People just don't get it...



  • marsellient
    marsellient Posts: 591 Member
    They're probably just trying to include you, so simply tell them it's important to stick to your plan right now; however, if you prefer to simply say no, you really don't owe anyone an explanation. Besides, it's expensive to eat out every day. Maybe you could go, say, once a week, and choose the best menu option, just to be one of the guys?
  • Phoenix_Down
    Phoenix_Down Posts: 530 Member
    beavislong wrote: »
    I would agree with anyone who has said about the social aspect. I don't let my journey take all my time away from my friends. I routinely watch sporting events and movies with them. I do occasionally go to lunch with them. I just don't feel like I should be put on a guilt trip everytime I choose not to go to an unhealthy eating establishment. Then again these are the same guys who will make you feel guilty because you are late because you had to pick up your kid from soccer practice or chose to attend your kids soccer game instead of whatever social event they were having.

    Just break up
  • TR0berts
    TR0berts Posts: 7,739 Member
    beavislong wrote: »
    My friends were all going to White Castle today(insert any restaurant on any given day) and were giving me grief for not joining them. I looked at the nutrtition and was like no way. It is horrible there. I can eat my homemade low sodium soup, my veggies and my orange and have 5 times as much food for less than the calories of two sliders not to mention the nutrition benefits. They are like well you can run an extra few miles tonight. Yes, I could but I already have 9 miles planned as a part of my marathon training.

    Oh and all of the people going are overweight. Wonder why?

    Sorry just ranting. Stay vigilant friends!

    It's not because they like to eat at White Castle. It's because they eat too much.
  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    Sssooo you're never going to go out with friends and family ever again? That's just sad. :\

    Somehow I manage to go out with friends and family without eating things I don't want to. It's not that tough to balance.
  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    To the OP, I get you are just ranting, but maybe suggest things to do or lunch places to go that you'd be interested in. Others might actually like those too.
  • Phoenix_Down
    Phoenix_Down Posts: 530 Member
    MrM27 wrote: »
    newmeadow wrote: »
    OP, invite them over, cook them low sodium soup and serve plenty of veggies with a fresh apple for dessert. And when they say no thanks or try to take just a teensy bit to be polite, endlessly badger them to eat up and mock them if they don't. Tell them it won't kill them to eat some health food (ha ha ha ha!) for a single meal and they can hit the drive thrus on their way home if they must.

    They might just get the message. I think it's called a dose of one's own medicine or something like that...
    Terrible advice.

    But I love being passive aggressive....
  • SuggaD
    SuggaD Posts: 1,369 Member
    I don't have this problem thankfully. My friends are like conscious, and the few that aren't always try to accommodate me when we choose a place.
  • auntchellebelle
    auntchellebelle Posts: 127 Member
    This happens all the time. Just the other day someone made peppermint chocolate bark and handed me a Tupperware container full of it. I politely said no thank you and she went on and on about how SHE spent time making it for me and I should eat it... blah blah blah. So I said sure I will take it and have a small bite. Each day I buried a piece in the trash to make it look like I was eating it.
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    well done on standing up to your personal brand of temptation and doing what you personally need to do to stay on the program you have committed to!
  • beavislong
    beavislong Posts: 46 Member
    Thanks for all of the comments. It's clear the some get where I am coming from and some don't. I DO go out to eat with my friends occasionally and can make healthy choices. I just don't want to be pressured into going out to eat all the time and make compromises when I have explained myself.

    MrM27 thanks for your opinion but the fact that I want a six pack does mean something even if it's only to me. It's my goal. It means that at that point I will have a low enough body fat percentage for abs to show.
  • brain328
    brain328 Posts: 74 Member
    beavislong wrote: »
    My friends were all going to White Castle today(insert any restaurant on any given day) and were giving me grief for not joining them. I looked at the nutrtition and was like no way. It is horrible there. I can eat my homemade low sodium soup, my veggies and my orange and have 5 times as much food for less than the calories of two sliders not to mention the nutrition benefits. They are like well you can run an extra few miles tonight. Yes, I could but I already have 9 miles planned as a part of my marathon training.

    Sorry just ranting. Stay vigilant friends!

    Try to convince them to go somewhere healthy, and get them on the wagon with you :)
  • doitnow1218
    doitnow1218 Posts: 295 Member
    beavislong wrote: »
    MrM27 wrote: »
    Out of curiosity. Are you overweight or have been overweight?
    Yes, by the books I am still overweight. I have lost nearly 40 pounds in the last few years and 15 in the last three months. I am getting close to an acceptible range. I plan to sport a six pack by the end of summer and qualify for the Boston Marathon.

    Good for you! I applaud you for sticking to your guns and eating the lunch you that moment in time, that was what you felt was the best option for you. How you lose weight and get fit is a very personal thing. You have obviously found the way that clicks for you. I like the way you chose to stick to it and stick up for yourself! Today you decided not going was the best option for you. Tomorrow, next week, etc. you may decide it is worth going the extra mile, literally :) I don't believe it's right for anyone to tell us how to complete our fitness journey...we are the author...and when we find what works, we should stick to it.

    I would add...the only exception to the above would be if you were engaging in unhealthy dieting, like not eating at all.

    Best wishes on your continued success!
  • beavislong
    beavislong Posts: 46 Member
    fair enough MrM27 and well said. I said what I said in the heat of the moment. A couple of said friends have said on multiple occasions that they need to drop weight. I've even started more than one exercise program with one of them and he always gives up after a couple of weeks. And I do maintain hope that I can hopefully be an inspiration to them.
  • Phoenix_Down
    Phoenix_Down Posts: 530 Member
    edited January 2015
    BFDeal wrote: »
    This guy at White Castle asked for my autograph...

    I'm a lady, tyvm. And I still want it.
  • tulips_and_tea
    tulips_and_tea Posts: 5,718 Member
    beavislong wrote: »
    I would agree with anyone who has said about the social aspect. I don't let my journey take all my time away from my friends. I routinely watch sporting events and movies with them. I do occasionally go to lunch with them. I just don't feel like I should be put on a guilt trip everytime I choose not to go to an unhealthy eating establishment. Then again these are the same guys who will make you feel guilty because you are late because you had to pick up your kid from soccer practice or chose to attend your kids soccer game instead of whatever social event they were having.

    Clearly, this is THEIR problem; not yours. Venting is fine. Sometimes we have to. Like I tell my kids: you can't change other people, you can only change how you react to them. Just keep doing what you're doing and pay no mind to their comments.
  • rayneface
    rayneface Posts: 219 Member
    Food Pushers - they are hard to deal with and we can all be that person too. It's important to remember our goals in the end and make choices based on them. :smile:
  • KLGreenNYC
    Your friends' argument that you could just "run off the burgers" is not a helpful one. It sounds like you're on a journey to be healthier, and to live your life according to habits of health. It's not just about losing weight. So, yeah, you could run some extra miles to work off the sliders, but you'd still be putting that disgusting White Castle grease into your body! You've chosen not to, and I congratulate you for it. You're on a path to long-lasting health, and if your friends don't support you on it, then I feel sorry for them.