Lose 5lbs in January 2015 Open Group



  • Forest91
    Forest91 Posts: 1,203 Member
    SW: 192lbs
    CW: 191lbs
    GW: 180lbs

    Weigh in dates:
    Start of the month(01/01 Thursday): 191lbs
    01/03 Sat: 180lbs
    01/10 Sat: 187lbs
    01/17 Sat: 187lbs
    01/24 Sat:
    End of the month(01/31 Saturday):

    Total weight lost so far this month: 5lbs

    Overall loss: 5lbs
  • buzzardsrule
    buzzardsrule Posts: 183 Member
    SW: 180.1 pounds
    CW: 140.8 pounds
    GW: 135 pounds

    Weigh in Dates:
    Start of month (Thu) 1/1: 143.9 lbs
    Sat 3/1: 143.2 lbs
    Sat 10/1: 140.8 lbs
    Sat 17/1: 140.5 lbs
    Sat 24/1:
    Sat 31/1:

    End of Month Sat 31/1:
    (total pounds):
  • mrsmuckster
    mrsmuckster Posts: 444 Member
    SW: 237.7
    CW: 201.9
    GW: Jan 31 196.9

    Jan 3: 201.9
    Jan 10: 201.3
    Jan 17: 200

    Total Loss January: -1.9
  • ErinNic612
    ErinNic612 Posts: 18 Member
    SW: 308.4#
    CW: 285.6#
    GW (for January): 280#

    Weigh in dates:
    Start of the month(01/01 Thursday): 288#
    01/03 Sat: 285.6#
    01/10 Sat: 283.6#
    01/17 Sat: 282.2#
    01/24 Sat:
    End of the month(01/31 Saturday):

    Total weight lost this month: 5.8#
  • schristianholliday
    schristianholliday Posts: 9 Member
    edited January 2015
    SW: 278
    CW: 267.6
    GW: 260

    Weigh in dates:
    Start of the month(01/01 Thursday): Started late!
    01/03 Sat: 267.6
    01/10 Sat: 266.8
    01/17 Sat: 265.4
    01/24 Sat:
    End of the month(01/31 Saturday):

    Total weight lost: -2.2

  • Catalpa62
    Catalpa62 Posts: 40 Member
    SW: 159.5
    CW: 159.5
    GW for Jan: 154.5
    GW: 145

    Weigh in dates:
    Start of Month (01/01 Thurs): 159.5
    01/03 Sat: 159.5
    01/10 Sat: 158.0
    01/17 Sat: 156.0
    01/24 Sat:
    End of Month (01/31 Sat):

    Total Weight Loss for Jan: 3.5

    Just a couple more weeks until January's end - plenty of time to meet your goals!
  • dollypno1
    dollypno1 Posts: 29 Member
    SW: 77 kg = 169.8 lbs
    CW: 73.8 kg = 162.7 lbs
    Jan 31 GW: 70.2 kg = 154.7 lbs (Overall GW: 60 kg = 132 lbs)

    01/03 Sat: 73.8 kg = 162.7 lbs
    01/10 Sat: 158.95 lbs
    01/17 Sat: 71.8kg - 158.3 lbs
    01/24 Sat:
    End of the month(01/31 Saturday):

    Total weight lost: 2kg = 4.4 lbs

  • MrsJennaKwasniewski
    MrsJennaKwasniewski Posts: 204 Member
    SW: 322
    CW: 261.7
    GW: 256.7

    Weigh in dates:
    Start of the month(01/01 Thursday): 261.7
    01/03 Sat: 261.7
    01/10 Sat: 259.4
    01/17 Sat: 257.3
    01/24 Sat:
    End of the month(01/31 Saturday):

    Total weight lost: 4.4lbs

  • Saturday Check in:

    CW: 256
    GW for Jan31: 246
    GW: 185

    Weigh in dates:
    01/01: 261 (Hadn't started yet and still feeding my face leftovers) :(
    01/10: 260 (A couple of days in)
    01/17: 253.8 (I'm sure alot is water weight, but also busting my butt and logging EVERYTHING. 1500 cal/day)

    Monthly weight loss so far: 7.2
  • steebsthegreat
    steebsthegreat Posts: 70 Member
    SW: 162
    CW: 160.5
    GW: 153.5

    Weigh in dates:
    Start of the month(01/01 Thursday): 158.5
    01/03 Sat: 160.5
    01/10 Sat: 159.5
    01/17 Sat: 159.5
    01/24 Sat:
    End of the month(01/31 Saturday):

    Total weight lost:
    0 since last Saturday.
    +1 overall.
    Spent Sunday-Thursday feeling so sick, went to Spin on Thursday, ended up going out last night. 2 more weeks to drop some weight and I'm feeling quite discouraged. I'll be happy if I get down to 157.5 this month.
  • yoliwe
    yoliwe Posts: 12 Member
    Overall aim is to drop 15lbs by 12/03. This is a good challenge to get me on my way

    SW: 337
    CW: 188
    GW: 173 (wrongly entered 183 in 1st post!)

    Weigh in dates:
    Start of the month (01/01 Thursday): 188
    01/03 Sat: 188
    01/10 Sat: 183
    01/17 Sat: 183
    01/24 Sat:
    End of the month (01/31 Saturday):

    Total weight lost: 5

    Didn't expect to lose this week. Went to the gym x 4 this week. Still trying to reduce carbs and keep to max of 1600 cal per day, irrespective of amount of exercise. This coming week really want to pay attention to strictly adhering to proportions of carbs, protein and fats. I'm sure I'll see a drop in lbs when I next weigh in.
  • _runnerbean_
    _runnerbean_ Posts: 640 Member
    Couldn't weigh on Saturday but weight the same on Friday and Sunday.

    Goal weight 9st 5lb
    Starting weight for jan 1st 10st 6lb
    January goal weight 10st

    Start of the month(01/01 Thursday): 10st 6lb
    01/03 Sat: 10 st 4lb
    01/10 Sat: 10 st 2lb
    01/17 Sat: 9st 12.7lb
    01/24 Sat

    Hooray - have smashed through my January target already! The fact that I am off alcohol is really helping me - better food choices, more sleep and feeling good to exercise, it's all linked.

  • SW: 205 (93kg)
    CW:182.9 (83)
    GW: 177.9 (80.6)

    Weigh in dates:
    Start of the month(01/01 Thursday):182.9
    01/03 Sat:181.9
    01/10 Sat:180.1
    01/17 Sat:180.7
    01/24 Sat:
    End of the month(01/31 Saturday):

    Total: 2.2
  • momshorses
    momshorses Posts: 376 Member
    Dec. 29 - 192.5 (I took the weight from last time I weighed in.

    I was sick last weekend so I didn't weigh in.
    Jan. 17- 190.7 lbs. a step in the right direction. :)
  • jenmacy
    jenmacy Posts: 26 Member
    edited January 2015
    Forgot to post yesterday, but I did weigh in: here's the update.
    SW: 156.2
    GW for Jan 31: 151
    GW: 140

    Weigh in dates:
    Start of Month (01/01 Thurs): 156.2
    01/03 Sat: 155.6
    01/10 Sat: 155.0
    01/17 Sat: 153.2
    01/24 Sat:
    End of Month (01/31 Sat):

    Total Weight Loss for Jan: 3.0 lbs
  • ellavader
    ellavader Posts: 24 Member
    Forgot to log it in on the 15th. But here's my update :)

    SW: 230
    GW for Jan 31: 222
    GW: 180

    Weigh in dates:
    Start of Month (01/01 Thurs): 230
    01/03 Sat: 230
    01/10 Sat: not sure
    01/17 Sat: 226
    01/24 Sat:
    End of Month (01/31 Sat):

    Total Weight Loss for Jan: 4.0 lbs[/quote]

    I'm doing good so far and I'm really getting into the habit of working out everyday after work.
  • twitch82
    twitch82 Posts: 119 Member
    SW: 175
    GW for Jan 31: 168
    GW: 140

    Weigh in dates:
    Start of Month (01/01 Thurs): 175
    01/03 Sat: 175
    01/10 Sat: 173
    01/17 Sat: 171
    01/24 Sat:
    End of Month (01/31 Sat):
  • Onetwo_bre
    Onetwo_bre Posts: 43 Member
    SW: 188
    CW: 163.4 (as of Jan 5 2015)
    GW: 143

    Weigh in dates:
    Start of the month(01/01 Thursday): Didn't make friendly with the scale yet :]
    01/03 Sat: 163.4 (actually 1/05)
    01/10 Sat: 160.0
    01/17 Sat: 160.0
    01/24 Sat:
    End of the month(01/31 Saturday):

    Total weight lost: 3.4

    No loss this week, but I ate a bit carb heavy as I had a 10k race on Saturday and didnt want to drag feet. Hopefully something will happen this week!

    Have a great week everyone! Keep up the good work!
  • miinorawr
    miinorawr Posts: 120 Member
    SW: (Starting weight) 13st 8
    CW: (Current weight) 13st
    GW: (Goal weight for the month) 12st 9
    UGW ; 10st

    Weigh in dates:
    Start of the month(01/01 Thursday): -
    01/03 Sat: 13st
    01/10 Sat: 12st 12
    01/17 Sat: 12st 11
    01/24 Sat: 12st 9 - yay I made goal this month! Down to my pre Christmas gorging session now :D
    End of the month(01/31 Saturday):

    Total weight lost in January: 5lbs
    Overall loss: 13lbs - one more pound to go until my 1st stone lost :)
  • tootchute
    tootchute Posts: 392 Member
    SW: 355
    CW: 227.6
    GW: (II'm pregnant, so it flexes from time to time)

    Weigh in dates:
    Start of the month(01/01 Thursday):
    01/04: 227.6
    01/11: 225.2
    01/18: 225.2
    Total weight lost:

    Please give encouragement to others on here.

    Everyone reach for the stars, because you are stars!