
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,994 Member
    yes and I forgot, I am the Crazy Heron Lady.. thank you so much for the picture !! <3
  • CynthiaT60
    CynthiaT60 Posts: 1,280 Member
    Just saying hi.
    Barbie: I'm an abstainer too. I just wish I'd abstain more often, lol.

    Cynthia :flowerforyou:
  • Sweepypie
    Sweepypie Posts: 161 Member
    I have been poorly since last Saturday but I have still managed to lose 1st 11lbs. Still got a lot to lose for our holiday in June. I am also disabled and can't exercise very much. My husband does all the cooking and he makes sure he takes all the fat off the meat and cooks plenty of veg.
  • Twhitehead7
    Twhitehead7 Posts: 41 Member
    Joyce,CrazyDogLady~ DH is very very fussy when it comes to what he wants..No to pedestal sink, he hates those, and he doesn't like say Habitat for Humanity Restore,he wants a new white vanity, no modern,plain white,with a square sink.. although this weekend we went twice to sears outlet looking for a wall oven, ours was original to the house and the opening is tiny compared to new home construction.. the size we need is 24", and we are doing stainless steel, the cheapest one we could find was 1300.00 really? you know we wont be buying that.. but I had a dream last night that we could make that opening into a roll out to store say crock pot,blender ,the larger appliances,or pots and pans, I keep all my baking pans in the oven...
    we are getting more snow and ice today..
    twhitehead7-what part of Connecticut are you in?

    Southeastern, CT ( near RI border)
  • add mr please
  • correction... add me please
  • sweetnsassyfied
    sweetnsassyfied Posts: 110 Member
    Good morning Everyone! :flowerforyou:

    Thank you for all the warm returns! It's going to take me a few to be able to do the personal touch again that so many of you have mastered. ;)

    With all the operations and recovery times we've gone through these past couple of years it's no surprise that our surroundings have gotten into disarray as well. So my hubby and I vowed that with the new year comes a new way. :)

    So, Alex ( my hubby ) and I spent the weekend going through our papers and stuffs in the computer room. Sifting, sorting, taking care of, filing, and tossing. Whew... no where near the extent we did this weekend. I am going to re-document it here in case there ever comes a time I decide to stop doing this, I want to know how much work we put into setting this up...lol

    First alex gets us each a box and when i say box, I mean crate. That he says is our Inbox. We also get a pad of paper and a pen. So we go through every cupboard, drawer, stash box ( real boxes ) and retrieve all papers and put them into our Inbox (crate). Then we take our pad of paper and write what needs to be done in the computer room. Every little thing in detail. From tightening a screw to reorganizing to painting to cleaning.... Plus what steps it will take to do said job.

    If the above werent enough we did this in every room of the house. We went through with our little pads & pens what we would like to do, have to do, should do. Basement and Car too.

    Once the house was complete we did the same things with our lives. Everything from incorporate date nights, Darrens move here, schools for Darren and myself, our forever home and so on. Big dreams, small dreams, someday/maybe's, it all went on these pieces of paper.

    Where do you suppose all these pieces of paper went? YES!!! Straight into our Inboxes!!
    The final stage was going through our inboxes AND NOTHING WAS ALLOWED TO GO BACK INTO THE INBOX AFTER YOU PICKED IT UP.... oh I'm sorry was that my outside voice?? It had to be actionable, filed, or tossed.

    Alex also downloaded an organizational program where we put all the actionables into catagories. Household, computer, dreams, projects, goals into in their correct place of course. then we tossed the bits of paper.

    Then we began our control central, kan ban board! A huge white board where we keep all pertinent info for each day. The things that have to get done. I told him to keep me interested in it it had to be pretty and fun! So Alex found some adorable clip art, got me colored white board markers and magnets.. We are all set to get our acts in order!


    Sassy aus Austria
    • Make the Effort not an Excuse..
    • Nothing to it but to do it!
    • Real food IS real good.

  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,994 Member
    twhitehead7- I am in central connecticut in Portland ,across the river from Middletown.. sleet is coming down now, going in at 10 to work, have already been out and shoveled and snowblowed
  • DianaLovesCoffee
    DianaLovesCoffee Posts: 398 Member
    My whole left leg from hip to toe is very sore. (Pain, swelling, difficulty walking) So I'm taking this week off from exercising to allow for some healing. That means I need to be more diligent about my calories to stay in a deficit.
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,029 Member
    Hi Ladies,
    I am a little sad by the outcome of the Super Bowl but it was a good game. Bodi has been struggling a bit. I am not sure what to do for him. It just breaks my heart everytime he has a tough time getting up or moving around. It should be like this for a 5 and half year old lab.

    I am fighting the depression really hard today. Let's just say it isn't a good day.

    I hope you all find peace today.

    Robin, Bodi and Ritter.
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Good morning everyone,

    I have a very busy day today so I just wanted to check in and say hi!

    Toall of the Seahawks fan, they played a good game sorry for the lost! I really thought that they had it.

    I have to go and do my exercise and I told my sister in law that I would come over and show her how to do one of my exercise videos. She wants to start exercising on a regular basis so we are now exercise buddies.

    have a great day!

    Mary from Minnesota

  • auburn3535
    auburn3535 Posts: 37 Member
    I would like to join this over 50. I am 52 and the weight just keeps adding up and I want it to go the other way. Looking for 1 or 2 people to talk to on a more regular basis. Not sure if I should join a group or try and find 2 people on my fitness pal who would like this. I weight 143 and would like to get to 125. I am 5'4.5''. Need accountability.
  • CynthiaT60
    CynthiaT60 Posts: 1,280 Member
    Robin: {hugs} for both you and Bodi. It's so hard when they're not doing so well...
  • peachstategal
    peachstategal Posts: 398 Member
    Wind advisory here today and very chilly as a result! I don't know where that ground hog was but there's no way he could see his shadow here.

    My buttercups are beginning to emerge. Had to put a barrier around them so the yard guy wouldn't mow down. I am very upset that for the second year in a row, they trimmed down my hydrangea bush. I need to let them know that the new growth comes from the old. There will be no flowers this year.

    Going to get the yearly mammo in a while. No fun!

    All have a great day! I need to go back and read. Missed a lot!
  • nccarolb
    nccarolb Posts: 858 Member
    Good morning! I've skimmed through the posts just to sort of catch up.

    It is rainy and gray here. I think this has been the rainiest winter in memory. It seems that we've had such little sunshine for the past few months.

    I had a good visit with my friend. We did some shopping for the house and so I now have night tables for my bedroom that are appropriately sized and two new lamps to go with the shades I bought several weeks ago. I moved the huge kitchen "island" that the previous owners had out of the kitchen and into the dining room. I want to get a buffet/sideboard/cabinet of some sort to go in there so the island is holding its space AND I am not constantly running in circles around the thing to reach the trashcan and the pantry! I am considering getting a SMALL kitchen cart with a cabinet to hold my son's gluten free foods since he needs separate storage space so that there is no chance of cross contamination. However, I have to wait until I have money for each new thing, so I will have PLENTY of time to look for what will work. :grinning:

    I ate pretty well over the weekend except we splurged on a couple of desserts. My main meals were what I would normally eat (well, for special occasion normal eating instead of soup and PBJs at home) so the desserts were the only "guilty" pleasure. I did, however, eat them slowly and savored each heavenly bite! I'll have my weigh in day on Friday and see if there is lasting damage.

    I saw my doctor on Thursday for a regular six-month check up. At first he was a little upset with my blood pressure but I explained the circumstances under which it was taken (waiting in a long line to check in while having a strong need for the bathroom (and I don't mean peeing!), going to the bathroom and hearing my name called before I could get out, being rushed down the hall to the scales, running to catch up after I had gathered my coat, shoes, and purse from the scale area, to having barely had my behind touching the seat before my blood pressure was being taken) so he took it again himself. A very "normal" 116/80 so he changed his tune! He had me taking HCTZ for blood pressure (I think that's the right order for the letters) and I told him that I had been out for over a week so he decided that I didn't need it at all. He changed my prescription to "as needed" so I can take it if I have trouble with fluid retention this summer. Overall, a good visit!

    Meg - Why would they do the smaller surgery first instead of going ahead and doing the knee replacement to begin with. That seems like unnecessary trauma to the body, not to mention the expense! I empathize with the waiting; it seemed to take forever for them to get around to allowing me to have my meniscus surgery.

    Michele - Your friend was either very lucky or had a crappy doctor! No lying flat on the back was a caveat for me even after the two weeks of sitting up. It was, I think, a full six weeks before I could lie on my back. The positioning all depends on the location of the tear and where the gas bubble in placed in the eye. I'm really surprised that she is allowed to drive. I was literally blind in that eye for many weeks. The gas bubble completely blocks all vision. I didn't drive at all for four weeks and even then drove only to work and back. My surgery was on December 12 and I still wasn't driving at Christmas.

    I offer congratulations to those with successes and good vibes to those who are struggling. I hope everyone has a great day!

    Carol in NC
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,062 Member
    crazydoglady = weekends, I drive to/from the gym. had I ridden there, they definitely would have been part of my stats and calorie burn!

  • yanniejannie
    yanniejannie Posts: 1,090 Member
    edited February 2015
    Wow! Good morning. Low 60's here; I find this very hard to believe after freezing my buns off volunteering at that race on Saturday...........of course its raining along with that great temp.......can't have everything! And temp is to plummet and wind is to reach gusts of near 50mph so here we go again........

    The game..........What Were They Thinking?????? Guess we'll never know. The only football team I really follow is the Cowboys, anyway......so, not much of an emotional investment in the outcome yesterday. Still.......sad. I did stay up for Jimmy Kimmel; very funny show last night.........and, then, since I made it that long, watched the rerun of the earlier Downton on PBS which I had hated missing........a rare "intentional" late, lare night for me.

    Must get a few things together for the little Williamsburg trip tomorrow. It's going to be an eating challenge. A good friend's sister owns one of the well-known and oldest local restaurants (The Old Chickahominy House); so, we can't miss that, and then there's The Trellis, fabulous food all the way. I'm hoping all the extra walking and good judgement on my part save the day. I'm afraid I've turned my DD into somewhat of a food tourist as we have our favorites everywhere, she's been talking about Aroma's, her favorite.

    Sassy..........Congrats on your five lbs. down for Jan. We are off to a good start as I did the same!

    Spedangie........Great attitude, lots of exercise!!! Welcome!

    Tara.....Did you find that free exercise thread?

    Renny.......Gorgeous pic!

    Red...........Major congratulations on your run!

    Robin.......((((((((hugs))))))))))) today for you.......

    Carol........Good grief!!! Cut down your hydrangea????

    Off to shower and errands.
    Hunger is not an emergency.

  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    edited February 2015
    Good morning everyone! I've spent the last hour reading all the posts in February (3 pages) and by the time I was finished there was a fourth page! Goodness we are a chatty bunch!

    This morning I took the kids to school (13 degrees and starting to snow) and had to take the little guy in to the office to be checked out by the nurse to get the OK to go back to class. She pronounced him clear of head lice and sent him on his way.

    Last night I was watching Downton, relaxing, and hubby was in his office working. Suddenly I was on my feet shrieking, when Robert smacked the sleazy guy he found in Cora's bedroom! Hubby came running down the hall to see what I was so excited about. He just rolls his eyes. Not a fan of Downton. I also have been watching the Granchester series, and like it a lot too. So, Sunday night is my TV night. Hubby has the rest of the week.

    Barbie, Thanks for getting us started again.

    Sally, I like the mats for dog training idea, but not sure Bruno would ever do it. He is clinically insane, I'm afraid.

    Meg, I loved the story about the naked dancing.

    Sharon, I'm sorry about your son's divorce. The fact that she is upset that he got an attorney says a lot about her, doesn't it. I would NOT have kissed a dead cat, no matter how much I loved him. And that microwave would be trashed. Glad the Frozen party went well. Funny about the Girl's Cake thing with the little friend.

    Mary, I don't think I will ever look "good" in a swimsuit. Too much lose skin. The best I can hope for is one that fits, covers all my important parts, and wears well. I have had trouble - especially at my heaviest - getting a suit that was big enough in the bottom and small enough in the top, because I don't have a lot upstairs. It's gotten a little easier since I've lost a little weight. Things have evened out a little.

    StrawbB, When I have a craving for something at night, say ice cream, then I make a deal with myself. I eat an apple (a small one) and if I still want the ice cream afterward I will have it. Usually the apple is enough. I'd really rather not have ice cream in the house, but it seems like Hubby wants more and more of it while I want less and less.

    Viv, Good plan on the computer time. That was my goal for January, to stop playing games and spending so much time on the computer. Didn't happen. I discovered a couple of new games and starting learning facebook. Now I'm spending more time on the computer than before.

    Heather, Flowers! Already?! Have a great trip and I hope your hip pain stays under control.

    Jan, I loved Williamsburg. I hope you have a great time. I have a bad habit of associating a trip with whatever special food we ate there. For Williamsburg it was the Smithfield Ham deli type place where they had fantastic country ham, dry and super salty. I loved it then. Couldn't do that these days.

    Julieferraro06, I don't know what Herbal Magic is but I'm sure it's not a good idea. Stick with us and we can help you do it without spending a fortune on diet stuff.

    Sassy, great job on your goals for January. Hope that foot is fully recovered.

    Spedangie, where are you from? Wow, you are so active! Do you have a special seat for your bike? Even after a few minutes on mine it feels like I've been sitting on a fence post.

    Deb, sorry about your husband's heart trouble. Very stressful for you, I know. I hope he recovers quickly.

    Barb, glad your visit to Colorado was so much fun!

    Jsadek1954, How much are you trying to lose? Can you walk or something on your lunch break? Maybe before work?

    Beth, More bad weather!!!!! Stay warm and safe.

    Celticred48, Sorry about the shingles. Ouch! I think you are our first from Ecuador. I know it sounds wrong, but the best way to feel energetic is to pretend to BE energetic. Force yourself to start doing active stuff, and soon you will realize how good it feels to feel active and strong, and it will make you want to keep doing it and adding more activity too. Energy expent equals energy increased. Not sure that is even a sentence.

    Tina, 3 pounds in just 5 days! Wow!

    Red, congrats on the 4 mile run and 4 mile walk!

    Twhitehead, sorry about more snow and ice for you too.

    Renny, I love hearing about your riding lessons.

    Sally, Clothes shopping! The dresses and skorts sound so nice. I love it - "find me a small"!

    Michele, love the pool pics, but it really does need some color. How about painting your praying mantis like a chameleon?


    Sharon, yes, I do worry about the chest pains. I've had some heart trouble in the past and the last thing I want is another heart cath or bypass. So every little twinge sends me into panic mode. I try not to tell hubby though. I don't like how he sits and stares at me if I tell him my chest hurts. So I just secretly get a nitro tab if it feels too bad and sit a while.

    Sassy, your decluttering made me tired. I need a nap after reading about it. But wouldn't it have been easier, instead of writing down that a screw needs tightened, just to actually tighten the screw?

    Diana, sorry about your sore leg.

    Robin, sorry about Bodi and your sadness. I imagine there is at least a partial connection. It hurts to see someone we love struggle.

    Mary, how great that your sister has become your exercise buddy! I wish my sister lived closer.

    Auburn2014, this isn't an actually group that you join. It's a list, so all you have to do is bookmark it (click the star at the top of the page above the magnifying glass) and keep coming back.

    Peachstategal, sorry about the hydrangea bush. Our lawn guy once mowed down a 7 foot tall magnolia tree with leaves and flowers. Said he didn't see it.

    Well, I have made it to the end of my four pages of notes (in almost 2 hours) and now I see that several MORE posts have been made, so I have missed a few.

    Got to get to work. Bye for now. Have a great day!

    Pittsburg, Kansas

  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Today's joke of the day:


    A new business was opening, and one of the owner’s friends sent flowers for the occasion. But when the owner read the card with the flowers, it said. “Rest in Peace”

    The owner was little upset and called the florist to complain. After he had told the florist about the obvious mistake, the florist said, “Sir, I’m really sorry for the mistake, but rater than getting angry, you should imagine this: Somewhere there is a funeral taking place today, and they have flowers with a note saying, “Congratulations on you new location.”

  • Red94568
    Red94568 Posts: 36 Member
    Good morning MyFitnessPal ladies! (Said in Robin Williams' good morning vietnam's voice.)

    I'm not sure I'll ever remember everyone's names and posts unless I take notes! I do,however, smile, frown, recognize and feel each of your sentiments.

    The decluttering would have had me drinking martinis, yes plural, by the 2d room! The rule about filing in our house is, since I'm the family accountant, the hubs is the filer. Guess which job actually gets done?

    I'm tired today. Might get in a casual walk just so I can get my steps in, but it's not going to be a cardio anything. Need coffee. NOW....
