So how did you all fix your cravings for fast food?

I am looking mainly I guess for recipes or tricks that will trick my craving into thinking I am eating fast food, but am really not.... lol.

I am a fast food junkie and so far the only thing that has helped curbed my cravings for the most part is the sushi you can get from Albertsons . lol. :)

But like tonight when my boyfriend gets home I asked him to go to burger king and get a cheese burger with fries, cause I have been craving for the last week , and I have done it before where I deprived myself and that usually ended up making it worse , because then I would gorge out non stop!!!

So any advice or help would be appreciated. My main goal is to one day ween off completely off the fast food, but the steps to do that is what I am looking for.

hopefully this made sense. _ Cassie.


  • dakotababy
    dakotababy Posts: 2,406 Member
    Nothing wrong with occasional fast food. Make sure it fits into your calories for the day! :) Enjoy.
  • Lasmartchika
    Lasmartchika Posts: 3,440 Member
    I am looking mainly I guess for recipes or tricks that will trick my craving into thinking I am eating fast food, but am really not.... lol.

    I am a fast food junkie and so far the only thing that has helped curbed my cravings for the most part is the sushi you can get from Albertsons . lol. :)

    But like tonight when my boyfriend gets home I asked him to go to burger king and get a cheese burger with fries, cause I have been craving for the last week , and I have done it before where I deprived myself and that usually ended up making it worse , because then I would gorge out non stop!!!

    So any advice or help would be appreciated. My main goal is to one day ween off completely off the fast food, but the steps to do that is what I am looking for.

    hopefully this made sense. _ Cassie.

    Don't deprive yourself. You know it'll only make it worse. You did great by getting something small... the only thing you have to do is make sure it fits into your daily calories.

    I personally went cold turkey my first month, but mostly because I thought it was a bad thing to eat (you know, "diet mentality" instead of thinking lifestyle change). It was actually my first post too, cuz I was really craving it... after all I used to eat breakfast, lunch, and dinner at fast food places. The advice was just that: don't deprive myself from it, make it fit into my daily calories, and it's not bad food.

    So now, every once in a while when I really want it, I make sure I have enough calories for the day (usually making sure I exercise that day), and I get what I want. Just last week I went to McDonald's and got me a Big Mac meal, and enjoyed it all. No need to feel guilty about eating it. So since it's no longer something that's off limits, I guess that feeling of wanting it all the time has just gone away with time. And I continue to lose weight even when I include fast food. :flowerforyou:

  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,902 Member
    By eating it on occasion. Just don't make it a daily thing.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition

  • llUndecidedll
    llUndecidedll Posts: 724 Member
    edited January 2015
    Turkey burgers and baked frozen fries help me with my craving for burgers and fries.

    I noticed that for ME, a huge part of the appeal of fast food was purchasing it. I can't explain why. Any who so when I'm craving fast food I just usually choose the healthier, lower calorie option like KFC's grilled chicken.,. Or a charbroiled chicken sandwich. If I plan ahead I can get some grilled seafood. These choices usually calm me... The biggest red meat eating, fast food fanatic you'll ever have the pleasure of not knowing.

  • Deathangl13
    Deathangl13 Posts: 38 Member
    edited January 2015
    Just eat what you want. No such thing as bad food. Humans have a major evolutionary advantage over other animals, in that we can survive off of almost anything. If you have composition goals and are not just concerned with body weight, then play with your macros. But the food itself does not matter.
  • MsWendyjc
    MsWendyjc Posts: 63 Member
    Once a week i make a low fat,no sugar cheesecake and that helps with my sweet tooth! There is a cheesecake group that share recipes on MFP ...
    Anything in moderation as long as you've calculated for it ...
  • oORosadaOo
    oORosadaOo Posts: 97 Member
    By working out more and fitting it into my calories.
  • L8riser
    L8riser Posts: 20 Member
    Fast foods are very tempting, since they're on pretty much every corner and oh so convenient. Here are some of my tricks...
    I try to plan to have it over the weekend only. so if I crave it on Wednesday... I'll tell myself to wait til the weekend, by then I've forgetten or something better has replaced the craving.
    I try to get to bed no late night cravings.
    I also try to prepare snacks.
    If I really want that burger, I have to go get other words, don't send someone to do your "dirty" deed. If I'm not willing to get off the couch, get dressed, and walk/drive to get the burger, then it's not worth it. Be accountable either prepare it or get it yourself.
  • randomtai
    randomtai Posts: 9,003 Member
    I make it fit my calories. *shrug*
  • channi_c
    channi_c Posts: 47 Member
    edited January 2015
    I do still eat takeaway food but ive gone from around 3 times a week to 1-2 times a fortnight.

    Trick for me is to save the meals I really enjoy to a weekend when I would normally eat a takeaway. Mastering a lower calorie alternative helps me vastly!

    So I now can make a beautiful Indian curry, i have mini nan bread with this. Chicken stir fry, Home made burgers with low fat coleslaw and home made chips. Chinese curry, Chicken fried rice. you can even buy prawn crackers to make yourself and you can do them in the microwave so your not deep frying!!

    Fajitas is a weekend treat for me too. if you want any recipes inbox me :) xx
  • 4leighbee
    4leighbee Posts: 1,275 Member
    The fast food places usually don't hold any appeal to me because, thanks to the news shows and internet articles, I know it's garbage. It kind of grossed me out for good. When I'm on the road, I would much rather walk into a grocery store (usually within a mile of any fast food restaurant) and grab a whole box of granola bars and a bunch of bananas for the cost of a value meal. My calories are less, I've eaten some real food, and have something to put in the kitchen when I get home.
  • randomtai
    randomtai Posts: 9,003 Member
    lgutches wrote: »
    The fast food places usually don't hold any appeal to me because, thanks to the news shows and internet articles, I know it's garbage. It kind of grossed me out for good. When I'm on the road, I would much rather walk into a grocery store (usually within a mile of any fast food restaurant) and grab a whole box of granola bars and a bunch of bananas for the cost of a value meal. My calories are less, I've eaten some real food, and have something to put in the kitchen when I get home.

    Lol @ "real food"... yeah ok.
  • 4leighbee
    4leighbee Posts: 1,275 Member
    Okay. If you want more food than that (I eat all day so no meals like that), grocery stores have more and healthier options at the deli counter. Even fried chix at a store would be better than a Whopper made of whatever those burgers are made of. J/S. And I'm not judging those who eat fast food. I'm offering to the OP what it took for me to rid myself of my craving for it.
  • I was a huge fast food fan (still am). I limited myself financially, by withdrawing a certain amount each week, and then only using that much to pay for anything through the week (I did it for all "treats" such as alcohol too.) That way I was restricted to how much (more expensive) fast food I could have during the week and perhaps aimed to save up for a weekend when I would be drinking.

    It also depends on what you want to eat. We don't have a Burger King nearby (luckily) but have KFC and McDonalds both close. Even a large chicken nugget meal from McDonalds is under 800 calories which even at home some larger meals I find end up being that much. With my exercise routine, which is 20 minutes on the exercise bike at a brisk pace, followed by however many minutes extra I want to do at a slightly more relaxed pace, so if I know that I've had more to eat that day, or plan on the next day, I can get some more minutes on the machine.
  • rybo
    rybo Posts: 5,424 Member
    I just stopped wanting to eat crappy food.
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    herrspoons wrote: »
    I didn't. I just eat less of it.

  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    lgutches wrote: »
    The fast food places usually don't hold any appeal to me because, thanks to the news shows and internet articles, I know it's garbage. It kind of grossed me out for good. When I'm on the road, I would much rather walk into a grocery store (usually within a mile of any fast food restaurant) and grab a whole box of granola bars and a bunch of bananas for the cost of a value meal. My calories are less, I've eaten some real food, and have something to put in the kitchen when I get home.

    what is this real food and where I can find fake food???
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    I make it at home and now honestly I don't crave fast food at all anymore... I can make it myself for less calories, and it will be tastier and more filling.

    But if I crave something I can't easily make at home, I have it and try to make it fit in my calories.
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    lgutches wrote: »
    Okay. If you want more food than that (I eat all day so no meals like that), grocery stores have more and healthier options at the deli counter. Even fried chix at a store would be better than a Whopper made of whatever those burgers are made of. J/S. And I'm not judging those who eat fast food. I'm offering to the OP what it took for me to rid myself of my craving for it.

    not judging, but implied fast food was fake food in previous post…

    consider yourselves judged as eating "fake" food….
  • 20yearsyounger
    20yearsyounger Posts: 1,643 Member
    I'm a big supporter of eating fast food within calorie limits. However, I find that I am not eating as much as I did when I started. I learned how to grill my own chicken breast, I started buying lean beef 93/7 at my grocery stores, and on occasion I kept the extra sauces I got. I also bought potato chips with the right ingredients to meet my needs. So chicken sandwiches, burgers, and fries all taken care of :). I still eat pizza at least once a week if not twice.
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