
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 10,007 Member
    sorry for the double post
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,090 Member
    I forgive u
  • Lestan48
    Lestan48 Posts: 489 Member
    Friday and had Dr Oz savoury egg muffins for breakfast and black coffee = 210 calories. Having his Caprese eggs tomorrow breakfast. I am learning a lot from him and it does make sense. You have to block some things and I do NOT watch his programm but his weight loss is sensible with great meals. Have pritned stuff about thyroid for joutrnal. You have to remember that he is PUSHED for his TV programm
    Training today was 2 mile walk and Jeannettes Circuit B (back, Bis, thighs) = 484, food = 1774.
    Off to see doctor for fasting bloods and Brian for official weigh in
    Lesley in Tasmanai
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Hello everyone!

    Busy day today, so, I just have a question for anyone with insight.

    When did you know it was time to get rid of the FAT wardrobe? I have dropped a couple of sizes and I don't want to jinx myself.

    Mary from Minnesota
  • valstumpf
    valstumpf Posts: 7 Member
    Hello, I am new to this group (just found it). Not sure if I can continue to find it as I have only used this site to track... and so find it hard to "navigate" around.
    I live in the Niagara Peninsula region, am retired (over 60), a mother (he is launched), divorced, and am sorry my bike is put away for the winter months. Walking now for exercise, although I will restart curling next week, join a yoga group and go swimming once per week.
    I have been somewhat successful since mid-June in slowly losing pounds and inches (with the tracking), but fell off the programme the month of December and gained back 4 pounds. Got back on the wagon 2 days ago as I got serious again! My target is early April to complete the loss and then start maintenance. I am looking for support and also ideas that have worked for others who are on this journey to better health.

    January goals:
    1) "Move" 6 days a week for 60 minutes (or more) at a time.
    2) Start a Gratitude Jar: write one thing I am grateful for every day on a piece of paper and place in the Jar. To be read at the end of 2015.
    3) Try one new vegan or vegetarian recipe a week.
    4) Be present: focus on each day, don't regret the past.
    5) Do something totally new (to me) once per week.
    6) Act the way I want to feel (happy) every day.

    I have read this saying in the past and will keep it in mind every day:
    The reason most people fail instead of succeed is that they trade what they want the MOST for what they want at the MOMENT.


  • valstumpf
    valstumpf Posts: 7 Member
    I like the idea of the "gratitude" jar
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,090 Member
    Hello everyone!

    Busy day today, so, I just have a question for anyone with insight.

    When did you know it was time to get rid of the FAT wardrobe? I have dropped a couple of sizes and I don't want to jinx myself.

    Mary from Minnesota

    I kept my stuff til I was at my current weight for 1 year.
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Got in a few hours ago from Melody`s service.It was a real nice service.Her 6 kids gave speeches about her.I`m drained and ready for bed.
    Thanks for all the love and support during this difficult time.
    hugs jane
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Well, darn! The basketball game was LAST night! But hubby managed to get me free tickets to the next home game on Jan 29th. That'll save me $28 dollars (yippee!). It turns out our team lost last night anyway. Luckily I hadn't told the kids, so they weren't disappointed.

    Tonight I cobbled together supper out of leftovers, and I sliced sourdough bread (a huge splurge for me) and put baked chicken breast slices on it, and Swiss cheese and grilled it like a grilled cheese sandwich. It was fantastic! Neither of us felt like going out to dinner and our groceries are in short supply at the moment.

    So, I'm off to do some laundry. Goodnight everyone!


  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,478 Member
    Did an hour of Jari Love's Revved to the Max DVD. Tomorrow's plan is to take our aluminum to the Humane Society and then take the deep water class.

    Lesley - I'm not familiar with the Omron or Scaleman scales. Are they the kind you stand on or hold in your hand? I've only ever used caliphers.

    - I wish I could help Syliva, too. What a wonderful thing she's doing!

    Took the ornaments off the Christmas tree yesterday and Vince was working on taking off the popcorn. Loki didn't want him to finish.....lol Today is my day to volunteer at the Green Room, but first I'll stop at the food pantry to take donations from the Newcomer general meeting we had yesterday and some of the things from me.

    - I've always heard that cranberry juice is good for preventing a UTI. Fortunately, I think I've only had one ever. Hope you find out what is causing the pain. You know something? I haven't felt like cooking lately, either -- which is strange for me, too

    - what color did you paint? (((HUGS))) Is there anyone else who can clean out the garage?

    Woke up to frost on the ground this morning. OK, Mother Nature, we can go back to summer now. No, I take that back, we can go back to summer AFTER the end of Feb (when we go to FL)

    - thanks for the update about Ashley. Keeping her in my thoughts

    - good luck tomorrow. Sending lots of good thoughts. Too true joke:(

    - so sorry about your friend. That's so nice of you to be there for the family!

    - I'm a constant craver with a bit of emotional eater and feaster (not much)

    - I don't find Dr. Oz to be very informative, either. To me, he is somewhat of a salesperson, pushing the "newest and greatest". Howevever, OCCASIONALLY he does have someone good on. Like the other day there was this guy (I can't recall his name) who was telling you about tricks the supermarkets use. I never knew they used colored lights. Someone else was on saying about how bad it is when the vegetables are "misted". That's about IT. "Jesus saves"....groan

    Earlier today I made an angelfood pineapple cake. I usually use Duncan Hines angel food cake mix, but this was a different brand and I wanted to see how it turned out. Looks just like DH. I also made Vince a chocolate cake. shhhh.....don't tell him but I'm trying replacing all the oil with avocado. It's in the oven right now so we shall see how it comes out of the pan. Update: it came out of the pan fine. Now to see if Vince can tell that there's avocado in it

    - welcome. Sounds like you are really committed right now. Come in often and we'll help to keep you motivated.

    Robin - glad you're feeling better now. I know you'll have a wonderful time at the party.

    - that was so nice of you to take your friend out, but I'm so sorry you won't be able to volunteer.

    - I got rid of my fat wardrobe as soon as I could. I admit, I did keep two outfits "just in case", but I kept them in another room where I didn't have to see them unless I wanted to

    Michele in NC
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,090 Member
    stats for the day:
    ride hm 2 gym- 16.08min, 11amph, 3mi
    eliptical- 30min, 138stpmin, 10-3/10-10, 2.44mi
    jump- fast-single- 6min
    ride gym 2 dome- 7.22min, 11.5amph 1.4mi
    ride dome 2 hm- 20.51min, 7.8amph, 2.7mi
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,149 Member
    smiley-cool05.gif This has been another fun day with a lot of dog walking and a great line dance class. Jake and I watched some TV together while I knitted and rode the exercise bike. I'm at a standstill with the income tax until the accountant can answer my latest set of questions. Jake says that gives me a chance to relax. We are planning a couple of spring trips so we had time to talk about some of our ideas and look up some things on the computer.

    smiley-happy020.gif Beth, your 15 minutes a day plan is like something I learned from "The Happiness Project" called "Suffer for 15 minutes a day"....it's for accomplishing projects that you know will make you happy to finish, but you dread doing. I used that last year for the income tax and have started it again this year.

    smiley-happy020.gifpatceoh, I avoid going to restaurants as much as possible and usually ask my friends to go for a walk instead of a meal.

    smiley-happy020.gifLinC. I weigh both morning and evening on the same scale wearing the same clothes. Evening is always higher.....also never compare weights on different scales.

    smiley-happy020.gif Mary, I kept clothing one size bigger than what actually fit me and kept it in the back of the closet not next to the stuff that I am actually wearing.

    1056287i3zmwzup2m.gif20,000 steps today-- two hours of dog walking, line dance class, exercise bike,

    253149qtzkf0ld22.gifBarbie from NW Washington smiley-happy020.gif smiley-happy093.gif

    My quote for 2015 (and the last five years)---The reason most people fail instead of succeed is that they trade what they want the MOST for what they want at the MOMENT.

    My word for 2015 is "now"---I won't wallow in the past or waste time worrying about the future

    January Resolutions (with middle of the month comments)
    *walk 18,500 steps a day (every day)
    *strength training twice a week smiley-sport017.gif (once a week)
    *review our will and documents of personal information (haven't started)
    *don't expect praise or recognition (always a great reminder)
    *learn and teach two new dances253149qtzkf0ld22.gif (one dance so far)

  • Poerava14
    Poerava14 Posts: 1,084 Member
    Whew! Just caught up with 5 pages of posts. It’s been an up and down week. Good news = The scales show a drop of 2 pounds. Bad news = I’ve had an intestinal bug. :( Good news = I had a birthday yesterday. Bad news = Slept straight through it. Good news = Mammogram came back clear. Bad news = Bone density shows the start of osteopenia in my spine (maybe they can fix it with photoshop…Sylvia that cartoon was hilarious). Good news = I’ve started listening to a new audiobook titled “Mindfulness is Better Than Chocolate”. Bad news = I’m so NOT at that level yet. >:) I think I’m in a winter funk, so I revisited my photos from my November trip to Panama. Now my profile picture is a moment captured on a deserted island off of Boca Chica, where I enjoyed a full day of world class snorkeling. As much as I love the mountains, I’m still an ocean girl at heart. B)

    Viv: How I feel for you. :'( My husband’s tools are the equivalent to my jewelry. Has his energy all over it. Like others have said, I hope you can find someone to help you with the task before you.

    Heather: I hope your pain subsides naturally. Besides sitting at the computer, might the immersion into ‘weird’ content also be hitting you at your core? Thought of you today when I made the stuffed mushrooms off SkinnyTaste. I will look up that Great British Bakeoff and enjoy vicariously. :D

    Beth: Keeping Ashley in my prayers.

    Jannie: Sending good thoughts, and lighting a candle for your DD!

    Linda: Sorry about your friend. So glad you have resolved to be healtier.

    Katla: Funny you should mention mall walking. I met MFP friend Jane Hadji last Saturday and we did mall laps for an hour. I rarely exercise with anyone, so for both of us the time went much faster.

    Robin: A mani-pedi party!!! In Vegas!!! What fun. (*)

    Pipcd: Like you, I also exercise even when feeling ill. Even if all I do is stretch, I think it’s better than sliding from my healthy routine. :)

    Tomorrow is DH and my anniversary # 27… goodness, where did the time go? <3

    Stay well. We can do this.
    Colorado Foothills
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    edited January 2015
    Mary, I kept one pair of my fattest pants, for a historical record. Ok, it was to take pictures of when I've lost a ton of weight. And I kept a few sentimental things, like the suit I wore when we got married and the outfit I wore on our first date, but I never intend to wear them again. I took huge tubs of clothes to donate and have more left to go too. My biggest was a size 30 pants and I didn't throw anything out till I was a 16. Not because I thought I'd need them but because I'm lazy.

    Happy anniversary Rori! And happy birthday!

  • drkatiebug
    drkatiebug Posts: 1,971 Member
    bwcetc wrote: »
    Oh Viv ... such a difficult time for you. Hugs. As for decluttering ... I decided to join a 365 day decluttering mission from Home Solutions 101. The host of the blog chews that elephant one bite at a time ... a 15 minute mission everyday. Very simplistic, but very effective. She started with the kitchen here in January and even my very unobservant husband noticed that everything was looking great ... enough that he is helping keep it that way!

    Report on Ashley this morning is that she will be having surgery to reconnect her bowel. If that goes well, then they will try and repair her two destroyed wrists and then both of her elbows?? She has some blood on the brain but ... good news ... she is wiggling her toes this morning! I see an incredibly long road ahead for this young woman.

    Heather ... hope you find an answer soon for your pain!

    Alison ... you just keep doing what you need to do!


    I'm doing the same challenge! It is fun so far.
  • Lestan48
    Lestan48 Posts: 489 Member
    Michele "Lesley - I'm not familiar with the Omron or Scaleman scales. Are they the kind you stand on or hold in your hand? I've only ever used caliphers."
    -They are the ones you stand on. The Omron has handles too but Scaleman just stand on
    Been to Doctor and Brian
    HDL 1.4 mmol/L (normal <1 mmol/L )- I am on Lipidil and doctor happy
    Blood sugar 5.4 mmol/L (normal < 5.5 mmol/L) doctor happy
    She said to eat more chicken, vegetarian dishes and cut down the sugar (I have been trying) See her when I need a new script. She is little and feisty
    Brian result changes from Christmas Eve:
    Body fat down from 52.4% to 41.4%
    Muscle UP from 21.2% to 27.1%
    Visceral fat down from 16 to 12
    Very impressed and see him again in 2 weeks
    Lesley in Tasmania
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Heather: I’m so sorry your computer didn’t save correctly. Retyping is not fun. I think it is amazing that you love to travel the world but are anxious in the car on the motorway. On the other hand, I’m anxious in the car whenever we’re in nasty Seattle traffic, so I do understand your point of view.

    Mares0208: Welcome.

    Terri in Milwaukee: You have my understanding and sympathy.

    Alison: I love Vanilla Sleepytime Tea and bought some at the Celestial Seasonings factory store when I visited DD at Christmas. She thought I should buy a whole bunch of boxes, but I only bought two. I won’t use it fast enough for it to stay fresh if I get too many boxes at once.

    Kim: I’m so sorry that you haven’t had any drought relief. That is not what I hoped to hear. We’ve had unusually warm weather so far this year, but normal amounts of precipitation according to NOAA. The eastern side of the Cascade Mountain range is below average, especially the NE corner of Oregon, all of Eastern Washington & NW Idaho. Those same maps show some drought relief in parts of CA, but I see they’re far south of you.

    Lesley in Tasmania: I’m glad you’re able to find the good in Dr. Oz materials amongst the other stuff.

    Mary from Minnesota: I bought two pair of new jeans when the old pants got really baggy and kept wearing my old tops for a long time. Then I dropped sizes a couple more times. I started with too tight 18s and am now in comfortable 8s. I don’t have a large wardrobe and ended up going down only two sizes in tops, from 1X to L because I’m tall and have long arms. Size 8 tops don’t work for me, nor do mediums. I don’t know how much you need to lose, but there are strategies to avoid bankrupting yourself on the way down. Some people with costly business wardrobes have had things taken in. Some people shop at thrift stores. I bought just enough to get by, & learned my lesson about tops along the way. The too short long-sleeved ones have been sent to the thrift store. I kept one set of clothes that were one size too big to serve as back ups as I went down each size.

    Jane: My thoughts have been with you. I’m glad the service was nice.

    Rori: Happy Birthday and Happy 27th Anniversary!!!!! Sorry to hear you’ve had an intestinal bug. It is great that you met Jane Hadji and had a lovely long walk with her. I haven’t noticed her post for quite a while. I hope things are going well in her life.

    I’ve been a bit sore today after yesterday’s inaugural gym day. I plan to go in again tomorrow morning for core and yoga, and a bit of machine work in between. I will be wearing WARM clothing for yoga. The class is in a frigid basketball court at the lowest level of the building. If you had two hundred people in there doing Zumba, they might be warm enough.

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon

    “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” Thomas A. Edison

    January Goals:
    1. Log every bite and swallow.
    2. Cardio exercise at least 3 days a week.
    3. Have fun every day.
    4. Drink at least three glasses of water daily, preferably more!
    5. Eliminate alcohol.
    6. Monitor sleep.

  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Thanks for the response to my question.

    Pipcd34 - Keeping my clothes for a year sounds like a good idea. Especially since my main problem is that I tend to have a hard time not regaining weight. This time I'm trying to make a lifestyle change so I hope it's permanent.

    Michele - I have a couple of outfits that I wish would shrink right along with me. Keeping them wouldn't hurt just in case...

    Sylvia - What a good idea! I'm going to keep my largest size to be able to put on and feel happy at my accomplishment. I'm going to go through my clothes and set aside an outfit for that!

    Love this site
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Haven't posted in a couple of days, sorry. Just in a funk. haven't talked to my oldest daughter since they left after Christmas and I think that has put me in a funk. I messaged her and she is going to call tomorrow!

    Viv, what you are going through is still very natural. It would be wonderful if you and some one who knew him well could go out and organize the garage, put some of your favorite music on and celebrate his life. Talk and laugh about some of the funny and wonderful times you had together. I truly believe that every emotion is a gift from God as long as we use them the right way.

    Speaking of organizing, our Christmas tree is still up, decorations still up around the house. I guess since I hardly ever go to the family room and see them I don't think about them. And when we do take them down and put them all in the crates I really need to weed things out that I don't need. We have one crate in our storage room that has nothing in it but plastic bags. Just stuff like that needs to be thrown away. As Charlie gets older he has less confidence in doing things around the house. We live in a split level home so the foyer is quite high. Not as high as some of these houses but for us it is high. We have a ceiling fan with lights in it up and 2 of the bulbs went out. So he got out the ladder from the garage, he has never liked standing on ladders. So I stood on it. I have shrunk 2 1/2 inches so I couldn't reach the light and he was to scared to. So he was going to hire a handyman to change the lights in this thing!. So I googled light bulb changer extension and Lowes and Home Depot had the same thing, same price. When he saw it he said it looked to complicated and we couldn't do it. Finally convinced him to do it and he was amazed at how easy it was. I know I could have done it but I also knew he needed the boost of confidence.

    I guess us having our water emergency on a Sunday and me not going to church was a good thing. That's when the flu hit out church. And it hit the choir bad. The choir has many couples. Joyce, what are you saying. There are only 19 people in it. Well the couples who have it just continue to pass it back ad forth because the one who has it doesn't give their body time to heal because they are taking care of their spouse.

    I think of you women all the time. So just because I don't write or respond to each of you doesn't mean I am not thinking of each one.

    Joyce, Indiana
  • wizzywig
    wizzywig Posts: 1,246 Member
    Checking in before setting off to work.

    <3<3 Thanks for all you kind thoughts and wishes, it really helps having you all to talk to.

    As for decluttering, good advice on doing it in bite size chunks. I must admit to feeling overwhelmed as there is so much to do. Bite size chunks sound much better.

    Hopefully I'll have more time to chat over the weekend. but for now I'd better get a move on. I have a "year end" meeting with my manager next week, I think I'll broach the subject of reducing my days to 3 days a week. In the meantime I'll continue to use my holiday leave to work 3 days.

    Have a good Friday

    Viv (in dark and cold York UK)