May Move Your *kitten* Challenge



  • caretmier
    caretmier Posts: 66
    I just love having this ticker! It really surprises me that I have gone 19 miles in 6 days! A couple days ago I was worried I wouldnt get to the 50, now I am thinking I under estimated myself! New goal - see how many miles I can walk in a month! I just walked 3.5 miles with my neighbor pushing a double stroller through some rolling hills of California! Good burn!!!
  • toots99
    toots99 Posts: 3,794 Member
    I am embarrassed by my tiny little miles, But I will be lucky to make them :blushing: But you gotta start somewhere. :laugh:

    Don't be embarrassed, be proud of yourself for pushing! :drinker:
  • TeamLeela
    TeamLeela Posts: 3,302
    going for another walk now its too nice out to stay inside and I don't know how long the nice weather is going to last.
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    Proving to myself that running outside is way easier than the treadmill... I logged another 6.6 miles today, for a total of 20 for the month so far.
  • TeamLeela
    TeamLeela Posts: 3,302
    2.1 miles of outdoor walking. feels great!
  • barty
    barty Posts: 729
    8 miles walked over the last 2 days
  • vhuber
    vhuber Posts: 8,779 Member
    3 mile speed walk today!!
  • TrinityPixie4
    TrinityPixie4 Posts: 109
    Did a mile today. Although it felt like 5, oh well. I was thinking, yay I got 5 miles in today, but realized I only did a mile. :laugh:
  • Kellikat80
    Kellikat80 Posts: 591 Member
    I did 2.3 mi today for c25k and have updated my ticker.
  • mrshill1618
    mrshill1618 Posts: 14
    here we go again:-)

  • rozamu
    rozamu Posts: 45 Member
    5 mile hike today. Signature updated
  • miswen
    miswen Posts: 113 Member
    Took advantage of a day off and some very nice weather- 10.5 miles today.
  • FitJ1210
    FitJ1210 Posts: 754
    For Friday 4.39 miles.

    Good Job EVERYONE :flowerforyou: Your all so inspiring... truly :happy: :flowerforyou: :happy:
  • LadyPersia
    LadyPersia Posts: 1,443 Member
    17.65 miles this week I'm a slow poke....keep up the great work everyone
  • gehlerc
    gehlerc Posts: 651 Member
    FIRST BIKE RIDE OF THE SEASON TODAY!!!!!! Oops--sorry about the shouting. This has got to be the best time of year to be in the upper midwest. There's such an exquisite joy in these beautiful days after the winter ends. Well, maybe this is just the endorphins talking. :smile:

    I had a great ride--I've just had my bike tuned up, and it hasn't worked this well in years. Every spring I fall in love with my 25-year-old bike again, and with the rural scenery here in west central Wisconsin. I had, however, forgotten how brutal some of the hills can be--and, at the same time, beautiful and empowering when I get to the top and look around.

    Okay, enough gushing from me. Reporting in with a 21.4-mile ride today. Now I've got to get in the car and go for a 4.5-hour drive. We'll see how stiff I am at the end of it--and if I feel like doing my scheduled 7 miles on foot tomorrow morning!!!!

    Happy moving, everyone, and thank you for being a part of this group! I draw great inspiration from knowing we are all moving our *kitten* all these miles all over the world, and then coming together here. :drinker:
  • skinnyack
    skinnyack Posts: 683
    Current mileage: 9
    Goal Mileage: 50
  • SarahRuth♥
    SarahRuth♥ Posts: 609 Member
    26.4 miles on the bike trail today. It was wonderful, the weather right now is just amazing! But I think I need to get my bike in to the shop, it's not shifting properly now... :(

    Ticker updated. :)
  • thedestar
    thedestar Posts: 1,278 Member
    I haven't been updating this week, but i have been moving! Tuesday, Wednesday, and Today I got in good walks. Ticker is updated!!!
  • barty
    barty Posts: 729
    Hi, managed to walk for 4 + miles today :smile:
  • dinos
    dinos Posts: 1,390 Member
    Moved 16 miles Friday and Saturday mostly running. A few of these miles were from cycling, but not as many as I intended to ride in the first place. Last Wednesday I pulled a shoulder muscle which made cycling very uncomfortable, mainly because my bike has straight bars and as I have to ride in the same position most of the time the shoulder carries a lot of weight. At least it doesn't interfere with running as much.