30lb to lose in 2 months



  • kethry70 wrote: »
    snaapz wrote: »
    It's possible! Two months might be hard though.

    Here's my proof it can be done in 3 months! Give it %100 and you can do it!


    In 2013 I lost 30 pounds in 3 months using MyFitnessPal.

    I didn't break my back doing it, and I still had thin crust pizza and beer weekly!

    - Jogged/Ran for 20 minutes, 3-4 times a week
    - Did light weight lifting and 30 pushups for 15 minutes, 3-4 times a week
    - Consumed 1400-1600 calories per day
    - Consumed 120g-130g carbs per day

    I'm doing it again now, feel free to add me as a friend anyone! I share my diary etc :)

    Besides anything else, men have a higher metabolism going in. You are probably taller, you may weigh more, you probably have more muscle. You may or may not be younger.

    So yeah- it stands to reason that if you lost 30 in 3 months, the OP can lose 30 in 2/3 the time :s

    THis is great proof!!!!!
  • logicman69
    logicman69 Posts: 1,034 Member
    OP: Is it possible to loose that weight that quickly? Sure, anything is possible, but be warned, it is going to suck big time. You have to be right on with your macros, you need to be working out constantly (probably doing 2x per day), and not slipping..... ever! Speaking from experience, you are going to be miserable.
  • TR0berts
    TR0berts Posts: 7,739 Member
    Tmdesir wrote: »
    I'm planning on Disney in March for my youngest daughters 2nd birthday. I would also like to loose 30lbs by then. (I would like to loose about 60 total) I know it's a hard goal but it doesn't hurt to try ;) Feel free to add me!!

    I have a bad feeling that you are going to find the bolded to be untrue, for a few reasons.
  • tesha_chandler
    tesha_chandler Posts: 378 Member
    I lost 40 pounds in 3 months.. The first 30 pounds was in two months. You can do it!! It comes off pretty quickly to begin with, especially after a baby. :) Just be healthy with it because health is one of the biggest blessings! Good luck!
  • TR0berts
    TR0berts Posts: 7,739 Member
    jofjltncb6 wrote: »
    jaymvita wrote: »
    I lost 40lbs in 60 days doing Insanity Max:30. I just started an accountability group to keep me on track while I do it again right here on MFP. You're welcome to join! Check my other posts for pics.

    You lost 40 pounds in 60 days and now you're going to lose *another* 40 pounds in 60 days?!? Seems like this would be hard on your body...and hard to maintain.

    Looking at his avatar and the way the post is worded, I'm thinking it's a soft sell.
  • kmash32
    kmash32 Posts: 275 Member
    pjack142 wrote: »
    I believe it's do able. I have lost 4 kg in 4days

    That's water


    I just started again and have lost 2.5 pounds in 3 days. I know this is mostly water weight. I have about 60 pounds to lose and this is my third go. Listen to what people are telling you. It is okay to have goals but set realistic ones. One of the reasons this is my third time is that I did what you are trying to do and then got really discouraged when the weight didn't just fall off and gave up for a time.

    Also, I wouldn't just go by weight, for example if you incorporate some weights you will tone up and most likely lose that stomach but may end of weighing more. My old trainer if you went by her weight was technically obese, but she was a weight lifter and had a really low body fat percentage.

    Having your clothes size go down isn't all about weight, if you start lifting you will notice that your weight may not go down that quickly but your body composition will change and you could drop 2 even 3 sizes in the 2 months if you are dedicated.

    No one wants to see you fail. Good Luck.
  • brianpperkins
    brianpperkins Posts: 6,124 Member
    Tmdesir wrote: »
    I'm planning on Disney in March for my youngest daughters 2nd birthday. I would also like to loose 30lbs by then. (I would like to loose about 60 total) I know it's a hard goal but it doesn't hurt to try ;) Feel free to add me!!

    Please explain how it doesn't hurt to try unhealthy concepts.
  • blankiefinder
    blankiefinder Posts: 3,599 Member
    pjack142 wrote: »
    My goal is to lose atleast 3kg to 5kg a week. Please Feel free to add me.

    So you want to lose 6.6 to 11 pounds a week, so 1-2 pounds per day. You'd have to have a calorie deficit of 3500 to 7000 calories a day.

    I wish I had a good .gif to insert here!

  • SXMEnrico
    SXMEnrico Posts: 89 Member
    this goal is highly unlikely if you're talking about losing fat/muscle only. If you include water weight then I'd say maybe. But that's kind of useless anyway since you'll gain any water weight immediately after you go off your diet.
  • SXMEnrico
    SXMEnrico Posts: 89 Member
    more realistic and achievable is 1 - 1.5lbs weight loss per week. Anything higher than that and youd have to be in such a deficit that your metabolism will slow to a crawl making it incredibly hard for you to continue without losing motivation.

    not trying to defeat you here and anything is possible. But be ready for a fight.
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    edited January 2015
    Tmdesir wrote: »
    I'm planning on Disney in March for my youngest daughters 2nd birthday. I would also like to loose 30lbs by then. (I would like to loose about 60 total) I know it's a hard goal but it doesn't hurt to try ;) Feel free to add me!!

    I know, I risk sounding "negative", but I completely disagree with the bolded part above...or at least that it could very possibly be incorrect. Many members here have personal anecdotes that refute it.

    ETA: Never mind. TR0berts covered it already.
  • yourradimradletshug
    yourradimradletshug Posts: 964 Member
    My goal is to loose 20 pounds by Jube which my trainer says is 100% doable and I started last month! I am giving myself a longer timeline because I do slip up.

    I agree with the others saying you need a more realistic goal. With having a baby I am sure you are already running on little sleep. If you cut out all the calories and are working out you are going to be so far exhausted and you HAVE to make sure you put that baby first. That tiny human NEEDS YOU! I feel if you start now and do it right and safe you can have it off by summer I'm sure. Take baby steps into it. Start eating better and then throw in some work outs, try using weights too. All of the little things can add up quickly.

    Why is 2 months the goal?
  • IrishDawgg22
    IrishDawgg22 Posts: 28 Member
    I started on 11-7-14 @ 241, and weighed 218 on 1-7-15. During that time span there were small obstacles like Thanksgiving, Xmas and out sick for 4 days. Remove those and I think I could have lost 30 in 60 days. With that said, 241 was the heaviest I have ever weighed by far and I usually walk around at 185, so I think the weight loss was easier for me than others. I expect it to get a lot harder when I approach the 200 mark.

    Goals are just a number, it is how you react to the results that matter. I would have loved to take off 30, but when it was only 23 that just made me won't to work harder.

    So I say set an aggressive goal, but make sure you have a strong mind to readjust and adapt if needed.

    You can do it!!!
  • IrishDawgg22
    IrishDawgg22 Posts: 28 Member
    I started on 11-7-14 @ 241, and weighed 218 on 1-7-15. During that time span there were small obstacles like Thanksgiving, Xmas and out sick for 4 days. Remove those and I think I could have lost 30 in 60 days. With that said, 241 was the heaviest I have ever weighed by far and I usually walk around at 185, so I think the weight loss was easier for me than others. I expect it to get a lot harder when I approach the 200 mark.

    Goals are just a number, it is how you react to the results that matter. I would have loved to take off 30, but when it was only 23 that just made me won't to work harder.

    So I say set an aggressive goal, but make sure you have a strong mind to readjust and adapt if needed.

    You can do it!!!

    "want to work harder" :)
  • brianpperkins
    brianpperkins Posts: 6,124 Member
    I started on 11-7-14 @ 241, and weighed 218 on 1-7-15. During that time span there were small obstacles like Thanksgiving, Xmas and out sick for 4 days. Remove those and I think I could have lost 30 in 60 days. With that said, 241 was the heaviest I have ever weighed by far and I usually walk around at 185, so I think the weight loss was easier for me than others. I expect it to get a lot harder when I approach the 200 mark.

    Goals are just a number, it is how you react to the results that matter. I would have loved to take off 30, but when it was only 23 that just made me won't to work harder.

    So I say set an aggressive goal, but make sure you have a strong mind to readjust and adapt if needed.

    You can do it!!!

    There is a great difference between a male with a sizable amount to lose and a female with much less.

  • Cranquistador
    Cranquistador Posts: 39,744 Member
    pjack142 wrote: »
    I believe it's do able. I have lost 4 kg in 4days
  • emilymean
    emilymean Posts: 159 Member
    I'm glad I read this thread, I too have lost quite a bit and it's day 8. It's so easy for me in my mind to be doing the math and thinking wow, if I lose 5 lbs a week blah, blah. I'm upping my calories to 1400, I'm not setting myself up to fail again, or in my last case, I lost it and gained most of it back in 3 months. All that hard work gone. And yes, I was miserable. Not again!!! Wish me luck internet.
  • kmash32
    kmash32 Posts: 275 Member
    emilymean wrote: »
    I'm glad I read this thread, I too have lost quite a bit and it's day 8. It's so easy for me in my mind to be doing the math and thinking wow, if I lose 5 lbs a week blah, blah. I'm upping my calories to 1400, I'm not setting myself up to fail again, or in my last case, I lost it and gained most of it back in 3 months. All that hard work gone. And yes, I was miserable. Not again!!! Wish me luck internet.

    Good for you, I am glad you are taking the advise of those that have done it to heart. That is what I am trying to do too as I have failed one to many times.
  • AWordyGirly
    AWordyGirly Posts: 32 Member
    Totally doable :-) I've way more than that to lose - blogging my way through it and also looking for friends :-) https://awordygirly.wordpress.com/