February Losers! 10lbs gone by March 1st!

Hey everyone!
I am starting this group for everyone who wants to try losing 10 lbs by the end of February. Starting today, it is exactly 5 weeks until March 1st! I know that we can do it! Follow any method that works for you, and diet, any workout and we will be here for motivation and support!
Weight in's will be Mondays, starting tomorrow morning!
I will start by telling you about myself: My name is Chelsea, I am 27 and currently (as of last Monday) 201.5lbs. Here's hoping that by tomorrow it will be less. I only weigh myself once a week. My ultimate goal is to reach 150lbs, but I would be just as happy reaching 170 by June 1st! We are going to Europe for a family functions, then in July it's my High School Reunion so I have lots of Motivation! I am also 5'7.5".
We can do this!!! See you all tomorrow morning for our first weight in!!


  • kiwi1003
    kiwi1003 Posts: 54 Member
    I am definitely in!! I normally do my weigh-ins Mondays anyway, and this is an aggressive, but doable, goal. Our heights and goals are exactly the same. Thanks for the idea!
  • galyk9
    galyk9 Posts: 1
    Hi Chelsea. My name is Megan. I too am 27 as of two months ago. I have always been fit, but the last year or two I have gained weight. I am 5'8" and weight 165. Most would look at me and not think that or tell me in crazy for wanting to loose weight, but they don't understand how I feel. I love summer we have a pool and a boat and this past summer I wore a bathing suit 5 times. I used to live in my swintsuits. It all comes down to me now being comfortable in my skin anymore and I'd really like to loose 15 to 20 pounds. Buy I'd take 10. I just want to feel myself again. (: let's do this!! :D
  • Steove30
    Steove30 Posts: 1 Member
    edited January 2015
    I'm in!! My name is Stephanie I'm 22 and I am 5'3" weighing 160.2lbs. Just had a baby Dec 2 2014 and successfully lost all the baby weight but have a lot of work to do if I ever want to wear a bikini again also really just want to make fitness a daily thing. Hope to start a new healthy life! I want to set a great example for my son!
  • jdhcm2006
    jdhcm2006 Posts: 2,254 Member
    edited January 2015
    I'm in. I'm Jessica, 27. 5'1 and I weigh 136 pounds (as of this morning). My high weight was 160 and my lowest weight was 128. I'd love to get back to 128 or even 125.

    I've been on my journey since the end of Feb 2014.
  • deejayy89
    deejayy89 Posts: 144 Member
    I'm in! My names DJ. I'm 26 (in a couple of weeks). I'm trying to get back on "the right track". I was successful with MFP a few years ago and then I got pregnant. I have diabetes and really struggle to lose weight.
  • beemerphile1
    beemerphile1 Posts: 1,710 Member
    Nah, I'm working on one pound a week. No way I can do two pounds a week. Good luck to you all.
  • jdhcm2006
    jdhcm2006 Posts: 2,254 Member
    Nah, I'm working on one pound a week. No way I can do two pounds a week. Good luck to you all.

    Personally, I know it's not going to happen for me. I'm much too close to my goal weight, but it's nice to have something to aspire to.
  • I'm in! I've got quite a lot to lose as depression led me to just pile it on. Now I'm ready and more motivated than ever to do something about it. What a great challenge!
  • This is such an awesome idea! I'm a new mum, who has gained 40lbs during pregnancy. I'm currently 217 lbs (I've lost a 25 so far). My ultimate goal weight is 150lbs. I'm hoping that we can all motivate each other to achieve our goals!!!! I'm hoping to get down to 205 by the end of February!!!!!! We can do it!!!!!!!!!
  • XMusicJunkieX
    XMusicJunkieX Posts: 12 Member
    Me too! I'm in! My name is Katie and I'm 28. I've majorly fluctuated all my life (360 down to 200, back to 345, down to 170 and now back at 240). I'm trying to get down to 159 and STAY THERE!!! This I'd my first time not losing with an extreme/fad diet. I feel like what I'm doing now will be slower but will allow me to maintain easily.
  • I definitely know that struggle Katie! I added you as a friend!!! :-)
  • XMusicJunkieX
    XMusicJunkieX Posts: 12 Member
  • deejayy89 wrote: »
    Yaaaaayness! Another new mommy! We will do this! No "we can" WE WILL! i sent you a friend request!
  • huskies3
    huskies3 Posts: 14 Member
    I'm in! Just starting and would love to be down 10lbs by March! Starting weight approx 198, but first weigh in will be tomorrow. :) Ultimate goal weight of 140 so I have a lot of work ahead of me!
  • kitkatmb
    kitkatmb Posts: 4 Member
    I'm in!! My names Katie I'm 18 and I weigh 148 lbs I've been a bigger girl my whole life I want to start feeling good in my own body!! :)
  • I'm in! I'm 5'9 female, 160 lb, and I want to reach 130's. I think this is a great idea and motivation :)
  • I want in too. My name is summer I'm 34 5'9 weigh 231. I've been slacking on my diet and stuck at this weight for months. I hope by joining a group will rekindle that flame I had to continue my weight loss journey.
  • I'm in, and live the support!!!
  • kayak33
    kayak33 Posts: 18 Member
    I'm in. My name is Crystal. I'm 38 yrs old, approximately 190 lbs and am 5'8". My ultimate goal is to be 150 again. I'm hoping that being accountable to other people and having the additional support will keep me on track.
  • Hi I'm gigi, I'm in too

    I really really need to lose weight but it's just not happening. I'm 36 and I'm nearly 310 and it's like I've just given up :-( everytime I lose weight I end up putting it back and more. Maybe joining here will help