Don't eat vegetables



  • magtart
    magtart Posts: 161 Member
  • Didn't feel like reading the entire thread so apologies if this has already been recommended (I know smoothies was). I don't really mind veggies and frankly enjoy them but hate the prep. Raw is just way to time consuming to eat. Get yourself a Nutriblast blender. Get a large bag/container of fresh baby spinach, bag of shredded carrots, and frozen strawberries & blueberries. Get a bunch of bananas. Eventually try to add another vegetable in there and corn is really a starch. Red, orange, yellow peppers are usually pretty good as they're sweet. Add a cup of frozen fruit, a banana, handful of spinach and carrots. Fill to the line with water and mash it into pieces. Drink it down and the overwhelming flavor you'll taste is the banana. If you don't like bananas, well, it's a lost cause! :) If I'm low on protein I will sometimes add some protein powder to this concoction as well.

    Another option but might be painful for you is to go to a vitamin store and get a green supplement. The one I use is from Garden of Life and it's called Perfect Food. There is also a version called Perfect Food Berry. Now this can be rough but if you can stomach it you've pretty much consumed 5+ veggies. It does literally taste like grass but hold you nose and chug it. Sometimes I'll even mix this with protein power or the veggie brink above. Personally, you get more of the aftertaste that way there's more to chug. After a week or so it becomes an acquired taste.

    Last 2 things that have helped me. Vegetable soups or good old pasta sauce. Careful with the sodium and sugars where finding low sodium and low sugar would be best. Chicken and past sauce is a great combo and a serving of pasta sauce is 1 vegetable. Most veggie based soups are similar.
  • gmthisfeller
    gmthisfeller Posts: 779 Member
    Try V8 juice!
  • Sarahliquid
    Sarahliquid Posts: 201 Member
    I love the suggestions that this 18 yr old kid make smoothies, fresh ground peanut butter, chard, and kale. Have you ever met an 18 yr old?

    How about raw carrots or other veggies dipped in ranch dressing, or frozen meals with veggies mixed into stuff. Mashed potatoes or fries, or something where ketchup and gravy add all the flavor would be more realistic. Spaghetti sauce counts, so does pizza. The cheese melted over cauliflower or broccoli was a good suggestion. The frozen bags where it's already together are a realistic suggestion.

    When I was 17 my bf at the time and I used to drink smoothies with greens in them and stir fried veggies.. by the time I was 19 I was a smoothie master, bought a magic bullet and everything. So, age is irrelevant. The op just needs to grow up and eat them. I used to hate veggies too, I grew up in a house where meat and potatoes were the staple. We were poor and I had little access to healthy food until I got a job, started buying my own food, and cooking for myself. Seriously dude, just eat them.

    BTW corn should not be considered a vegetable, and beans aren't either. Cruciferous veggies are the easiest to cook in my opinion, try those. They taste fine just fried or steamed

    Yeah, but you're a girl.
  • Larrisa30
    Larrisa30 Posts: 1 Member
    Try grating tho,gs up to add to sauces and such. I grate carrots into tomato sauce, and zucchini into mac and cheese for example. Grated zucchini is pretty tasteless, i add it to the pasta water 2mins before the pasta is done. The texture gets hidden with the noodles and the taste is hidden by the cheese. My kids never know hahahaa.

    I think this is a great idea. I don't like vegetables either but I think I can try this.