Diamonds in the Rough 7 Week Challenge: Round 2 [Week 1]



  • jacks90
    jacks90 Posts: 14
    QUESTION OF THE DAY THURSDAY - My favorite weight loss tools would have to be MFP. It's really helped me with choosing the right foods to eat. I didn't even know how much calories were in certain things until now.
  • kalmark
    kalmark Posts: 10 Member
    What are your favourite weight loss tools?

    My Favorite weight loss tools my pedometer which i luv it i wear it all day and now the new HRM :happy:

    And ofcourse all my wonderful best tool is this website i m obessed with this website have to make sure i login 3-4 times a day to check all of you wonderful friends messages and log my cal n exercies.

    Sorry Guys entered details from my BF's Account
  • kkmark
    kkmark Posts: 559 Member
    The above post is from me kathy was logged into my BF's account haaaaaaa n was excited n just replied
  • starsnyc21
    starsnyc21 Posts: 436 Member

    What are your favourite weight loss tools?

    Hello Diamonds - So my favorite weight loss tool is no big surprise... I love MFP, I'm so grateful that my co-worker introduce me to this website. It has changed my life. Outside of MFP, I have to say my workout DVD's. I can't say enough good things about 30 Days Shred. I have been anti Jillian Michaels for a while. I always thought she was too abrasive and loud. But I realize that she is a very good trainer and she know what she's doing. Lovin it...
  • Nakisha81
    Nakisha81 Posts: 24

    What are your favourite weight loss tools?

    I would have to say MFP is my fav weight lost tool. You guys rock! Your supportive and encouraging. When I see ur progress stories and success stories I know that I can do it!

    How do you stay on track during the weekend?

    I have planned most of my meals and am determined to make healthy choices when out such as salad. I prefer to be quite strict during the week and relax at the weekends but still remember to avoid my triggers, in my case sugar and cheese.
  • starsnyc21
    starsnyc21 Posts: 436 Member

    How do you stay on track during the weekend?

    I have planned most of my meals and am determined to make healthy choices when out such as salad. I prefer to be quite strict during the week and relax at the weekends but still remember to avoid my triggers, in my case sugar and cheese.

    Another great question. I sit down Sunday night and write out my plan of attack for the week. I decide how many times I plan to workout and how often. I also decide what foods I'm going to limit or avoid for the week. My biggest thing on the weekend is working out. I have to workout first thing in the morning, than take a hour relax and think about my day. If I have plans like dinner I try to know prior to the weekend so I can plan for it. :wink:
  • dab52776
    dab52776 Posts: 536 Member

    How do you stay on track during the weekend?

    WHAT?!?! It's possible to stay on track during the weekend!?!?!?! Just kidding, but this is my BIGGEST struggle. So far, I haven't found anything that works for me, so I don't really have an answer to the question....but I am very anxious to hear what others have to say. I'm hoping that somebody has an idea that clicks with me!
  • cshine06
    cshine06 Posts: 139 Member

    How do you stay on track during the weekend?

    I have planned most of my meals and am determined to make healthy choices when out such as salad. I prefer to be quite strict during the week and relax at the weekends but still remember to avoid my triggers, in my case sugar and cheese.

    The weekend is a big challenge for me. I have scheduled my weigh in on Saturday so that I will not over eat on Friday to sabotage my results. On the weekends I always have a workout planned and recently started playing outdoors with my dear son.

    How do you stay on track during the weekend? It's really hard... But I have to remember how it feels to get on that scale and see the numbers go up....
  • jwill10
    jwill10 Posts: 30
    Wow! Great job ladies, I am truly inspired by your stories :) xoxoxoxo
    I'm not sure what to answer for this question today so I will have to come back to it.:happy:
    Oh and Friday's too. hmmm
  • tramik31
    tramik31 Posts: 17
    Thursday QOTD... My favorite work out tool is my DVD player, for my P90X discs... :-) Burn baby burn!
  • kaveril422
    kaveril422 Posts: 116 Member

    What are your favourite weight loss tools?

    My favorite tool is no doubt, My fitness pal. I have found so much love and support. This journey is so hard to do on your own, but now I have so many people who are there for me and are rooting for me to succeed. I love this and I love all of you!
  • kaveril422
    kaveril422 Posts: 116 Member

    How do you stay on track during the weekend?

    I just take the weekends like they are any other day. I go to the gym and continue to count my calories. One thing that I make sure of, is planning ahead, and when I can't completely plan ahead, I make sure I am paying attention to my intake. I don't put anything in my mouth without logging it or at least finding out what the calories are before I eat it. That way, I never go over. It's the only way I know how to be successful.
  • cburks08
    cburks08 Posts: 7
    Thurday QOTD: My favorite tool to use is the MFP app. Sometimes I'm out and don't have acces to a computer but I will always have access to my phone. :)

    Friday QOTD: What helps me stay on track is pulling up my MFP app in the morning and plan my meals early so that way I know how to stick to my meal plans.
  • Zoe9636
    Zoe9636 Posts: 56

    How do you stay on track during the weekend?

    The best thing that helps me stay on track at the weekend is having a Monday weigh in I know if I go mad at the weekend (too much salty food or alcohol etc) then I will for sure have at least extra water weight for my weigh in. So I always eat sensibly drink lots of water and exercise both days. And when I eat out at the weekends I will opt for salad or veg with lean meat so I stay on track.
  • miss_jamaica
    miss_jamaica Posts: 376 Member

    How do you stay on track during the weekend?

    WHAT?!?! It's possible to stay on track during the weekend!?!?!?! Just kidding, but this is my BIGGEST struggle. So far, I haven't found anything that works for me, so I don't really have an answer to the question....but I am very anxious to hear what others have to say. I'm hoping that somebody has an idea that clicks with me!

    I couldn't agree more. Weekends are always a struggle for me because I rely heavily on the routine that I have established during the week. What I am going to aim to do this weekend and for future weekends is to create a weekend routine that still works for me. In fact, I am going to say now that tomorrow I will create an agenda for the weekend and stick to it. Not only will this help me with my diet, but I think I will also benefit from better time management overall. I wish I had a dollar for every time I said, "What, the weekend is over already?" Lol!
  • morefitmom
    morefitmom Posts: 264 Member

    How do you stay on track during the weekend?

    I have planned most of my meals and am determined to make healthy choices when out such as salad. I prefer to be quite strict during the week and relax at the weekends but still remember to avoid my triggers, in my case sugar and cheese.

    Well, I can't really answer this one because the weekends are my cheat days most times. I don't go overboard (most times :blushing: ) but I do allow myself to endulge on weekends. It helps me to stick to this long term (a life style change) rather than a diet that I am sticking strickly to.
  • KPstartingover
    KPstartingover Posts: 268 Member

    How do you stay on track during the weekend?

    The best thing that helps me stay on track at the weekend is having a Monday weigh in I know if I go mad at the weekend (too much salty food or alcohol etc) then I will for sure have at least extra water weight for my weigh in. So I always eat sensibly drink lots of water and exercise both days. And when I eat out at the weekends I will opt for salad or veg with lean meat so I stay on track.

    I scheduled my weigh-in for Monday for much the same reason...

    I bump up the exercise on the weekend so I can eat more. This weekend, particularly, because we're going to a Mother's day brunch after church Sunday. I will just increase my calorie burn so I can increase my calorie intake :) Plus, just being cognizant of making good food choices is key. One other thing I do is to try and get out of the house - because if I stay in the house I tend to go searching for something to eat!
  • nkfowler74
    nkfowler74 Posts: 127 Member

    What are your favourite weight loss tools?

    My favorite tool is MFP (the website and the app for my Droid). I don't know how I'd track my calories without it! Plus, tracking my workouts and getting amazing support from all of my friends.
    My 2nd fave is my 3 lb hand weights. Been using them everyday with 30 Day Shred.
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