Hi. Trying to gain



  • Springfield1970
    Springfield1970 Posts: 1,945 Member
    ellisboyd1 wrote: »
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    ellisboyd1 wrote: »
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    ellisboyd1 wrote: »
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    ellisboyd1 wrote: »
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    ellisboyd1 wrote: »
    I had a problem eating enough calories clean, but dealt with it by blending some meals.

    for example, i'd throw 300g of chicken in with chicken stock & water. then i'd thrown in vegetables. it's like drinking chicken soup, and you can make it in bulk.

    I'm sure there's tons of info for this on bodybuilding websites.

    bro, that sounds gross….

    Oh I've done worse. Even my dog looks at me strange. basically, hold your nose and down it.

    Of course, working in some full fat milk with protein shake throughout the day is the less traumatic way, but I found protein shakes much more expensive.

    why don't you just eat real food..???????

    I just find eating that amount of food difficult, since I like to eat clean and gain as little fat as possible. food becomes a serious chore, but downing my 'medicine' takes seconds.

    no offense, but you may want to reexamine how you view food…just saying...

    In what way?

    when someone says "food becomes a serious chore" that usually indicates that they way they view food is an issue.

    Also, look at your statement you want to "eat clean and gain as little fat as possible" so you come up with this "medicine" so that you can just slug it all down and not concern yourself with actually eating…

    it just seems like a strange relationship with food.

    why can't you eat steak, chicken, pork, vegetables, rice and incorporate some ice cream, pizza, bagels etc, hit your calorie goal, macro goal, and micro goal ..< doesn't that sound like a more reasonable path? As opposed to blending up a bunch of food and chocking it down?????

    I have been doing a bulk on 3000 calories a day … .5 pound per week gain..slow and steady and gaining minimal fat ….

    Oh I definitely have issues with food. Once I start eating the bad stuff, I can't stop. I'm like an addict. That's why I stay away from it as much as I can.

    I used to be like that too after long periods of under eating and/or cutting out food groups. It's taken me all my life to learn how to moderate and eat right. Counting calories has been a lifesaver. I no longer binge or fantasise about food. I've even started to leave food when I'm full, because there are no out of bounds food.

    Binging is a sign of some imbalance somewhere. Restricting yourself is the perfectly wrong thing to do. Moderation is the way!

  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    ellisboyd1 wrote: »
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    ellisboyd1 wrote: »
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    ellisboyd1 wrote: »
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    ellisboyd1 wrote: »
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    ellisboyd1 wrote: »
    I had a problem eating enough calories clean, but dealt with it by blending some meals.

    for example, i'd throw 300g of chicken in with chicken stock & water. then i'd thrown in vegetables. it's like drinking chicken soup, and you can make it in bulk.

    I'm sure there's tons of info for this on bodybuilding websites.

    bro, that sounds gross….

    Oh I've done worse. Even my dog looks at me strange. basically, hold your nose and down it.

    Of course, working in some full fat milk with protein shake throughout the day is the less traumatic way, but I found protein shakes much more expensive.

    why don't you just eat real food..???????

    I just find eating that amount of food difficult, since I like to eat clean and gain as little fat as possible. food becomes a serious chore, but downing my 'medicine' takes seconds.

    no offense, but you may want to reexamine how you view food…just saying...

    In what way?

    when someone says "food becomes a serious chore" that usually indicates that they way they view food is an issue.

    Also, look at your statement you want to "eat clean and gain as little fat as possible" so you come up with this "medicine" so that you can just slug it all down and not concern yourself with actually eating…

    it just seems like a strange relationship with food.

    why can't you eat steak, chicken, pork, vegetables, rice and incorporate some ice cream, pizza, bagels etc, hit your calorie goal, macro goal, and micro goal ..< doesn't that sound like a more reasonable path? As opposed to blending up a bunch of food and chocking it down?????

    I have been doing a bulk on 3000 calories a day … .5 pound per week gain..slow and steady and gaining minimal fat ….

    Oh I definitely have issues with food. Once I start eating the bad stuff, I can't stop. I'm like an addict. That's why I stay away from it as much as I can.

    I used to be like that too after long periods of under eating and/or cutting out food groups. It's taken me all my life to learn how to moderate and eat right. Counting calories has been a lifesaver. I no longer binge or fantasise about food. I've even started to leave food when I'm full, because there are no out of bounds food.

    Binging is a sign of some imbalance somewhere. Restricting yourself is the perfectly wrong thing to do. Moderation is the way!

    wait, I thought you fantasized about me??? totally crushed :(
  • Springfield1970
    Springfield1970 Posts: 1,945 Member
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    ellisboyd1 wrote: »
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    ellisboyd1 wrote: »
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    ellisboyd1 wrote: »
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    ellisboyd1 wrote: »
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    ellisboyd1 wrote: »
    I had a problem eating enough calories clean, but dealt with it by blending some meals.

    for example, i'd throw 300g of chicken in with chicken stock & water. then i'd thrown in vegetables. it's like drinking chicken soup, and you can make it in bulk.

    I'm sure there's tons of info for this on bodybuilding websites.

    bro, that sounds gross….

    Oh I've done worse. Even my dog looks at me strange. basically, hold your nose and down it.

    Of course, working in some full fat milk with protein shake throughout the day is the less traumatic way, but I found protein shakes much more expensive.

    why don't you just eat real food..???????

    I just find eating that amount of food difficult, since I like to eat clean and gain as little fat as possible. food becomes a serious chore, but downing my 'medicine' takes seconds.

    no offense, but you may want to reexamine how you view food…just saying...

    In what way?

    when someone says "food becomes a serious chore" that usually indicates that they way they view food is an issue.

    Also, look at your statement you want to "eat clean and gain as little fat as possible" so you come up with this "medicine" so that you can just slug it all down and not concern yourself with actually eating…

    it just seems like a strange relationship with food.

    why can't you eat steak, chicken, pork, vegetables, rice and incorporate some ice cream, pizza, bagels etc, hit your calorie goal, macro goal, and micro goal ..< doesn't that sound like a more reasonable path? As opposed to blending up a bunch of food and chocking it down?????

    I have been doing a bulk on 3000 calories a day … .5 pound per week gain..slow and steady and gaining minimal fat ….

    Oh I definitely have issues with food. Once I start eating the bad stuff, I can't stop. I'm like an addict. That's why I stay away from it as much as I can.

    I used to be like that too after long periods of under eating and/or cutting out food groups. It's taken me all my life to learn how to moderate and eat right. Counting calories has been a lifesaver. I no longer binge or fantasise about food. I've even started to leave food when I'm full, because there are no out of bounds food.

    Binging is a sign of some imbalance somewhere. Restricting yourself is the perfectly wrong thing to do. Moderation is the way!

    wait, I thought you fantasized about me??? totally crushed :(

    Oh, you're in there too, covered in whipped cream and chocolate sprinkles!
  • asiawilson_
    aylajane wrote: »
    Your one day of logging is all carbs... literally... almost no protein or fats. I realize protein and fats are more filling usually, but I assume you want to keep your nice hair and nails and all in the end right? And some muscle in there somewhere so you dont end up with a flat butt and skeletal arms?

    Fats have twice as many calories per gram as protein or carbs so will get your calories up much faster. Think a glass of whole milk, or cook all those vegies in olive oil, or eat some peanut butter on your apple. Get some protein and fat together - eat 2-3 eggs at breakfast, or make a carrot muffin with shredded carrots milk eggs etc (google recipe).

    When eating all those veggies and fruits... you eat them all plain? I see no condiments or additions... like oil, salad dressing, dipping sauce, peanut butter etc. First of all they will be much tastier, but its easy to add a few hundred calories just dipping carrots in ranch, plus everything will be easier to swallow.

    No bread or anything? Take all those veggies, add some cheese and a tortilla wrap (and chicken if you eat meat) and make a wrap out of it. Lots of extra calories, all still perfectly healthy.

  • asiawilson_
    I'm on a 80 10 10 diet..which means I'm suppose to consume at least 2,000 calories from fruit and then add some veggies in just for balance. I do not eat wheat/gluten, milk, or processed sugar. Thanks
  • asiawilson_
    sardelsa wrote: »
    I agree with @ndj1979 you are probably going to find it really difficult to hit that many cals on mostly produce since it really fills you up. Not to mention you will likely get bored after a while and eating will become a chore. Not fun. If you want to gain 15lbs with an avg of 2lb gain per month, you are looking at another 7-8 months of this and your intake will usually increase along the way. You can check out my diary but I eat everything under the sun so maybe not what you are looking for.

    What program are you following? Strong Curves is a great one which is very booty focused. I am doing it now on my bulk and it has been very successful for me so far (13 weeks in).

  • asiawilson_
    I'm on the 80 10 10 diet. You can look it up if you never heard of it. It's a fruitarian diet. I don't eat junk food or processed food only sugar from fruit. No oils. I have seen results with this already and I'm in the gym everyday.
  • danielheld
    danielheld Posts: 4 Member
    You need to eat protein. If you're hitting the gym everyday your going to lose muscle mass because you're not getting the protein. Eat protein and do some squats and you'll get the *kitten* you want.
  • sardelsa
    sardelsa Posts: 9,812 Member
    I'm on the 80 10 10 diet. You can look it up if you never heard of it. It's a fruitarian diet. I don't eat junk food or processed food only sugar from fruit. No oils. I have seen results with this already and I'm in the gym everyday.

    OK that is fine but you came on here stating you felt full on 2000 cals. Were you making a statement or looking for advice?

    If it was the latter, you can take our advice or leave it. Your choice of course
  • asiawilson_
    After I gain some more weight on this diet I plan to do paleo. I go to the gym everyday. I do squats with weights and I have seen results already. Junk food makes me feel like *kitten* so I don't eat it.
  • danielheld
    danielheld Posts: 4 Member
    Do you eat nuts at all? Try eating almonds everyday. Great protein, healthy fats and will get you to your calorie goal quicker. You can get a lot of protein without it being junk food.
  • asiawilson_
    I was just making a statement. I appreciate all advice from everyone.
  • sardelsa
    sardelsa Posts: 9,812 Member
    After I gain some more weight on this diet I plan to do paleo. I go to the gym everyday. I do squats with weights and I have seen results already. Junk food makes me feel like *kitten* so I don't eat it.

    Chicken, eggs, nuts, olive oil... you consider that junk food? I don't understand why you want to gain on this diet then switch to paleo. I don't care for paleo but if that is what you want to do why not start it now to help you gain?
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    After I gain some more weight on this diet I plan to do paleo. I go to the gym everyday. I do squats with weights and I have seen results already. Junk food makes me feel like *kitten* so I don't eat it.

    can you please define "junk" food?

    and paleo, really?? *faceplam*
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    edited January 2015
    After I gain some more weight on this diet I plan to do paleo. I go to the gym everyday. I do squats with weights and I have seen results already. Junk food makes me feel like *kitten* so I don't eat it.

    You do not have to eat 'junk food' but your macros are not good ones. As people have been saying, 10% fats and 10% protein are too low.

    What is the logic of going from a 'fruitarian' to what is nearly the polar opposite?
  • auddii
    auddii Posts: 15,357 Member
    After I gain some more weight on this diet I plan to do paleo. I go to the gym everyday. I do squats with weights and I have seen results already. Junk food makes me feel like *kitten* so I don't eat it.

    This macro split is not going to be an effective way to gain weight. I don't understand why you would want to do this to gain weight and then switch to paleo.

    I'm not a fan of any fad diet, but if you want to choose a diet to follow, pick one that has macro ratios that will at least get you to your goals. The paleo diet has no specific macro breakdown, and while it limits carbs, many people add in extra carbs (their go to seems to be sweet potatoes) during bulks.

    There are a lot of people responding in this thread with a ton of experience with bulking. Don't just dismiss them because you think being a fruititarian is "healthy".
  • asiawilson_
    Because it has always been hard for me to gain weight just eating a normal diet and this is what it working for me but I don't want to do it long term.
  • asiawilson_
    I didn't mean the chicken, eggs, oil are junk...I meant ice cream, burger, pizza.
  • asiawilson_
    Ice cream, burgers, pizza are junk. I can't eat wheat or milk so those foods wouldn't work for me. Thanks
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    Because it has always been hard for me to gain weight just eating a normal diet and this is what it working for me but I don't want to do it long term.

    it's hard for you to gain weight because you aren't eating enough.

    And trying to bulk on a fruititaian diet isn't going to work well- clearly- or you woulnd't be asking the questions.

    You need OTHER foods.

    and no- ice cream bugers and pizza are not junk- it's just food.

    Do you not eat meat??