Fifty plus (or so) support group



  • mmeyer9041
    mmeyer9041 Posts: 7 Member
    Feel free to add me on your Friend list. I didn't gain over the holidays, but I didn't lose either. Trying to get things jump-started again.
  • Hi all. I'm 55 and just loaded the MFP ap last week. The hubs and I are doing this together to drop weight (we can both stand to loose +50lbs each) before the daughter's wedding in April (like butbygrace, I want to look good in photos). I've lost good amounts on WW before but it always creeps right back on. This time, though, with the hubby partaking, I'm hoping it will be that "lifestyle change" click some of you have mentioned. It helps that we joined the local Planet Fitness last month. It's only $10 a month per person - really affordable if any of you have an interest, the thing I love about it is, you can do the treadmill or bike or eliptical while watching TV, so you forget about the time. Well, I'm glad you've rekindled this group and I look forward to being part of it. Best of luck, y'all!
  • I have 90 lbs. to lose so I'm all in for a group thing. I need all the support I can get
  • LABike
    LABike Posts: 2
    Hello everyone. I'm a 55 year old empty nester with 50 plus pounds to lose. I am working toward consistency in my diet and fitness behaviors. I have struggled with an all or nothing mentality that has left me on a fitness high or depressed and feeling guilty that I can't get it together. I would appreciate any support this group is willing to provide.
  • marybeezo
    marybeezo Posts: 17 Member
    Hi all! I'm 50ish, actually turning 50 in November, and wanting to get fit and healthy. Do y'all check in daily here, have a separate group/challenge page or add each other as friends? I've logged daily for 3 weeks straight. Just trying to get the lay of the land here!
  • Jayceca
    Jayceca Posts: 16 Member
    I am 76, am I too old to join? I need to lose some weight, but I am only aiming for 10 lbs at a time. I am only 5' tall and I would like to really lose about 30 lbs. That probably is too ambitious, but it's worth a try.
  • Sandcastles61
    Sandcastles61 Posts: 506 Member
    Happy Monday everyone! So nice to see new faces and everyone is welcome for sure! There are a couple of us 5'ers here Jayceca, so feel free to chime in anytime you want. Small goals at any given time are best for me too!

    We had a GREAT time at the beach this weekend! While clamming wasn't very good, the weather was gorgeous and we got in about 4 1/2 hours walking and stomping around on the beach :) My small victory this weekend was getting a kitchenette motel room so we could pack and prepare our own food instead of eating out..... I'm just not able to trust myself with a whole weekend of restaurant food yet LOL

    This morning was my weekly weigh in..... I was so excited and more than a little surprised to see a 2.5 lbs loss! This brings me to 10 pounds to date :D. Looks like I might need to revisit the exercise thing if all that extra beach walking helped me lose a whole extra pound! Woohoo!

    Congrats to Unigoop for his 10 pound loss! Amazing :) And to everyone for their big and small victories last week! I encourage everyone to check in and chime in often with your own small victories and challenges :D. When I did MFP a couple years ago I lost weight but didn't use the support of anyone else, and of course here I am again :s. This time I say fellow 50ish MFPers unite! We're gonna help each other do it <3

    Have a terrific day~ Tami
  • Sandcastles61
    Sandcastles61 Posts: 506 Member
    Happy National Chocolate Cake Day!!!!! Guess for me I'll have to make due with sugar~ free low fat chocolate pudding with a dollop of cool whip and a sliced strawberry on top.... Oh the sacrifice :)

    It's cold, foggy and rainy here today. A perfect day to give that beanless low carb chili a try! I'm going to throw it in the crockpot, then this afternoon portion out a couple servings for me and finish it off with some beans for the fellas...... How do you adjust your cooking to keep the non- dieters in your house happy?

    Have a wonderful Tuesday everyone! And stay away from the chocolate cake LOL <3

  • teenagwood
    teenagwood Posts: 10 Member
    Want to join please
  • joylevelup
    joylevelup Posts: 63 Member
    52 and would love to join
  • VatorWife
    VatorWife Posts: 7 Member
    I find myself making my own separate meal. A lot if work! I tend to go all in on their meals & then just throw something together for myself. Typical mom/wife, huh? When I plan something we all can enjoy it's a real treat for me! I cringe when I get the "What's for dessert?"
  • VatorWife
    VatorWife Posts: 7 Member
    I'm really enjoying the support through MFP for the 1st time, too. LOVE IT! Please feel free to friend me. It's a ball getting to know everyone! I'm on the West coast, so seeing others finishing their day motivates me to complete my diary, too. Not to mention exercise! Let's be "AccountabiliBuddies!"
  • Sandcastles61
    Sandcastles61 Posts: 506 Member
    Welcome ladies... Just star it as a favorite and chime in anytime! Hey tdavidson, I'm a west coaster too! SW Washington. Where abouts are you? There's one fella in Seattle too. (Go Seahawks! )

    I used to do the special meals thing. But I always seemed to fail to keep it up since I live in the real world and am making this a healthy lifestyle change instead of a "diet" this time. I'm having better success just modifying my portion first then finishing out more normally what I would do for the guys. For instance if I'm making tacos or burritos... I might use ground Turkey or lean ground beef for us all, skip the refried beans and use butter lettuce or romaine to make mine a lettuce wrap while they get their taco shell or burrito wrap. Then I'll use low fat sour cream and cheese on mine and add salsa which is virtually a freebie!

    Or if I make a pork roast with mashed potatoes and a veggie, I'll save back a portion of my carbs for a serving of the mashed potatoes and the rest of the meal is the same.

    But the planning.... Some days I feel like my whole life revolves around food now when all I want is freedom... from the weight for sure, but also all the constant thinking about food and what you can have and when you can have it..... It's such a time suck :s

    Hope everyone had a GREAT day! I'm off to get dinner on the table :)

  • 1PoisonIvy
    1PoisonIvy Posts: 927 Member
    Hi I'm 56 I've feel I've been battling my weight all my adult life, sometimes winning the battle but mainly losing it. Please add me. (had to steal from Lornamcs)
    But when I got to the point that it is struggle to put on socks, or tie my shoes, I knew I had to get back being serious or this weight is going to kill me.
    Only problem is, you can quit drugs, drinking and smoking because when you quit, you don't die.......meaning you can't quit food, you have to eat! And that overeating addition has a deadly grip on me! Constant battle trying to pry the gripping fingers to freedom.
  • ZBuffBod
    ZBuffBod Posts: 297 Member
    edited January 2015
    Hi all! Turned 53 in December. Joined MFP June 2014 and lost about 39 pounds so far. Have about 5 pounds to go so feeling victorious B) Next up is strength training so I can get as toned as a 53 year old can get. LOL!

    Wishing everyone the best of luck. I post to my diary daily and it is open to my friends. Add me if you choose.

    Slow and steady wins the race!
  • VatorWife
    VatorWife Posts: 7 Member
    I'm loving this activity friends! Let's help each other on good AND bad days. :D
  • HI! I'm 60 and want to lose 60 lbs. Never realized the coincidence- 60 at 60! Guess I'm glad that I'm not 70 and trying to lose 70 lbs. It's hard to lose weight since I am diabetic and have hypothyroidism. I have been an active kayaker since college days but not much other exercise. Need to gain strength and endurance and lose the extra lbs. that I have put on in last 10 years. Hope that this is a good plus to share ideas for good meal planning, weight loss tips and encouragement for the over-50 folks! Let's lose weight together!
  • VatorWife
    VatorWife Posts: 7 Member
    Welcome ladies... Just star it as a favorite and chime in anytime! Hey tdavidson, I'm a west coaster too! SW Washington. Where abouts are you? There's one fella in Seattle too. (Go Seahawks! )

    I used to do the special meals thing. But I always seemed to fail to keep it up since I live in the real world and am making this a healthy lifestyle change instead of a "diet" this time. I'm having better success just modifying my portion first then finishing out more normally what I would do for the guys. For instance if I'm making tacos or burritos... I might use ground Turkey or lean ground beef for us all, skip the refried beans and use butter lettuce or romaine to make mine a lettuce wrap while they get their taco shell or burrito wrap. Then I'll use low fat sour cream and cheese on mine and add salsa which is virtually a freebie!

    Or if I make a pork roast with mashed potatoes and a veggie, I'll save back a portion of my carbs for a serving of the mashed potatoes and the rest of the meal is the same.

    But the planning.... Some days I feel like my whole life revolves around food now when all I want is freedom... from the weight for sure, but also all the constant thinking about food and what you can have and when you can have it..... It's such a time suck :s

    Hope everyone had a GREAT day! I'm off to get dinner on the table :)


    Hey Sandcastle:
    I'm near San Diego, so the other corner of the West! :wink: I'm in for the Seahawks! My brother lives in Tacoma.
    I do a similar thing to what you mentioned, but on nights like lasagne or meatloaf, etc. I just have to do something completely different.
    Wow, this sure is easier on the computer rather than my phone! Whew. Did beef stew in the crock pot today, so we're all eating the same thing, I just can only have a couple of bites of potatoes... Just a taste, that's it! Oh, and I can forget about the cornbread I'm making! o:)
    G'Night everyone. Friend me!!! This is fun! I had no MFP friends before yesterday and now I have bunches! Love it!
  • VatorWife
    VatorWife Posts: 7 Member
    Welcome Charlotte! :)
  • Jewels416
    Jewels416 Posts: 42 Member
    53 year old single female living in Illinois (across the river from St. Louis). I've been up and down most of my life. On facebook a friend posted a couple photos from when we were in high school. Now, I was fat in high school. Kids can be cruel. Really, I looked at the photos and I was not fat. I can't even image being that small again. I was curvy, but not fat. The last few years I've just been going up and up and up. Now I could stand to lose 150 pounds. Losing 100 would make me happy. My knees bother me, my legs bother me, and my back bothers me. it because of the extra weight or the extra years. I can't do anything about the years, but I can try and do something about the weight. On January 5th I started tracking with MFP again and started a fitness challenge at work. Anyway, I would love to join you. I could use the support. I accept friend requests!

    @ sandcastles61....Oh, if it makes you feel any better, I bought some white chocolate Pringles. Nasty, Nasty, Nasty! Be glad you didn't take the chips home. I'm sure the photo on the package looks a lot better than what they actually taste.