2015 Adopt a Noob Official MFP Thread



  • NewMeSM75
    NewMeSM75 Posts: 971 Member
    I would be happy to mentor a couple people.

    I've been on fitness pal since April of 2013. I'm married with 4 kids. I will be 40 next month. Work behind a desk. I'm from the south and love southern cooking so I'm always reinventing ways to lightening foods up. I love to cook and experiment with different spices, ingredients and flavors.

    I've began exercising more. Cardio and bowflex. I don't have massive calorie burns but I do what works for me. Not a strong lifter but enjoying my bowflex. Hoping to (no I WILL) improve as time goes by.

    I'm not a nutritionist but not dumb by no means. I've done my research and I've listen to advice of others on the forums.

    I'm a strong believer that the only way to succeed is to set your mind to it. If you don't have the right mindset that you will work for it, you will probably fail. If you think you will fail, you probably will. Just my opinion.

    I don't think anyone is perfect so why try to be. Instead of looking at the long run, break it down to smaller goals and meet those.

    My diary is always open. If I eat it, I own it. I do have lower calorie goal due to my age and my height. I know my TDEE.

    Anyways, that's about it. I'm basically a positive person. I can see good in "most" situations.
  • cardbucfan
    cardbucfan Posts: 10,396 Member
    @Olivia-how do we change our status as having our noob quotient filled?
  • caffeinatedbookworm
    I would love a mentor. I'm 21, used to be extremely fit and active when I was in high school, and all of that totally flew out the window when I went to college. Now I've put on about ~30 pounds since high school I'd like to lose. I'm a major perfectionist, so it is really difficult for me to deal with the fact that I can't work out at the intensity or consistency as I used to a few years ago, so I deal a lot with "black and white" thinking.
  • davisk16
    davisk16 Posts: 12 Member
    Hey I am really k noob. I don't pretentious to know what I'm doing. I just started yesterday but technically today. I want to be motivated and have tried to follow everything today. I am 48 and would love to have a mentor.
  • shortgirlweightloss
    Hey! Id love a mentor. I'm 24, 5'0, a wife, and mother of two. I started my journey in 9/13 when I had my daughter. I started at 243. Im now down to 213. I lost basically from nursing and kind of sticking to weight watchers. Since January 1st I have opened a gym membership ,and really been working hard. My highest healthy weight is 132. So, I have a long way to go. But, I'm dedicated. I have been to the gym six days a week since I opened my membership. I really just nees help figuring out diet and lifestyle change. Also this app. Ive had it for a while and never used it! :)
  • NaomiJFoster
    NaomiJFoster Posts: 1,450 Member
    cardbucfan wrote: »
    @Olivia-how do we change our status as having our noob quotient filled?

    I messaged her personally and she changed my original post for me.
  • cardbucfan
    cardbucfan Posts: 10,396 Member
    cardbucfan wrote: »
    @Olivia-how do we change our status as having our noob quotient filled?

    I messaged her personally and she changed my original post for me.
    Thanks, I will do that too.

  • Sinistrous
    Sinistrous Posts: 5,589 Member
    Lol, I'm on the list twice. xD
  • ArkMom35
    ArkMom35 Posts: 225 Member
    I could use a mentor. I'm almost 35 and a stay at home mom to four (well two go to school). I just started counting calories, trying to eat healthier, and exercising on Jan 1st. I have an optimistic goal of being 52 lbs lighter next Jan 1st. I ultimately need to lose 80 lbs. This is the longest I've ever been on a "diet" in years, usually I give up after a few days. I'm hopeful that I'm invested in this finally and would love some support, encouragement, and suggestions from those who have lost weight or understand how hard it can be to eat healthy and exercise when you're worn out from raising small children. Thanks! :)
  • foxlme
    foxlme Posts: 57 Member
    I would love to be a mentor! I signed up with MFP when I was pregnant with my second son and logged faithfully every day for over a year. I lost all my baby weight (about 35 pounds) and took a month off from logging. Now I'm right back in logging every day trying to lose the last bit to hit my goal weight. I also work out pretty regularly. I'm a working mom with a full family at home- working husband, and two sons, ages 7 and 20 months.
  • goofballgirl95
    I could really use a mentor if anyone would be willing to help me out! I am a college student currently and all my life I have had the struggle with weight and going on and off unhealthy diets and habits. I am 19 years old and I really just want to be happy and healthy; I have always been an emotional and board eater my whole life and I have been trying really hard to stop this bad habit. I really lack motivation to go and work out after work and classes all day or not eat pizza and food I know I shouldn’t eat when people offer it. It has also been hard because growing up my parents never made heathy food, so learning to cook healthy things and what to get is always a real struggle for me. I really hope someone can take the time out of their busy schedule to be my mentor.
  • davisk16
    davisk16 Posts: 12 Member
    Not sure if I'm on a mentor list.
  • nlehe
    nlehe Posts: 10 Member
    I'd LOVE to mentor! I'm a "stay at home" (I hate that term...I'm never home except for naptime!) mom of 3 young children who recently lost 25 lbs (5 to go!) with MFP, my Misfit Flash, and exercise...mostly circuits, HIIT, kickboxing, and spinning. I'd love to help other busy moms who need to lose the baby weight, or just ANY weight! I love helping people on this journey!
  • davisk16
    davisk16 Posts: 12 Member
    I'm a person with some rheumatoid illnesses. I know that If 8 lose weight it will help.my health significantly. I'm looking for some who can encourage this noob.
  • JuliannaUnderhill
    You're not a stay at home mom, you work at home.
  • Ragdoll_7
    Ragdoll_7 Posts: 13 Member
    I'm looking to be adopted! I am on my first day of tracking my food intake and could use the support. I lost 20 pounds by tracking my food intake and exercising regularly in 2011-2012. :) However, after injuring my back in a car accident, I was not able to workout for a year and a half and I gained those 20 pounds back. I am sick of carrying around the extra weight and I am excited to get back into the gym. I am a happier person when I am active. I want to lose 20-25 pounds before my wedding in July! (Or better yet, by May for my dress fitting).

    Looking for a mentor to help motivate me and keep me on track!

    I am a:
    30 yo female
    Starting weight: 165
    Goal weight: 143
  • MzDequndria
    I am looking for a mentor to help guide me on this long journey of weight loss. I can so use the help in the support
  • Jordan
    Jordan Posts: 307 MFP Moderator
    List has been updated! Thanks again to all of our amazing volunteers!
  • natdonin74
    Hi, I'm new to MFP and would like to be adopted but some experienced guru.. A bit about me - I'm 40 y.o. female who's into CrossFit and healthy eating. I cook at home from scratch, I know a bit about nutrition - what's good what's bad.. but nevertheless I still struggle with my weight : in 2010 I lost 30 lbs in three months with HCG and was 133 lbs, which was perfect but now - 5 years later - I got it all back.
    For the past 2.5 years I have been pretty active - I did KravMaga/boxing training for a year, and last year and a half - I did CrossFit 3-4 times a week.. but I'm still struggling with my weight and I can't explain why.. I think partially because I overeat or maybe I'm starving and my body is holding on to what it can to sustain the damage after XFit session.. I've no idea - hence I joined MFP.. Please help me if you know how?
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