

  • nccarolb
    nccarolb Posts: 858 Member
    Good Friday to you all! I was supposed to have a friend with a pickup truck help me get the rest of the stuff out of the house today, but his schedule got messed up. My daughter and I are going to see what we can do to get it done on our own. He offered tomorrow, but I really wanted to putter around putting things away tomorrow and have some general downtime. We'll see what happens.

    I got rid of my fat clothes pretty soon after I couldn't wear them any longer. Granted, my daughter has most of them... I shopped mostly at thrift stores, belted my tops, and had just enough clothes to get me through a week during the process.

    I'm in a bit of a funk today so I am going to finish up at work and get out into the sunshine a bit to see if that will help. Have a great day!

    Carol in (finally!) sunny NC
  • DamitJanit
    DamitJanit Posts: 1,329 Member
    Call me crazy but I love to see other people happy and succeeding.

    Hello to all you inspiring ladies. I was feeling pretty bad yesterday and didn't exercise at all, for the 3rd day in a row. I did manage to make a pot of chilie and ended up having 3 small bowls before it was all said and done. That being said, I was thrilled to see the scale down another 1 1/2 pounds this morning. And that was after sleeping for almost 10 hours. I haven't done that in I can't remember when. So back to exercising today.

    *Rori, happy anniversary and happy birthday. What a week to celebrate!

    *Lesley, how wonderful that your numbers are telling you that you are doing things right. Doesn't it feel great???? Congrats!!

    *Katia, how wonderful to wear a size 8! I can't imagine and it's okay if I never get to that. But a 10 would be a dream for me. So far, just glad to no longer wear a 2X and be out of the women's department. :)

    *Marywetterlund, I have a couple of times that I have actually considered washing in hot water and drying, just to see if they would shrink. I'm sure it would ruin them so haven't acted on my wonderful ideas, but did giggle when I read your post. Isn't it fun to have clothes that are too big!!! Congrats.

    *Joyce, it's great that Charlie was able to change the lights and everything turned out well. It's hard to find things that we can't or shouldn't do as we get older. We could use a handyman for a number of projects but it's hard to find someone around here.

    *Heather, so glad the pain is better. Congrats on that pesky pound. It's interesting how one can just hang on for dear life. I agree that too much weight loss at a mature age, just doesn't look good. That is why my goal is more of how I look and feel, than a certain weight. I figure I'll know it when I get there.

    *dstirratt, I think feeling thinner and having energy is better than seeing the scale go down. Of course it would be nice to have both, but at this point I take what I can get. :)

    Greetings to all the newbies that I missed. We're happy to have you with us.
    My wishes are with all of you to have all your wants and needs come to you.

    My word for the of the month is savor. I have to slow down and savor every bite.

    Janet in Myrtle Beach, SC
  • drkatiebug
    drkatiebug Posts: 1,945 Member
    Quick check in.

    Beth, thanks for the update on Ashley. It sounds like a long recovery but recovery none the less. Prayers for her, her friends, and her family.

    I'm off for a leadership workshop so will have to eat what is offered. Hopefully I can make good choices and go easy/omit dessert. The good thing is there will be no opportunities gor snacking! Breakfast will be easy enough. Dinner probably will be, too. It's that box lunch that does me in. I don't know why I think I have to eat the chips and cookie, just because they're there.
  • kayak_kutie
    kayak_kutie Posts: 381 Member
    Hello ladies,

    Just back from a "walking tour" of North Island, New Zealand and it is beautiful! Well...I didn't actually go to New Zealand but just discovered that some of the treadmills in the gym at work have several programs of different countries and it show you walking/running on the various trails and through the parks and villages. I picked New Zealand today and walked through forest, to the tops of mountain ranges, and along several beaches. It tells you facts of the area and what you're seeing as you pass by. What a great way to spend 30 minutes. Only wish there was a way to pick up where you left off next time. Not sure how long each one is. There is one of Germany that takes you through Bavaria, Munich and other cities and towns. It puts you right in the middle of the action so you'll pass people and walk among the people in the towns. The 30 minutes just flew by. Wonder if you could purchase them on a DVD to use at home...something to look into.

    I also rode a recumbent bike for 30 miles and covered a little over 10 miles. According to the machine, I only burned 133 calories. :confused: I thought for sure it should have been more. I had it on level 2 and choose the 'fat burning' program. Kept my heart rate in the zone or a little above the whole time. Oh well, felt good to get some exercise.

    Started having some issues with my eyes. I have what Drs. are referring to as 'Computer Vision Syndrome'. After looking at the computer or my phone for awhile, my vision gets blurry. It will last a little while even after I stop looking at it. Not a good thing when my job requires me to sit and use a computer for 8 hours a day. Everything I do requires it done on the computer except for meetings. Good thing retirement is getting close. I will enjoy being able to walk around and do other things for the majority of the day.

    Not much time to respond right now as I'm at work and need to go grab my lunch. I will be eating it at my desk while working.

    Tina in MD

  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Good afternoon everyone. I just got back from visiting our insurance agent with hubby. We are trying to save some money on insurance, since our homeowners rate went up about 20% again this year. We shopped around to different agents around town and got some quotes but it's really hard to compare. What a nightmare! We have a home policy, a lake house policy, a studio policy, two cars and an umbrella and everybody had different rates and amounts of coverage. And we are in an area without fire protection. We showed it all to our agent (who we've had for about 20 years) and he showed us where they were each a little different. In the end, we are staying with him but removing the full coverage from our 10 year old/200,000 mile cars, increasing the deductible, eliminating and a couple of small things that were redundant, and we will save about $1200 a year. I guess it's good but somehow I don't feel as well insured as I did when we walked in.

    Last night when we walked the dogs I jogged about 1/3 of the way. It felt really good, and Spot loved it. I can't wait for spring, so I can do more of it.

    Today I wore my new fleece leggings and to be honest, I don't feel any warmer. They aren't all that comfortable either. The lower legs feel like those chinese handcuffs, where you stick a finger in each end and they tighten up, but the waist is really high in the front and low in the back. I thought maybe I had them on backwards, but I checked. And the crotch seems to be drifting south. Good thing I have jeans on to keep them up. It reminds me of one time years ago when I wore support hose in a skirt and they crawled down to my knees before I could free my hands and try to haul them back up.

    Well, gotta go get busy. I hope you are all having a great day.


  • DamitJanit
    DamitJanit Posts: 1,329 Member
    Sylvia, I'm sitting here, literally LOL. Thanks for the funny visual images. A $1200 savings on insurance sounds great and the truth is, that may be more than you would have received if you had totaled one of the cars.
    I just finished doing 500 reps on my Cardio-glider, after 3 days of missing it. It actually feels great to exercise, which I wouldn't have said even 2 months ago.
    Have a wonderful day, all and be good to yourselves.

    Janet in Myrtle Beach, SC.
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Happy fri,back to business.
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    Hi all,
    Not much to say but I want to keep up. I am going to a hockey game tonight. I am not a huge fan but it is in the company Box and a bunch of people from my group got tickets for tonight so it could be fun. I will give it a try.

    I got home too late to walk Bodi yesterday so I have to hurry home after work to walk him before I head out for the game.

    I hope you all have a great weekend.

    Robin, Bodii and Ritter.
    drizzly PNW
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Today I wore my new fleece leggings and to be honest, I don't feel any warmer. They aren't all that comfortable either. The lower legs feel like those chinese handcuffs, where you stick a finger in each end and they tighten up, but the waist is really high in the front and low in the back. I thought maybe I had them on backwards, but I checked. And the crotch seems to be drifting south. Good thing I have jeans on to keep them up. It reminds me of one time years ago when I wore support hose in a skirt and they crawled down to my knees before I could free my hands and try to haul them back up.

    Well, gotta go get busy. I hope you are all having a great day.


    Sylvia: I wore fleece leggings to the fitness center today for use in that cold gymnasium & they were helpful. They are hot pink with maroon, orange, and blue designs in a busy horizontal stripe. Yikes! I was sure noticeable but at least I was warm enough in that frigid gym. Who would have ever imagined I'd wear a loud horizontal stripe around my rear end? Certainly not me. I can just hear my mother's comments. :noway: I will wear them again because I don't care if I look a little foolish if it helps me stay warm enough to get the exercise I need to be healthier.

    Katla in foggy NW Oregon
  • reneewill
    reneewill Posts: 62 Member
    Could I join your group? I just turned 50. :) I need to lose about 60 pounds. But I can do it!!! I just need support.
  • DamitJanit
    DamitJanit Posts: 1,329 Member
    Renee, we are happy to have you. You don't even have to do anything to join other than just show up. Feel free to tell us more about yourself so we can get to know you better. Also, it's helpful if you put your name on each post. You will find this a very supportive place to be. Best of luck with your journey.
    My word for the of the month is savor. I have to slow down and savor every bite.

    Janet in Myrtle Beach, SC
  • terri_mom
    terri_mom Posts: 748 Member
    Happy Friday !

    Today is the first day that I can truly say I am feeling better. Still coughing as much, but my head is clearing a bit. DH is much worse. He came back to the Doc today, and was given an anti-biotic for a secondary sinus infection. Doc also told me the warning signs of viral meningitis, because he fears that could be in the works with him. I will watch for the signs as much as possible. But DS has a big weekend of bowling again.

    That's actually the good news in our house. DS has been REALLY slipping with his schoolwork, so his bowling priviledges have been revoked until tomorrow (he finally turned in all of his missing assignments, and did well on his Final Exams). So, let's see what he can do after a 2 week hiatus !?!?!

    I agree with everyone about staying warm. Even a few years ago, I would have avoided certain clothing because I didn't think it looked good. Now, although I try to look nice despite my size, I would prefer to be comfortable as well. It makes me crazy to watch DD or other "full figured" people who wear their clothes too tight, and keep tugging on it. (One time I even saw a husband tug down the back of his wife's shirt because of the "whaletail"). Bright striped leggings sounds amazingly fun, and I'm sure you lit up every room you entered. B) I even have 4 different styles of tiara's (like the one in my picture), that I wear to different event (makes DS crazy, but I make plenty of friends that way).

    I did eat 1 piece of "going away" cake today. My favorite co-worker has decided to further her career, so today was her last day. We are ALL very sad, as she is an amazing woman. But, I stuck to the rest of the plan today, and feel like that was an acceptable concession. Now, I need to also still to my plans for the rest of the weekend spent in bowling alleys. I will travel with plenty of fruits and vegetables.

    Time to close the week and head home.

    Hugs for Everyone ! ! !

    Terri in Milwaukee
  • tngram2seven
    tngram2seven Posts: 465 Member
    Hello friends,

    I had a busy day yesterday. Stretch Yoga class, then water class, and did job training from 11:30-4:30 and all at my favorite Y. It's been a long while since my day was so packed and I slept in today.

    My best friend and I met for lunch. It was good to get to visit - just the two of us.

    Jane and Viv you are in my prayers about your recent losses.

    Katla - loved the "Jesus Saves" joke.

    Michele - avocado in the cake - hmm. I have used applesauce instead of oil. There is a darling children's book called "Thunder Cake" about a little farm girl afraid of a coming storm. Her grandmother keeps her busy gathering ingredients for a "thunder cake". The little girl forgets her fears and discovers she can be brave. (very wise grandma). The cake is a chocolate cake and the "secret ingredient" is pureed tomatoes. I would always make the cake for my students when we studied this story. It is yummy and moist.

    Rori - Happy B-day!
    Barbie and Rori - Happy anniversary.

    Lesley - Congrats on the good reports and all of your progress.

    Heather - a hawk on the bird feeder. So special.

    Linda and Beth - praying for your friends

    Tina - how fun to "travel" while you exercise. That sounds like so much fun!

    Well - my hubby just called and will be home for dinner after all. ARGGG! I've already eaten my calories for the day. Well - guess it is time to find something to fix him.

    Grateful-Strong-Faithful and looking for opportunity in every moment
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,756 Member
    A quick hidee ho and off to bed, fighting a head cold, my DSIL brought me Won Ton soup for lunch what a good girl so I had a cup of that.. but now much for eating much.. have to be in good shape to go feed the DFIL , well ta ta for now <3
  • janehadji
    janehadji Posts: 206 Member
    I'm just checking in -- I've been gone for so long that the thread was no longer listed and I had to do a search for it! I'm fat yet again (or still, depending on how you look at it), but definitely up about 10 lbs. I'm feeling my way and looking for the motivation to get started again. I hope you're all doing well, feeling healthier and slimmer than when I last was here.

    Jane in Colorado
  • Lestan48
    Lestan48 Posts: 489 Member
    edited January 2015
    Saturday and woke to RAIN so did 46 minutes on Wii Gold's boxing. Will add that in on Wednesdays and Saturdays now for cardio. 3.3 mile walk Monday and Thursday and 2 mile walk Tuesday and Fridays, as Brian suggests.
    Can start adding Bob Harper DVDs for weights this next week, have most of them.
    Brian said my body will soon get used to eating around 1700 cals per day and 1200 cals after training. He said when my body starts burning fat it will keep doing it.
    I was astonished at the loss of visceral fat as that is hardest to shift.
    Training today: Wii Gold's boxing, Bob's Pure burn super strength DVD = 678 cals
    Food logged = 1617
    I need to get my fibre above 21 every day
    Lesley in Tasmania
    Weight today is down: 96.7 Kg or 212.74 lbs. Ticker not showing changes as yet
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,962 Member
    edited January 2015
    smiley-cool05.gif I wear long underwear (tops and bottoms), the kind that people wear to go skiing or hiking in the woods. I bought the bottoms at Big Five sporting goods and the tops at Costco. I wear a turtleneck and jeans and a sweatshirt and sometimes a fleece jacket on top around the house along with wool socks. To go outside I add a winter coat with a liner, wool hat, wool scarf, and gloves. My friends used to tease me about how warmly dressed I was all the time but finally they got used to it.

    smiley-computer004.gifI have been inspired by Lesley and will be spending even less time at the computer so I have more time to be active. That should increase my time on the exercise bike or doing strength training and burn a few more calories.

    smiley-sleep012.gifJake is going to an early meeting in Seattle (about two hours away) so we'll be going to bed extra early so he can get a good night's sleep before getting up at 4 AM. I'll have the day at home with the pets. smiley-happy110.gif

    1056287i3zmwzup2m.gif20,000 steps today-- two hours of dog walking, taught the line dance class, rode the exercise bike for an hour

    253149qtzkf0ld22.gifBarbie from NW Washington smiley-happy020.gif smiley-happy093.gif

    My quote for 2015 (and the last five years)---The reason most people fail instead of succeed is that they trade what they want the MOST for what they want at the MOMENT.

    My word for 2015 is "now"---I won't wallow in the past or waste time worrying about the future

  • megblair1
    megblair1 Posts: 1,218 Member
    Hi ladies. I thought I was here yesterday, but I guess not! What a pretty day we had here. Bright and sunny.

    So, the MRI showed a torn meniscus and "advanced" arthritis in my knee....WHAT? Before this, my knee had never bothered me, which the PA kind of didn't believe. So since today my knee felt totally normal and I was walking around doing well I asked if I should have surgery when I have no symptoms.

    She thought that was a bit odd too, but said a flap of cartilage might be flipping in and out of my joint. So she said to go home and do my usual activities but did give me a PT referral for strengthening. After a 10 minute dog walk, I think I probably should go ahead with the surgery. GAAAAAAA

    Then I had an appointment elsewhere and my bp was 180/78!!!! WHAT????? It has never been over the 120s. The nurse took it a second time and it was still 160. Later 140. I'll have to get it checked in a couple of days.

    I'm pretty devastated but trying to chalk it up to the MRI report LOL. Crap this is all I need!

    OK, rant over. I have a nice weekend to look forward to. sorry this is short and I'm not responding to all. I'll be thinking of all of you. Take care, Meg from sunny Omaha
  • trisH_7183
    trisH_7183 Posts: 1,486 Member
    Hello. Found an interesting article you all might like.
    Heather, I took the test you mentioned....guess what? I didn't match any of the divisions. So odd,but do agree. Or maybe I'm one of a kind?
    Sounds like so much flu going around,thinking it's better to stay home. Won't work for me,as it's time for grocery shopping.Getting too low on diff food we like to keep.

    Tomorrow will be near 50* ,so a good day to get errands taken care of.Just ate last of veggie soup.Ham & bean is next.so handy to just pop a bowl of soup in micro for lunch.

    Congrats to the losers & prayers for those who need them.have a great wk end. Pat

  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,644 Member
    Marywetterlund – I donated each item as it got to the point of me not wearing it anymore…I looked at it as building good Karma in giving it to someone who was needing that item.

    Rori – happy birthday and anniversary!!!

    Joyce – so glad you got the light bulb changer and did it…. That is a good confidence builder.

    Beth – thank goodness that she was found!!! So scary, speed alcohol and vehicles, not a good combo.

    Heather – Wow, I was out walking today and saw a western bluebird – something all the bird books say is in our area but I have never seen… the whole bird is about the color of the sea in your profile pic.

    Mary from minn. – I looked up the Colorado bulldog recipe (didn’t know that one) and it sounds good!!! Could you lighten it up a bit with half and half and diet coke… it would still be high, but ….

    Carol – sun should help!

    Tina – I had very tired eyes when my job required the computer all day, and I learned to every 20 minutes or so to look up and focus on something far away then look to the right then to the left… and that seemed to help.

    Sylvia – like janet I was smiling at your description of the tights…. I tried a pair too and was not impressed, I don’t think I was any warmer. As for the $1200 – if you don’t want that, let me give you my address! I would be happy to send a thank you card. LOLOLOLO

    Renee – welcome!

    Terri – glad you are feeling better – take care of DH – and you probably know this but you don’t want to be passing stuff around, and you can wash toothbrushes in the top of your dishwasher and towels/clothes/sponges made a bit damp can be microwaved for 45 sec. and that will kill most of the creeping crud.

    Meg – take care I bet the BP was due to stress; just mellow out and have it taken again..then see. I think the knee should be taken care of if it is bothering you, but pt before will make it stronger for pt after. I had to have a torn meniscus and and ACL tear repaired about 20 years ago, and the recovery took about 6 months, but I was in crappy shape when I started.

    Pat – that is interesting! I naturally eat in about a 12 hour window… but will really pay attention, as sometimes my day is starting darn early and ending darn late…. Hmmm

    So I have finished christmas celebrating, and most of the decorations are down... just outside lights to do.

    I had a great score/NSV today; I got for christmas a really ugly sleep shirt... it had a pattern of gardening tools in bright orange and lime green on a cream background and was a 2xl.. At my heaviest I wore a 1xl.. (now wearing a xl) and the gal who got it for me said she got the small one since I had lost so much weight.. but she is clueless - means well but out to lunch.. so I smiled and thanked her - it had Nordstrom tags on it... so today off to Nordies I went.. returned it $52 back!! WOW!!!! gift card only- that's ok - so I wandered around and found a beautiful soft coral colored cashmere sweater, in a large, marked down to $52 tried it on and it fits!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It is just a tiny bit snug and so it will still fit next year when I shed the next chunk. I just had to pay the tax... I love cashmere - I can't wear all wool- but rarely can afford anything so nice. I will feel like part of the 1% in my new sweater!!!!!

    Everything else going along... I have started doing some counseling, and one of the issues is while I have a big network, my "friends" seem to have a high proportion of people who want me to do for them or to carry more than my part of the relationship along.. so trying to branch out a bit, have been looking around on an online page called meetup.com not a dating site but a site to meet up in groups and do stuff... everything from walks to gourmet eating to exercise, religion, education, overseas travel.... so I have just been looking around at this point... we'll see where that takes me. Another trail in this journey...

    January goals:
    Walk every day
    Log all bites everyday
    Do a fun thing every week.

    Kim from N. California