Scale number will move only when good & ready



  • Kim55555
    Kim55555 Posts: 987 Member
    Heavy weights session this morning followed by sprints tonight. Most likely will eat anywhere between 2000 - 2300. I'll see what my decides it needs.
  • Kim55555
    Kim55555 Posts: 987 Member
    edited January 2015
    My goal has been to eat 2050 calories but I've been eating 2100-2300 the last week. I'm listening to my body and I've found it seems to need this amount now. I've still been in a slight deficit around 5 - 10 %.

    Even though I'm keen to lose some more tummy fat I think I'm ready to take a break so I've been looking to reverse dieting my way up to maintenance calories. I'm thinking to keep eating 2200 calories and each week add an extra 20 calories until I hit my maintenance. I need to do it slowly to prevent my appetite from going nuts and putting weight on.

    Then come spring here in Australia (September) I'll do another 5 month cut and lose some more off my tummy. I'm hoping that whilst eating at maintenance I might still be able to lose a little but my goal will be to rev up my metabolism and be able to eat as much as possible without gaining. I'd love to finally find out just how much I can eat with my activity level and not put on weight. Also when I do my next cut in September I'd like to be able to cut at 2000 rather than starting off at 1800's. I think I'll create a new thread
  • Kim55555
    Kim55555 Posts: 987 Member
    I had my measurements taken today

    In the space of 4 & 1/2 weeks

    I lost 1 cm off my waist (I now have a 79 cm waist ! Yessss!). :smile:
    and I lost 2cm off my chest
    Put on 4 cm on my hips (muscle from heavy lifting and running ?! ) or maybe she made a mistake

    1.4 kg lost too

  • LivingtheLeanDream
    LivingtheLeanDream Posts: 13,342 Member
    nice loss in your measurements :) I reckon she made a mistake with your hips, they can't get bigger! not at slight deficit.
    I'm loving your progress updates, finding it so beneficial and doing the same. Not seeing that much of a loss, a bit up and down the scale for me these days but I'm sticking with it. My body also feels like it needs more than 2000 a day. I'm trying to eat around that, although on Saturday its more like 2500 which I hope isn't detrimental!
    Keep us posted and if you do start a new thread I hope I see it, or copy me in some way? thanks, Ruth
  • skinny4me2be
    skinny4me2be Posts: 358 Member
    @Kim55555-Those are awesome -- I too agree--thing it was a mis measurement. Way to go -hard work is paying off!!

    RunRutheeRun--how did you feel eating at 2500? Satisfied? Hungry? Have you tried eating at 2100 or 2200 to see how that goes?
  • LivingtheLeanDream
    LivingtheLeanDream Posts: 13,342 Member
    @Kim55555-Those are awesome -- I too agree--thing it was a mis measurement. Way to go -hard work is paying off!!

    RunRutheeRun--how did you feel eating at 2500? Satisfied? Hungry? Have you tried eating at 2100 or 2200 to see how that goes?

    eating at 2500 I feel overfull/stuffed! it feels too much I guess! Eating at 2100 I'm full but I feel I'm still possibly eating too much else why would the scales not go down a bit. This week I am up 1/2lb but trying to ignore it and stick with you gals plan :) I want to give it time instead of wimping out lol

  • skinny4me2be
    skinny4me2be Posts: 358 Member
    I agree...don't cut yet. My weight can swing up 3-5lbs on some days. Your doing great. Stick with it and keep us posted on how it goes.
  • LivingtheLeanDream
    LivingtheLeanDream Posts: 13,342 Member
    I agree...don't cut yet. My weight can swing up 3-5lbs on some days. Your doing great. Stick with it and keep us posted on how it goes.

    oh don't worry, I'll keep you posted. I'm really glad we're friends :) I'll stick with this another month before I make any changes. I still feel guilty though when I log my food and have 2000 cals, mentally I feel its too much! but I want to prove the system works and be happy that I can actually eat that amount :)
  • Kim55555
    Kim55555 Posts: 987 Member
    Kim55555 wrote: »
    So there is a pattern I've been noticing. Every 4 - 5 weeks the scale ends up moving to a new lower weight. I've been fluctuating between 60.3 - 61.7 since December 4 & lately I'm in the lower range a lot more (being low to high 60's) So in a few weeks time I'm predicting a new low weight of 59. something. & then I will fluctuate between 59. something & low 61's and the cycle/pattern continues.

    haha well i'm way ahead of schedule, my new low weight is 58.4 and new high weight is low 60's. Although this morning it got to 59.3 so I'm kinda hoping my new high weight is now low 59's. But what happens is is that when I reach my new low weight which is 58.4 I will only stay at that weight for a little while before my scale settles at a higher amount. So actually I'm thinking based on past experience that my new range is low 59 - to low 60.

    In 4 - 6 weeks time if i keep eating the same amount my new low amount will be high 57 kg and new high weight will be mid 59's before my body settles in midway at high 58's.

    haha sounds complicated doesnt it but not really.

    Oh hey this might explain things for you @RunRutheeRun

    Keep eating that amount youve been eating for the next 4-6 weeks and take note of the trend on the scale. You lost weight last week eating that amount didnt you! Was that a new scale low for you?

  • Kim55555
    Kim55555 Posts: 987 Member
    edited January 2015
    I'll try to explain it simply

    From December 4, 2014 - December 14, 2014
    My low weight - low 60's
    My high weight - high 60's

    I started noticing that my weight was in the low 60's a lot more.

    I predicted that in a few weeks time (middle of January) a trend would occur

    Prediction low weight - 59 something
    Prediction high weight - 60 something

    This is what actually happened over the past 4 weeks - middle Dec - middle january
    My low weight - 58.4 kg
    My high weight - 60.4 kg

    My weight has now settled at the mid way point of 58.4 - 60.4 kg. Now what will happen is I only saw that 58.4 on the scale for a short time before my scale weight went up. This is a totally normal pattern and is what happens with the scale.

    You get to a new low weight and then stay there a little while before settling higher. What this means is you have a new low weight, a new middle weight and a new high weight. Your new highest weight settles at a an all time lower amount. My new high weight currently i think is low 60's. So if you look at my stats when I posted on December 14 my high weight was high 60's and it is now low 60's. From this I deduct I lost around a half to 1 kg in scale weight.

    and the pattern will continue

    Prediction for March 1

    New low weight - high 57 kg
    New mid weight - middle 58 kg
    New high weight - low 59 kg
  • LivingtheLeanDream
    LivingtheLeanDream Posts: 13,342 Member
    Kim55555 wrote: »
    Kim55555 wrote: »
    So there is a pattern I've been noticing. Every 4 - 5 weeks the scale ends up moving to a new lower weight. I've been fluctuating between 60.3 - 61.7 since December 4 & lately I'm in the lower range a lot more (being low to high 60's) So in a few weeks time I'm predicting a new low weight of 59. something. & then I will fluctuate between 59. something & low 61's and the cycle/pattern continues.

    haha well i'm way ahead of schedule, my new low weight is 58.4 and new high weight is low 60's. Although this morning it got to 59.3 so I'm kinda hoping my new high weight is now low 59's. But what happens is is that when I reach my new low weight which is 58.4 I will only stay at that weight for a little while before my scale settles at a higher amount. So actually I'm thinking based on past experience that my new range is low 59 - to low 60.

    In 4 - 6 weeks time if i keep eating the same amount my new low amount will be high 57 kg and new high weight will be mid 59's before my body settles in midway at high 58's.

    haha sounds complicated doesnt it but not really.

    Oh hey this might explain things for you @RunRutheeRun

    Keep eating that amount youve been eating for the next 4-6 weeks and take note of the trend on the scale. You lost weight last week eating that amount didnt you! Was that a new scale low for you?


    Hi Kim, it was my lowest in a month but not THE lowest.
    I use a weight tracking app so i'll keep an eye on it over the next month.

    Well done on your new low☺
  • LivisMommy10
    LivisMommy10 Posts: 24 Member
    Thank you for posting this...when you really work at it but don't see results immediately or plateau, it can be discouraging! Just gotta keep moving along and not give up!!
  • Kim55555
    Kim55555 Posts: 987 Member
  • Kim55555
    Kim55555 Posts: 987 Member
    edited January 2015
  • Kim55555
    Kim55555 Posts: 987 Member
    edited January 2015

    I had an amazing day today! Out of the 30 girls at day 1 pre season training I was top 3 for fitness.  I'm so proud of myself & proud of all the hard work ive put in during the offseason. My goal was top 10 & I smashed it!!!  Not bad for a 42 year old hey!   Back in 2010 I weighed 92 kg (203 lb) and would come in last. Now around 32 kg I'm right up there with the fitter girls.

    I'm in two minds over whether or not I'll switch to maintenance now as I really want to push hard and have the right amount of fuel to perform at my best & challenge myself plus compete against the girls. The other day I had my mind set on eating closer to the 2000-2100 mark but now I think I've made up my mind to eat at maintenance. Once the season is over in August I can do another cut, and the next cut should see me at goal in around 2-3 months eating at 10% defecit.
  • Kim55555
    Kim55555 Posts: 987 Member
    I am going to reverse diet up to maintenance!

    I have set my goal to 2100 gross average calories. I'll eat between 2000 - 2200 gross calories. Each week I'll slightly increase my gross calorie intake until eventually I'll stabilise at maintenance.

    I'm hoping in a few months time to be able to maintain on a gross calorie average of 2350 and then a few months after that maybe even 2500 gross calories I'll see what happens.

    All I know is so as to prevent weight gain I need to slowly up the calories so my body gets used to this amount of fuel. It will also help control my appetite and hormones adjust to it all too.

    I'm excited to be reverse dieting & heading towards maintenance & doing it slowly and carefully. I will continue to log in to mfp for support and interaction. I will keep doing the things that have made me so successful in losing the weight like tracking food, weighing food, measuring myself monthly, taking photos, weighing daily to keep track of my scale trend. Scale needs to stay between 58.4 and 60.3 as that is my range.

    In the offseason which is August I'll resume my cut to get to goal. I think it will only require another 2-3 months. :smile:
  • LivingtheLeanDream
    LivingtheLeanDream Posts: 13,342 Member
    Thanks for the update, looking forward to seeing more updates as you keep upping cals☺
  • Kim55555
    Kim55555 Posts: 987 Member
    Hi, I've changed my mind again lol :wink:   Im not going to reverse diet just yet!  I'll stick with 2100 gross calories.  My running performance & energy level is not in any way being impacted by my defecit and im loving the way my body is changing shape right before my eyes too much to stop just yet!!!  It's sooooo exciting. Haha can't wait to hit the gym later and check myself out in the mirrors. :blush:   I think I'm averaging a weekly 7 % defecit but I'm not sure!

    All the girls at preseason are telling me how great I look.  Looking at all the preseason go pro photos I can really see the transformation. I've leaned out so much in the last couple of months. Nice and streamlined look.  There was a shot taken in the beach and can see clear muscle definition in the arms and upper body. I'm looking nearly as lean as I did back in 2012.  I'm losing more fat off my tummy, some tops are swimming on me now. A few of my trousers I wear to work have become so loose now, I'll have to get some new ones. 

    I have some amazing news I want to share!  At training we were put into two groups of 12 and we ran a 4 hundred & 30 metre time trial. We had to run 3 laps with a 1 minute rest in between.  I came 3 rd !!!!!   in the first lap (out of 12 girls) and ran it in 1 minute, 37 seconds I have never run so fast in my whole life!!!! Last year I did it in 2 min 15.  In 2010 when I weighed 92 kg it would take me 4 minutes!!  I even had to confirm on Facebook that it truly was 430 metres! I still can't believe I achieved that time!!!!

    I am really keen to stay close to a 10 % defecit and lose the rest of my tummy. I would have burnt anywhere between 500 - 800 calories at footy training I'm not sure. I always go for the lower end of the range and underestimate my burn just in case i get it wrong.  One girl was wearing a watch and it said she burnt 880 calories!   I was satisfied eating 1900 that day. So I easily got a 10-15 % defecit that day. Yesterday I jogged for 45 mins and felt a bit hungrier and ate 2170. I think my defecit was close to 5 % that day.  

    So some days I'm eating at a 5 % defecit, some days a 10 % defecit and perhaps 1 day I might be eating at maintenance such as when i have a rest day.  Today if I eat 2040 calories my 6 day average will be 2100.

    It's lovely weather outside I think I'll save my knees and legs for tommorows (running) beach session and go for a swim. I'll also do some weights. 

    I found this cool article, check it out. Same weight 2 years apart but look at the transformation!

    How is everyone else going? :smile:
  • LivingtheLeanDream
    LivingtheLeanDream Posts: 13,342 Member
    What progress Kim! You're doing so great ☺ I reckon I'm at 10% deficit even eating at 2100 so I am gonna stick at that level for a number of weeks. I also aim to reduce my tummy. I'm pleased with the rest of me lol.

    I am noticing that I'm leaner and my tummy is reducing so I'm also making progress.

    As you already know I'm down a pound which is really exciting for me as formerly I would have cut to 1700 to lose that, the reversing process is working so I'm sticking with it.

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