55-65 year old women's success?



  • trina1049
    trina1049 Posts: 593 Member
    Good for you Connie! Keep at it. I love retirement too.
  • Jewels211
    Jewels211 Posts: 184 Member
    I am so happy to find this thread! I'll be 54 next month, about 5' 6 1/2", and am in the midst of menopause. Hot flashes aren't constant, but just about time I get complacent and think they're gone, BAM! Aaand the mood swings. And the BRAIN FOG! Ugh.

    I've been heavy basically almost all of my life. I've had periods of success, but I've probably never been smaller than a size 12. I've been on MFP off and on for probably 2 years or so, but a diagnosis of diabetes the beginning of December made me determined to log everything, every day. At this point, I'm using diet and (theoretically) exercise to manage my blood sugar, and I'm trying to get off of 2 b/p meds and avoid cholesterol meds.

    I'm one of those people that really has to be fairly regimented about things, because I'm an all or nuthin' person--I either do it precisely, or I don't do it at all. The diabetes actually helps with that--my dietitian stressed that I NEED to eat about 45 grams of carbs at each meal, and 15 grams at each snack--need to eat about every 3-4 hours to keep the blood sugar even. But I also want to eat healthily and low cholesterol, so I try for the divided plate thing she suggested-- 1/2 the plate full of veggies, with lots of green ones, 1/4 lean protein, and 1/4 starch/higher carb foods. I log each meal as I go (have the MFP app on my iPhone) because the stupid menopausal brain fog keeps me from remembering how many carbs foods have. I try to make the "starchy" carbs whole grains for the most part, and have at least 2 fruit servings a day. All this comes out to usually about 1350-1400 calories a day. But the dietitian warned me that I wouldn't probably be able to get the calories much below that. And she emphasized that "activity" (a kinder word than "exercise" for an exercise despiser like me :smiley: ) is vital. It's important to fight the effects of diabetes, and it's important for general health as we age.

    Since early December, I've lost 13 lbs, and since I started sorta trying in August I think it was, I've lost almost 30. I still have probably 75 or 80 to go to reach my ultimate goal, but even 60 would have me jumping for joy. We got a treadmill last week, and I'm slowly adding that to my days. Started out only being able to do 5 minutes, now I'm up to between 20 and 30, and working on upping my speed gradually. Reading this thread has encouraged me to start adding strength training to my schedule. I just need to figure out what that can be here at home.

    I'm thin-skinned, so to speak, and a whole lot of less-than-kind remarks throughout my life by even strangers has left me with almost a pathological fear of anyone seeing me do any form of exercise (even my husband, who hasn't been exactly supportive most of our marriage). So at this point, in my house by myself is it--no gyms, no walking in the neighborhood.

    But it's so nice to see so many of you with great success stories to show that this can be done!
  • lovesretirement
    lovesretirement Posts: 2,661 Member
    Jewels211 wrote: »
    I am so happy to find this thread! I'll be 54 next month, about 5' 6 1/2", and am in the midst of menopause. Hot flashes aren't constant, but just about time I get complacent and think they're gone, BAM! Aaand the mood swings. And the BRAIN FOG! Ugh.

    I've been heavy basically almost all of my life. I've had periods of success, but I've probably never been smaller than a size 12. I've been on MFP off and on for probably 2 years or so, but a diagnosis of diabetes the beginning of December made me determined to log everything, every day. At this point, I'm using diet and (theoretically) exercise to manage my blood sugar, and I'm trying to get off of 2 b/p meds and avoid cholesterol meds.

    I'm one of those people that really has to be fairly regimented about things, because I'm an all or nuthin' person--I either do it precisely, or I don't do it at all. The diabetes actually helps with that--my dietitian stressed that I NEED to eat about 45 grams of carbs at each meal, and 15 grams at each snack--need to eat about every 3-4 hours to keep the blood sugar even. But I also want to eat healthily and low cholesterol, so I try for the divided plate thing she suggested-- 1/2 the plate full of veggies, with lots of green ones, 1/4 lean protein, and 1/4 starch/higher carb foods. I log each meal as I go (have the MFP app on my iPhone) because the stupid menopausal brain fog keeps me from remembering how many carbs foods have. I try to make the "starchy" carbs whole grains for the most part, and have at least 2 fruit servings a day. All this comes out to usually about 1350-1400 calories a day. But the dietitian warned me that I wouldn't probably be able to get the calories much below that. And she emphasized that "activity" (a kinder word than "exercise" for an exercise despiser like me :smiley: ) is vital. It's important to fight the effects of diabetes, and it's important for general health as we age.

    Since early December, I've lost 13 lbs, and since I started sorta trying in August I think it was, I've lost almost 30. I still have probably 75 or 80 to go to reach my ultimate goal, but even 60 would have me jumping for joy. We got a treadmill last week, and I'm slowly adding that to my days. Started out only being able to do 5 minutes, now I'm up to between 20 and 30, and working on upping my speed gradually. Reading this thread has encouraged me to start adding strength training to my schedule. I just need to figure out what that can be here at home.

    I'm thin-skinned, so to speak, and a whole lot of less-than-kind remarks throughout my life by even strangers has left me with almost a pathological fear of anyone seeing me do any form of exercise (even my husband, who hasn't been exactly supportive most of our marriage). So at this point, in my house by myself is it--no gyms, no walking in the neighborhood.

    But it's so nice to see so many of you with great success stories to show that this can be done!

    Hi Jewels! Like you, I'm all or nothing, too...almost to the point of being obsessive! But that is what it takes for me..different strokes for different folks, huh?

    You mentioned eating and balancing your foods groups. I have been on and off diets for my entire life and I may have stumbled on to something that is working for me without leaving out any food groups. It's called the One One One diet. It's having one carb, one protein, and one fat at each meal...3 meals and 2 snacks a day. I eat about every 2-3 hours, am never hungry, and most importantly, my macros are in balance. I have it set on MFP at 40/30/30 carbs/fat/protein. Anyway..since eating this way, I am always in the green and well balanced every day. The exception is sodium which I have set lower than MFP recommends.

    I certainly understand the need for privacy..I had to call on a lot of courage to put a swim suit on for the pool!
  • dianeEESI
    dianeEESI Posts: 11 Member
    Thanks for all the great answers! Sounds like we're on our way, heck we're halfway thru January and still here!
  • middlehaitch
    middlehaitch Posts: 8,483 Member
    Look up nerdfitness.com it offers a body weight routine for beginners. Saying that makes me say- when you see it don't be discouraged.

    Start small with one exercise, and try to do it, if you can't manage it, don't worry, try again later or the next day. When you have got the hang of one, add another etc etc.

    With regards to any exercise it is better doing a bit rather than sitting and thinking you should. Also, don't take on too much at once, be the tortoise not the hare.

    I too loathed exercise, I never grew up doing sport, so I have found it hard to do it now. I do it but still don't love it; maybe like it, only maybe.

    Glad to see the pounds are coming off.
    Cheers, h.
  • Datarn
    Datarn Posts: 79 Member
    I am so glad I found this thread! You all inspire me - I have been working since July - and lost 20 lbs. I have another 20 to go - and have been thinking about Zumba - is it hard to start doing? I don't know how coordinated I am in that and the classes I have seen seem to go at a RAPID speed- so I have not been brave enough to try it. I belong to a local YMCA and their classes are during the day - and I work full time. Any ideas??
    - Thanks for inspiring me!
  • bos10fit
    bos10fit Posts: 80 Member
    Datarn wrote: »
    I am so glad I found this thread! You all inspire me - I have been working since July - and lost 20 lbs. I have another 20 to go - and have been thinking about Zumba - is it hard to start doing? I don't know how coordinated I am in that and the classes I have seen seem to go at a RAPID speed- so I have not been brave enough to try it. I belong to a local YMCA and their classes are during the day - and I work full time. Any ideas??
    - Thanks for inspiring me!

    My clients do a lot of the classes at the YMCA. Some of their favorites are pump & tabata. Tabata is definitely super hard and I do no recommend to those new to fitness.

    The Y here, has some morning, lunch, and evening classes.

    I recommend trying some that fit your schedule. You never know if you like it or don't until you try!! Plus, you'll meet some awesome people who can turn into gym buddies!
  • ksturr957
    ksturr957 Posts: 1 Member
    This is great inspiration. I'm 48, perimenopausal. I have been the same weight since I married 13 years ago. I was always thin until I quit smoking (about 15 yrs ago). I gained 30 pounds. The weight never came off. I adopted a Vegan lifestyle a year ago. Instead of losing weight I have gained about 5 pounds - go figure. It is probably carb related but I find the food tastes so incredibly good that I know I am eating way too much. There are so many great recipes to try! But I've also noticed changes in my body and it's slowing down. I have been good about exercise - I have better energy with the Vegan lifestyle. There are probably a few things going on. I hope fitness pal helps. I see hope here for older women losing weight and that's all I need to keep going. Thanks!
  • mnsakaras
    mnsakaras Posts: 2 Member
    I am 58 and 70 lbs over weight and love Zumba! You don't have to be perfect, it makes me laugh when I find myself going in the wrong direction! It's a fun class. You should really give it a try.
  • mnsakaras
    mnsakaras Posts: 2 Member
    I should have added that you should put yourself in the second row so you can see what the instructor is doing. Also let the instructor know you are new. Usually they do more explaining of steps if they know someone new is in the class.
  • Datarn
    Datarn Posts: 79 Member
    Thanks for the advice mnsadaras and bos10fit. I might give it a try. I didn't think about letting the instructor know that I am new! Great idea!
  • sodakat
    sodakat Posts: 1,126 Member
    @bonniepwest, so very true (we never know who we'll touch by our own journey)! When I started MFP and was reading everything I could find on the forums, there was a member whose posts really inspired me. I mentioned it in one of my replies on a subject she posted on and she was really shocked, and pleasantly surprised. She said she never dreamed she would be an inspiration to anyone because she felt she was kind of "short" in her answers and afraid she was often misunderstood.

    I've noticed that at this point in my weight loss process, where I've been eating much less for the past (almost) year than I did for decades, that when I decide to enjoy a few hundred to 500 calories more a day (in other words maintenance) I very often show a couple pound gain the next day or two. It can take a number of days for that water weight gain to leave. Its kind of frustrating because its not like I am frequently over-eating, but then again, I like having a little 'reminder' that I pay the price when I stray. Its really no wonder at all why I was so fat for so long!

    Another thing I'm becoming very aware of this cold winter is how little I move if I don't make an effort, when I can't go outside without planning and bundling up. I know weight loss happens mostly in the kitchen, but it really does help to move at lease "some"!


  • middlehaitch
    middlehaitch Posts: 8,483 Member
    Datarn, there is Zumba Gold for us not so young ones, well really it suits anyone starting on fitness. It is a little slower, and very low impact. Still a good workout though.

    Being the uncoordinated soul that I am, I found it a great starting point, I can actually follow most of the steps, still go left instead of right a lot of the time though. The classes are lots of fun and people are very friendly. A new session has just started for me ( my 2nd) and it was really nice walking in the studio, and being greatest by lots of friendly faces.

    There is also Zumba & Zumba Gold toning where you do the class with hand weights, I really like that one.

    Bonniepwest, congratulations, you got back in the groove!
    25lb is nothing to sneeze at, the good thing is it has gone off not on, hooray.
    I am a belly dance lover too, as bad at that as I am at Zumba, no coordination, and am amazed at how many of us have done it. My friends thought I was weird when I started doing it, didn't care, it is fun.
    Bos10ft, please invite your client to join us, the more inspiration the better.
  • snowflake930
    snowflake930 Posts: 2,188 Member
    Middlehaitch, is there any DVD's you can recommend for Zumba? I have always wanted to try Zumba, but I do not belong to a gym (I am thinking about joining one). My company has a gym on the premises, and we can use it for free. I am pretty cheap, so I get up very early and go in to work out in the morning before I begin work. We do get a discount on a gym membership through our insurance, so that is why I am considering joining one. I love to walk and hike too. We live in the country on 10 acres of rolling hills. I try to walk after work with my dog during daylight savings months, but it is too dark right now. I do get out on Saturdays and Sundays, in spite of the cold and snow. (I live in Minnesota).
  • cathy120861
    cathy120861 Posts: 265 Member
    I really recommend belly dancing -- it has done wonders for my core strength. BUT -- you have to really really really not mind looking stupid. what with thrusting out your chest and gyrating your hips, you just cant be self-conscious about it or you will be paralyzed. i don't think i could have done it when i was younger, so i guess that is another advantage that has come to me with age -- the capacity to dance as if no one is watching.
  • snowflake930
    snowflake930 Posts: 2,188 Member
    I really recommend belly dancing -- it has done wonders for my core strength. BUT -- you have to really really really not mind looking stupid. what with thrusting out your chest and gyrating your hips, you just cant be self-conscious about it or you will be paralyzed. i don't think i could have done it when i was younger, so i guess that is another advantage that has come to me with age -- the capacity to dance as if no one is watching.

    ^^LOL Cathy.
    I guess I do have a problem with looking stupid......of course I wouldn't even have considered it 3 years ago and over double the size I am now. I am just afraid that @ my age I would do some serious damage and throw something out of whack. Belly dancing looks really hard. I would really like to try a Zumba Gold class with some other older people, maybe I wouldn't feel so self conscious.
  • bonniepwest
    bonniepwest Posts: 30 Member
    middlehaitch and cathy120861, I so totally identify! Although I could do each belly dance move separately, I cannot learn choreography and am extremely uncoordinated. I've never been able to do aerobics and Zumba scares me to death! Fortunately, I don't mind looking silly. Since my Achilles and knee replacement surgeries, however, my body has forgotten how to do the moves. Can't for the life of me remember how to do a hip drop!
  • 49Elle
    49Elle Posts: 80 Member
    Datarn wrote: »
    I am so glad I found this thread! You all inspire me - I have been working since July - and lost 20 lbs. I have another 20 to go - and have been thinking about Zumba - is it hard to start doing? I don't know how coordinated I am in that and the classes I have seen seem to go at a RAPID speed- so I have not been brave enough to try it. I belong to a local YMCA and their classes are during the day - and I work full time. Any ideas??
    - Thanks for inspiring me!
    I just bought a 2nd hand Zumba fitness DVD set on ebay - havn't received it yet, so cannot comment on how fast the speed is, but home alone I can do my best without looking like a turkey! Might be a solution for you.

    Well done on your weight loss. I just started, such a long way to go so have to make it interesting and diverse
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