2015 Adopt a Noob Official MFP Thread



  • NaomiJFoster
    NaomiJFoster Posts: 1,450 Member
    OK so I need some advice. I'm mentoring a few people through this thread. One of them never logged on again after that first day. Another one has her diary set to private. Two other people are logging on and doing OK, but one eats lots of fast food and another frequently eats below 1200 calories.

    I want to support and encourage, but I don't want to turn into a nag or cross a line into more personal struggles. Not making the absolute more healthy choices certainly isn't a huge sin, and fast food works for some people. But it wouldn't be my choice on a twice-daily basis. Do I say something?

    How is everyone else going about their job as mentor?
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,457 Member
    Naomi... I don't know if this will help advice wise.. but I try to remember my newbies are just that.. all brand new to not only the site, which can be quite overwhelming when you start - but to learning how to change. When I first started I was the poster child for fast food and crap; I kept my diary closed because I was too embarrassed to admit what I ate for the first few weeks (I didn't have a mentor) It honestly wasn't until I starting reading a lot of the threads and getting a lot of information and knowledge from many other peeps on here who were willing to share and teach that i got comfortable enough to open it.. but for a while it still had a lot of entries i was embarrassed about.. so I'm keeping that in mind for myself with mentoring my newbies.. i didn't know HOW to start making changes so maybe you could offer some of your own experiences with your journey to start them off, and ask them what they would like from you - it might be suggestions on how to replace one fast food meal a day with healthier options, or perhaps go with asking what they would like from you... but at the end of the day I think it has to be a comfortable relationship for both of you; you have to feel comfortable enough to offer your opinions and experiences, and share your knowledge... and they have to be comfortable asking for what they need. :)
  • Nazy_Ak
    Nazy_Ak Posts: 164 Member
    Hi, is this mentoring/adopting thing still open?

    I'm less than a week into my restart (with approx 100lbs to lose) and would love to be adopted. I've done this twice now and do think something else is needed to help me when I'm feeling unmotivated etc as I have given up twice when weight loss stalled, fatigue set it, or my tsh went wild ( i have hypothyroidism).

    What I have noticed though is that I absolutely have to watch what I eat otherwise its game over. When my tsh is correct I am able to lose slowly, like approx 5-6lbs in 8weeks. If someone doesn't mind helping one more person then I would really appreciate it :)

    They don't necessarily have to have experience with hypothyroidism as it doesn't stop me from losing weight, just takes me longer and with consistent logging of food intake I can get there. If you don't mind my slow losses and this mentoring scheme is still open then I am definitely interested :)
  • zakipoo30
    zakipoo30 Posts: 5
    edited January 2015
    Hello Mentors!

    I am a newbie, looking for a mentor, to look out for me as i face a lifetime goal of having a healthy and fit life.

    I am deaf, 31, Male, a telecommunication technician for almost 15 years and i travel across the states all the times for work, junk food and sodas was my worst enemy! Ive spent many years being a couch-potato watching anime, movies, etc. and it has made me more lethargic and lazier, and fat!

    I have no excuses at all, im just lazy! As of last year or so, ive gained much more pounds in short amount of time. I have not weighted myself recently but im basing off last time ive weighted myself, i will correct my current weight when i get myself weighted! Im saying i weight around 290, i am 6 foot 4 inches, wide body frame. Used to be a football player in high school, what can i say? By the time i was 21ish i was 195 lbs at 6'4.

    My goal weight for my height/body frame i would say maybe 225-230 lbs would be the magic number!

    I want to try to lose weight as much as possible, become lean and be healthy, be back in shape, gain some good muscles and get rid of this huge gut of mine! I quit smoking for few years, i quit drinking so much, i quit eating fast foods as much as possible, with some exceptions like qdoba/chipotle

    As of today, Ive been on a diet controlling my calories for a week, starting with fruit smoothie for breakfast and dinner, and other snacks through the day to sate the hunger. I think im starting to zone into a right diet that fits me. I feel great and feel confident! I will start cycling tomorrow for a hour

    Only thing that worries me is that i will be unable to maintain my diet being on the road every now and then unless i stay in an extended stay suite with a mini kitchen (for bigger jobs) other than that, its hotels which i have to gamble with what i can bring in my cooler for the day/few days, depending on location, say, middle of nowhere in Kansas. Restaurants/gas stations/fast foods.

    Would like some help on many options on inexpensive snacking through the day to stay awake on many hours of driving, best foods for the body, a certain pattern i could stick to daily/weekly perhaps, i want to see what other options there is!

    I am open minded to anything!

    Much thanks for your time reading my post.


  • msdjkoolaide
    msdjkoolaide Posts: 12 Member
    I have contacted 5 people on the mentor list and I received NO response... Thanks a lot.. talk about rejection/lack of support!.... I need someone's help please.. not just a friend request.. I need a mentor!
  • randomtai
    randomtai Posts: 9,003 Member
    I have contacted 5 people on the mentor list and I received NO response... Thanks a lot.. talk about rejection/lack of support!.... I need someone's help please.. not just a friend request.. I need a mentor!

    Did you send PMs or just blank friend requests? :huh:
  • msdjkoolaide
    msdjkoolaide Posts: 12 Member
    I left a message with the friend request
  • randomtai
    randomtai Posts: 9,003 Member
    I left a message with the friend request

    Maybe they felt you wouldn't be a good fit, or they have enough noobs to mentor. Either way, don't take it personally.
  • msdjkoolaide
    msdjkoolaide Posts: 12 Member
    No worries! I have a mentor now! Thanks for the inquiry @randomtai‌
  • randomtai
    randomtai Posts: 9,003 Member
    No worries! I have a mentor now! Thanks for the inquiry @randomtai‌

  • kristyhartley
    kristyhartley Posts: 14 Member
    I would appreciate some help if someone has time. I don't even know how to add someone or if I'm responding to the thread the right way!?! LOL
    I am a MFP noob. :(
  • molissep
    molissep Posts: 452 Member
    edited January 2015
    I had the same issue with getting no response...I had sent a detailed message to a mentor. I would think it even if someone didn't think the match was good or if they were already at their quota that they would just let me know :neutral_face:

    I know you're supposed to review the list and send a message, but seeing that that hasn't worked out for me - I'm not a "noob" but would be interested in a mentor if anyone is still available. I lift, do HIIT and run. I follow IIFYM and count macros. Have lost 50 lbs and looking for a partner to lose the next 50 with. Thanks in advance.
  • kluvit
    kluvit Posts: 435 Member
    After a few half-hearted attempts trying low carb again and not getting the same results in my 40's that I had in my 30's, in late 2011, I started my MFP Journey when I decided to take control of what I was putting in my mouth. I was 5'7" and 155 pounds (the heaviest I'd ever been). After realizing that the older I get, the harder it is, I decided that, I never wanted to need to lose more than 5 pounds again. I knew that to make it "stick" for the long haul, I couldn't impose any crazy rules, so I stuck to the "all things in moderation" philosophy and treated my calorie allowance like a budget only spending them on things I really enjoyed. I lost on average one pound per week, and when I reached my goal of 128, my body didn't look the same as it did at that weight a decade before, so I decided to keep going. I have learned to balance exercise and portion control to maintain within +/-3 pounds of 122 for more than 2 years. Since then, I've invested thousands in a whole new wardrobe and am highly motivated to KEEP IT!

    And, while I've never "loved" to exercise, I will run for french fries! I like the way I look and feel when I work out, but I'm not always consistent, so I adjust my food intake accordingly. I can maintain my weight & my wardrobe whether I workout or not, so I'm always looking for new motivations to exercise. Signing up for races seems to work for a short while, but I know I can finish whether I'm in shape or not, so it's not fool-proof. So, in that regard, I'm no expert but am continuing to learn.

    I don't eat "clean;" for me it's about portion control and making choices that are "worth it" to me. My friends who look at my diary will see ice cream nightly and pizza, french fries, and fried chicken at least weekly, but I've traded enchiladas for grilled items such as fajitas or shrimp tacos (with a single tortilla). I don't typically "drink" my calories except for the daily 130 calorie frappuchino light I added back when I moved up to "maintenance" calories. If I know I've got a special meal planned within the week, I try to get in more workouts and save a few calories in the days leading up to it, so I can just enjoy and still be in budget for the week.

    I weigh almost daily, but I don't accept a weight until it sticks around for 3 days, and if it's > 122, I adjust slightly until I'm back there. At 125, I get serious and start logging daily, reassess my portion sizes (has my nightly 1/2 cup of ice cream grown to 3/4 cup or more?), and make it a point to get up with the work-out alarm rather than the secondary alarm.

    I love that I'm in the best shape of my life at this stage in life where I can really appreciate and enjoy it. I fought to get it, and I will continue to do what I need to do to keep it...which to me means I eat the foods I really want...just not EVERTHING or AS MUCH as. :) Will be glad to assist others with similar goals and philosophies.
  • Serah87
    Serah87 Posts: 5,481 Member
    Rachel wrote: »
    The list has been updated to this point. Thank you to everyone who has participated in this topic! :flowerforyou:

    I sent a PM to Olivia to take me off the list, she must have forgot. Can you please take me off?? Thank you. :)
  • JClark1980
    JClark1980 Posts: 30 Member
    Hi, I jus relocated to OKC from Louisiana, and would like to find a mfp mentor in my area, any help would be so appreciated
  • lishie_rebooted
    lishie_rebooted Posts: 2,973 Member
    molissep wrote: »
    I had the same issue with getting no response...I had sent a detailed message to a mentor. I would think it even if someone didn't think the match was good or if they were already at their quota that they would just let me know :neutral_face:

    I know you're supposed to review the list and send a message, but seeing that that hasn't worked out for me - I'm not a "noob" but would be interested in a mentor if anyone is still available. I lift, do HIIT and run. I follow IIFYM and count macros. Have lost 50 lbs and looking for a partner to lose the next 50 with. Thanks in advance.

    I've PMed her and we've connected.
  • jreyn04
    jreyn04 Posts: 6 Member
    Noob here. I tried this awhile ago but failed alone. I am a geeky, past martial artist, spinal injured, special ed teacher who need some support outside my lucky friends who can eat or not eat whatever and always look good.
  • MRivera422
    MRivera422 Posts: 62 Member
    edited January 2015
    I NEED a coach! I want to get back into shape and change my unhealthy lifestlyle. Totally new to dieting and can definitely use some tips. I have a goal of losing 67lbs. I am MOTIVATED and will not waste your time. All help is greatly appreciated! Thanks.
  • ash_me
    ash_me Posts: 2
    ewhsweets wrote: »
    I will gladly be a mentor for a couple of folks!

    I am looking for a mentor

  • I can take one or two people.

    I'm still fairly new to this stuff myself, but in the last 4 months I've learned a lot. I don't do any real special diets, and mostly adhere to the "proper portions of the things I love" mentality. Exercise is hit or miss with me, but I am hoping that before long I will be able to being lifting (be it with a bar and weights at home, or caving and going to a gym).

    I started September 1st at 198 pounds and am down to 176 as of this morning. I have a GI disease (diverticulosis) which is rare for a 33 year old. I was also recently diagnosed with PCOS, and if what my endocrinologist said was accurate I am also at the start of Hashimoto's disease. So my choice to lose weight couldn't have come at a better time as it has enabled me to stay medication free for the time being.

    Those on very low calorie diets need not "apply". If sarcasm and colorful metaphors are not your thing, I'm not a good match for you. My dairy is open to friends, and I'd kind of like the same in return if I'm going to mentor you. :smile:

    Hi, Are you still able to take on a noob?
This discussion has been closed.