Fifty plus (or so) support group



  • unigoop
    unigoop Posts: 12 Member
    Good morning everyone feels good waking up today. Hope everyone has a great day. Got to keep on logging those meals.
  • beemerphile1
    beemerphile1 Posts: 1,710 Member
    Hello all, I am a 59yo man. I have been using MFP since August 2014 and have taken off 40 pounds. My initial goal is to lose 60 total by May 2015 and then reevaluate. The 60 will put me at 198 pounds.

    I have always been active but the weight gain just sneaked up on me. As we age we slow down and must reduce caloric intake because we just naturally burn less.

    Since I like to exercise, the beating my feet, ankles, and hips were taking is what motivated me. I kept injuring myself and having pain after exercising. So far I am exercising harder and having less pain so the weight loss is working.

    I'm pulling for you!
  • Sandcastles61
    Sandcastles61 Posts: 506 Member
    Happy Wednesday everyone! We're halfway through another week! What are you planning to do today to stay on goal? I'm taking my son grocery shopping with me.... List in hand.... And if it's not on the list it's not going in the cart! Wish me luck!

    Have a great day losers ;)

    Tami~ Pac NW
  • CarolPre
    CarolPre Posts: 1,852 Member
    I'll be 56 next week and just started back on my diet yesterday, but didn't get on the scales until this morning. Oh wow, I gained 8 pounds over the holiday's. I'd like to lose 100, but am setting smaller goals at a time. So for now, my first goal is 20 pounds. It's great to see folks around my age doing the same thing.
  • bellabutt3
    bellabutt3 Posts: 105 Member
    Turning 59 this spring. Made up my mind to "celebrate" who I am and what I can accomplish instead of being bummed.
    My ultimate goal is 20 lbs, but plan to set small goals of 5 or 10 to start. Good luck everyone!
  • Sandcastles61
    Sandcastles61 Posts: 506 Member
    Welcome Beemer and Carol~ I'll be real honest and let you all know I reached out to the originator of this group to let her know we're trying to get the thread active. Sadly she hasn't been on MFP since shortly after her post and hasn't responded ....... But that doesn't mean we can't make this a fun and motivating group and surprise the heck out of her when she does come back!

    Today I had a great time grocery shopping with my son aka accountability partner LOL..... Almost had a little slip when I spied a new product~ Chocolate dipped wavy potato chips! No way! My two favorite things in one :D But with a look of longing I slowly backed away.... Instead I came home, weighed and portioned out my proteins and got my chicken breasts marinating so I can bake them off and have them at the ready! Small victories!

    Hope you all had small victories of your own today :) Oh........ And if you see me not post for more than a couple of days would someone (or everyone!) just message me and get me back on task <3.

  • candicer
    candicer Posts: 25 Member
    56 and need to lose about 25; though seriously at this point I would be happy with 5! I lost about 25 pounds about 9 years ago and kept it off great till about 2 years ago. The only way I was able to get it off back then (and believe me I tried everything and every method!) was to cut my calories drastically - to between 600 - 900 a day, and running about 12 - 18 miles a week. Drastic measures but it finally worked. Unfortunately I don't have that kind of energy anymore. So here I am. . .
    - Oh - and Sandcastles61 - those chocolate dipped potatoe chips are deadly!!! Delicious but deadly!
  • Sandcastles61
    Sandcastles61 Posts: 506 Member
    Welcome to the group Candice and Bella! I think we're all focused on slow and steady so you'll fit right in! I'm telling you Candice I was "this" close to coming home with those dang chips :D
  • Lrdoflamancha
    Lrdoflamancha Posts: 1,280 Member
    64 here.... I would like to join...
  • erb5161
    erb5161 Posts: 1 Member
    53... Love to join you!
  • Sandcastles61
    Sandcastles61 Posts: 506 Member
    Morning all :) Welcome to the group Lord and erb5161..... Tell us a little about yourselves!

    Looks like we have two birthdays coming up~ CarolPre will be 56 next week, ewoks is turning 51! What are you planning to do for yourself to celebrate your special day????

    Today is supposed to be a little warmer, but the rains are coming back. I've been soooo cold all I can think about are all the old go to winter comfort foods. I'm always looking for ways to make the old standbys healthier.... So excited because I found a Low carb/ low fat recipe for chili! I'm going to give it a try this weekend....

    So how are you all doing? I did the South Beach diet before Butbygrace. How are you doing with it? This time around I'm focused on total calories matched to my macros.... 25% carbs, 35% fat and 40% protein which roughly fits SB, but nothing is off limits so I (hopefully) won't have that adjustment back to the real world when I reach goal because I absolutely intend to maintain it "this time " LOL

    Have a GREAT Thursday everyone!

  • CarolPre
    CarolPre Posts: 1,852 Member
    Welcome Beemer and Carol~ I'll be real honest and let you all know I reached out to the originator of this group to let her know we're trying to get the thread active. Sadly she hasn't been on MFP since shortly after her post and hasn't responded ....... But that doesn't mean we can't make this a fun and motivating group and surprise the heck out of her when she does come back!

    Today I had a great time grocery shopping with my son aka accountability partner LOL..... Almost had a little slip when I spied a new product~ Chocolate dipped wavy potato chips! No way! My two favorite things in one :D But with a look of longing I slowly backed away.... Instead I came home, weighed and portioned out my proteins and got my chicken breasts marinating so I can bake them off and have them at the ready! Small victories!

    Hope you all had small victories of your own today :) Oh........ And if you see me not post for more than a couple of days would someone (or everyone!) just message me and get me back on task <3.


    I saw those chocolate wavy chips at the store the other day too and I stayed away. They sounded good, but if I had bought them, I would have probably eaten them in one sitting. I've been back on my diet starting this week and have lost 2 pounds. Yippie. for me.
  • Sandcastles61
    Sandcastles61 Posts: 506 Member
    Oh yea Carol, I would have had the entire bag gone by the time I got home.......

    For the rest of y'all, I'm off to the beach in the morning to go clamming for the weekend ...... Incredibly stressful day and (maybe I'm an anomaly) but I only just now squeeked down a couple hundred protein calories. I don't stress eat, I usually lose any appetite and have to force myself. Not so good on the metabolism!

    Heavy sigh..... Where are you all?

    Have a wonderful weekend! I'm looking forward to fresh Pacific ocean razor clams
  • Lornamcs
    Hi I'm 54 I've feel I've been battling my weight all my adult life, sometimes winning the battle but mainly losing it. Please add me.
  • AnneMelody
    AnneMelody Posts: 51 Member
    edited January 2015
    Hello, I just found you all, and I am hoping to make ' accountability friends' I'm 54, have 35lbs to lose to get to a healthy happy weight for me, not my " ideal" according to the diet powers that be, I'd look scrawny at that weight!
    Please feel free to add me, as it would be nice to get a push now and then, and I will do my best to cheer you on too! :) Xx
  • Goldenhoneypot
    Goldenhoneypot Posts: 5 Member
    Hello everyone..This is my first post on this site!! I will be 51 in just a few weeks and I have 55 lbs to lose! Sandcastles you have added so much positive energy to this group. This looks like a great place for motivation/support.
    I have a bit of info to add to mfp which I hope to figure out soon. I am starting my journey with counting calories religiously. I'm not a fan, but if I create a deficit - I lose weight..right? Anyway, I started on Monday and have had five consistent days!!
    I love to eat and love sugar and carbs..but my labs are not healthy and I want to bring my results into a healthy range without medication. So here I go...
    Hoping to share some support and motivation to the group. Let's make it a successful day!!
  • 2ledbetter
    2ledbetter Posts: 199 Member
    Hello everyone, I'm 53, and my starting weight as of August 2014 was at least 292 pounds. I have been over 200 pounds for over 15 years. Since logging with MFP I have lost down to 229 pounds with a final goal of 130 - 120 pounds, I'm 5'2".

    I practice mostly low carb, don't worry about the fat, way of eating. My exercise changes daily, I might walk for 15 min, was swimming 2 days a week for about a month, we are remodeling a home so that provides lots of "ladder" exercise. Just going to start a 60 day PIYO challenge with my 17 year old daughter, one of the Beachbody workouts. That will be a very modified version of workout for me, lol.
  • catchlisa
    catchlisa Posts: 1 Member
    Hello everyone,
    I have not quite hit the 50 year mark yet...I turned 48 in December. The title of this group is 50 (ish) so here I am.
    In 2001 I had gastric bypass surgery...lost 110 pounds and was thrilled with my thin self as I had been heavy my whole life. When the doctor tells you it is a TOOL and not a CURE he was not kidding! Over the next several years I gained weight...I so wanted my thin self the point that I flew to Mexico and had the banding surgery done. That has been about 5 years ago and the band has not worked it's magic since having it done. I just recently have insurance that will cover my band fills so am working at getting it adjusted to assist in my weight loss. I still seem to struggle with the weight loss and though it seems like I am eating okay I lost a few pounds and then gained FIVE! So I decided to try this fitness app to try to get a handle on what I am eating and hold myself accountable! Getting enough protein is my main goal...I don't worry so much about fat content. Since I have the bypass surgery, I do not absorb foods like a "normal" person does.
    At my age i have no desire to be the weight suggested by the medical world, but rather a weight that makes ME happy and helps lessen my back, knee and hip pain. My goal is to be below 200....even if only by a pound! I started this program 3 days ago at 269.5....this morning I am 266.8! I need to start walking but I live on the Oregon Coast and our Winter weather is not great for walking but will try to get out in between rain showers. I am hoping this group will be a good source of support and encouragement on this journey. I look forward to chatting with you all and supporting you in your weight loss goals.
  • VatorWife
    VatorWife Posts: 7 Member
    Hi all! Just turned 50 a few months ago. Looking to lose 25 more. Down 10 so far. Need to exercise more, drink less wine and embrace this new chapter in my life. 17 Day Diet is helping me a lot with nutrition (as long as I DO it!) and daily tips/motivation. I need to connect, however, with others like me. Let's talk, have some fun and motivate each other!!!
  • unigoop
    unigoop Posts: 12 Member
    Well had two great days spent yesterday in cold weather fishing caught four trout to grill and bake. Volunteered a fishing tournament today and I have logged over 15000 steps today. Hope all others are doing well.