January Running Challenge



  • skippygirlsmom
    skippygirlsmom Posts: 4,433 Member
    fabnine wrote: »

    If you're a runner every mile you run today is a gift.
    Go run. Enjoy your gift.

    This is why I'm so happy you are my friend. :heart:

  • italysharon
    italysharon Posts: 195 Member
    1/1: 4 miles outside
    1/2: Nada
    1/3: 7 miles outside
    1/4: 1 mile treadmill… every mile counts, right?
    1/5: 4 miles treadmill… brrrr cold and windy outside today in New England
    1/6: 1 mile treadmill…
    1/7: zippo
    1/8: 4 miles treadmill- 1 degree outside (not including windchill), drove passed a runner on my way to the gym… rock on guy!
    1/9: 4.3 treadmill
    1/10: nada
    1/11: nada
    1/12: 6.7 miles- first time outside in a while and it was AWESOME!!

    Total miles in January: 32
    Miles to goal: 28
    Goal: 60 miles
  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,410 Member
    edited January 2015
    Lesleycali wrote: »
    Hey there! You're in SoCal, too? How fun! Now I'm curious where your half is! Good luck on your race :)
    I actually went when it was just light rain, so I didn't get too wet, although my feet did! Glad it was a rest day for you! Looks beautiful out there today.
    I am in OC and the race is a Disney Half that starts and ends at the park and runs south through Garden Grove. Not the greatest area but it is very flat :)

    It was a pretty much perfect morning for a run here - cloudy and foggy with just a bit of drizzle!

    Stoshew71 wrote: »
    fabnine wrote: »
    SLHysell wrote: »
    I think it's interesting how different people define long verses short mileage. I see a lot of people excited for having done 30 miles and a lot of posts apologizing for only having done 30 miles. For me, 30 is a lot considering how many miles I was able to do not that long ago. Also, when I tell my non-runner friends I went out for a 7 mile run, they can't even comprehend it. I don't know how many times I've heard someone say, "I can't even imagine running a mile."
    You're absolutely right. Running, like life, is relative to the sum total of your experiences. As long as we keep our own successes as the mark we press against we can continue to challenge that level, push beyond it, and succeed. If we look ahead to someone else's mark as a lofty goal to one day achieve, we must be careful not to perceive ourselves as failures.
    One day I may be able to increase my mileage to match @SonicDeathMonkey80, @Stoshew71 or @LoneWolfRunner, but I cannot measure my success by their ability.
    Cold and heat tolerance vary from one runner to the next. I discovered this winter that 14F can be unbearable or delightful. It depends on the humidity, the wind, the precipitation and my mental frame of mind.
    Add to all of that, one day we may become physically disabled and have to fight for every single mile we run. We may never be able to run again. If you're a runner every mile you run today is a gift.
    Go run today; enjoy your gift.
    It's funny, I talked to 2 people in my church this weekend. My wife also runs but is training for only 5K's and 10K's right now, but she is able to bust out a slow 3 or 4 miler without stopping or walking now. About 3 or 4 months ago, she couldn't run more than a mile without the need to take a walk break.

    Anyway, my wife and I are trying to start up a running group within our church. The 2 women we spoke to this weekend claimed they couldn't run 5 minutes without needing to stop. I explained to them the concept of C25K and run/walk intervals. It takes time, but if you stay consistent you will eventually be able to run many miles over time. The key is starting off slow and being consistent.

    I love this entire thread!
    It really is an individual activity that can be enjoyed with others. Only you know what you are capable of at this time or in the future and what you want to strive for. Maybe it is running consecutive days, running to the corner without stopping or maybe running in a race. If you get up and run even a little you are making progress toward your goal and as Stoshew71 said the key is being consistent.

    As Fabnine said running is a gift to ourselves. I feel so fortunate to be able to get out there and run where I never thought I could before and I am delighted when a friend discovers the joy of just running.
  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,410 Member
    01/01.... 0.00....... 0.00
    01/02.... 6.98....... 6.98
    01/03.... 0.00....... 6.98
    01/04...10.75......17.73 - went out for 8 and just kept going!
    01/05.... 4.27......22.00 - strength training too
    01/06.... 4.33......26.33 - too hot and my legs felt like logs
    01/07.... 0.00......26.33 - rest day
    01/08.... 6.50......32.83 - strength training too
    01/09.... 5.11......37.94
    01/10.... 7.18......45.12 - rain run!
    01/11.... 0.00......45.12 - taper
    01/12.... 4.38......49.50
    01/13.... 0.00......49.50 - taper

  • Lesleycali
    Lesleycali Posts: 236 Member
    1/1--- 3.5 miles, street
    1/2--- 8.66 miles, trail
    1/3--- 3 miles, trail
    1/4--- Rest
    1/5--- 7.95 miles trail (to the beach!)
    1/6--- Rest
    1/7--- 6 miles, street
    1/8--- 3 miles, trail
    1/9--- 9 miles, trail
    1/10-- Rest
    1/11-- 6.5 miles, trail, mud mud mud
    1/12-- 5 miles, trail

    53 miles done/ 120 mile goal
  • catweimer
    catweimer Posts: 12 Member
    I'm in! Trying for my first marathon at the end of March, hoping this will help keep me honest. Trying for 100 miles this month.

  • fabnine
    fabnine Posts: 379 Member
    edited January 2015
    _Date___ Miles
    Jan 1 ___5.7 __lovely first run of the new year
    Jan 2 ___7.1 __trail, light flurries
    Jan 3 ___4.7
    Jan 4 ___1.3 __streak
    Jan 5 ___7.2 __hills, 19F windy
    Jan 6 ___3.6 __14F windy & snowing
    Jan 7 ___2.1 __14F windy & snowing + hike up Bald Mountain/around Willard Lake
    Jan 8 ___4.0 __13F windy but no snow :)
    Jan 9 ___3.5
    Jan 10 __3.5
    Jan 11 __12.8 _14F trail
    Jan 12 __5.9 __after all those cold days 34F felt warm & Happy Birthday Mom!
    Jan 13 __
    Month total= 61.6miles ___ 78.4remaining


  • dennie24
    dennie24 Posts: 251 Member
    Shanaber, I am looking forward to hearing your race report. I am really hoping to do the Rebel Challenge next January. :)

    I ran 1.5 miles on the treadmill today. I can deal with cold but I am so tired of the ice everywhere.
  • HealthyFocused715
    HealthyFocused715 Posts: 340 Member
    Thank you to everyone for being so inspiring and making running in the winter something to look forward to!! :smile:

    1/1, 2.0 miles, outside
    1/4, 4.34 miles, treadmill
    1/5, 4.34 miles, treadmill
    1/10, 5.2 miles, outside, cold but sunny!
    1/12, 3.37 miles, treadmill

    19.25 miles total; 70 miles goal


  • Lesleycali
    Lesleycali Posts: 236 Member
    shanaber wrote: »
    I am in OC and the race is a Disney Half that starts and ends at the park and runs south through Garden Grove. Not the greatest area but it is very flat :)

    It was a pretty much perfect morning for a run here - cloudy and foggy with just a bit of drizzle!

    Cool! Maybe next year I'll look into this one. Can't wait to hear about it and good luck again!
  • ShortMrsN
    ShortMrsN Posts: 177 Member
    edited January 2015

    01/01 - 4.36km
    04/01 - 7.00km
    07/01 - 3.00km
    10/01 - 5.50km

    Leg is still giving me trouble, will most likely not reach my goal again this month :(
    Enjoyed running on the beach though!


  • johnsonnelly
    johnsonnelly Posts: 103 Member
    Dec 1 - 2.5 miles
    Dec 2 - Rest
    Dec 3 - 3.1 miles (5k)
    Dec 4 - 2 miles (am) and 1.5 miles (pm) = 3.5 miles
    Dec 5 - 3.1 miles (5k)
    Dec 6 - Rest
    Dec 7 - Rest
    Dec 8 - 2.1 miles
    Dec 9 - 3.1 miles (5k)
    Dec 10 - 3.3 nice (45 degree) miles
    Dec 11 - 3.1 miles (FREEZING cold outside so 1/2 out and 1/2 on treadmill)
    Dec 12 - 3.1 miles (5k)

  • ddmom0811
    ddmom0811 Posts: 1,878 Member
    fabnine wrote: »
    Add to all of that, one day we may become physically disabled and have to fight for every single mile we run. We may never be able to run again. If you're a runner every mile you run today is a gift.
    Go run. Enjoy your gift.
    So true - each day is a gift we can run or even walk. Thanks for reminding me!
    Stoshew71 wrote: »

    Anyway, my wife and I are trying to start up a running group within our church. The 2 women we spoke to this weekend claimed they couldn't run 5 minutes without needing to stop. I explained to them the concept of C25K and run/walk intervals. It takes time, but if you stay consistent you will eventually be able to run many miles over time. The key is starting off slow and being consistent.

    That's how I started in July. I started with C25K when I was visiting my daughter in Northern CA because I couldn't do my regular exercise. When I came back home to FL I had to start over because it was about 40 degrees hotter with 100% humidity! So started over in August and by the end of Sept I ran a 5K.
    Remus42 wrote: »
    But it's been crazy cold here -26 with the windchill and I was not feeling that.
    So mostly been walking the dog and went skating once. But yesterday finally got out and ran. And went again today.


    Gosh, my dog wouldn't leave the house in that temp! If it is rainy or too cold he looks at me like "you want me to go out in THAT? I'll just hold it, thank you very much."
  • fabnine
    fabnine Posts: 379 Member
    ddmom0811 wrote: »
    Gosh, my dog wouldn't leave the house in that temp! If it is rainy or too cold he looks at me like "you want me to go out in THAT? I'll just hold it, thank you very much."
    This just made me laugh out loud! :D Thanks I needed a smile!
  • n2gardens56
    n2gardens56 Posts: 74 Member
    1/1: 8.5 Trail Hike(Mountain)
    1/2: 4 mile Trail Run(flat)
    1/3: 3.1 mile Treadmill
    1/4: 4 mile Trail Run(flat)
    1/5: Zero Day (Pilates)
    1/6: 6 miles (Ellip)
    1/7: 2 miles (Ellip)
    1/8: 2.1miles(Ellip)
    1/9: 4.2 Miles(Ellip)
    1/10: 2.2 Miles(Ellip)
    1/11 2 miles Trail Walk
    1/12 2miles(Ellip)
    Goal: 90
  • tdpetunia
    tdpetunia Posts: 9 Member
    Hello All,

    Did Elliptical for 1.85 miles tonite. Walked a mile today too~
  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,410 Member
    edited January 2015
    ddmom0811 wrote: »
    Gosh, my dog wouldn't leave the house in that temp! If it is rainy or too cold he looks at me like "you want me to go out in THAT? I'll just hold it, thank you very much."
    :laugh: I finally had to take Hobbes out on a leash with an umbrella yesterday in the rain! Pretty sure his legs were crossed and he would have been hopping up and down from foot to foot if he could have!
  • LoneWolfRunner
    LoneWolfRunner Posts: 1,160 Member
    edited January 2015
    DATE...................... MILES...............TOTAL
    1/5...........................Weight training
    1/7.............................6.00...............23.50/170 (Cold one... -7F windchill)
    1/8.............................7.00...............30.50/170 (Colder one... -17F windchill)
    1/9...........................Weight training
    1/10...........................5.00...............35.50/170 (Even colder... -2F, -19F windchill)
    1/13............................7.00...............47.50/170 (10F, 0F windchill)

  • Stoshew71
    Stoshew71 Posts: 6,553 Member
    Stoshew71 wrote: »
    Date Miles today. Miles for January

    1/1 8 miles - 8
    1/2 9 miles - 17
    1/3 REST DAY
    1/4 8.85 miles - 25.85
    1/5 6.2 miles - 32.05
    1/6 7 miles - 39.05
    1/7 6.2 miles - 45.25
    1/8 8 miles 53.25 <<< 8 degrees is cold for Alabama
    1/9 6.2 miles 59.45
    1/10 14 miles 73.45
    1/11 REST DAY
    1/12 9 miles 82.45
    1/13 7 miles 89.45

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