

  • peachstategal
    peachstategal Posts: 398 Member
    Thanks Barbie! I love your quote: The reason most people fail instead of succeed is that they trade what they want the MOST for what they want at the MOMENT.

    I also love other's quotes:

    What you eat in private is what you wear in public.


    Being hungry is not an emergency.

    My own quote is: I can do this!
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,097 Member
    Thanks Barbie.
    :heart: MNMargaret
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,986 Member
    Michele, I wear warm hats almost all year round and my dog walking coat is the same green as the hats so they will be useful all year. One of the hats is a child size and will be given to someone probably next fall. The praying mantis will look great by your pool. Thanks to the pictures you've posted, I know what your pool looks like but maybe you should post a picture again for the newer people who haven't seen it.

    Terri, I don't crochet well enough to do much so crocheting hats is outside my skill zone.

    Lesley, I love your goal of staying away from toxic neighbours....I have some people in my life that fit that category and I should stay away from them.

    Janet, I am involved in something that includes meetings a few times a week so I knit there and also on the recumbent exercise bike while watching TV. I'll knit a lot during the Super Bowl.

    Katla, some of the best goals are worth repeating every month....I have several that I don't necessarily list, but they are there (like walking the dogs first thing in the morning and drinking 9 glasses of water)

    Sally, I loved the video. I feel sad for women who stay away from being active because they worry about what they look like. I like the saying "Dance like no one is watching"

    Sharon, over the years we have done many unusual "sendoffs" for our various pets. If we hadn't moved so often, we'd have a giant pet cemetery in our yard. For years we carried the ashes of our Golden Retriever with us in the RV when we traveled.

    Mary, I lost enough weight to buy a modest size 6 swimsuit and am not impressed by how I look in it, but at least I have something to wear in the pool. I am more inclined to wear long sleeves, long pants, and turtle necks. Congrats to you on your success.

    Viv, having a timer for computer use and using the computer as a reward are great ideas. I will probably steal them for myself.

    StrawbC, we are sort of an accountability club here although some seem to connect more with a few people than others. Just jump right in and find someone that seems right to you.

    Heather, Bon Voyage, I know you will make smart choices.

    Peachstategal, if you like a quote, you can claim it as your own. I found my quote on another thread years ago and now I use it all the time. The most important thing is to have inspirations that will keep you moving in the right direction.

    We have a meeting to go to at noon that will have a bunch of snacks. I will eat my lunch before I go, bring my 24 ounce water bottle and eat nothing that is served. Our Super Bowl party will be one of Jake's friends at our house. Jake and his friend have chosen their own snacks and I won't be eating any of them. I'll fix my regular supper when it is time and drink my water. I'll ride the recumbent bike and knit for part of the game.

    253149qtzkf0ld22.gifBarbie from NW Washington smiley-happy020.gif smiley-happy093.gif
  • Socialwacker
    Socialwacker Posts: 30 Member
    Welcome to February everyone! Thanks for the new thread Barbie.

    I am looking forward to dropping 4 more pounds in February by continuing to track everyday and doing the 75 min of cardio/core daily.

    I have a plan to gain 0 pounds on a cruise Feb 10 - 17th by keeping really active and keeping the buffet line in check! I am a long time cruiser and am very familiar with the food so my expectations are in check! Wish me luck!

    Today I have my aunt's 90th birthday party to attend! She is in great shape physically and mentally and I only hope I can be just like her!

    Lesley - love reading about Mildred Beagle. I had a beagle named Max for 16yrs and he was my pride and joy! Enjoy every moment with her and I'm sure she still has many wonderful days left.

    Sally -enjoyed the video too, thanks for posting

    Heather - enjoy your adventure they never come soon enough or last long enough

    Viv - your computer reward system sounds excellent. I too can get "lost" at the computer

    Have a great day everyone!

    Ontario Canada
  • MMinMD
    MMinMD Posts: 53 Member
    Hi all, I would like to join your group.

    I have used MFP for a couple of years with a few periods of successful 20-30 lb weight loss but need to do more. I haven't done the social part of weight loss before, but doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result is the definition of idiocy! So this time I am looking for a few folks to check in with along the way.

    I'm 56, ~290, have had a knee replaced a year ago, and probably should have the other one done. My goal is to get ALOT of weight off this year so I am less tired and sore.

    Katla, Lesley, Sharon and many more - thanks for listing specific goals, I put together a list starting from yours:
    February Goals:
    1. Log every bite and swallow.
    2. Stay below 1700 cal/day.
    3. Stationary bike 4 days a week
    4. Meal planning!
    5. Have fun every day (I really like this one!) .
    6. Find happy distractions to eating.

    Thanks - Cindy
    Southern Maryland
  • MMinMD
    MMinMD Posts: 53 Member
    How do I "join" this group so it shows up on my home page without having to search around for it?
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,726 Member
    Gotta go save a seat for myself for a 2hr, maybe 3 spin class.
    I don't do goals or words, I just keep on keepin on!
  • suebdew
    suebdew Posts: 1,330 Member
    Thanks Barbie for the new month! It's the first day of a brand new month. Let's make it special. Using the timer for the computer so have to come back and list goals.
    SueBDew in TX
  • k2boxlady
    Good morning Cindy and welcome.

    I just went to the community page, support and motivation, found this group and added it to my favorites. Each time there is a post, it will show up at the top of the community page and you can just click on the bell to read and post. I just joined a couple weeks ago and it is great motivation and support here. Good luck!
  • yanniejannie
    yanniejannie Posts: 1,090 Member
    edited February 2015
    Good morning, Everyone! Cold and partly cloudy here. I finally got warmed up by yesterday evening and really appreciated that heated mattress pad last night. I have been to the grocery store already where I found a bin of 1lb. packs of 93% ground chuck on sale out for a great price........buy of the day. I got 5 pounds and froze 4 of it. Happy day!

    My goal for Jan. was to lose 3lbs. by Feb. by going back to what I know works and to stop cheating myself by trying to believe I could frequently leave that plan and have no price to pay. I am happy to have lost 5lbs. since Jan. 2. My word remains "determined" and my quote remains...."Hunger is not an emergency". I had gained 14lbs. (!!!!!) since Aug. when I was at only 3lbs over goal. So I still have 12 to go. My goal is 3 more lbs. down for Feb. and I will not deviate on my plan.

    I have a mini vacation coming up this week........have a friend who has Marriott time share days she needs to use in Williamsburg and she has graciously invited my DD and myself. I convinced DD to take three days off and off we go on Tues. to a place we both love. Outlet shopping, Muscarelle Museum of Art at William and Mary, and Colonial Willaimsburg!!!! Heaven! Lots and lots of walking.

    Katla.........Congrats on your two point ride!!! You are both balance and muscle building!!!

    Barbie.........Those hats are gorgeous!!! So pretty! You are a very gifted knitter. Thanks (as always) for the new thread too.

    Sally..........Loved, loved loved the video..........esp. that (if my eyes did not deceive me) one of the women featured has Down Syndrome. One of my best friends has a daughter with it and she has run close to 30 HALF marathons..........an amazing neat young woman.

    Michele..........That chicken apple loaf sounds delicious.

    Sharon........I think your son was absolutely right to employ a lawyer to protect his rights. I'd say the gloves are off and good luck to him.

    Heather..........May you have an excellent and enjoyable painfree trip! Safe travels!!

    Welcome newbies; please continue to come back frequently for chat and encouragement. Please give us an idea of where you are located........as specific or general as you want.

    Have a great Sunday everyone!
    Hunger is not an emergency.

  • Twhitehead7
    Twhitehead7 Posts: 41 Member
    More snow expected:( with a period of rain &ice in the mix! Ugh!
    Can someone recommend a low impact "you tube" video to get me through this?
    Haven't seriously exercised in at leased 6months, don't want to hurt myself, but walking is out of the question.
    Also, space is limited (old house with lots of small rooms)
  • Twhitehead7
    Twhitehead7 Posts: 41 Member
    StrawbC wrote: »
    I've 61 more pounds to loose and would love to find an accountability buddy. Everyone says its the best way to keep yourself on track and I've noticed the more and pop on here and read what others are doing and reading how others deal with issues I face such as night time munchies, the more focused I remain. So if anyone's keen to have an accountability buddy let me know and we can support and encourage each other through the tough times and celebrate the successes together!!

    I have 30 more to lose! I'm also one who needs accountability. (Tara)
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,815 Member
    morning my friends~
    well was up and out the door a 5:45 this morning to go grocery shopping..and get home to go down and feed my DFIL, well ran a bit late, but he did feed himslef french toast, we got some maypo into him and his juice.. then came home and put groceries away, threw the stuff that needed to be refridgerated in the freezer and fridge before we left...
    back home and Tom and I are trying to get our heads around trying to figure out how to reno the master bath and kitchen without spending a ton of money.. it is very frustrating... we have an OLD wall oven that is tiny, and to put one back in there , 1600.00. I don't think so... where our vanity is, another 1960 built in that is going out, but it is 47 inches wide, not 48 like most vanities, so we either get a smaller one and put pieces on the end or have one built.. either way that will cost a mint..
    well tonight into tomorrow is another 12-18 of snow.. whooo hooo, and maybe another big storm thursday.. Let me tell you I can't get to Florida fast enough..
    Thanks again Barbie for keeping the thread going,, you are a peach!!!
  • ljallen2000
    ljallen2000 Posts: 18 Member
    Tara, I like the Leslie Sansone walks on YouTube. You can find a one mile and a 3 mile walk there. I like it because she is very calm and encouraging and it isn't too overwhelming. It burns about 100 calories per mile (per her Q&A that I found someplace on the web).
  • ljallen2000
    ljallen2000 Posts: 18 Member
    edited February 2015
    Sorry, Tara! I just read your post more closely and you said no walking! My bad!!
  • Lilymay2
    Lilymay2 Posts: 2,524 Member
    Happy February everyone!

    I hope I have time to finish this post before my cute little GD arrives. Her mom and dad are going ice fishing (good lord it is -22 Celsius!!! )

    January goals
    - 100 miles walked ...yes 109.9 miles. the curling games helped!!
    - 15 days over 10,000 steps each ....well I reached an all time high of 10 days.
    - Rebounder everyday - yes - up to 20 minutes a day.

    Opps here she comes .... will post February goals later today.

    Lillian in Saskatchewan
  • julieferraro06
    julieferraro06 Posts: 4 Member
    hi everyone i am new here but determined to loose i have lost 50 pounds with herbal magic but i have run out of money so i am doing it on my own i will take any help/suggestions that anyone has. thanks
  • yanniejannie
    yanniejannie Posts: 1,090 Member
    Tara.........In the recipe swap group for Jan. there was a thread for free exercise workouts online; mostly on youtube.......hope that helps.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,986 Member
    hi everyone i am new here but determined to loose i have lost 50 pounds with herbal magic but i have run out of money so i am doing it on my own i will take any help/suggestions that anyone has. thanks

    Welcome, Julie :D Start today by planning your meals for the day and put them in your food diary and then stick to the plan. Seek every opportunity to be active and log the exercise as well as you can in the exercise diary. Read all the posts on this thread and respond to someone or ask another question.

    Take it one day at a time. By tomorrow you will have learned or intuited something to add to or subtract from your plan.

    :D Barbie from NW Washington

  • sweetnsassyfied
    sweetnsassyfied Posts: 110 Member
    @Cindy Southern Maryland; At he very top of this thread it says, "WOMEN AGES 50+ FOR FEBRUARY 2105" if you look towards the right you will see a grey STAR. Click it and it will turn Yellow because you have now bookmarked our thread. To find it easily you go to Community and click on the STAR on the right ( that's where all your bookmarks from this site will be held. ) :)

    Hello everyone I'm back and marking my spot for February! It's so nice seeing so many familiar names and faces along with all the newbies... My we have grown! :D

    To the new please please Please sign your posts with your name and where you live or are from! There are a few reasons why its done this way. I'm sure Barbie can say it better but the 2 that come to my mind is... It makes it easier to respond to you specifically, especially when we get a few who share a common name. Another reason is it's fabulous to see how wide spread we are. People from all over this world popping in to offer support and encouragement. Making our world, our journeys that much more intimate (smaller ? closer ?) Plus its unique and sweet and and and part of the introduction and what to do when posting here. ;) lol

    Recapping where I was when I last posted and of course my goals and such. I was recovering from a Lisfranc Fusion operation on my left foot. The first of January I was able to be rid of the crutches and I finished 3 long months of physio therapy on the 31. :D

    My goals for January were to reach 3,000 steps a day. I have accomplished this on most days. Very happy to say almost comfortably. :)

    I wanted to lose 4 lbs and am happy to say that I lost 5!!

    That's it, they werent grandiose but they were mine! lol

    For Febrrrrrrr-airy:

    Get to 4,000 steps daily/comfortably.
    Lose 4 lbs
    Ride my stationary bike 30 minutes daily
    Stair climb every other day, I am at 4 trips (432 stairs total ), want to make it 5trips ( 540 stairs)
    Get to know all of you better. :D

    Sassy aus Austria

    • If you want it, You'll find a way. If you don't, You'll find an excuse.
    • Make the Effort not an Excuse.