People just don't get it...



  • DjinnMarie
    DjinnMarie Posts: 1,297 Member
    beavislong wrote: »
    DjinnMarie wrote: »
    I doubt a place like White Castle will mind if you bring your homemade lunch along. No reason not to go and be sociable. Non fast food places tend to be more strict, but often have soup and salads as well.

    True and I have done that buy my lunch today needed microwaved and I looked at White Castles menu and didn't see anything that I felt would fit into my nutritional goals today.

    When I get to maintenance mode it will be much easier to go out to eat and stay within my boundaries.

    Microwave before you go? Get a real thermos brand thermos. It stays hot all day! Best investment ever.
  • TMLPatrick
    TMLPatrick Posts: 558 Member
    Whiteys is so nasty..... it makes you feel terrible for at least a day.... its only good when drunk.
  • terar21
    terar21 Posts: 523 Member
    I see what others are saying, but if these are your "good" friends and you spend additional time with them, it's not a social issue. And I don't think you should have to suck it up and just go sit with them or have a salad (nothing more miserable than a side salad from a fast food restaurant).

    Just tell them you appreciate the invite but you can't. When they joke about you running extra miles, joke back.

    You don't have to change your habits. But in their defense, chances are that they invite you because they think they'll look like jerks if they don't extend an invite to you. Once a week Make a counter suggestion of a place where you know you can eat right and they can eat what they like as well.
  • DjinnMarie
    DjinnMarie Posts: 1,297 Member
    terar21 wrote: »
    I see what others are saying, but if these are your "good" friends and you spend additional time with them, it's not a social issue. And I don't think you should have to suck it up and just go sit with them or have a salad (nothing more miserable than a side salad from a fast food restaurant).

    Just tell them you appreciate the invite but you can't. When they joke about you running extra miles, joke back.

    You don't have to change your habits. But in their defense, chances are that they invite you because they think they'll look like jerks if they don't extend an invite to you. Once a week Make a counter suggestion of a place where you know you can eat right and they can eat what they like as well.

    This. It could be worse, they could NOT invite you anywhere.
  • RockstarWilson
    RockstarWilson Posts: 836 Member
    terar21 wrote: »
    I see what others are saying, but if these are your "good" friends and you spend additional time with them, it's not a social issue. And I don't think you should have to suck it up and just go sit with them or have a salad (nothing more miserable than a side salad from a fast food restaurant).

    Just tell them you appreciate the invite but you can't. When they joke about you running extra miles, joke back.

    You don't have to change your habits. But in their defense, chances are that they invite you because they think they'll look like jerks if they don't extend an invite to you. Once a week Make a counter suggestion of a place where you know you can eat right and they can eat what they like as well.

    Yeah, say "so your fat-*kitten* will be running with me?" lol I laugh when someone says something like that.
  • JeffseekingV
    JeffseekingV Posts: 3,165 Member
    I est your weight at 190lbs. If you run 90 min (10 min mile) for 9 miles, that's close to 1300 calories. You mean to tell me you can't fit White Castle in today?
  • jenluvsushi
    jenluvsushi Posts: 933 Member
    Good for you for sticking to your guns and making your own choices. Now while I'm not saying you need to ditch the old friends, sometimes with this "lifestyle" change, you will find that you might have more in common with other people or who maybe don't try to sabotage you. Maybe it's time to make some new friends?
  • My family does this all the time..... "Come out to dinner with us", "don't diet on the weekends", "it's only one meal".... It's annoying when it's constantly happening. It's hard to not get derailed when your always hearing that you shouldn't be dieting. I started eating before going to family get togethers and that way I could order something small so I was satisfied and didn't have to hear all jabber about not eating or seeing the fam :smiley:
  • Capt_Apollo
    Capt_Apollo Posts: 9,026 Member
    "hey guys, i'd love to have lunch with you, but can we go this place instead, because they apparently have great food, including good burgers plus some other stuff too."
  • silentKayak
    silentKayak Posts: 658 Member
    Here's the thing. People at my office are always bringing in junk food, going out for fast food, etc. And when they offer me junk I don't want (cookies, donuts, candies) or invite me out to KFC, I say "No, thanks." Sometimes they offer again, and then I say, "No, I'm good, thanks" or "I'm going to eat in the office today."

    Since I don't talk about what I am and am not eating, and how many calories yada yada yada, and how it's junk, and how it's got no nutrition, and how I'm going to run a marathon and have a six-pack, no one gets defensive or angry or questions me or continues to try to foist things on me. They shrug and go on their way. I see the same pattern in our office with the other people who are very careful with what they eat but who don't talk about it much.

    But there are others who are always talking about their diets and exercise routines - those are the ones who people tease about what they are and aren't eating. Plus they're very tedious to be around.

    No one can create drama around your food choices unless you help them do so.

    If the issue is really around the social event (e.g. last week when I went to a friend's pub night), then go to the event. Either pick the best choice off the menu (I had a small steak with plain steamed veggies and a plain salad), or have a cheat meal, or don't eat food there. No one cares how or what you eat. They only care about how you make them feel about what they choose to eat.

  • anaisbutterfly7
    anaisbutterfly7 Posts: 71 Member
    Muddy_Yogi wrote: »
    You could just admit you have no will power.

    Why is that the go to opinion for some people on this site?
  • DjinnMarie
    DjinnMarie Posts: 1,297 Member
    edited January 2015
    My family does this all the time..... "Come out to dinner with us", "don't diet on the weekends", "it's only one meal".... It's annoying when it's constantly happening. It's hard to not get derailed when your always hearing that you shouldn't be dieting. I started eating before going to family get togethers and that way I could order something small so I was satisfied and didn't have to hear all jabber about not eating or seeing the fam :smiley:

    Honestly, it's not that hard to be flexible while dieting. Every restaurant I have ever been to (not fast food) offers some sort of salad/salad bar, chicken, fish or even steak and plenty of side veggies. Just because you go to a restaurant doesn't mean you automatically have to order nachos for an appetizer and fried chicken and mashed potatoes.

    My only complaint is the waste on the serving size. I wish they would let me order off the senior or kids menu. But oh well. Small price to pay for family and friend time. It could be worse, they could not invite you anywhere.
  • Capt_Apollo
    Capt_Apollo Posts: 9,026 Member
    Muddy_Yogi wrote: »
    You could just admit you have no will power.

    Why is that the go to opinion for some people on this site?

    in the end, we are ultimately responsible for what we do to our bodies.
  • MysticRealm
    MysticRealm Posts: 1,264 Member
    Each to their own... I run so I can eat burgers!

    Everyone always freaks out if someone doesn't go out to eat bad food every time they are invited or every time they crave it.
    Maybe they already ate out a couple times that week, maybe they already ate most of their calories for the day, maybe they know they are going to be going out a bunch on the weekend.
    I have had pizza, burgers, chips, ice cream etc while easily losing weight. But at least SOME of the time you have to PLAN for it. Otherwise, if you just overeat all the time you are not gonna be losing no weight.

    Yes, he could have just gone and not eaten, but sometimes it can be difficult to not eat when it's right in front of you and he wasn't feeling strong that day.

  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    Muddy_Yogi wrote: »
    You could just admit you have no will power.

    Why is that the go to opinion for some people on this site?

    because admitting that is one of the first steps to making a real difference and many people would like to skip facing that reality - even though facing it is the best possible idea.

    and we all know that recognizing a problem is the first step to correcting it!

  • RunTimer
    RunTimer Posts: 9,137 Member
    Each to their own... I run so I can eat burgers!

    Ditto! (My current passion is the Melt's 1/4 lb Burgers. Can't do them on a regular day, but after a long run..yummmm

    @auntchellebelle‌ , I also like your approach..everyone's happy.
  • Pslam13914
    Pslam13914 Posts: 2 Member
    I have had to correct myself several times in the last year. I love cooking goodies for people and am now having to not. There are some other options, but those aren't my best work. I am learning.

    It's just a matter of respecting each other and not being easily offended. This is quite the balancing act sometimes.

  • beavislong
    beavislong Posts: 46 Member
    I est your weight at 190lbs. If you run 90 min (10 min mile) for 9 miles, that's close to 1300 calories. You mean to tell me you can't fit White Castle in today?
    Actually I'm 160 and my run will be under 8:00 per mile. Per my heart rate monitor I burn around 100 calories per mile so I will be burning around 900 calories. I have planned my day and eating around my run and want to fuel my body properly and also reap the caloric deficit of my exercise. Technically I could have fit White Castle in. That wasn't the exact point of my post. It was about the principle.

    My run will be be far better fueled by the lean protein, whole grains and fruit I ate today than by anything I could have eaten at White Castle.

  • beavislong
    beavislong Posts: 46 Member
    TavistockToad wrote: »
    Each to their own... I run so I can eat burgers!

    Ditto! (My current passion is the Melt's 1/4 lb Burgers. Can't do them on a regular day, but after a long run..yummmm

    Agree with you both. One of the benefits of running(especially the long runs) is that I can indulge every so often and still lose weight.

    Trust me I definitely do not starve myself!! I'm a foodie at heart.
  • Phoenix_Down
    Phoenix_Down Posts: 530 Member
    edited January 2015
    beavislong wrote: »
    I est your weight at 190lbs. If you run 90 min (10 min mile) for 9 miles, that's close to 1300 calories. You mean to tell me you can't fit White Castle in today?
    Actually I'm 160 and my run will be under 8:00 per mile. Per my heart rate monitor I burn around 100 calories per mile so I will be burning around 900 calories. I have planned my day and eating around my run and want to fuel my body properly and also reap the caloric deficit of my exercise. Technically I could have fit White Castle in. That wasn't the exact point of my post. It was about the principle.

    My run will be be far better fueled by the lean protein, whole grains and fruit I ate today than by anything I could have eaten at White Castle.

    Hey now, there are Olympic athletes that eat tons of McDonald's chicken nuggets to fuel their performances. :wink:

    I do understand, with lower calories, one has to be more diligent to hit macros, etc and between white castle or those things, you'd get a better nutrient profiles but assuming you're getting your nutrient intake, white castle wouldn't hinder you.

    ETA : unless...white castle doesn't agree with you. I've heard things and stuff