January Running Challenge



  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,423 Member
    ddmom0811 wrote: »
    SLHysell wrote: »
    I ran a loop around the airport today. I got lucky and was able to see a V-22 Osprey do a vertical takeoff. It was pretty amazing.

    and ...
    I once had to square off with a large dog that I thought was going to attack, but luckily it changed its mind at the last minute. After that, I went out and bought a key-chain sized can of mace. I run with that in one hand at all times now days. Fortunately, I haven't had to use it yet. I can't express how PO'd I get at irresponsible dog owners.
    I had to look up what a V-22 Osprey was. In Florida we have a lot of the Osprey birds around so I thought maybe it was a special type of bird. Duh.. I'm not too much into cars or aircraft.
    I carry mace too. It's not very handy where I'm carrying it but I have it, more in case of bears than dogs because I'm usually running from 4:30-5:30 am and surprisingly I never see dogs. Sometimes a cat will scare the *** out of me though.
    My brother-in-law works on Ospreys (the helicopters) so when I came home and told my husband I had seen an osprey while running he thought I was talking about the helicopter and I was talking about the bird! We have a mated pair that lives along the river trail where I run and I often have to just stop and watch them when they fly overhead or dive into the water for a fish! They are truly magnificent to watch.

    I don't see other dogs other than with other runners but I have been startled by possums, raccoon and an occasional skunk when I am out early. I run with my dog so he typically alerts me if something is there. Then I just have keep him from wanting chase the critter.
  • tdbernrd
    tdbernrd Posts: 510 Member
    shanaber wrote: »
    tdbernrd wrote: »
    SLHysell wrote: »
    I once had to square off with a large dog that I thought was going to attack, but luckily it changed its mind at the last minute. After that, I went out and bought a key-chain sized can of mace. I run with that in one hand at all times now days. Fortunately, I haven't had to use it yet. I can't express how PO'd I get at irresponsible dog owners.
    I am making a note of the key-chain sized can of mace. I will be checking Amazon for it.
    Be careful of the wind direction if you do have to use it. You may end up with it in your face more than the dog's. That is why I run with a mini air horn instead.
    I never thought about wind direction. I'm adding a mini air horn to my list.
  • n2gardens56
    n2gardens56 Posts: 74 Member
    Beautiful weather today, started out chilly & breezy.. tons of hikers out today, off work for the holiday & VA Tech must have been out today too met groups of 10 and 15 college kids in groups. Temps got up to 42 with lots of sunshine on the trail views were awesome.
    1/1: 8.5 Trail Hike(Mountain)
    1/2: 4 mile Trail Run(flat)
    1/3: 3.1 mile Treadmill
    1/4: 4 mile Trail Run(flat)
    1/5: Zero Day (Pilates)
    1/6: 6 miles (Ellip)
    1/7: 2 miles (Ellip)
    1/8: 2.1miles(Ellip)
    1/9: 4.2 (Ellip)
    1/10 2.2 (Ellip)
    1/11 2 Trail
    1/12 2 (Ellip)
    1/13 2 (Ellip)
    1/14 2 (Ellip)
    1/15 2 (Ellip)
    1/16 4 (Ellip) + 2 Trail
    1/17 5 run
    1/18 2 Trail run
    1/19 8 Trail Hike/run Mountain
    Total: 72.1
    Goal: 90

  • briebee7
    briebee7 Posts: 224 Member
    shanaber wrote: »
    @HealthyFocused715‌, @Abakan‌, @Lesleycali‌, @ddmom0811‌, @Runningmischka‌ - Thanks! The race was fun and a little crazy. One of the Wookie runners definitely ran it, he finished not too far behind me. I was surprised that there were all kinds of places set up in the parks where you could stop and have your picture taken with the Star Wars characters and even more surprised at how many people were lined up to get their pictures taken. The lines were longer for the pictures than the porta potties! There was also one section around mile 8-9 that was really boring - just running through the streets in a so-so neighborhood with no entertainment or anything. For me it was a point where you're starting to get tired and I really could have had something fun going on to distract me.

    I have nothing more scheduled until July when I will be running the 1st half of the San Francisco Marathon (you can run the 1st half, the 2nd half or the full). I am excited because the part I am running goes out and back across the Golden Gate bridge!

    I've done the SF half (well 1st half of the full!). Great course finishing in GG park. That time of year it is hit or miss on how foggy it is going over the bridge. Some years you get great views and other years you can barely see in front of you. The 1st time I ever ran across the bridge I was surprised that it was sloped. I always think of bridges as being flat but it is a steady uphill on the way out and steady downhill on the way back.
  • fabnine
    fabnine Posts: 379 Member
    ddmom0811 wrote: »
    @fabnine - That's so amazing you run more miles than your son bikes! My daughter ran a lot with me when she was home for her winter break and now we are keeping up with each other on endomondo and texting. We are doing a 10K together when she comes home for spring break. She is 21 and played sports growing up, then played two years in college, but quit after two years (it was just too much time) so running has been a new thing for her. She seems to be loving it, as am I.
    - Remember it's winter right now, once summer rolls back around he'll cover the 50 miles I can do in a week in 2 days tops. I love that you've found a way to keep running with your daughter despite the distance. My girls will run with me once spring arrives, but until then I'm on my own.

    _Date___ Miles
    Jan 1 ___5.7 __lovely first run of the new year
    Jan 2 ___7.1 __trail, light flurries
    Jan 3 ___4.7
    Jan 4 ___1.3 __streak
    Jan 5 ___7.2 __hills, 19F windy
    Jan 6 ___3.6 __14F windy & snowing
    Jan 7 ___2.1 __14F windy & snowing + hike up Bald Mountain/around Willard Lake
    Jan 8 ___4.0 __13F windy but no snow :)
    Jan 9 ___3.5
    Jan 10 __3.5
    Jan 11 __12.8 _14F trail
    Jan 12 __5.9 __after all those cold days 34F felt warm & Happy Birthday Mom!
    Jan 13 __3.5 __7F
    Jan 14 __2.0 __snow flurries + a little hike up Uncanoonuc
    Jan 15 __14.9 _trails 22F snow flurries
    Jan 16 __3.6 __WINDY, I'm not built to fight 30-35mph winds.
    Jan 17 __2.8 __11F & still windy
    Jan 18 __7.0 __trail freezing rain for last mile
    Jan 19 __3.5 __39F even windy it felt great + another hike up Uncanoonuc

    Month total= 98.9miles ___ 41.1remaining


    Current Streak: 148days = 963.6miles

  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,423 Member
    briebee7 wrote: »
    shanaber wrote: »
    @HealthyFocused715‌, @Abakan‌, @Lesleycali‌, @ddmom0811‌, @Runningmischka‌ - Thanks! The race was fun and a little crazy. One of the Wookie runners definitely ran it, he finished not too far behind me. I was surprised that there were all kinds of places set up in the parks where you could stop and have your picture taken with the Star Wars characters and even more surprised at how many people were lined up to get their pictures taken. The lines were longer for the pictures than the porta potties! There was also one section around mile 8-9 that was really boring - just running through the streets in a so-so neighborhood with no entertainment or anything. For me it was a point where you're starting to get tired and I really could have had something fun going on to distract me.

    I have nothing more scheduled until July when I will be running the 1st half of the San Francisco Marathon (you can run the 1st half, the 2nd half or the full). I am excited because the part I am running goes out and back across the Golden Gate bridge!

    I've done the SF half (well 1st half of the full!). Great course finishing in GG park. That time of year it is hit or miss on how foggy it is going over the bridge. Some years you get great views and other years you can barely see in front of you. The 1st time I ever ran across the bridge I was surprised that it was sloped. I always think of bridges as being flat but it is a steady uphill on the way out and steady downhill on the way back.

    I had no idea the bridge was sloped even though we have driven across it many times too. I have always thought of it more as an arch. I am hoping it won't be too foggy but know it can be hit or miss especially with the run being so early and no time for the fog to burn off. Either way though it is going to be exciting!
    Have you run any of the races south of you? I have run the SLO City to the Sea half twice now (October) and it is a really nice run. It is also a nice weekend get away since it is an easy drive from Orange County.

  • kimlight2
    kimlight2 Posts: 483 Member
    My goal is 25 miles and I am at 17.6 right now. I think I should be able to make it. :)
  • tdbernrd
    tdbernrd Posts: 510 Member
    January 19th--2.02 miles

  • briebee7
    briebee7 Posts: 224 Member

    I had no idea the bridge was sloped even though we have driven across it many times too. I have always thought of it more as an arch. I am hoping it won't be too foggy but know it can be hit or miss especially with the run being so early and no time for the fog to burn off. Either way though it is going to be exciting!
    Have you run any of the races south of you? I have run the SLO City to the Sea half twice now (October) and it is a really nice run. It is also a nice weekend get away since it is an easy drive from Orange County.


    It probably is more of an arch and just feels more of an incline heading out of the City. And yes, it is fun regardless of weather! You know, being a Northern/Central CA gal my whole life I hardly ever venture south for races or even vacations. I will have to check out the SLO one. That is only 2 hours from me and I don't have anything planned after my Full in April.
  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,423 Member
    01/01.... 0.00....... 0.00
    01/02.... 6.98....... 6.98
    01/03.... 0.00....... 6.98
    01/04...10.75......17.73 - went out for 8 and just kept going!
    01/05.... 4.27......22.00 - strength training too
    01/06.... 4.33......26.33 - too hot and my legs felt like logs
    01/07.... 0.00......26.33 - rest day
    01/08.... 6.50......32.83 - strength training too
    01/09.... 5.11......37.94
    01/10.... 7.18......45.12 - rain run!
    01/11.... 0.00......45.12 - taper
    01/12.... 4.38......49.50
    01/13.... 0.00......49.50 - taper, Strength training
    01/14.... 4.09......53.59
    01/15.... 0.00......53.59 - taper, Strength training
    01/16.... 3.81......57.40
    01/17.... 0.00......57.40 - taper
    01/18...13.10......70.50 - Disney Star Wars Half
    01/19.... 4.22......74.72 - Recovery run

  • tostaky
    tostaky Posts: 30 Member
    Hi, just discovered the forums.
    Can i join forthe rest of january? My goal will be 30k (i have a 10k on sunday)
  • LoneWolfRunner
    LoneWolfRunner Posts: 1,160 Member
    DATE...................... MILES...............TOTAL
    1/7.............................6.00...............23.50 (Cold one... -7F windchill)
    1/8.............................7.00...............30.50 (Colder one... -17F windchill)
    1/10...........................5.00...............35.50 (Even colder... -2F, -19F windchill)
    1/13...........................7.00...............47.50 (10F, 0F windchill)
    1/15.........................10.00...............57.50 (9F, 4F windchill)
    1/17...........................7.50...............71.00 (15F, 3F windchill)

  • LoneWolfRunner
    LoneWolfRunner Posts: 1,160 Member
    tostaky wrote: »
    Hi, just discovered the forums.
    Can i join forthe rest of january? My goal will be 30k (i have a 10k on sunday)
    Yep! You're in!
  • WhatMeRunning
    WhatMeRunning Posts: 3,538 Member
    1/1 - 4.06 miles
    1/3 - 5.74 miles
    1/6 - 4.06 miles
    1/8 - 4.06 miles
    1/10 - 8.54 miles
    1/13 - 4.04 miles
    1/15 - 4.02 miles
    1/17 - 10.0 miles
    1/20 - 4.1 miles

  • Stoshew71
    Stoshew71 Posts: 6,553 Member
    Date Miles today. Miles for January

    1/1 8 miles - 8
    1/2 9 miles - 17
    1/3 REST DAY
    1/4 8.85 miles - 25.85
    1/5 6.2 miles - 32.05
    1/6 7 miles - 39.05
    1/7 6.2 miles - 45.25
    1/8 8 miles 53.25 <<< 8 degrees is cold for Alabama
    1/9 6.2 miles 59.45
    1/10 14 miles 73.45
    1/11 REST DAY
    1/12 9 miles 82.45
    1/13 7 miles 89.45
    1/14 6.2 miles 95.65
    1/15 7.25 miles - 102.9
    1/16 Unplanned REST DAY <<< I needed an extra day rest.
    1/17 12 miles - 114.9
    1/18 REST DAY
    1/19 REST DAY
    1/20 7 miles 121.9


  • Abakan
    Abakan Posts: 361 Member
    My garmin was dead this morning when I went to personal training, we did around 3 miles so that's 7 miles done 43 to do.
  • skippygirlsmom
    skippygirlsmom Posts: 4,433 Member
    edited January 2015

    I'm back after a week long journey to Motherland :) 3 miles today, and man was it rough! I don't know who or what to blame: the 12 hours on the plane, the amount of authentic russian food I ate at my mom's house, the growing human in my womb, or all of the above :# Sloooowly getting back to my usual routine...

    My daughter is from your "motherland" also. :smile: Wonderful country, glad you had a good trip.

  • skippygirlsmom
    skippygirlsmom Posts: 4,433 Member
    Need to drop out of the challenge, hopefully just for January. You all on my friend's list already know this :smile:

    Just got back from The Orthopedic Center about my pain in my butt cheek (LOL). Didn't get quite the answers I expected - I figured it was a muscle thing a little PT and I'd be good for go. Seems I have a compressed disc in my back that they believe is pressing on my sciatic nerve. I didn't see the "spine guy" I saw his assistant and she was surprised I was having no pain in my back at all. She was impressed with the muscle strength in my legs (thank you running) and said that was great. They are making me an appointment for an MRI and then they will know more. She wanted to know if I had any questions, I told her no I'd wait until they knew everything before playing "what if" with her. I told her I had a HM to train for and she smiled and said "then let's get you fixed". She also said NO RUNNING until at least the next time I see them and we know more. She said I can exercise if it's low impact and doesn't hurt. Thanks for all your support folks!

    Anyone have any similar so you can tell me "been there, done that ran a marathon last week". :smiley:
  • jeffininer
    jeffininer Posts: 204 Member
    Jan 1: 3.22 Treadmill
    Jan 2: Strength
    Jan 3: Rest
    Jan 4: 5.00 Run
    Jan 5: 3.15 Treadmill
    Jan 6: Strength
    Jan 7: 3.27 Treadmill Intervals
    Jan 8: 3.00 Treadmill
    Jan 9: Cross Train/BodyCombat
    Jan10: Rest
    Jan 11: 6.00 Run
    Jan 12: Sick :(
    Jan 13: 3.03 Treadmill (and Strength)
    Jan 14: 3.11 Treadmill Intervals
    Jan 15: 3.14 Treadmill
    Jan 16: Cross Train/BodyCombat
    Jan 17: Cross Train/BodyCombat
    Jan 18: 7.00 Run
    Jan 19: 6.23 Run

    Total: 46.15 miles of 70

    ** Changed my goal to 70 (from 80) because I miscounted an additional Sunday long run when making my goal.

  • rajnigandha21
    rajnigandha21 Posts: 121 Member
    edited January 2015
    Just found this great place to keep me motivated! :) My target is 65 km in January.
  • SonicDeathMonkey80
    SonicDeathMonkey80 Posts: 4,489 Member
    1 Jan - 6mi, easy
    2 Jan - 6.2mi, easy
    3 Jan - 10mi trail
    4 Jan - 7mi trail w/girl
    5 Jan - 8.1mi, easy
    6 Jan - 8mi, easy, snow!
    7 Jan - 6mi, easy, -10°, +4mi w/girl
    8 Jan - 7mi, 6x Yasso 800s @6:40, treddy
    9 Jan - 10mi, easy, treddy
    10 Jan - 6mi trail race, 2mi cooldown, 6th overall, 2nd AG
    11 Jan - 3.7mi easy w/girl
    12 Jan - 8mi easy, treddy
    13 Jan - 8.2mi, easy
    14 Jan - 8mi, easy
    15 Jan - 7.5mi, intervals
    16 Jan - 9.1mi, easy
    17 Jan - 7mi, easy
    18 Jan - 14mi, easy
    19 Jan - 6mi, easy
    20 Jan - 8mi, easy

    Total: 160mi
    Goal: 230mi

    Current Streak:
    74 days (605mi)
  • rajnigandha21
    rajnigandha21 Posts: 121 Member
    edited January 2015
    Just found this great place to keep me motivated! :) My target is 65 km in January.

  • Lesleycali
    Lesleycali Posts: 236 Member
    Need to drop out of the challenge, hopefully just for January. You all on my friend's list already know this :smile:

    Just got back from The Orthopedic Center about my pain in my butt cheek (LOL). Didn't get quite the answers I expected - I figured it was a muscle thing a little PT and I'd be good for go. Seems I have a compressed disc in my back that they believe is pressing on my sciatic nerve. I didn't see the "spine guy" I saw his assistant and she was surprised I was having no pain in my back at all. She was impressed with the muscle strength in my legs (thank you running) and said that was great. They are making me an appointment for an MRI and then they will know more. She wanted to know if I had any questions, I told her no I'd wait until they knew everything before playing "what if" with her. I told her I had a HM to train for and she smiled and said "then let's get you fixed". She also said NO RUNNING until at least the next time I see them and we know more. She said I can exercise if it's low impact and doesn't hurt. Thanks for all your support folks!

    Anyone have any similar so you can tell me "been there, done that ran a marathon last week". :smiley:

    oh no! I hope it isn't too serious and you are back up and running in no time!
  • Lesleycali
    Lesleycali Posts: 236 Member
    1/1--- 3.5 miles, street
    1/2--- 8.66 miles, trail
    1/3--- 3 miles, trail
    1/4--- Rest
    1/5--- 7.95 miles trail (to the beach!)
    1/6--- Rest
    1/7--- 6 miles, street
    1/8--- 3 miles, trail
    1/9--- 9 miles, trail
    1/10-- Rest
    1/11-- 6.5 miles, trail, mud mud mud
    1/12-- 5 miles, trail
    1/13-- 4 miles, street
    1/14-- Rest
    1/15-- 4 miles, trail
    1/16-- 5 miles, dirt road, trail, slow
    1/17-- 3 miles, trail with strides and drills
    1/18-- 8 miles, trail
    1/19-- Rest
    1/20-- 5.3 miles trail, with hill sprints

    83 miles done/ 120 mile goal
  • MissBum
    MissBum Posts: 71 Member
    1/3: 3.5
    1/5: 3.5
    1/6: 2.0
    1/7: 2.3
    1/18: 3.6
    1/19: 3.7
    1/20: 2.1

    Total miles: 20.7
    Goal miles: 50
    Miles to go: 29.3

  • fabnine
    fabnine Posts: 379 Member
    @skippygirlsmom -You're going to beat this- don't let it get you down girl!

    _Date___ Miles
    Jan 1 ___5.7 __lovely first run of the new year
    Jan 2 ___7.1 __trail, light flurries
    Jan 3 ___4.7
    Jan 4 ___1.3 __streak
    Jan 5 ___7.2 __hills, 19F windy
    Jan 6 ___3.6 __14F windy & snowing
    Jan 7 ___2.1 __14F windy & snowing + hike up Bald Mountain/around Willard Lake
    Jan 8 ___4.0 __13F windy but no snow :)
    Jan 9 ___3.5
    Jan 10 __3.5
    Jan 11 __12.8 _14F trail
    Jan 12 __5.9 __after all those cold days 34F felt warm & Happy Birthday Mom!
    Jan 13 __3.5 __7F
    Jan 14 __2.0 __snow flurries + a little hike up Uncanoonuc
    Jan 15 __14.9 _trails 22F snow flurries
    Jan 16 __3.6 __WINDY, I'm not built to fight 30-35mph winds.
    Jan 17 __2.8 __11F & still windy
    Jan 18 __7.0 __trail freezing rain for last mile
    Jan 19 __3.5 __39F even windy it felt great + another hike up Uncanoonuc
    Jan 20 __3.6

    Month total= 102.5miles ___ 37.5remaining


    Current Streak: 149days = 967.2miles

  • corinne0805
    corinne0805 Posts: 158 Member
    edited January 2015
    I'm looking at all these people who've run 100+ miles already - I feel like a slacker!

  • jeffininer
    jeffininer Posts: 204 Member
    I'm looking at all these people who've run 100+ miles already - I feel like a slacker!


    I was looking at people's tickers that showed hundreds of miles for the month. I figured that HAD to be a typo....nope, they're just that awesome. :)
  • fabnine
    fabnine Posts: 379 Member
    I'm looking at all these people who've run 100+ miles already - I feel like a slacker!
    You are not a slacker!!! We all started running less than you're running now. Be persistent and conservatively add more miles as you are able, you'll be surprised what you are capable of.
    Also a little bit of crazy helps :D
  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,423 Member
    Need to drop out of the challenge, hopefully just for January. You all on my friend's list already know this :smile:

    Just got back from The Orthopedic Center about my pain in my butt cheek (LOL). Didn't get quite the answers I expected - I figured it was a muscle thing a little PT and I'd be good for go. Seems I have a compressed disc in my back that they believe is pressing on my sciatic nerve. I didn't see the "spine guy" I saw his assistant and she was surprised I was having no pain in my back at all. She was impressed with the muscle strength in my legs (thank you running) and said that was great. They are making me an appointment for an MRI and then they will know more. She wanted to know if I had any questions, I told her no I'd wait until they knew everything before playing "what if" with her. I told her I had a HM to train for and she smiled and said "then let's get you fixed". She also said NO RUNNING until at least the next time I see them and we know more. She said I can exercise if it's low impact and doesn't hurt. Thanks for all your support folks!

    Anyone have any similar so you can tell me "been there, done that ran a marathon last week". :smiley:

    I know it's not what you were expecting to hear but hang in there! Let them figure out exactly what is wrong and an approach to get it fixed. I like her response to your HM comment! She is thinking in the right direction! How long before you go back to see them?
This discussion has been closed.