February Losers! 10lbs gone by March 1st!



  • channi_c
    channi_c Posts: 47 Member
    edited January 2015
    Hi all its abit of a steep challenge but I will give it ago im currently 167lbs and I would be happy with 153 but perfect would be 146 for me. im 25 and 5 ft 5

    I am loosing alot slower than most I think its due to me not liking many veggies, if anyone has any great loss's please feel free to share some tips with me! X
  • Oberon21
    Oberon21 Posts: 13,235 Member
    I joined the group. Already loving this thread. Good to have support!
  • kjohnson745
    I'm in! I'm currently at 162 lbs and have a beach vacation coming up at the end of February! Being away from home is always what derails my diet so hopefully I can get the ball rolling and keep eating healthy and working out on my trip.
  • mhausler93
    mhausler93 Posts: 83 Member
    Am I too late to join? I'm Megan. I'm 21, and I'm getting married August 22nd! I'm 5' 4" and currently weigh 175. I've gained 20 lbs in the last year and a half since I left college. My ultimate goal is somewhere between 135-140. I would love to be down to 150 by my wedding.
  • tehwonderball
    I'm definitely in! I'm Brittany and 25. I want to start this and start losing now before the summer. :) I also sent a request to join the group.
  • silver12176
    silver12176 Posts: 70 Member
    Ok I am just frustrated. I have a fitbit and it usually does pretty well tracking my steps, but tonight I did the elliptical and it didn't count all my steps and it said I had no active. I was sweating my butt off.
  • Oberon21
    Oberon21 Posts: 13,235 Member
    Ok I am just frustrated. I have a fitbit and it usually does pretty well tracking my steps, but tonight I did the elliptical and it didn't count all my steps and it said I had no active. I was sweating my butt off.

    I wouldn't trust something like a fit bit for an elliptical trainer it is made to track you moving forward and with an elliptical you don't really move forward in space. My pedometer wouldn't track that either. Just go to add cardiovascular activity and type in elliptical trainer and add in the number of minutes and it will count calories. To be really accurate if the elliptical trainer you were on has a calorie count for your workout then adjust the minutes in myfitnesspal to match those calories. Everyone works out at different intensities and calories burned will vary by a persons weight, muscle composition, etc. so this would be more accurate than a pure minute calculation. That is how I put in my walking.
  • charlotteellenm
    charlotteellenm Posts: 5 Member
    I am so up for this! I've lost almost 11pounds so far and still have a long way to go so another 10 by March first would be great!
  • eileenjez
    eileenjez Posts: 38 Member
    I'm in. Will be starting at the gym in about a week due to other commitments.
  • KimberleyUIowa
    KimberleyUIowa Posts: 7 Member
    I'm in. I need someone to keep me accountable. I'm 51yo. 5'6" and 174. I definitely need some structure to my weight loss journey
  • heather_riffenburg1
    heather_riffenburg1 Posts: 194 Member
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    Ok I am just frustrated. I have a fitbit and it usually does pretty well tracking my steps, but tonight I did the elliptical and it didn't count all my steps and it said I had no active. I was sweating my butt off.

    I wouldn't trust something like a fit bit for an elliptical trainer it is made to track you moving forward and with an elliptical you don't really move forward in space. My pedometer wouldn't track that either. Just go to add cardiovascular activity and type in elliptical trainer and add in the number of minutes and it will count calories. To be really accurate if the elliptical trainer you were on has a calorie count for your workout then adjust the minutes in myfitnesspal to match those calories. Everyone works out at different intensities and calories burned will vary by a persons weight, muscle composition, etc. so this would be more accurate than a pure minute calculation. That is how I put in my walking.

    You could also put your Fitbit on your shoe. I use to strap mine into the laces. They also have a new Fitbit that tracks your heart rate. I just upgraded mine and feel I get a better picture of my overall activity.
  • heather_riffenburg1
    heather_riffenburg1 Posts: 194 Member
    Is there a way to actually join this group or is just about participating in this thread?
  • Jolinia
    Jolinia Posts: 846 Member
    edited January 2015

    Currently 124, carrying a little exercise water weight, so it might be doable.
  • esowlways
    esowlways Posts: 2 Member
    I am totally in. I need some motivation and fit friends!
  • Kgerber777
    Kgerber777 Posts: 105 Member
    Well not a good start for me I actually gained :( but I am not surprised I ate pretty bad Friday and Saturday. And then I without thinking took some ibeprofin on an empty stomach last night so I ate to keep myself from getting sick (I normally don't eat past 8 and it was about midnight). But today is a new day and I'm gona go at it full force ;)
  • breesalyers
    breesalyers Posts: 6 Member
    I gained a little too but this week I'm really gonna work hard!
  • mhausler93
    mhausler93 Posts: 83 Member
    I gained a bit too, but I blew my calories out of the water with the super bowl last night. But back on track this morning! :)
  • jessicarobinson00
    jessicarobinson00 Posts: 414 Member
    This is an aggressive goal for me, but hey I'm in! My name is Jessica and I'm 28 years old. I am 5'4" and right now I weigh 148.8. I started losing weight March 2014 starting at 170 lbs, so I have lost just over 20 lbs so far. My goal is 145; however now that I'm so close to reaching it, I would probably replace my goal at 140. I will try to weigh myself only once a week, but I do have a habit of jumping on the scale before I get in the shower every morning. Right now focusing on myself has been a great escape as I'm going through a divorce. It's difficult to find time as a single mom to get in an extra workout, but I'm up for this challenge and for finishing my weight loss strong. Good luck everyone!!

  • jnordwell55
    I would like to be in this. About me I am 37 father of 2 kids. Use to be really active but with life. Things have changed. I am 6-1 335 lbs my early goal is to get below 300 in 6 months or less. Would like to get to my college wt of 275 with the 11% body fat of old. As you can see I am a big guy but am also a active one at times. Outdoors is my happiness fishing,archery,camping,hiking,hunting, if it involves outdoors count me in. Thank you and let's do this.
  • jnordwell55
    I would like to be in this. About me I am 37 father of 2 kids. Use to be really active but with life. Things have changed. I am 6-1 335 lbs my early goal is to get below 300 in 6 months or less. Would like to get to my college wt of 275 with the 11% body fat of old. As you can see I am a big guy but am also a active one at times. Outdoors is my happiness fishing,archery,camping,hiking,hunting, if it involves outdoors count me in. Thank you and let's do this.

    This am wt was 333lbs