

  • nccarolb
    nccarolb Posts: 858 Member
    Good evening!! It feels like a sauna outside!! Hot as hades and grossly humid.

    I have been sleeping poorly for the past couple of weeks. I think a lot of it is due to hormones and I think I have a fibroid. Since I refuse to go back to the gynecologist that I have been seeing for the past two years, I think I will make an appointment at UNC Hospitals in Chapel Hill. I get free health care there through October due to my income level. I probably will be able to continue the free care since my income didn't really increase this year. I go for my six month check up with the oncologist this month so I think I will ask her to recommend one. I haven't started freaking out about the check up yet and hope I don't this time.

    I had some pretty deep depression issues a couple of weeks ago and thought it was behind me. However, I saw my therapist on Friday and think that, even though I have come out of the deepest part, I still am dealing with it. Sometimes I get too busy and don't put the symptoms together until I talk them through. Not sleeping, craving bad for me food, lots of joint pain and muscle aches, lethargy, and apathy added together come to a very different conclusion than taking each one on its on. Once I recognize the depression, it makes it easier to fight.

    My daughter and I came up with some decorating ideas for her new condo yesterday and did some shopping today. I also spent some time online looking for things I'd like to have in my new place. I need to begin dreaming again. Since I finished getting this house ready to sell, I've kind of been lost.

    Thanks for the black bean burger recipe!! It's similar to the one I tried but will "combine" the two to try again.

    After shopping today, we stopped at Panera for dinner. I love their new flat bread sandwiches and they can be paired with soup or salad for a meal that is under 550 calories. I have had the Southwest sandwich a couple of times but got the BBQ one today. Both are really yummy!!

    Today is my official rest day so not doing a whole lot. I skipped church this morning (a sign of depression) and enjoyed being able to lie in bed a read for a while. I did change my sheets and am doing a load of laundry now. Tomorrow, I plan to get some cooking done so that I will have meals for the upcoming week. It feels so awesome to know that I don't have to go to work tomorrow!!!!

    I have been reading even though I've not been posting much lately. (That depression thing again!) Keep up the good work!!

    Carol in miserably hot NC
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,474 Member
    Did an hour of Weight Loss Pilates DVD. Tomorrow I'm planning to do some pilates, then hold my plank and then take the extremepump class. Yes, I checked last week. The gal who teaches it will be there.

    Beth - I'm constantly making use of my freezer. Most things I look at my first thought is "can it be frozen if needed?" Fresh lime/lemon juice or even herbs have a much better taste than the bottled/jarred stuff. Healing thoughts for your son. Say, does he like jerky? I get it from the Buffalo Guys and it has no nitrates, no MSG, is gluten free and no added hormones.

    Lance woke me up this morning at 3a.m. meowing. Earlier that night he let me hug him, etc. But I was up until 5a.m. waiting for him to come to me. Finally, I gave him his insulin. I'm NOT going thru that again. I'm sorry, but he was hissing at me, swiping at me, etc. Why he's one way one minute and then another way the next is beyond me. You'd think he was bipolar or something....lol

    yanniejannie - glad dd's h/a was gone! Good time on that plank!


    Sylvia - sometimes tortillas have a mind of their own

    Joyce - I remember that for a few years I didn't send out my Christmas cards until January. For one thing, it certainly helped me cut down on the amount of cards that I sent out since I only sent them to people who sent me cards. Also, before the holidays you really don't have time to "read" the newsletters, I know that I just many times skim them. But after the holidays, after all the hub bub has died down, you can sit and really read the card. It seems they never have decent food at ballparks, at least the ballpark by us doesn't. I usually bring my own food. The first time I did there is a sign saying "no outside food or beverage" but I figured "hey, I bring my own food at the Daytona 500 surely I can for this farm league". Well, they were about to take it away when I told them "I need it for medicinal purposes" so they let me bring it in. That may not have been true, but it was good enough to get the food in an that's what I cared about. Isn't it interesting how our tastes change when we're used to better foods? I can never get over how Vince likes so many refined things. To me, they're too "mushy". But he likes them.

    The store by me stopped carrying my low sodium cottage cheese. Boo!

    Lesley - I signed up for Jeannette Jenkins's newsletter but couldn't see where I can order the DVD's. Well, that was on my laptop. Maybe I can see it on my desktop.

    Anaika - you've been missed! Hope you come back often

    Alison - when FIL was so violent, did you go to see him in the evening? I know that with MIL, I'd go to see her during the day and she'd be just fine. Vince would go to see her after work and the sundowning had started in. I know it really hurt him to see his mother that way

    Kim - I'm with you, I don't like to spend much on something that I'll only wear once, either.

    Sylvia - that joke sounds like a pick-up line to me

    Vince just grilled this greek yogurt chicken that we'll have later in the week. A new recipe I wanted to try out.

    Alison - you do so much for everyone. You might very well be on to something. The Lord does work in mysterious ways.

    Anne - take care of yourself. Good luck on the triathelon. You can do it!

    Sue in SD - good thoughts for your hubby (and you)

    A miracle occurred! Bryan called me and he didn't even want something. At least I know that he got his card, he failed to tell me when he got it so that I know how long mail takes to get there.

    Ladies - I had a problem tonight. I was making myself a salad and I ran out of ideas of things to put in it. I had coleslaw (no dressing, natch), egg whites, mushrooms, some red okra, romaine lettuce, tomatoes, I'm trying to think of what else I can put in my salad. I've had cucumbers for the past few nights so I passed up on them tonight, will probably have some tomorrow night. Any ideas of what else I can put in there?

    Rori - we were never able to board our cats. We did it once and the feedback we got from the cat was that the cat peed on Jessica's pillow (she had it in the car). Ever since then whenever we go away, we have a company that comes in and the lady spends some time with the cats, feeds them, she'll bring in our mail and/or garbage cans. What is really nice is that she will give shots of insulin or medication. Of course, you pay for this extra service, but it's nice to know that they can do it.

    Carol - it's hot here, but not humid.

    Michele in NC
  • Cindy781
    Cindy781 Posts: 492 Member
    Michele, I would add some kind of beans if this is a main dish salad. Sometimes I will put a soft cheese and walnuts in my salads too, adding calories as I go so I don't go too far. I'm so glad you heard from Brian!

    Cindy in OK
  • Lestan48
    Lestan48 Posts: 489 Member
    September 01 and first day of spring and it is raining. Stan has gone fishing andf was going to shampoo dining area carpet, not with doggy and rain.
    Back to training again, Wii Gold's boxing and Jeannette's cardio kick-boxing and 7458 steps by 110.30.
    Off to clean house and do some ironing
    Lesley in Tasmania
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member

    Does anybody have a cure for VERY itchy bug bites? I got bitten by hundreds of little buggers, all over my feet and ankles and it itches so bad I'm going out of my mind. I tried gold bond anti itch cream, which only made it worse. I soaked my feet in scalding hot water, that didn't help. I tried apple cider vinegar, no luck.

    Any suggestions?

  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,695 Member
    Meg – missed your post when I posted this am …. Glad to hear DHcousin is getting better; although it sure sounds tough! :smile: I would not want the head injury but no interest in food would make my journey easier…. :tongue:
    Rents in CA all over are high, but right in the bay area they are crazy! :noway: And purchase prices are equally wild – my home 3bed/2bath with 2 car attached garage /NO central heat or air/big back yard would sell for mid 500K….and it is nothing special – honestly…

    Sylvia – I always try the second hand and consignment shops first:happy: – sometimes I am lucky sometimes not…but it is worth the time. And today I got a polo tee shirt, a tee shirt with some light beading at the neck and one with some gathers..for $6 – for all - - but nothing for the wedding…

    Jane – todays post made me think of haiku – so simple and so complete. :happy:

    Alison – so cute you call yourself Allie… You are really Saint Allie, you do do do:flowerforyou: what a great family member!!!

    If this is god’s way do you think DD with get the message? He seems to be one who will need it in neon lights….:bigsmile:

    Anne - the urine in pools is neutralized by the chlorine and other chemicals… once in another life I was a lifeguard and in charge of the pools chemicals and if done correctly it is really a pretty neutral environment… It is mentally pretty gross though.

    Remember tomorrow we’ll start a September thread …. Don’t loose us!!!

    Sue – time waiting in the hospital is so hard!!! Sounds like DH is ok..and that is the most important part…:smile:

    Rori – happy travels!!!

    Carol – glad you have support in figuring this out, take care – depression can be so hard. I thought of you today, there is a home on my street for sale, and it “sold” the first weekend of open houses, then that sale fell through, and this weekend it is back on the market… the owners must be going crazy…

    Michele - I sometimes go asian and do water chestnuts and the baby corn cobs from a can; or add pinto beans and fresh salsa… I will add herbs too basil, mint, cilantro (coriander leaves)

    So glad Brian called:drinker:

    Well was all geared up to do my eggplant thing and then remembered I had ratatouille in the fridge from a couple of days ago so did that on 1/2 of a baked potato - yummm and was doing eggplant tonight - pulled the recipe and I need coconut milk..:grumble: none in the pantry... so tomorrow! for sure!! I puttered a lot today and don't have much to show for it, but sometimes I need a putter day... this coming week is really busy, and it is spilling into tomorrow so the "holiday" is a work day for me. But that is ok.. well off to rustle up dinner...

    August goals :
    Stretch 5 minutes a day 4 out of 31
    Walk 45 minutes a day 28 times out of 31
    Do Heather’s abc balance 1 time a week 4 weeks done yeah!!!

    September goals:
    Stretch 5 minutes 8 times
    Walk 100 miles
    Do 4 errands walking (from home or a 15 minute walk from the place the car is parked)
    Do Heather’s abc balance 2 time a week

    Kim from N. California
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,132 Member
    :flowerforyou: It's already September in Tasmania and almost my bedtime in NW Washington so I've posted the beginning of the new thread for September

    Here is the link:

  • Michele

    I have been looking through my salad recipes lately too to get more variety.

    Very refreshing I found an iceberg lettuce salad with grapes, grapefruit pieces and walnut pieces.

    Half of the grapefruit is used for the dressing together with lemon juice, Orange peel, sugar and salt and olive oil
    As a special treat you can dip the grapes into lightly battered egg white and coat them with sugar and let them dry.

    I also made a sauerkraut salad after reading that we should eat more fermented stuff.

    Mixed with apples cut into small pieces, yogurt, salt, pepper, mustard and olive oil. and green onions. o jave to admit that I add nuts to nearly all my salads. I keep a wide variety of nuts and seeds and add a little bit of them to most meals.


    We share the insomnia problem, which is either caused by depression or hormonal issues. It drives me up the walls, because so many days I am just not able to do what I want because I only slept very few hours if at all.

    And all the remedies I tried, do not help. I do not understand that I cannot sleep after biking so much.
    And I tried everything, I tried biking at a moderate pace and I tried exhausting myself. Neither one brings the desired result of me being tired enough to sleep. I bought meditation tapes and do relaxing Yoga before going to bed and it may work once and then not again.

    It is on my September list of things to solve, there must be a solution.

  • Sylvia

    I have not had any problems with itching lately, but I remember that you should put ice packs on it, not use the ice directly on the skin but wrap it in a towel first

  • dinaesia
    dinaesia Posts: 54 Member
    try a paste of baking soda and water. My home remedy book suggests that you moisten the area and rub it with an aspirin. Or meat tenderizer. I've used seabreeze, the complexion toner on bites. You could also try soaking your feet in warm water with epsom salts.

    I keep benadryl on hand in a wand applicator or a spray for large areas. Hope this helps, Diane
  • moeggep
    moeggep Posts: 219 Member
    Hello to All,
    I'm back and I've missed you. The Cayman Islands are absolutely beautiful and I had a great time. I never touched a computer, cell phone or my I-pad. I snorkeled, swam, did some sight seeing and relaxed. I walked the beaches, watched the sun rise and had the best sea food I've ever had. So, back to work and reality today. I found out I didn't get the position I applied for but really don't feel bad about it. I am working four nights a week now at the Y and imagine it will get old but I have a trip I have to pay for.
    I had a great time, never went hungry but came back eight pounds lighter, gota love that!
    No way I can catch up on the posts but know I thought about you all. Welcome to newbies and hoping all is well with everyone.

    As the islanders say:

    No worries, Patty Cincinnati Ohio
  • eatonjl1963
    eatonjl1963 Posts: 5 Member
    Hi I live in winston salem. ..looking for support and possibly someone to work out with. ..i am a member of planet fitness