Diamonds in the Rough 7 Week Challenge: Round 2 [Week 1]



  • HungryMom
    HungryMom Posts: 280
    I absolutely love reading these posts. Your honesty and strength are inspiring. I have had a weight problem for the last 10 years, but after my youngest was born in March of 2009 it exploded. My husband and I had some issues and I retreated into mommyland. My little boys didn’t judge me for the 2nd or 3rd helpings, and they didn’t mind that there was more of me to hug. I think I was depressed and self-medicating with ice cream and Doritos. There was never an ah-ha moment, but I began to realize how lonely I was. Last year I made an effort to find a group of friends and get out of the house for adult time. That helped my mental state immensely. 16 weeks ago these wonderful friends began a biggest loser competition, and that was my starting point for a healthier life. I don’t know what changed but feel like I can see the big picture now. I am finding myself and am a better mom because of it.
  • cburks08
    cburks08 Posts: 7
    Tuesday QOTD: My favorite actvity has to be running on the track and yoga. With running its easy for me to put on some headphones and run until I'm no longer stressing anyone or anything anymore. Yoga helps with my blances as we'll as relaxes me when I need it.

    Wednesday QOTD: I decided to make a change the day I noticed all the jeans in my closet didn't fit anymore at all. I'm also not liking the areas that I've gained weight so I'm trying to get back down to where I was before.
  • Zoe9636
    Zoe9636 Posts: 56

    What are your favourite weight loss tools?
  • Zoe9636
    Zoe9636 Posts: 56
    QOTD Wednesday - I realised that I needed to start this journey when I finally got some scales and realised how much weight I had put on, so I decided I would make changes from that moment, a week or two later I discovered MFP and have been here everyday ever since.

    QOTD Thursday - I would say my favourite weight loss tools would be exercise DVD's, HRM and George Foreman Grill
  • miss_jamaica
    miss_jamaica Posts: 376 Member

    What are your favourite weight loss tools?

    I of course love the MFP tools, especially these wonderful challenges organized by beautiful, intelligent, and alarmingly modest people (tee hee).

    Recently I fell in love with a scale. I know, crazy. I purchased my first scale sometime in college and I have owned several since. They all had the following flaws:

    - The space for my feet was too small
    - They didn't look too sexy on my bathroom floor
    - The readout was a little hard to read because of the color/brightness
    - You had to tap the scale and let it zero out before weighing yourself
    - Finally, and most significantly, the darn things were inaccurate! I had to weigh myself several times then take the average!

    Well, hellooooo Taylor 9875! This super sexy (looks like a piece of black glass), ultra thin scale with a bright red readout and plenty of room for my size 8.5 footsies, is amazing! No tapping, no constant re-weighing. You just stand on the scale and get an accurate weight!

    Lesson learned. If you are in the market for a good scale, stop spending $20 on the cheapo scale when for $28 you can have an amazing scale! :-)
  • KPstartingover
    KPstartingover Posts: 268 Member

    What are your favourite weight loss tools?

    Well, ditto to everything jamaica said (I love my Taylor scale, too). Also, this is the first time I purchased a kitchen scale - I got it at WalMart. It's made by Oneida and I think it was around $20. It's digital, and weighs in grams or pounds/ounces. One of my biggest issues has been portion size, and the kitchen scale definitely keeps me honest!!!

    The exercise piece is being met right now by Jillian Michaels' 30 Day Shred. When I get more fit I will try a couple of her other dvd's. I have to modify some of the exercises still (sorry, I can't do 30 seconds worth of pushups without going to my knees), but I feel like I am getting an amazing workout in my living room.
  • morefitmom
    morefitmom Posts: 264 Member

    What are your favourite weight loss tools?

    My favorite weight loss tool has to be the MFP website. My pals on here keep me accountable. For example, the life experiences that my fellow diamonds shared were so heart felt and inspiring. Thanks ladies for being so candid.

    My second best tool is I love her recipes!

    Have a great day DIAMONDS! Keep shining.
  • cshine06
    cshine06 Posts: 139 Member
    Wednesday's QOTD: What made you realize that you needed to start this journey of getting healthier?

    Reply: I moved in with my boyfriend about four years ago and over the time I gained about 30 pounds. I never realized I gained weigh until one day we went to Frys and I hopped on the scale and it said a big 167. My height is 5'0 feet so that really didn't fit me well. I was in shock that I was almost 170. Since then I lost 20 pounds and have managed to keep that off. The reason I searched for MFP is because I was using Weight Watchers and I did not like the plan because it didn't count all the calories that I take in. I am now a fitness queen!!!!
  • cshine06
    cshine06 Posts: 139 Member

    What are your favourite weight loss tools?

    My favorite weight loss tools is MFP!!! I am so addicted to this site because it is full of positive peope that makes a great support system. The information that I found here is incredibly helpful. I also utilizee the gym,park,and my kitchen scale. I need to arrange a time for me to be on this site because I find myself on here more than my homework.
  • Wednesday's QOTD: What made you realize that you needed to start this journey of getting healthier?

    When I went away on holiday to somewhere I had always wanted to go and couldn’t take any photos of myself there because I so hated the way I looked. I think also realising that there is never going to be a ‘right’ time to do this and the longer I wait the more unhappy I will be.

    Thursday's QOTD: What are your favourite weight loss tools?

    MFP, my buddy and my feet :)
  • Wednesday's QOTD: What made you realize that you needed to start this journey of getting healthier?

    Not feeling happy when I looked in the mirror...
  • Thursday's QOTD: What are your favourite weight loss tools?

    I have to say my fav would have to be my kids.... and then it would be my running shoes I LOVE TO RUN!!!!
  • CricketKate
    CricketKate Posts: 3,657 Member
    I think that my favorite weight loss tool would be MFP, followed closely by my food scale.
  • CricketKate
    CricketKate Posts: 3,657 Member
    Thursday's QOTD: What are your favourite weight loss tools?

    I think that my favorite weight loss tool would be MFP, followed closely by my food scale.
  • countryrose7
    countryrose7 Posts: 107 Member
    Thursday's QOTD: What are your favourite weight loss tools?

    My favorite tool has to be the accountability that MFP provides. That and having friends who tell it like it is.
  • ElleJay221
    ElleJay221 Posts: 104 Member

    What are your favourite weight loss tools?

    Well - like many others have said - MFP is by far my favourite has made journalling my food just so easy. I plan my meals every morning, and just follow my plan.

    My next favourite would be my exercise DVD's - of which I am getting quite a collection!

  • dab52776
    dab52776 Posts: 536 Member

    What are your favourite weight loss tools?

    Like so many of you, mfp is one of my favorite weight loss tools. I have also started using they have many free workout videos.

    I'm going to have to look into this Taylor scale that some of you are talking about. I HATE having to step on the scale multiple times, and having to make a rule with myself that I will use the first number that I see 3 times! How accurate is that???

    What are your favourite weight loss tools?

    My kitchen, my measuring cups, but most of all... my SPORTS BRA. Back in the day, when I was a youngin', I was participating in soccer and a summer swim program. I would ride my bike home from the pool, and one day I forgot a bra. I HATED LIFE. My bust, though loved by my boyfriend, is my mortal enemy. So when I want to play sports or go workout, I need the restraint.
  • HungryMom
    HungryMom Posts: 280

    What are your favourite weight loss tools?

    I love, love, love my Enell sports bra. I am blessed/cursed with a large bust and cannot imagine exercising without it, ouch. A close second is my HRM. I have found the database calorie burns to be way high for me.
  • emchen
    emchen Posts: 48
    Momogogo--your answer to Wednesday's QOTD was amazing. I am sorry about your mother's cancer and I wish you the best of luck in everything. Your healthy lifestyle is sure to beat off cancer.

    My Wednesday QOTD is not very inspiring as all of yours: I just have to lose weight for a race next Thursday :\ I did gain a lot of weight over the winter, and that was annoying because some of my clothes didn't fit anymore.

    QOTD for Thursday: I am obsessed with my scale (I weigh at least twice a day) which isn't the best, since it stresses me out, but I also like running on the treadmill (I like knowing exactly how fast I'm going and how far I've run). Of course, MFP and I tumblr about my weight loss :)
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