January Running Challenge



  • HealthyFocused715
    HealthyFocused715 Posts: 340 Member
    @autumnblade75‌ - Love the competition on the treadmill - fun idea!

    1/1, 2.0 miles, outside
    1/4, 4.34 miles, treadmill
    1/5, 4.34 miles, treadmill
    1/10, 5.2 miles, outside, cold but sunny!
    1/12, 3.37 miles, treadmill
    1/13, Zumba
    1/14, unplanned rest day - life (work) got in the way
    1/15, 4.0 miles, treadmill
    1/16, 6.22 miles, treadmill
    1/17, 3.2 miles, treadmill

    32.67 miles total; 70 miles goal

  • catweimer
    catweimer Posts: 12 Member
    Getting there!

    1/2 3.58 miles outside
    1/3 12.42 miles with ALL THE WEATHER (seriously: snow, rain, sleet, wind, sun on one run!)
    1/5 5.59 miles, beautiful mornin
    1/9 6.05 miles COLD
    1/10 3.53 miles COLD and slooooowwwww
    1/11 6.67 miles, beautiful day running with my sweetie
    1/14 5.78 miles on the treadmill
    1/15 5.74 miles on the treadmill

    short run today, then tomorrow's long prep run will be the longest that I've ever done. woot!

    (also, I have failed ticker 101, so we're just going with this:)

    49.4 miles run / 100 mile goal
  • autumnblade75
    autumnblade75 Posts: 1,660 Member
    @autumnblade75‌ - Love the competition on the treadmill - fun idea!

    My brother lives about 5 hours drive away - we text screenshots of the treadmill's ending summary to one another. We are ridiculously competitive and our (non-runner) spouses do not understand at all. This will probably stop being fun when one of us gets good enough to always win.

  • WhatMeRunning
    WhatMeRunning Posts: 3,538 Member
    1/1 - 4.06 miles
    1/3 - 5.74 miles
    1/6 - 4.06 miles
    1/8 - 4.06 miles
    1/10 - 8.54 miles
    1/13 - 4.04 miles
    1/15 - 4.02 miles
    1/17 - 10.0 miles


  • ddmom0811
    ddmom0811 Posts: 1,878 Member
    Jan 1 - 5K on the beach;
    Jan 2 - rest
    Jan 3 - 34 mile bike ride
    Jan 4 - 4.5
    Jan 5 - Strength Training
    Jan 6 - 4.0
    Jan 7 - rest
    Jan 8 - 4.1
    Jan 9 - strength training
    Jan 10 - 4.5
    Jan 11 - 3.4 and 24 mile bike ride
    Jan 12 - 3.3
    Jan 13 - strength training
    Jan 14 - 4.4
    Jan 15 - rest day
    Jan 16 - 34 mile bike ride. Didn't do too good - couldn’t keep up with group. Weird, because the other two times I did the ride, I was fine. But then today I realized it might be because I'm back at work (was off two weeks for winter break, I teach). Tomorrow doing a much longer bike ride - 52 -- eek! -- but at a slower pace. Got to get some runs in next week! Hate not running but I can’t run and bike on the same days. I could run and strength train the same days, I think. I run at 4:30am and do the strength training at 4:30pm. So I should be recovered by then!

  • dennie24
    dennie24 Posts: 251 Member
    edited January 2015
    3 miles outside today. I am still part of the turtle running team but my easy pace is much faster then it was last month so I am pretty happy about that. :)

  • Lord007
    Lord007 Posts: 338 Member
    1/3/15 - 1.5 miles
    1/6 – 1.5 miles
    1/8 - 1.5 miles
    1/10 - 2.0 miles
    1/13 - 2.75 miles
    1/17 – 2.0 miles

  • fabnine
    fabnine Posts: 379 Member
    My brother lives about 5 hours drive away - we text screenshots of the treadmill's ending summary to one another. We are ridiculously competitive and our (non-runner) spouses do not understand at all. This will probably stop being fun when one of us gets good enough to always win.
    That's wonderful!
    - My son calls home on weekends and we have a little friendly competition to see who worked out more each week. He always does more push ups, but it drives him crazy that his "old" mom often runs more miles than he cycles. I'm just glad to give him incentive to exercise.

    _Date___ Miles
    Jan 1 ___5.7 __lovely first run of the new year
    Jan 2 ___7.1 __trail, light flurries
    Jan 3 ___4.7
    Jan 4 ___1.3 __streak
    Jan 5 ___7.2 __hills, 19F windy
    Jan 6 ___3.6 __14F windy & snowing
    Jan 7 ___2.1 __14F windy & snowing + hike up Bald Mountain/around Willard Lake
    Jan 8 ___4.0 __13F windy but no snow :)
    Jan 9 ___3.5
    Jan 10 __3.5
    Jan 11 __12.8 _14F trail
    Jan 12 __5.9 __after all those cold days 34F felt warm & Happy Birthday Mom!
    Jan 13 __3.5 __7F
    Jan 14 __2.0 __snow flurries + a little hike up Uncanoonuc
    Jan 15 __14.9 _trails 22F snow flurries
    Jan 16 __3.6 __WINDY, I'm not built to fight 30-35mph winds.
    Jan 17 __2.8 __11F & still windy

    Month total= 88.4miles ___ 51.6remaining


    Current Streak: 146days = 953.1miles
  • Lesleycali
    Lesleycali Posts: 236 Member
    fabnine wrote: »
    @Lesleycali Love your new pic, quite possibly most beautiful photo I've ever seen.

    Well thank you, that is sweet of you to say <3:) Made my day!
  • Lesleycali
    Lesleycali Posts: 236 Member
    1/1--- 3.5 miles, street
    1/2--- 8.66 miles, trail
    1/3--- 3 miles, trail
    1/4--- Rest
    1/5--- 7.95 miles trail (to the beach!)
    1/6--- Rest
    1/7--- 6 miles, street
    1/8--- 3 miles, trail
    1/9--- 9 miles, trail
    1/10-- Rest
    1/11-- 6.5 miles, trail, mud mud mud
    1/12-- 5 miles, trail
    1/13-- 4 miles, street
    1/14-- Rest
    1/15-- 4 miles, trail
    1/16-- 5 miles, dirt road, trail, slow
    1/17-- 3 miles, trail with strides and drills

    69 miles done/ 120 mile goal

    What a weird week I'm having! I usually do 4-5 runs a week which are moderate or long (for me). This week I've done 6 short runs. I think I'm still adjusting to doing more miles, a few months ago I was doing about half this amount.

    Have a great weekend everyone :)
  • Lesleycali
    Lesleycali Posts: 236 Member
    fabnine wrote: »
    - My son calls home on weekends and we have a little friendly competition to see who worked out more each week. He always does more push ups, but it drives him crazy that his "old" mom often runs more miles than he cycles. I'm just glad to give him incentive to exercise.

    That's so great that you and your son keep on each other's workouts. I'm starting to take my 5 yr old son on some hikes/ jogs and love that we can share the experience together.
  • loratliff
    loratliff Posts: 283 Member
    Started off slow this week but got in a few good runs. 30.81/60 for the month.
  • Stoshew71
    Stoshew71 Posts: 6,553 Member
    Date Miles today. Miles for January

    1/1 8 miles - 8
    1/2 9 miles - 17
    1/3 REST DAY
    1/4 8.85 miles - 25.85
    1/5 6.2 miles - 32.05
    1/6 7 miles - 39.05
    1/7 6.2 miles - 45.25
    1/8 8 miles 53.25 <<< 8 degrees is cold for Alabama
    1/9 6.2 miles 59.45
    1/10 14 miles 73.45
    1/11 REST DAY
    1/12 9 miles 82.45
    1/13 7 miles 89.45
    1/14 6.2 miles 95.65
    1/15 7.25 miles - 102.9
    1/16 Unplanned REST DAY <<< I needed an extra day rest.
    1/17 12 miles - 114.9

  • n2gardens56
    n2gardens56 Posts: 74 Member
    1/1: 8.5 Trail Hike(Mountain)
    1/2: 4 mile Trail Run(flat)
    1/3: 3.1 mile Treadmill
    1/4: 4 mile Trail Run(flat)
    1/5: Zero Day (Pilates)
    1/6: 6 miles (Ellip)
    1/7: 2 miles (Ellip)
    1/8: 2.1miles(Ellip)
    1/9: 4.2 (Ellip)
    1/10 2.2 (Ellip)
    1/11 2 Trail
    1/12 2 (Ellip)
    1/13 2 (Ellip)
    1/14 2 (Ellip)
    1/15 2 (Ellip)
    1/16 4 (Ellip) + 2 Trail
    1/17 5 Trail
    Total: 57.1
    Goal: 90
  • briebee7
    briebee7 Posts: 224 Member
    7 miles today- total of 77.5/100.

    I have a stomach bug now! Hopefully a fast recovery as I have a half marathon next Saturday with my mom.
  • HonuNui
    HonuNui Posts: 1,464 Member
    Goal for January: 75 miles
    1/1 rest
    1/2 unplanned but very productive rest
    1/3 5 miles
    1/4 3.18
    1/5 rest
    1/6 6.25
    1/7 very unsatisfying snorkeling day +2.1
    1/8 3.12
    1/9 4.4
    1/10 bike
    1/11 3.12
    1/12 leisurely 3.45 walk (not counted in total)
    1/13 2 hours of snorkeling in rough water=leg workout!
    1/14 6.51
    1/15 3.15

    Total 39.84miles

    (ticker is my goal for 2015 and accumulation to date)

  • defenserests82
    defenserests82 Posts: 3 Member
    Thanks to my workout partner, I'm getting my numbers up! I plan to run today and tomorrow, and put up another 9 miles the rest of the week.


  • FancyPantsFran
    FancyPantsFran Posts: 3,687 Member


  • Ohhim
    Ohhim Posts: 1,142 Member
    First 15 miles of today's marathon went perfectly, next 5 were on pace, but ran into a headwind and too much sun/heat on my last 6 to crack the 3:45 mark and bonked a bit at the end. Finished in 3:52, a 55 minute PR over my last marathon, so I'll take it. Looking forward to improving at my next one in May (Pittsburgh).

    Back to bed now to curl up and die for a few hours before I think about moving my legs again.

    January 1 - 5 miles
    January 3 - 5 miles
    January 4 - 12 miles
    January 5 - 4 miles
    January 8 - 5 miles
    January 9 - 4 miles
    January 10 - 3 miles
    January 11 - 8 miles
    January 13 - 3 miles
    January 14 - 4 miles
    January 17 - 2 miles
    January 18 - 26.2 miles (@ 8:48 pace)

    Total: 81.2
    Goal: 84
  • fabnine
    fabnine Posts: 379 Member
    edited January 2015
    Lesleycali wrote: »
    That's so great that you and your son keep on each other's workouts. I'm starting to take my 5 yr old son on some hikes/ jogs and love that we can share the experience together.
    That's how it begins. Even my 3 year old loves to go running with mommy. I'm "running" at a walking speed by his side for about a mile until he's had enough, but one day hopefully he'll run with me the way his older sisters do. When they're small you share your love of the world with them and show them all the different ways to experience it. Go walking, cycling, running, hiking, swimming, rock climbing or whatever you love to do. Share those fun times with them & they'll love it too. I'm always delighted when one of my children wants to run or hike with me. Even though I don't enjoy cycling, I'm even more delighted when one of my children asks me to join them in an activity they love.

    _Date___ Miles
    Jan 1 ___5.7 __lovely first run of the new year
    Jan 2 ___7.1 __trail, light flurries
    Jan 3 ___4.7
    Jan 4 ___1.3 __streak
    Jan 5 ___7.2 __hills, 19F windy
    Jan 6 ___3.6 __14F windy & snowing
    Jan 7 ___2.1 __14F windy & snowing + hike up Bald Mountain/around Willard Lake
    Jan 8 ___4.0 __13F windy but no snow :)
    Jan 9 ___3.5
    Jan 10 __3.5
    Jan 11 __12.8 _14F trail
    Jan 12 __5.9 __after all those cold days 34F felt warm & Happy Birthday Mom!
    Jan 13 __3.5 __7F
    Jan 14 __2.0 __snow flurries + a little hike up Uncanoonuc
    Jan 15 __14.9 _trails 22F snow flurries
    Jan 16 __3.6 __WINDY, I'm not built to fight 30-35mph winds.
    Jan 17 __2.8 __11F & still windy
    Jan 18 __7.0 __trail freezing rain for last mile

    Month total= 95.4miles ___ 44.6remaining


    Current Streak: 147days = 960.1miles

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