels WEIRD!!! And wow, you have patience on a level I cannot imagine, doing all that prepacking. Great job!!

    @mnwalkingqueen - that cut is gorgeous! :)

    @loosaedna - breathe, honey. Stress hormones don't help weight loss at all. What a frustrating situation!

    @melifornia - look at you all busy bee with the plan! :)

    @Rozie1019 - totally carve out the time to primp a little, even if it's just a quick puff of blush & some lip gloss. It's WORTH it!

    @susan2396 - the few weeks after the holidays are always tough. Lingering stashes of goodies abound, habits are off-balance. You'll get there. Cleaning out the food stores and making a meal plan is a great way to restart!! Also, thanks for the notes on Ohio… I actually lived there for a few years when I was young, in Chagrin Falls, a bit south & east of Cleveland. I remember loving the weather (even the winters), and there being a cultural focus on families & libraries and children, so I am looking forward to it.

    @Tanya949 - Those marshmallow krispie balls sound AMAZING!! Could you maybe write down the actual measurements? Cuz now I wanna make some!

    Okay, so it's Tuesday Goals… hmm…

    My goal this week is really to stick as closely as possible to my calorie goal. I do the TDEE - 20% method, but right now I have extra calories built in because I have two breastfeeding children. I want to fine-tune that estimate, since I have a sneaking suspicion that I may be allowing a bit too much wiggle room there and sidelining my weight loss unnecessarily. So for this week I want to come as close as possible to that net calorie goal without going over by more than 50-60 calories, and see what happens. If I maintain or gain, step down the breastfeeding allowance by 100 calories next week, repeat until weight loss resumes. So far 3/7, assuming tonight goes as planned.

    I was worried about yesterday. I got all off schedule, was headache-hungry all day because I kept forgetting to eat, and then of course it turned into carb-fest because I was starving. But I bit the bullet & logged it all, & lo & behold, I actually did squeak in under my limit!

    In other news, tomorrow is gonna be a day of cleaning and laundry and packing away. We don't have anywhere to be out of the house, and hubs is off work, so the Christmas tree is coming down, all the laundry is going to be caught up & put away, and our living room is getting a thorough cleaning. We're also going to start "packing out" rooms, leaving only those things that we use daily, and getting everything else boxed and into the garage, so that when it is time to load a moving truck, all we have to do is pack up our daily use items and load furniture. The goal there is to have all but the minimum essentials in the garage ready to go, so that anything we are NOT taking is easily identified and removed to Goodwill.
  • MKknits
    MKknits Posts: 184 Member
    I'm looking for some suggestions. Apparently I have psoriasis and I'm in the middle of one of the worst flare ups I have ever had. My skin in the affected areas (mostly my arms but some on my ankles and knees) literally feels like it is on fire. I'm waiting to get in with the dermatologist to figure something out because the treatments I've done with my regular doctor aren't working. Right now sweating makes it worse, it makes it sting and then the itch is about 100 million times worse until I take a shower - but then showers also make it worse too. I've been adding in just walking extra whenever I can to up my activity that way - but doing anything that makes me sweat causes so much irritation right now I'm avoiding it. Can anyone with psoriasis provide any suggestions?
  • slimbluehen
    slimbluehen Posts: 34 Member
    Hi everyone; I was off-list because of the flu and my word, you all have been writing up a storm!

    Niki, I was thinking of you and KitKat all this past week. I remember someone telling me that "time heals what reason cannot." It isn't much of a consolation, but something to look forward to, when the pain isn't so bad.

    Hugs XXX
  • nannersp61
    nannersp61 Posts: 2,315 Member
    Hi all. I started in earnest to lose weight and get healthy on January 1. Glad I found my way back to mfp, because it is really working for me this time. I have been keeping track of all my food. I also have been posting pictures of what I eat on facebook, where a lot of my church friends post. They have been very encouraging. This posting of meals makes me really think about what I will choose to eat. I have been able to talk myself out of eating bread and sugary foods, due to the posting. I also find myself wanting to get up and out there to exercise. I think the main reason was the picture taken of me with my daughter at Christmas. I just don't want to see myself like that anymore. I look forward to checking in and participating with all of you in the daily stuff. I have a goal of 90 pounds for this year and 20 pounds the next.
  • NK1112
    NK1112 Posts: 781 Member
    RobinsEgg wrote: »

    IF YOU RECEIVE A PERSONAL MESSAGE FROM a person named Brain...:stating something like this: "Hi there! I am a wellness and motivation coach! I have lost 100 lbs myself in this journey and offer my services for free to help motivate others. I'd love to work with you on your goals!"

    I don't mind single messages like this. But, if he is writing everyone or lots of us with the same message, that's "spamming" and its against the rules, and I need to report him. So, please let me know. His name again is Brain...with 3 numbers or so after the name.
    Thanks everyone!

    Robin ... It's Brain328 and she has made the same post on other threads I visit. Haven't seen any personal messages from this person but i think she's posted on here a couple of times.
  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    Meliforna- As a teacher I tend to bring a sandwich made from sandwich thins and some type of protein. Perdue has a really good Italian Chicken Breast that you can cook ahead of time and cut up for lunch, makes a good salad as well. Salad is another favorite for lunch. If I want something salty, I will do Cheese It's or Pop Chips. Yogurt and a type of granola bar round out my lunch. Portion control is your best bet when it comes to lunch.

    Queen- I think the poem is a lovely gesture and would be greatly appreciated. I love my short haircut and it is very easy to take care of. I can either curl it or let it dry and go.

    Susan- I know you will get back on track. However, if you are feeling totally exhausted take a day or two to rest and allow your body to recover. It will help you in the long run and will allow you to focus you and your health.

    Today, was a day and it should have been a snow day but it wasn't. It might even make national news that Anne Arundel County Public Schools opened on-time today even through the surrounding counties eventually closed today. We did not get a huge amount of snow but enough to make the morning commute dangerous and slippery. Two high school students were involved in a serious accident and sent to Shock Trauma. They should be okay but still. The bright side is we still have 5 snow days left. We had the same clipper system that has hit the mid-west the cold air comes in tonight and tomorrow.

    My workout yesterday was wonderful and today I am dealing with DOMS. Not horrible but I know my abs and hamstrings had a great workout yesterday. Today, with the weather I opted to skip the gym and just relax at home. Tomorrow, I will see what time I leave work and maybe do a workout if not Thursday. I have plans to attend a HH tomorrow night so I am looking forward to spending time with friends,

    Have a great night and I hope everyone stays warm.

  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    Wow, so many posts today, and they just keep coming! As I was reading the thread, I kept seeing new post alerts--thought I would never catch up. :P

    That being said, I'm going to skip personals.

    AFM--I had a union meeting that went until after 7 pm. They provided snacks and subway--I had a small piece of a BMT sub and some doritos, Then I snacked on some trail mix and cheese and crackers. I was nervous that I had gone over allowance, but I still have some calories left. :smile:

    Tuesday Goals:
    We have an emergency day tomorrow due to the extremely cold weather, so my goal is to make the most of the extra time. A colleague and I already agreed to meet in the afternoon to grade. I would also like to go to the gym, but we'll see how much grading I get done.

    2015 mantra = "Just 15 minutes"

    January Challenge:
    Under calorie goal: 6/6 days (goal is 28/31 days)
    All-in: run 2 days/week
    8k at end of month (not sure what day) in 56 minutes (Thanksgiving 8k = 56:49, NYE 8k = 57:47)

    Grading Goals:
    1. 14/50 AP essays
    2. 3/13 Scarlet Letter essays

    Exercise Goals:
    Sun--walk gunner NOT DONE (too snowy, wet, and cold outside)
    Mon--walk gunner NOT DONE + gym DONE
    Tues--rest day (meeting)
    Thurs--rest day (meeting)
    Fri--walk gunner
    Sat--walk gunner + gym
  • NK1112
    NK1112 Posts: 781 Member
    Thanks @slimbluehen ... It was a shocker to have him go so quickly ... he was old and slowing down a lot but something happened to him Christmas Eve and he was gone 5 days later. Everyone has said such nice words of condolence and @Kah68 posted the most beautiful poem ... The Rainbow Bridge ... that really had me in tears from it's loveliness.

    I think I got this head and chest cold that I'm nursing myself over from one of the vet's I had him to in his last few days. Or, my stress level was high enough that virus' tend to sneak in and get a hold where they wouldn't normally. At any rate, if I'm not a lot better in the morning I need to see my MD ... just to make certain it's still a virus and hasn't mutated to Bronchitis or a bacterial infection.

    @newbies and @returnees ... if you page back to page 637, you'll find the posts @RobinsEgg made about our January challenge is case you'd like to join in. It really helps me to focus on something specific for the month that I can measure, besides the weekly weigh-ins.

    AFM ...
    being sick I've actually had a hard time getting in enough calories, then this morning I made a vegetable soup that I've eaten 3 times today and surprise ... by supper, I felt like I could eat something bulkier so I had a protein smoothie.

    Calories Challege: 6/6 (goal 28/31) ... I'm low on calories today also but not as much as the past few days.
    ALL-IN challenge: no gym for me, probably all week because of the shortness of breath I now have ... gotta see that doc.

    Follow-through Niki
  • mnwalkingqueen
    mnwalkingqueen Posts: 1,299 Member
    @robbinsEgg- I don’t care what others think either. My concern is as I re-learn to love myself if I didn’t like it all the hate talk that would be in my head. I go to school after work so blow drying or curling not an issue except never owned a curling iron  Thanks for the post recommendation.
    @tlh0407- Great way to use your time by working out while kiddo was at practice.
    @loosaedna- Sorry to hear of your frustration with your health. Keep your head up there are lots of people that live a full life with diabetes. My grandmas lived to 80+ and my coworker is 50 and had diabetes since he was 20 he is a bigger person but lives a fun fulfilled life. I pray god will bring you peace.
    @Melifornia- congrats on your routine
    @Robinrmcfal- Congrats on turning down donuts
    @Rozie- welcome back. I am also not a morning person and my office recently want casual all the time no jogging, yoga or leggings yet I would love to wear those things.
    @Susan2396- My son’s doctor told me once that we hurt the people we love the most because we know they will always be there no matter what.
    @MKknits- Hope some people here have suggestions for you and that you can get some relief
    @Karen- My job needs to have emergency days for weather LOL.
    AFM- I got half of the grocery shopping done. Textbooks for Monday bought that 3 weeks flew by way way to fast. Played with Riley and worked on training not to be in my face while I eat dinner or snacks until he snuck my tea when I turned my back to him. Good thing the tea was 90% gone so he barely got any being the mug was so tall. I have decided I will try that hair cut the appointment is at 2pm tomorrow. Thanks for the input on the poem I got access to their photos they had at the funeral so I can make the poem based off those memories.
  • robinrmcfal
    robinrmcfal Posts: 36 Member
    You all are doing great! Keep it up. :)
  • hansea47
    hansea47 Posts: 353 Member
    Another Oldie coming back to the group after a crazy holiday hiatus! B)

    What a great shot of energy and massive number of posts to the thread from all the newbies and regulars over the last month!

    So, a little share for those who don't know already...I am a 35 year old mom of two, married for 8 years and I work in the lab at a physicians' office. I'm one of those people who gets herself so busy meeting everyone else's needs that I ignore my own...classic mom behavior, right? I've been using MFP for a couple years, and I've been on this thread for a year.

    Checking in on the scale...I forgot to do my monthly measurements, but I know from the way that my clothes fit that they won't be pretty so I may skip them until Feb. I gained weight over the end of the year again this year, but I think I managed to hold steady over the month of December. Overall, I lost and kept off 12 lbs in 2014 for a total weight loss so far of 28 lbs. I can do better.

    Goals...I have so many! My husband and I signed up for the weight loss challenge at the shoe store again this year. This is a 12 week program where we have to physically go in to the store and weigh in weekly and lose a certain percentage of body weight along the way in order to qualify for prizes. Also, I signed up for a half marathon that will take place mid-May. This will be my second half, and my first time training in the winter. Could be interesting! And, my husband and I are doing our own mini-challenge at home to encourage each other to move more. We are going to walk, run or dance our way to a total of 2015 miles in the year 2015.

    At/under calorie goal: 2/6 days
    My mantra (ps- I LOVE this idea, Robin!)....."You know better." I'm choosing this because so many times I KNOW what the best or better choice should be, but I'm lazy about things and make the less than ideal choice. So, when the emotional munchies hit, I will say, "You know better," and remember that I should listen to my body for actual hunger signals and look at my diary to see if I need more calories for real or if it's all in my head. If I see snack choices and want to reach for junk food, I will say, "You know better," and reach for wholesome food instead. If I feel like watching endless episodes on Netflix, I will say, "You know better," and choose to go for my run or at the very least, hop on the exercise bike while I watch!

    Happy 2015, Everyone! This is our year! :smiley:
  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    Today was a hard day. I didn't sleep well last night because of cough and sore ribs. And for some reason, I have been hungry all day. All my snacking has taken its toll. I met my goals for today if I go by the 'less than 100 over' as we have typically said.
    I am so impressed with everyone's enthusiasm and dedication for the new year. Good to see some of my old friends returning. I'm afraid to name you for fear I will leave someone out, but you know who you are.
    Hoping for a better day tomorrow. Onward and downward. Kaye
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    @kaye--I was also struggling with hunger tonight despite a lot of munching at my meeting. I thought it was due to snacking rather than eating a substantial dinner. Then I started looking at previous days and realized I had a mistake in yesterday's log that put me under by about 600 calories for the past 2 days. No wonder I was so hungry!

    @hansea--welcome back!!

    @holly--lovely idea to write the poem. I also think that haircut will look good on you. LOL to needing emergency days--I would argue that everyone needs an emergency day when the forecast is for wind chills of -35F.

    @robin--thanks for sharing Sidesteel's post! He's a great resource--when I first joined, I used to read a lot of his entries to educate myself.

  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    edited January 2015
    Hello and what a great evening everyone seems to be having. it must be that brisk Canadian cold air sweeping across your roofs tonight, eh?
    Glad to see all your posts with your days full of successes, and your planning for the days ahead.
    @Looedna - you, my dear friend, have had bad news Are you afraid because of being a diabetic you could have a severe problem and need immediate medical help? Is that what you're frightened about? First of all, Edna, you need to calm yourself, by breathing slowly. I know you have that control. Then, you need to remember that its been a while since you had the last blood test and nothing has gone wrong. Probably nothing will go wrong between today and Monday as long as you continue to eat what you've logged lately. It seems to have worked well for you. I hope some of this takes away some of your fears. Being diabetic , doesn't always mean you have to take shots either, sometimes they just watch your blood levels, sometimes its controlled by your diet alone!

    AFM - tired and sleepy. A good food day, lousy for exercise. !000 phone calls made, including a rheumatology appt., a cataract appt, getting bids for my car's new shocks (front shocks and rear air shocks), making appt. with lowest bidder with best warranty, (ca ching, leaving message to get a ride from mechanic shop that day with a friend,) trying to fix a vacation reservation so I can make flight reservation, but No-o-o-o....I call 3 times, he returns call zero times... and at 8:15 pm remembering its time for supper, not feeling like cooking, so nuked a frozen pkg. of a national brand - its was Green Beans and Roasted Red Potatoes in an Olive Oil and Parmesan Sauce.
    Frankly I wasn't looking forward to that meal at all - just bought it to give it a try when all of that brand was on sale. (also have a pkg of Frozen Creamed Spinach to try)
    But, it was quite tasty. Hint of garlic - added a touch of salt. _ Pkg had ?3 servings marked on bag, but I threw it out, so I'm not sure, but ate it all, and I'm stil1 UNDER for the day.
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    I'm SO MAD - I fell asleep right after the last post - right here in my recliner - and just woke up - right here in my recliner. OOOOH!!!! - at 5:44 am. The page was full of typed gibberish - oh, gosh.
    Well I woke up to such excited Weathermen - boy this cold weather day is like a personal Birthday celebration or something for them. Just saw one pour water on a T-shirt and watch its freeze and timed it - 8 minutes. It was stiff like a flag.
    OK - to bed for real for a couple of hours.
    @Barb - you have permission to chew me out!
  • mountmary84
    mountmary84 Posts: 259 Member
    @Robin That is so funny! DH does the same thing; like a little kid afraid he will miss something if he goes to bed. I suspect you sleep just fine that way and people like me should not fuss about it.

    AFM: Last week's crazy frustrations etc took their toll. I am up a couple pound this morning. I was so smug about the loss over Christmas, things are now getting even with me. I am sure it is temporary, but darn that is no way to start a year.

    It is insanely cold here. I am going out today to get a few groceries etc...I think. I just don't even want to think about it, but did notice the school bus went past before, so I guess if the kids can go to school I can go to the store.

    Keep warm all of you under this artic blast.

    Barb (Mountmary)
  • Lives2Travel
    Lives2Travel Posts: 682 Member
    Brrrr. Winter arrived today and boy is it cold. Ok, at least as cold as we in the South are likely to experience. My daily walk has been moved to lunch time when it will be a balmy 38.

    I posted my goals a bit ago, but neglected my mantra. This is a hard one for me. I see and read so many things that have spoken to me that to whittle it down to one word or phrase is tough. So, I read back through one of my Pinterest boards looking for the answer. I had many choices "Never Give Up", "Onward", "You're worth it", "One Day at a Time", but they all seemed to focus on what we say to ourselves when we mess up. I don't want to focus on my failures anymore. I want to focus on the WHY of the whole thing. Why do I want to lose the weight? What am I hoping to gain when I lose? And how do I want to get there? Focusing on the days I screw up or focusing on joy? So, here is my mantra:

    Live.JPG 105.1K
  • susan2396
    susan2396 Posts: 794 Member
    Nothing earth shattering to share. I did log yesterday for the first time in a very long time. Not too many veggies or fruits and some oatmeal cookie dough in there, but was just a little over the calorie intake. Baby steps right?

    @ Tanya – Thanks!! I think you’re right. I need to focus on one thing at a time. I have a tendency to jump in full force then get burned out when I don’t see quick results. I think I’ll focus on the food first as well. My son just got to Atlanta a few weeks ago so we’re still unpacking the final boxes and getting the house in order. So many major changes and I just need to find that calm again. Sorry to hear about the rash. I’ve had my FitBit One forever, but hate clipping it to my bra or pants. I’ve been wanted to get one of the bracelets instead and thinking of the Charge with HR monitor too. I never got the chest strap either because just the thought of wearing it made me cringe. If you get it, let me know what you think.

    @ MaryPoppins – Thanks for the advice. I’ve been on here for 2 ½ years so of course I know what to do it’s just doing it. I’ve just made a major life change moving from Las Vegas back to Atlanta. Movers arrived the Wednesday before Christmas. It’s been crazy!! I may do a late Sunday Introduction so people have a chance to get to know me. It sounds like you have a busy day today, but a good busy. Have fun!

    @ Nannersp61 – Welcome!

    @ LaurieK – I truly don’t miss the northeast weather one bit. Growing up outside of Lake Erie we had some serious winter weather. While snow can be pretty, I don’t care if I ever see it again unless it high on top of a mountain and I’m a tourist. LOL!! Scary about the students though. I hope they are OK.

    @ NK1112 – Feel better soon!!

    @MNWalkingQueen (Holly) – I never thought about that, but the doctor could be right. I will always love my dad, but he just drives me a little crazy at times. It did hurt though a lot. Good luck with the new haircut! I’ve never been too hung up on my hair. I’ve had too many friends battle cancer and lose their hair. I have some good hair days and some really bad hair days. I have very thick hair and it can be totally uncontrollable at times, but I’ve never been one to really care. Bad hair cut? It will grow back. LOL!!

    @ Hansea – Great seeing you and love all the goals you’ve set for yourself and with your hubby too. Plus, the mantra is very cool as well “You know better”. Soooo true!!! Welcome back!

    @ Grandmakaye – Hope you slept better last night and feel better today. Have a great day!!

    @ RobinsEgg (Ellen) – Boy, your day yesterday made me tired just thinking about it. I hate making all those kinds of appointments. Yuck! Flight reservation? Where are you going? Of course, I go to the next page and see your other post. Why have a bed? I think you sleep more in the recliner than the bed. LOL!!
  • susan2396
    susan2396 Posts: 794 Member
    Brrrr. Winter arrived today and boy is it cold. Ok, at least as cold as we in the South are likely to experience. My daily walk has been moved to lunch time when it will be a balmy 38.

    I posted my goals a bit ago, but neglected my mantra. This is a hard one for me. I see and read so many things that have spoken to me that to whittle it down to one word or phrase is tough. So, I read back through one of my Pinterest boards looking for the answer. I had many choices "Never Give Up", "Onward", "You're worth it", "One Day at a Time", but they all seemed to focus on what we say to ourselves when we mess up. I don't want to focus on my failures anymore. I want to focus on the WHY of the whole thing. Why do I want to lose the weight? What am I hoping to gain when I lose? And how do I want to get there? Focusing on the days I screw up or focusing on joy? So, here is my mantra:


    LOVE!!!! You go girl and run through that gate!!