Harry Potter Weight Loss Challenge - Slytherin



  • ActiveFaith10
    ActiveFaith10 Posts: 230 Member
    166 to 164.5! 1.5 loss

    next week's weigh in will be better, exams over Wednesday. Whoop whoop!
  • Claire739
    Claire739 Posts: 114

    wow loving this challenge so glad i made it in on time!

    well a bit about me im 29 and a mum of 2 looking to loose 48lbs in total to get down to me pre children weights!

    question though cos i signed up this friday i logged this weeks weight 184 (as i normally weigh on a wednesday) so technically this is this weeks weight and my starting weight for last week should be 186? should i change the starting weight on the spreadshead? otherwise it looks like ive been the same for 2 weeks when technically i lost 2lbs.

    Anyways i love harry potter! i only just got into it! began reading the books in feb and have now read them all and loved them! watched all the films apart from deathly hallows which im watching tonight and i cannt wait for the last one to come out in the cinema!

    As for my favourite slytherin hmmmm i dunno its either snape or draco i think but then at the same time i do quite feel for narcissa malfoy as well!

    Good luck everyone!!!

    Also fellow slytherins feel free to add me! can u put in a message you are from here so i know and can support for the challenge!
  • lilabette
    lilabette Posts: 21
    Gord Morning All!

    Im happy to report for my Sunday weigh-in, that Im down two pounds! Who hoo! Its really exciting to see small but positive changes. Hope everyone has a great Sunday! Go Slytherin!
  • lilabette
    lilabette Posts: 21
    Does anyone know how we are doing in relation to the other Harry Potter Houses?
  • shellybeelee
    Yay first way in. =D
    remember you can post on my little spreadsheet yourself.

    also this is my tumblr.. look at my last post. I never saw this connection in the books.. its amazing
  • dawnkitchen
    dawnkitchen Posts: 161
    You are all doing AMAZING.
    I definitely want a partner from the house. :] That would be a fun way to stay connected - it is hard to keep up with EVERYONE in the threads! (even though I want to).

    We are gonna DO this.

    Also: even though I didn't lose weight - in the last month I've lost 5 inches! Bittersweet because it isn't from my tummy area, but still awesome to see some numbers improving!

  • jalara
    jalara Posts: 2,622 Member
    No change today, even though I worked super hard this week. Boo! :angry:
  • lukimakamai
    lukimakamai Posts: 498 Member
    Still 142- no loss. Hoping for one lbs next week.
  • ActiveFaith10
    ActiveFaith10 Posts: 230 Member
    Planning : Okay, So I'm thinking we'll have a 24hour window for people to post on whether or not they want partners/roomates
    Since there's 30+ people, we can have 3-4? roommates or just partners.

    We could divide them by their goal for lbs lost for july14th, or weight for some friendly competition.
    What do you guys think?

    I cant wait for this week's challenge!!

    Remember: you can also aim for going above and beyond the challenge, whatever you think is best for you to push yourself to YOUR potential.

    Also, depending on the challenge, we can maybe switch partners/roommates weekly to accommodated the personal challenge for that particular week

    Let me know what you guy think and who wants either a partner or some roommates:)

    On Another note..


    For those have you have lost, CONGRATS! Keep up the great work and keep striving!:)

    For those of you who havent/gained. Relfect on your week and accommodate accordingly. Maybe be more cautious of your stats and make some goals, more goals more glory. Be proud of yourself withyour commitment and it will pay off. I promise!

    Also, the number on your scale just might not be a good indication, if you know you tried your best it's really all that counts, the scale will catch up to you!

    Whatever you do DONT GIVE UP! Once again, we're all in this together and every little bit counts

    Personal: This week's exercise consisted of going to 60 to 90 minute vinyasa yoga class 5 times this week early in the morning , and walking the dog (which i need to do more of)

    I just started the hundredpushup challange this week with a friend, http://hundredpushups.com/ (a lot people start with girl pushs ups, which is still great, check it out:) ) MWF is a poplar routine and rest days on the weekends, maybe we can get some people on there starting it together for motivation and getting in the routine!

    and on alternate days I'm doing "8 minute abs" on youtube along with my own abs routine.

    Just letting you guys know, ill post my goals on here later today for the week/once the challange is up, so I'm hold myself accountable for next weeks reflection...haha sorry for so much typing/posts, I hope you guys arent annoyed, but it's really how I keep myself motivated and hopefully others..

  • thetigerzeye
    thetigerzeye Posts: 81 Member
    Still 142- no loss. Hoping for one lbs next week.
    You look like you're about on your last 10 lbs to lose too, those are generally the hardest. You should search for some posts on here about breaking plateaus. That should b
    Help you and get you on your way!
  • thetigerzeye
    thetigerzeye Posts: 81 Member
    Also I would like partners in here ^_^ I think it would be fun!
  • lukimakamai
    lukimakamai Posts: 498 Member
    I think the roommate idea sounds like a lot of fun. Extra support is always good!
  • mjtbb
    mjtbb Posts: 77 Member
    No loss here... Can't get the scale to move. Hopefully better next time. :cry:

    I can't get into the spreadsheet, it says my web browser is not supported. sorry,

  • Claire739
    Claire739 Posts: 114
    i love the idea of having partners and room mates!

    helps keep u focused i think if you have others going thru the same thing to help spur u on!

    i would like to loose 10 - 15lbs by the film release x
  • lilabette
    lilabette Posts: 21
    I would love to partner up/roomate with! My goal is to lose about 15 by the end of this challenge!
  • dawnkitchen
    dawnkitchen Posts: 161
    My goal is 10-15 by the end of the challenge.
  • Kaldrmjolka
    Kaldrmjolka Posts: 86
    Weighing in, SW: 212. CW: 210. 9

    Didn't lose a lot this week but now that exams are over I'll be doing a lot more!
  • ActiveFaith10
    ActiveFaith10 Posts: 230 Member

    -I'll be coming back here to edit later tonight. So look out for this post. Let me know if you have a request/ picked them on your own,. .
    I think almost everyone has a 10-15 lb goal and that's the healthiest way, so it'd be pointless to sort like that

    lets start out with partners and see how that goes, and dorm-mates as time progresses/more people find out about it:) yeah?

    Not sure what factors youd like to see in your partner so i put some info about them to help. Id like to wait for more people to be able to have partners before we begin sorting. So here's some stats
    So Far:

    happybunnybabe 23-US-150-5'3"

    nikilosingweight 22-USA-386

    Kaldrmjolka- 19-VA-210

    dawnkitchen 25-USA-167-5'8"

    thetigerzeye 23-CO-234

    lukimakamai 28-US-142

    raquelphillips10 19-USA-165-5'9"

    Time difference is probably a big factor in your decision so here's UK's

    tink739 29-UK-182


    Ask the person if you wish, if not ill decide later based on these factors/how supportive are and how much motivation you need, opposites attract, so post what kind of personality too so i can update, if that matters to you:)

    -slytherinnnn,whoop whoop

  • thetigerzeye
    thetigerzeye Posts: 81 Member
    OM F ING GOD! 11LBS!!! 223!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That was a bit fast and I should proaly slow down BUT SRSLY EGO BOOOOOOOST!
  • ActiveFaith10
    ActiveFaith10 Posts: 230 Member
    OM F ING GOD! 11LBS!!! 223!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That was a bit fast and I should proaly slow down BUT SRSLY EGO BOOOOOOOST!

    Wow! that's awesome. I guess that would make sense since you said you've literally been sitting on the couch before you got mmoving.CONGRATS! 11 lbs in 5 days is a bit worrisome. Take it slow and I hope you've been eating AT LEAST 1200 calories.

    Keep it up !