beginning running.... how do you get past the embarrasment?



  • juliet3455
    juliet3455 Posts: 3,015 Member
    I hate quoting corporate logo's but " Just Do It" :smile:
    In May 2014 I started out doing a maximum 500 meter run-walk.
    Last week I did a little over 9 km during my lunch hour when it was about -20C.

    Not once during this journey of personal improvement did I feel that I was being Judged.
    It's not how far you run, or how long you run - It's the simple fact that You are working on Improving Yourself. Be Proud, Stand Tall put on some Shades - Some good Tunes and enjoy your growth into being a runner.
    Every person you meet on the trails who is doing some kind of exercise is cheering you on.
    Ignore the Jerks - Their not worth wasting your energy on them.

    How do you know when you are a Runner?
    When your running shoe collection is the biggest part of your shoe collection.
    When you have more specialized running socks than daily use socks.
    When you have a full shelf in the closet for your running gear.
    When you do a Load of Laundry and it's all Running Gear.
    When work gets in the way of a nice Relaxing run - that's when you truly are in the gang.
    Happy Feet = Happy Body = Happy Soul.
  • vickyaldersey
    vickyaldersey Posts: 39 Member
    jdscrubs32 wrote: »
    rrowdiness wrote: »
    Hey some quick solutions
    • Wear army surplus camo, it's designed to make it harder for people to see you.
    • Run at night; be sure to wear pure black from head to toe, wraparound sunglasses and a hat for that additional anonymity
    • Find places where there are no other people, and run there. You know, middle of the woods at midnight, that kinda stuff.
    • Consult this video. Specifically at 1:02. This is all that matters about running.
    • Stop worrying about what other people are thinking about you. They're not. They're thinking about them.

    Run at night and wear pitch black clothing!!!! Recipe for getting knocked down that and getting injured. Poster who asked initial question ignore this.

    I think it was meant to be a joke, if I'm reading it right,tounge in cheek.
  • lieajane
    lieajane Posts: 78 Member
    This goes for everything, not just running:

    1)most people are too wrapped up in their own tiny minds to give two hoots about what you're doing.

    2)some will notice, some will laugh. Chances are you'll never them again, or will never speak to them anyway. What do their opinions matter? They will have forgotten you in five minutes. Are you going to let them stop you?

    3)some people will notice and laugh and you'll run into them later and speak. Knowing I'm better than them would feed my motivation. I'd be waiting to call them out on it.
  • I know exactly how you feel, when I first started running I used to get up at 5am to run whilst it was still dark so no one would see me, and then I thought why the hell am I doing this, why should I care what anyone thinks. I am sure no one is laughing at you but if they are let them, your the one who is out working your *kitten* off to achieve your goal.
    Every time I see a "fat person" out jogging or in the gym I salute them as Greek Gods/Goddesses in training!

    You go girl!!!!!! B)
    I am sure you are doing amazing, stick at it!
  • Graceious1
    Graceious1 Posts: 716 Member
    I started running at 194lb and people only shouted "Well done girl" to me. I carried on and started running to music because it helped me to get into my own zone. As others have said, no one gives a monkies what you're doing. They have their own stuff going on. Do you have a buddy you can jog with? Would you consider doing a different type of cardio exercise? What ever you decide keep moving and all the best.
  • BigDougie1211
    BigDougie1211 Posts: 3,531 Member
    I haven't read through 5 pages of responses, so apologies if I'm going over old ground here.
    I know how the OP feels.
    I did Couch to 5k a few years agao and I was ( and to an extent still am - just not as much ) FAT!!
    I was embarrassed when I first started it, especially at the whole run for 1 minute walk for 2 minutes thing. I'd run past someone and then have to stop and walk about 100 yards in fron tof them, because that was what the plan told me to do. ( nothing to do with being out of breath, nosireebob! ) Plus then I was walking around in shorts and a Tee Shirt and was obviously someone who couldn't run.
    So I wore less obvious running gear until I was able to run continuously for a while.
    Wear sweat pants and hoodies, so that when you're stopping if anyone is looking at you, you could just as easily be out for a walk as a run.
    Once you're at the point where you're going for 10 minutes, walking for 1 etc you'll not care whpo's looking at you - cos you'll be running out of their sight line.
  • If you can just keep running and concentrate on how YOU feel, you will eventually get past those feelings. I was there. People can be crude. It's those that are truly unhappy that have to put others down, to make themselves feel better. Just know you're in a better place than they are. You're doing this for you and those you love. Congrats!
  • 4leighbee
    4leighbee Posts: 1,275 Member
    About being "a runner" ... that identification was/is/has always been important to me. "Runners" are tough.

    *You* are a runner when *you* say you are - not after you reach any particular level. And guess what? As far as I'm concerned, if you're running ... you're a runner. No comparisons, no requirements, except that you are out there (or in there on the TM) running. Own it. It's yours, if you want it. And that might give you all the confidence you need.
  • Revonue
    Revonue Posts: 135 Member
    Really, I don't often see people judging people for running. The most I've gotten are positive comments. So keep your chin up and do what YOU want to do!
  • FullofSuccess
    FullofSuccess Posts: 44 Member
    When my neighbor started running last summer, her feet was so heavy. I was worried about her. I could hear every foot step. When I started watching her, she would run to the stop sign and back. Then she would push it a little farther. She never stopped. We would wave and tell her keep it up. Now, she runs for miles without any difficulty. I'm so proud of her. So don't worry about others. Focus on your goals.... Good luck
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    Sure its been said many times, don't worry about it. I look at the heavier runners and say "what the hell? I need to get off my a*s! And run with them!"

    They have nothing on you. Just think how in a month or so you'll look fitter, what will they think then!

    You got this!
  • snarlingcoyote
    snarlingcoyote Posts: 399 Member
    edited January 2015
    There is a lady in my small town who started walking about 7 years ago. I don't know her, all I know is that she was obese when she started. I was impressed that she was out there. That was 7 years ago and she still goes out there. Today she runs, and she is about a third the size of the woman who started walking 7 years ago. I don't know her from Adam. All I know is that she got up one day and started moving and kept moving.

    She is my hero, and sometimes she is my inspiration to get up off my duff and run.
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    @snarlingcoyote‌ that's such a great share. Thanks.
  • Solamer
    Solamer Posts: 67 Member
    I am PROUD of you for getting out there!! I struggle with being brave and trying new things and general social anxiety. I have to keep reminding myself why I'm doing it, why I want to do it, and why I DESERVE to do it. Sometimes I have to remind my self more, sometimes less. Deep breaths help and remember to be brave.

    You have EVERY RIGHT to be out there running just as much as anyone else. Keep runnin' girl.
  • gidgeclev
    gidgeclev Posts: 103 Member
    I live in a village in Kent .. we have a village running club which caters for everyone from power walkers to people training for half marathons. We are all shapes and sizes and no one cares how slow you are or how big you are. This was started by one man who did what you are doing and ran at night because he was so embarrassed about being overweight. His lovely inclusive running clubs are now being opened in other villages in the area. You are not alone.. people are out running all the time here, looking red and sweaty but smiling because they can do it. And it is now so normal that few people take any notice and cars stop to let you run across junctions. Keep going.. the endorphin rush is worth it!
  • SJunczyk
    SJunczyk Posts: 430 Member
    I downloaded c25k many a time last year a but last year I wasnt mentally prepared.

    This year is MY year.

    I began running last week-nothing fast or too heavy. I was worried about running alone as I felt I needed a buddy to run with...however none of my facebook friends were free or willing to take on this new challenge.

    So I went regardless or what I looked like or what I wore.. And you know what? I felt damn good after it :) AND i was amazed as to what muscles I used (felt those the next day!)

    Go for it! I say! I run slower than a herd of stampeding turtles! I also look like a beetroot after any exercise.

    #beatthemirrordemon #thisgirlcan #icanandiwill #feelgreat #lookgreat #motivateyourself

    Deeta :)
  • jordanveg
    jordanveg Posts: 20 Member
    Well, I started running this week, C25K as well, and I'm having a similar issue. I'm slightly self conscious, but I've got to get over that. I'm only 5'2, and nearly 170 pounds, and I have to wear tight clothing because I live in super hot Florida. When I'm running and someone passes me, I smile and wave, or nod my head, and tell myself that even if I look silly or run slowly, I'm still doing more than the person sitting on the couch. For me, that's all that matters. I remind myself that I'm doing this for me, and I don't care what other people think. I know it's hard, but it's so worth it!
  • GiddyupTim
    GiddyupTim Posts: 2,819 Member
    Don't let anyone who you don't know dissuade you from what you really want to do! Matter of fact, don't let ANYONE dissuade you!
  • I was 306lbs when I tried to start running. I would pick odd times in quiet residential areas where there was less traffic. I then found a trail loop that offered privacy and softer ground which helped the knees a little. You will come across a-holes out there. I came across one when riding my bike one morning. I was down to about 260 and feeling good about my progress. As I round the corner a guy driving a Garbage truck starts yelling out his window "keep peddling fat *kitten* it does not appear to be working". I was so angry, hurt and embarrassed. But I eventually absolved myself to the fact that in a given amount of time I would be a my goal weight and he would still be driving a garbage truck.

    what a nasty comment that guy made! glad you carried on afterwards though! i don't understand why people have to be so mean/insensitive to bigger people (e.g. when cycling, in the gym etc) when they can see that you're actively trying to do something about your weight
  • Lofteren
    Lofteren Posts: 960 Member
    Who cares? Phuck those people. Just run.