100 + pounds to lose anyone?



  • marge1946
    marge1946 Posts: 35 Member
    Two o
    jgrubb2011 wrote: »
    I've got lots too loose (100++) and not much encouragement. Everyone says they support me but they don't really encourage me. My only hope is my boyfriend who has started making all my meals. I've never seen myself as a thin person. I've always been the overweight girl my whole life - it's spiraled out of control and I'm ready for a change. I've been with my boyfriend for two years now and we've talked marriage. I refuse to get married at this size! I have to do this. I've "attempted" loosing before but every time, after a month of no change I give up. I've faced depression in on and off in life and eat for comfort when "tragedy" strikes. What are some ways to get started on the right path and not quit? When the scale doesn't move, I shut down and get discouraged....

    Don't focus on the scale. Focus on your intake. Use the app and record everything that you are eating. Don't kid yourself by not putting something down. then make better choices to keep inside your calorie goal. It takes 3000 calories to add or subtract one pound.

    Don't set a goal of losing a bunch early. My first goals were simply to not gain more and to get used to recording things. So I set the app for maintaining the same weight at first. Then after a month I changed the goal to lose a pound a week. Then after 6 months I set the goal to lose 1.5 pounds per week.

    All I have to lose is 1 pound. I just have to do that 200 times. So far I've lost that 1 pound 72 times as of this morning. I've also missed logging in my food the day I ate it (usually within a hour of eating and sometimes before( maybe 8 times in the last 13 months and then I got it logged the next day 4 days - the other 4 I was on a canoe trip and really couldn't.

    You can do it. If you mess up a day - so what. Make the right choices the next day. Make the right choices the next meal. I can't cope with eating right the rest of my life - but I don't have to. All I have to do is to eat right for my next meal.
    jgrubb2011 wrote: »
    I've got lots too loose (100++) and not much encouragement. Everyone says they support me but they don't really encourage me. My only hope is my boyfriend who has started making all my meals. I've never seen myself as a thin person. I've always been the overweight girl my whole life - it's spiraled out of control and I'm ready for a change. I've been with my boyfriend for two years now and we've talked marriage. I refuse to get married at this size! I have to do this. I've "attempted" loosing before but every time, after a month of no change I give up. I've faced depression in on and off in life and eat for comfort when "tragedy" strikes. What are some ways to get started on the right path and not quit? When the scale doesn't move, I shut down and get discouraged....

    Don't focus on the scale. Focus on your intake. Use the app and record everything that you are eating. Don't kid yourself by not putting something down. then make better choices to keep inside your calorie goal. It takes 3000 calories to add or subtract one pound.

    Don't set a goal of losing a bunch early. My first goals were simply to not gain more and to get used to recording things. So I set the app for maintaining the same weight at first. Then after a month I changed the goal to lose a pound a week. Then after 6 months I set the goal to lose 1.5 pounds per week.

    All I have to lose is 1 pound. I just have to do that 200 times. So far I've lost that 1 pound 72 times as of this morning. I've also missed logging in my food the day I ate it (usually within a hour of eating and sometimes before( maybe 8 times in the last 13 months and then I got it logged the next day 4 days - the other 4 I was on a canoe trip and really couldn't.

    You can do it. If you mess up a day - so what. Make the right choices the next day. Make the right choices the next meal. I can't cope with eating right the rest of my life - but I don't have to. All I have to do is to eat right for my next meal.
    jgrubb2011 wrote: »
    I've got lots too loose (100++) and not much encouragement. Everyone says they support me but they don't really encourage me. My only hope is my boyfriend who has started making all my meals. I've never seen myself as a thin person. I've always been the overweight girl my whole life - it's spiraled out of control and I'm ready for a change. I've been with my boyfriend for two years now and we've talked marriage. I refuse to get married at this size! I have to do this. I've "attempted" loosing before but every time, after a month of no change I give up. I've faced depression in on and off in life and eat for comfort when "tragedy" strikes. What are some ways to get started on the right path and not quit? When the scale doesn't move, I shut down and get discouraged....

    Don't focus on the scale. Focus on your intake. Use the app and record everything that you are eating. Don't kid yourself by not putting something down. then make better choices to keep inside your calorie goal. It takes 3000 calories to add or subtract one pound.

    Don't set a goal of losing a bunch early. My first goals were simply to not gain more and to get used to recording things. So I set the app for maintaining the same weight at first. Then after a month I changed the goal to lose a pound a week. Then after 6 months I set the goal to lose 1.5 pounds per week.

    All I have to lose is 1 pound. I just have to do that 200 times. So far I've lost that 1 pound 72 times as of this morning. I've also missed logging in my food the day I ate it (usually within a hour of eating and sometimes before( maybe 8 times in the last 13 months and then I got it logged the next day 4 days - the other 4 I was on a canoe trip and really couldn't.

    You can do it. If you mess up a day - so what. Make the right choices the next day. Make the right choices the next meal. I can't cope with eating right the rest of my life - but I don't have to. All I have to do is to eat right for my next meal.
    Add me too please :) Def. need the support. Def. have 100 or more to lose.

  • RachaelRAllen
    RachaelRAllen Posts: 2 Member
    I'm new to MFP and I have about 75-100lbs to lose. Already lost 5lbs and working towards losing roughly 40lbs by the time my holiday comes in June! Would love some extra support and motivation so feel free to add me!
  • marge1946
    marge1946 Posts: 35 Member
    Hang in you can do it
  • MzBanKai
    MzBanKai Posts: 2 Member
    Hi, I am new here but need to lose 130 pounds. You can add me. I'm currently struggling with consistently logging my meals and exercises. I am building the habit of working out 5 days a week. I find that I am starting to look forward to the workouts. :D
  • allenpriest
    allenpriest Posts: 1,102 Member
    edited January 2015
    Duenos28 wrote: »
    I have 150 pounds to lose and would love some buddies along this journey. I have such a long road to go that it feels overwhelming.

    Don't focus on the whole thing. Focus on losing the first 5 pounds - or the first 2 pounds.
    I'm losing 1 pound - and repeating it 200 times. 76 successful repetitions so far
  • allenpriest
    allenpriest Posts: 1,102 Member
    Hey guys I am really sorry I have been missing in action lately! My grams died this past thursday!

    Sorry to hear that - sympathies
  • Feliciasharpe33
    Feliciasharpe33 Posts: 5
    edited January 2015
    Hello I'm on the same journey Determined too loose 90 ad me thanks..
  • Hey there I have 125 to lose I started at 296 but would be happy to get to 200. It's a lot of hard work but with each other's support we can get there.
  • sincerely4me1o0
    sincerely4me1o0 Posts: 41 Member
    Hello! How is everyone doing today?

    I went walking in the rain!...Almost...I so wanted to go home and blame it on the rain, but hubby text me saying that it isn't bad and I could get an hour in, so I did. It actually stopped raining by the time I got to the lake where I walk. I would've missed a walking day for nothing.

    Anyone juice? I am thinking about it, wanted to get some advice. It's a huge investment!

  • illyich
    illyich Posts: 195 Member
    I have more then 100 pounds to lose. I have no support. I just have family That laughed at me the other day when I said I lost 6 pounds. They made it like the scale is wrong. Little do they know I have lost over 40 pounds. I am proud of my self if no one eles is. Any one can add me.

    I am also proud of you. You are doing this for you, and you can see the results.
  • I'm looking at losing about that much. Today is my first day. Feel free to add me if you'd like.
  • Add me as well!! 100 pounds to lose here, too!!
  • Sherri227
    Sherri227 Posts: 12 Member
    Add me!!! I have to lose 80 lbs total. I need some support..... And advice
  • boydmist
    boydmist Posts: 13 Member
    I joined a contest at work to hold me accountable. So far everyone has lost but because it goes off % total lost im losing even though I have lost the most weight:( its hard to stay on track
  • PattiMackinnon
    PattiMackinnon Posts: 22 Member
    Hello, I need to lose 134 lbs. Today is day 15 here on MFP...I can always use new friends. Feel free to add me if you like
  • jatdh1753
    jatdh1753 Posts: 43 Member
    I'd love to be added as well! I'm at 280, my highest weight ever. Probably need to lose about 120-130.
  • boydmist
    boydmist Posts: 13 Member
    Where is everyone from? Im from southern ohio:) im up for having more friends on here so i can get encouraged and maybe even learn some new recipes. Being on a diet makes me hate chicken.. Lol, i eat so much of it. I work a full time job plus have a little hobby/job on the side helping my daughter make shirts. I have 2 kids and that has been my greatest accomplishment! I love being a mom! I have always done for others and never for myself and it makes it real hard to lose this weight. I have hidden behind it for so long and even have uses it to put distance between me and fun. I have a treadmill and some bands to use at home which my husband has provided for me but hard to make myself get on it. I dont understand it sometimes. Well if you are up to add new friends and get help I can surely try. And we can do it together:) encouragment is always good.
  • Pirate_chick
    Pirate_chick Posts: 1,216 Member
    Feel free to send a friend request. I started at 291 currently at 221. I still have exactly 101 lbs to go.
  • chessachanning
    chessachanning Posts: 11 Member
    I am right there with you! I have 80 to loose, and I need all the motivation I can get! Anyone please feel free to add!
  • MaikelsGirl
    MaikelsGirl Posts: 2 Member
    I am just joining MFP again and thought joining a community might be a good idea. I hope I'm not too late to join this group of you wanting to lose 100+ pounds.

    I have recently gotten to my all time highest weight and really need to smarten up. I've been dealing with injuries and depression, so that hasn't helped, but no more excuses.

    Last month I weighed 288 lbs. Today, 284. I am quite tall, so my goal weight is 170lbs.

    Looking forward to doing this with you all!