20 pounds by Easter challenge



  • raechellejoi
    raechellejoi Posts: 21 Member
    CALIECAT wrote: »
    Hello, I am new to this discussion but am also trying to lose 20lbs by Easter. I'm looking for some accountabilibuddies.

    Welcome aedhellejoi The way I looked at it is the more you post the more you will get out of it. We are tryin to set up a Bairthday list with you name, your birthday not the year and where you are from So we can celebrate your Bitrhday with you. Welcome


    My name is Raechelle. My birthday is June 16. I am from Payette, Idaho (USA).
  • raechellejoi
    raechellejoi Posts: 21 Member
    Hello, I am new to this discussion but am also trying to lose 20lbs by Easter. I'm looking for some accountabilibuddies.

    accountabilibuddies is the cutest name!!

    Thank you, but I can't take credit for it.
  • raechellejoi
    raechellejoi Posts: 21 Member
    Hello, I am new to this discussion but am also trying to lose 20lbs by Easter. I'm looking for some accountabilibuddies.

    accountabilibuddies is the cutest name!!

    Thank you, but I can't take credit for it.

    I saw it posted in the forums and ran with it. Has a fun ring to it.
  • BJRDmom
    BJRDmom Posts: 21 Member
    I just started exercising last week when I joined a gym. So far I have done 2 yoga classes, a strength training and an aquafit class. Today I feel lethargic though and had to push myself to just walk for 30 minutes. I was told that strength training and building muscles does more for weight loss in the long run than cardio does. I'm down 5 pounds this month so far and hope to lose 15 more by Easter.
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    edited January 2015

    you really do sound like a fun person I think you wiil fit in this thread perfect
    <3 marie

    diane- If you keep all of that up you will lose your 20 pound challenge. Good for you Way to go.

    Eat healthy today
    <3 (*) <3

  • angawilson
    angawilson Posts: 227 Member
    BJRDmom wrote: »
    I just started exercising last week when I joined a gym. So far I have done 2 yoga classes, a strength training and an aquafit class. Today I feel lethargic though and had to push myself to just walk for 30 minutes. I was told that strength training and building muscles does more for weight loss in the long run than cardio does. I'm down 5 pounds this month so far and hope to lose 15 more by Easter.
    Awesome great job

  • eyegirl777va
    eyegirl777va Posts: 1,464 Member
    Good Wednesday morning to all. Hope everyone is doing good today. Had a nice bike ride this am although it was a bit chilly.
    Staying on track and so glad to be a part of this thread.
    Nancy in Mississippi
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    And it is a joy to have you with us Nancy
  • JBergman13
    JBergman13 Posts: 21 Member
    I'm in!
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    edited January 2015
    found my fitbit rather my husband did It was on my night stand. But hidingg from me.
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Chopper13 wrote: »
    I'm in!

    Welcome to our thread. post and tell a little about your self. We would love to hear from you


  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member

    Sophie...I love going to the movies, and movie popcorn is something I will NOT give up! I plan for it in my diary and rather than get a bucket like I used to (shared with DH), I get a medium bag. The day I go, I usually drink more water and do not eat any starchy carbs. I went a few weeks ago, had popcorn with no gain the next day nor did it hinder my loss for the week. I think planning for those kinds of treats keeps us from feeling deprived and helps us to better able to cope with staying on our plans.

    There is something quite special about movie popcorn isn't there? It just tastes better than regular microwave popcorn! I got a medium bag last night and decided that I'm not going to weigh myself today and will just weight myself as normal. I don't go to the cinema very often so sometimes you just need some popcorn! I'll keep in mind for next time to drink extra water the day I go as well as the next day!

    SOPHIE - I also eat popcorn at the movies. I try and eat right all day and keep my calories low so I can have some popcorn. It just tastes better. Have you tried putting the kernels into a paper bag
    and microwave it? It is supposed to be healthier than the kind you buy.

    MARIE - A beautiful baby boy has arrived! Congratulations.

    Sandcastle - Where are you from? NW is that Northwest Territories Canada?

    A start to a frosty day today. I started up my car for 10 min and the windows were still frosty and I had to scrape anyway. Yoga practice today and 10 min meditation.
    I am finishing up a salad with crab meat and a vinegarette dressing.

    Enjoy your day

    Ontario, Canada
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,132 Member
    :D Sophie, you got me thinking when you said that you wouldn't give up movie popcorn because it was special and you don't go to the movies that often.....I don't eat ice cream except once a year during the Lavender Festival when they make many great variations of lavender flavored ice cream and I allow myself one or two lavender ice cream cones. It is the only dessert-type food that I eat.

    smiley-sport017.gifOne thing I know about exercise is that the best exercise is the one that you'll do, so it doesn't matter so much what the experts say, just get moving and try lots of stuff to see what you'll stay with. I dance three days a week and walk every day and sometimes do strength training.

  • beszmytke
    beszmytke Posts: 73 Member
    Barbie, I love your dancing kitty next to your name! That just makes me laugh right out loud!

    I made Eggplant Bruschetta tonight to have for dinner instead of a baked potato - this was the first time I tried the recipe and they were so delicious:

    Makes about 4 appetizer/salad portions, assuming people will eat two rounds each.

    1 to 2 tablespoons plus 4 teaspoons olive oil
    1 1/2 pounds eggplant (about 2 medium), in 3/4- to 1-inch slices
    2 ounces (1/2 cup) chopped or crumbled feta cheese
    6 black olives, diced
    1/3 cup finely diced red onion
    3 seeded, diced medium tomatoes (1 1/2 cups)
    3 tablespoons minced fresh parsley
    2 teaspoon red wine vinegar
    Freshly ground black pepper.

    Preheat oven to 425 degrees. Coat a large baking sheet generously with olive oil, about 1 to 2 tablespoons. Lightly coat each side of eggplant slices. Arrange eggplant rounds in a single layer. Sprinkle with salt and freshly ground black pepper. Roast, without disturbing, for 15 to 20 minutes. Carefully flip each piece: the undersides should be blistery, dark and a bit puffy and should release from the pan with no effort. If they’re not, let it cook longer. Once flipped, sprinkle them with additional salt and freshly ground black pepper and return the pan to the oven for another 10 to 12 minutes or so, until the undersides match the tops.

    Meanwhile, mix your feta, olives, onion, tomatoes, parsley, vinegar and remaining 4 teaspoons olive oil in a small bowl. Taste for seasoning;Add more vinegar, if desired. Add freshly ground black pepper, to taste.

    When the eggplant discs are done, arrange them on a serving platter. Scoop a spoonful of the salad over each round. Eat immediately. <3

    Congratulations to everyone who worked hard today on healthy food choices and exercise!

    Plymouth MI
  • barbiecat wrote: »
    :D Sophie, you got me thinking when you said that you wouldn't give up movie popcorn because it was special and you don't go to the movies that often.....I don't eat ice cream except once a year during the Lavender Festival when they make many great variations of lavender flavored ice cream and I allow myself one or two lavender ice cream cones. It is the only dessert-type food that I eat.

    smiley-sport017.gifOne thing I know about exercise is that the best exercise is the one that you'll do, so it doesn't matter so much what the experts say, just get moving and try lots of stuff to see what you'll stay with. I dance three days a week and walk every day and sometimes do strength training.


    I agree FULLY about the type of exercise. I also "dance it out" at least 10-30 minutes a day. I just throw on my favorite pandora station and get into it. It is also great for my mood since I can get down in winter. I was just thinking that if I could give anyone a message it would be just that: for some people it is best to let go of strict routines... Especially if you are just getting back in the groove. Awesome advice. I cosign and thank you for the affirmation!

  • eyegirl777va
    eyegirl777va Posts: 1,464 Member
    I am thinking about getting a stationary recumbent bike and was wondering if anyone has any recommendations for one.
    I am really a treadmill person but since I can't do that for awhile and being able to ride my bike this time of year is not always
    possible I thought this might work. Would appreciate any input.

  • eyegirl777va
    eyegirl777va Posts: 1,464 Member
    Belinda your Eggplant Bruschetta sounds delicious. I will try it for sure.
  • I am thinking about getting a stationary recumbent bike and was wondering if anyone has any recommendations for one.
    I am really a treadmill person but since I can't do that for awhile and being able to ride my bike this time of year is not always
    possible I thought this might work. Would appreciate any input.

    I heard this one is pretty good. I'm getting it at the end of next month...

    It's a Marcy recumbent bike. If you type that in the search a few come up.
  • Doing well so far today...sticking to my eating plan...aerobics.
    SW 172
    CW 163
    GW 150