Great new video which shows REAL women training!



  • jemhh
    jemhh Posts: 14,261 Member
    anadoesit wrote: »
    I often wonder if I walked up to someone who maybe hadn't had a good experience in their academic life and had not really developed their intellectual capacities and I said. ..."Why are you not motivated when watching this video promoting getting a PhD in Atmospheric Physics? Just do it! You'll never get there if you don't start NOW. Start with night classes in basic maths and then work your way up! Are you lazy? "

    Ya see, for some of us, some things are more challenging than for others. You're very fortunate that your body is amenable to exercise and you are strong and fit. Combination of your hard work, dedication and genes. I applaud you.

    I wish I had that natural physical confidence. I don't and I never will but I still try my best.
    On the other hand, I'm extremely confident and relaxed in advanced education and academia. Nothing about it makes me anxious or uptight.

    Think about it.

    I wish that I could click a Like button for this post. It is so spot on and really resonates with me.

  • scraver2003
    scraver2003 Posts: 528 Member
    JoRocka wrote: »
    anadoesit wrote: »

    There is no secret club. None of us are in a club- we chose to do something and we are going to go do it. we are DOING it.

    You don't need an invitation


    I think that's part of the problem... I think a lot of people DO feel like they need an invitation to get started. I think it is rare for people to get up and just get started - without some sort of spark to get the fires going. And I think those people often look at those that work out and get healthy as metaphorically, at least, being a "club".
  • 3bambi3
    3bambi3 Posts: 1,650 Member
    JoRocka wrote: »
    anadoesit wrote: »
    Remember, this is a public service message to encourage those who are unfamiliar with the benefits of exercise to just start, no matter how slowly or simply. Some people may be too intimidated to go to a gym to lift or run on the street, but the group activities suit them better (the football, volleyball, badminton type) because they're not under pressure.

    Any movement is better than sitting at home eating bikkies on the couch! It's about getting people to move even a bit.

    If these people can see this- odds are they have the internet and other sources of information at their hands- hell even a public library.

    There is no secret club. None of us are in a club- we chose to do something and we are going to go do it. we are DOING it.

    You don't need an invitation- I personally dislike the idea of government motivation because how sad are you that you need your government to tell you that sitting on your couch for 24 hrs a day isn't healthy and that going out to do something physically active is better for you.


    no matter what shape or size- anything. just go do A. thing. If you cant' figure out how to go for a walk on your own- this video isn't going to do anything for you.

    Thanks for this. You said it better than I could. I guess what I find so annoying about this is that it treats women like we're delicate flowers who need to be told that it's okay to workout and to sweat. It seems like coddling and promotes the idea that we are somehow not capable of grasping the idea that we are, in fact, allowed to go to the gym.
  • FenTiger89
    FenTiger89 Posts: 49 Member
    jemhh wrote: »
    anadoesit wrote: »
    I often wonder if I walked up to someone who maybe hadn't had a good experience in their academic life and had not really developed their intellectual capacities and I said. ..."Why are you not motivated when watching this video promoting getting a PhD in Atmospheric Physics? Just do it! You'll never get there if you don't start NOW. Start with night classes in basic maths and then work your way up! Are you lazy? "

    Ya see, for some of us, some things are more challenging than for others. You're very fortunate that your body is amenable to exercise and you are strong and fit. Combination of your hard work, dedication and genes. I applaud you.

    I wish I had that natural physical confidence. I don't and I never will but I still try my best.
    On the other hand, I'm extremely confident and relaxed in advanced education and academia. Nothing about it makes me anxious or uptight.

    Think about it.

    I wish that I could click a Like button for this post. It is so spot on and really resonates with me.

    ^^ This!!

    When you watch the video, bear in mind that it's a public service announcement. It's geared toward the "average Joe/Jane" sitting at home watching Coronation Street on TV. It's a gentle nudge to get up and be more active. It's not an advert to train for the Olympics or run the Boston Marathon. If you're already fit and active, chances are you won't be sitting at home watching TV anyway and you'll likely not even see this. But for those of us who are aren't at that level of fitness and/or motivation, it's a nice change to see people we can relate to.
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    anadoesit wrote: »
    I often wonder if I walked up to someone who maybe hadn't had a good experience in their academic life and had not really developed their intellectual capacities and I said. ..."Why are you not motivated when watching this video promoting getting a PhD in Atmospheric Physics? Just do it! You'll never get there if you don't start NOW. Start with night classes in basic maths and then work your way up! Are you lazy? "

    Ya see, for some of us, some things are more challenging than for others. You're very fortunate that your body is amenable to exercise and you are strong and fit. Combination of your hard work, dedication and genes. I applaud you.

    I wish I had that natural physical confidence. I don't and I never will but I still try my best.
    On the other hand, I'm extremely confident and relaxed in advanced education and academia. Nothing about it makes me anxious or uptight.

    Think about it.

    That is not even on the same level of comparison. I had a horrible experience in college- and i still chose to educate myself.

    Going for a walk is not higher learning and requires no extra anything other than some clothes and some shoes.

    Hell you can walk in place inside your own house- you don't even need to go outside.

    The comparison is so beyond weak it isn't funny. The reality is people don't know- and chose not to do anything about it- and then wonder why they feel scared about it.
  • anadoesit
    anadoesit Posts: 442 Member
    I had a horrible time in PE class. A
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    I did too- and guess what- I got over it and changed myself.
  • anadoesit
    anadoesit Posts: 442 Member
    W ahhhhhhhh you had a terrible time in college? ??
  • jemhh
    jemhh Posts: 14,261 Member
    Well good for you. Have you ever looked around and realized that not everybody is JoRocka? I mean, sheesh, have a little compassion. Not everybody thinks/feels/acts the same way and no matter how much you agree or disagree with it, it's going to be a fact of life.
  • anadoesit
    anadoesit Posts: 442 Member
    This is just pointless. Thanks to all those who read the whole thread and engaged in an intelligent manner. I'm done.
  • 3bambi3
    3bambi3 Posts: 1,650 Member
    anadoesit wrote: »
    This is just pointless. Thanks to all those who read the whole thread and engaged in an intelligent manner. I'm done.

    It's only pointless because you're dead set on making excuses for why getting in shape is so difficult for you. You had a terrible time in gym class?? how many years ago was that? how does that have any impact on your life now? If gym class from a decade ago is still affecting your self worth, I suggest you seek therapy to deal with your issues.

    And then get to the gym.
  • anadoesit
    anadoesit Posts: 442 Member
    Ummm....I've mentioned several times in this very thread that I do train. Wow.
    At least I'm working on my body. To me. ...intellectual strength and agility is just as important as physical. Maybe it's not to everyone but THAT'S OK because everyone is different.

  • yopeeps025
    yopeeps025 Posts: 8,680 Member
    edited January 2015
    anadoesit wrote: »
    I had a horrible time in PE class. A

    Not all in shape people start with great genes and thought that any physical class taken was easy. I will say that Jo is up there with some superwoman stats that even strong men find very impressive. She started somewhere. She started maybe if not under the bar doing bodyweight exercise. Yeah @JoRocka where did you start?

    Since other have said it lets us it. So the gym is a certain club of people right. I am starting to think that this whole "the gym is intimidating" is a insecurity people have because I have not once ever felt intimidated in a gym. Yes I was fatter than I am now. Yes I was weaker than I am not. Even at my heaviest weight which is middle pic on profile pic. The gym never stopped and exercise was never the issue.

    Why would one of the places that can help better you be intimidating? I just do not get it. Also the gym is only one of the many places where you can exercise.
  • scraver2003
    scraver2003 Posts: 528 Member
    I am so confused... I never saw the OP post anything about using excuses to not exercise.
  • anadoesit
    anadoesit Posts: 442 Member
    I only mentioned hating PE Class because JoR mentioned having a tough time in college.
    I go to the gym. I don't need a reason, invitation or excuse.

    I give up.
  • Hearts_2015
    Hearts_2015 Posts: 12,031 Member
    skullshank wrote: »
    OP please explain the use of the word "REAL" in your title.
  • scraver2003
    scraver2003 Posts: 528 Member
    3bambi3 wrote: »
    anadoesit wrote: »
    This is just pointless. Thanks to all those who read the whole thread and engaged in an intelligent manner. I'm done.

    It's only pointless because you're dead set on making excuses for why getting in shape is so difficult for you. You had a terrible time in gym class?? how many years ago was that? how does that have any impact on your life now? If gym class from a decade ago is still affecting your self worth, I suggest you seek therapy to deal with your issues.

    And then get to the gym.

    The OP does exercise. She is getting in shape. She is not using excuses to not work out. And I don't see where she has any issues that require therapy. I am so confused...
  • jemhh
    jemhh Posts: 14,261 Member
    skullshank wrote: »
    OP please explain the use of the word "REAL" in your title.

    Read the thread. It's already been discussed and explained.
  • yopeeps025
    yopeeps025 Posts: 8,680 Member
    skullshank wrote: »
    OP please explain the use of the word "REAL" in your title.

    click page 2