Almond Milk vs. Skim Milk



  • tracie_minus100
    tracie_minus100 Posts: 465 Member
    I put almond milk in my morning smoothie. (It has a scoop of whey protein powder so I'm not bothered that the almond milk has little protein). But if I were to drink a glass of milk (which doesn't happen often), I would choose skim or 1% milk hands down.
  • ValerieMartini2Olives
    ValerieMartini2Olives Posts: 3,036 Member
    I have never liked animal milk.I drink almond or soy milk because it tastes better to me.
  • ana3067
    ana3067 Posts: 5,623 Member
    Almond milk makes me nauseous. I've been drinking partly skimmed milk 1% for YEARS. Like... at least half of my life. I do not like the taste or texture of fattier milk.
  • uptownplum
    uptownplum Posts: 42 Member
    I don't think people who drink almond milk are "ignorant hipsters" as this article so delicately puts it, but the sentiment of the rest of the article is more or less the same. Almonds are such a wonderful food - why pulverize them to create "milk" (see: cloudy water)? I don't know, if people like it, that's fine with me, but I personally won't drink it for this reason.
  • asdowe13
    asdowe13 Posts: 1,951 Member
    Which is better for us? Depends on taste preferances, and your dietary goals.

    If/when I drink milk, It's 3.5% or higher, or a 2% chocolate milk.
    Skim milk seems pointless to me, and I don't care for almond milk.

  • Roxiegirl2008
    Roxiegirl2008 Posts: 756 Member
    I hate the taste of milk so opt for almond milk. Not for protein or anything like that just more of a personal taste. I found silk "holiday nog" last year and it is so yummy. I also love the dark chocolate version from silk.
  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    edited February 2015
    ashleycde wrote: »
    lemurcat12 wrote: »
    I've never seen skim milk with added sugar, that's a myth.

    Skim milk doesn't have added sugar, however it does contain more sugar than full-fat milks. Specifically lactose, a milk sugar.

    That's a very different claim to the "they add stuff!" one I was addressing, but it's also misleading at best. All milk has lactose unless it is altered. If you compare the same number of calories of whole vs. skim (the whole being a much smaller amount, of course), you have more sugar in the skim, because a higher percentage of the calories in the skim is, obviously, from lactose in that one of the only other major contributors of calories (fat) has been removed. BUT if you compare equal amounts (say, 100 grams), there are identical amounts of sugar in both--5 grams, typically.

    So again the claim that skim or low fat milk have ingredients or specifically sugar added that whole doesn't have is at best a myth (or simply a weird untruth people like to tell).

    I quite like 1% and 2% dairy in particular (as well as full fat) and also find it a really good source of protein for the calories, so I think it deserves a defense. Obviously if one is lactose intolerant you would avoid lactose, but I see zero reason to.
  • CapnVillainBLK
    CapnVillainBLK Posts: 157 Member
    I honestly don't understand how milk doesn't gross human beings out. The stuff is packed with bacteria, puss, fecal matter, pesticides and IGF-1 which causes cancer. Plus, cow's milk is naturally intended to turn a small calf into a 1,000 lb cow!
  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    edited February 2015
    uptownplum wrote: »
    I don't think people who drink almond milk are "ignorant hipsters" as this article so delicately puts it, but the sentiment of the rest of the article is more or less the same. Almonds are such a wonderful food - why pulverize them to create "milk" (see: cloudy water)? I don't know, if people like it, that's fine with me, but I personally won't drink it for this reason.

    Heh, that's basically how I feel, although I accept that some people don't like or can't drink dairy or just like the almond stuff better (although I certainly do not--however, taste is a puzzling thing). ;-) The hype for store-bought almond milk from people who are otherwise all about "natural and unprocessed" is always the weirdest.
  • EvanKeel
    EvanKeel Posts: 1,904 Member
    edited February 2015
    I prefer to mix my protein powder with something other than water. Skim milk would be preferable to almond milk if I didn't react badly to it (skim). So, for the sake of my physical comfort, when I do make my own protein shake, I like to use almond milk.

    No idea what my issue is with milk; I've tried lactose-free variants with no difference. But given the amount of milk I don't consume on an annual basis, I haven't felt the need to research it further.
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    lvillani81 wrote: »
    I honestly don't understand how milk doesn't gross human beings out. The stuff is packed with bacteria, puss, fecal matter, pesticides and IGF-1 which causes cancer. Plus, cow's milk is naturally intended to turn a small calf into a 1,000 lb cow!

    I can't even.

    Do you eat yogurt?
    Chalk full of bacteria?

    Touch railings anywhere out side your home? Chalk full of all sorts of bodily fluids-

    You're phone- that you put up close and personal to your face? dirtier than a toilet seat!

    Milk is fine- it's almost a complete food coupled with cereal. Delicious.

    Heh, that's basically how I feel, although I accept that some people don't like or can't drink dairy or just like the almond stuff better (although I certainly do not--however, taste is a puzzling thing). ;-) The hype for store-bought almond milk from people who are otherwise all about "natural and unprocessed" is always the weirdest.
    I really REALLY like straight up milk.

    But the almond milk I drink is 30 calories for only 8 oz.... so I can fit that and a scoop of protein powder in (which tastes WAY better than with water) much more conviently than I can straight up milk.

    For me it's a calorie trade off- but I personally won't drink almond milk straight up. Just not THAT good.
  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    JoRocka wrote: »
    But the almond milk I drink is 30 calories for only 8 oz.... so I can fit that and a scoop of protein powder in (which tastes WAY better than with water) much more conviently than I can straight up milk.

    Oh, this I get. It's like how I think it's weird to give up whole eggs in favor of egg whites because you are fat phobic or whatever people's reasons are, but I totally get how some might not like the yolks (although I love them) and have personally used extra whites to add volume from time to time. Also, some desserts call for just whites, of course. ;-)

    I always eat protein powder with oatmeal or in coffee, but I don't like it that much with just water, so almond milk could work well for that.

    It would totally not sub for my morning dairy, though, since I use that to significantly supplement the protein in my two eggs quite often.
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    lemurcat12 wrote: »
    JoRocka wrote: »
    But the almond milk I drink is 30 calories for only 8 oz.... so I can fit that and a scoop of protein powder in (which tastes WAY better than with water) much more conviently than I can straight up milk.

    Oh, this I get. It's like how I think it's weird to give up whole eggs in favor of egg whites because you are fat phobic or whatever people's reasons are, but I totally get how some might not like the yolks (although I love them) and have personally used extra whites to add volume from time to time. Also, some desserts call for just whites, of course. ;-)

    I always eat protein powder with oatmeal or in coffee, but I don't like it that much with just water, so almond milk could work well for that.

    It would totally not sub for my morning dairy, though, since I use that to significantly supplement the protein in my two eggs quite often.

    I'm so with you on that. I can't do egg white's straight up. But I can definitely add whites for more volume. Exact same concept.

    And no- sometimes there just is NOT a good enough replacement. i.e. drinking almond milk for a glass of nice crisp milk to go with my cookies- not the same. Will I do it? yeah- because odds are I'm not going to go buy a half gallon for my cookies- so it's "good enough" but it's certainly not the same- and definitely not as refreshing.

    But yeah- almond milk- perfect for protein drink- and to loosen up ice cream/protein shakes. perfect.
  • fitbethlin
    fitbethlin Posts: 162 Member
    I love almond milk in my coffee, with granola, and with protein powder. As someone else alluded to, cow milk messes with my sinuses. Cheese and yogurt don't give me the same response, so I don't know what it is. I get a lot of protein in my diet from cheese, eggs, and meat meat meat, so I don't worry about missing out on protein by using almond rather than cow. My endocrinologists have all been adamantly anti-soy so I don't drink that. I always wonder about the rice milk and hemp milk in the store, but I love my almond stuff so I haven't tried them yet.

    Some friends of mine have recommended raw milk, feeling that I wouldn't get that sinus response. I spent too many years studying public health to go for it though. I know people who love it and who have great experiences with it, but I would recommend being very very careful about who you buy it from. It's illegal in many places and can make people very very sick. Really consider your source if you go that route.
  • CapnVillainBLK
    CapnVillainBLK Posts: 157 Member
    edited February 2015
    JoRocka wrote: »
    lvillani81 wrote: »
    I honestly don't understand how milk doesn't gross human beings out. The stuff is packed with bacteria, puss, fecal matter, pesticides and IGF-1 which causes cancer. Plus, cow's milk is naturally intended to turn a small calf into a 1,000 lb cow!

    I can't even.

    Do you eat yogurt?
    Chalk full of bacteria?

    Touch railings anywhere out side your home? Chalk full of all sorts of bodily fluids-

    You're phone- that you put up close and personal to your face? dirtier than a toilet seat!

    Milk is fine- it's almost a complete food coupled with cereal. Delicious.
    JoRocka wrote: »
    lvillani81 wrote: »
    I honestly don't understand how milk doesn't gross human beings out. The stuff is packed with bacteria, puss, fecal matter, pesticides and IGF-1 which causes cancer. Plus, cow's milk is naturally intended to turn a small calf into a 1,000 lb cow!

    I can't even.

    Do you eat yogurt?
    Chalk full of bacteria?

    Touch railings anywhere out side your home? Chalk full of all sorts of bodily fluids-

    You're phone- that you put up close and personal to your face? dirtier than a toilet seat!

    Milk is fine- it's almost a complete food coupled with cereal. Delicious.

    Um, no. I don't eat yogurt, or cheese or anything else from milk. Yeah I put my dirty phone on my face, but I don't ingest my phone. I dare you to just lick you phone. You won't do, and neither would I. Milk is not fine.
  • asdowe13
    asdowe13 Posts: 1,951 Member
    lvillani81 wrote: »
    JoRocka wrote: »
    lvillani81 wrote: »
    I honestly don't understand how milk doesn't gross human beings out. The stuff is packed with bacteria, puss, fecal matter, pesticides and IGF-1 which causes cancer. Plus, cow's milk is naturally intended to turn a small calf into a 1,000 lb cow!

    I can't even.

    Do you eat yogurt?
    Chalk full of bacteria?

    Touch railings anywhere out side your home? Chalk full of all sorts of bodily fluids-

    You're phone- that you put up close and personal to your face? dirtier than a toilet seat!

    Milk is fine- it's almost a complete food coupled with cereal. Delicious.
    JoRocka wrote: »
    lvillani81 wrote: »
    I honestly don't understand how milk doesn't gross human beings out. The stuff is packed with bacteria, puss, fecal matter, pesticides and IGF-1 which causes cancer. Plus, cow's milk is naturally intended to turn a small calf into a 1,000 lb cow!

    I can't even.

    Do you eat yogurt?
    Chalk full of bacteria?

    Touch railings anywhere out side your home? Chalk full of all sorts of bodily fluids-

    You're phone- that you put up close and personal to your face? dirtier than a toilet seat!

    Milk is fine- it's almost a complete food coupled with cereal. Delicious.

    Um, no. I don't eat yogurt, or cheese or anything else from milk. Yeah I put my dirty phone on my face, but I don't ingest my phone. I dare you to just lick you phone. You won't do, and neither would I. Milk is not fine.

    I feel bad that you have such a diordered way of thinking about milk and it's biproducts.

    Maybe a little more research will help dissuade you of your fears.

  • evileen99
    evileen99 Posts: 1,564 Member
    lvillani81 wrote: »
    I honestly don't understand how milk doesn't gross human beings out. The and IGF-1 which causes cancer. Plus, cow's milk is naturally intended to turn a small calf into a 1,000 lb cow!

    Breast milk contains bacteria and white cells (what you call pus); it's normal. As to the fecal matter, no. Milk is heavily tested and any that doesn't meet guidelines is dumped, along with all the other milk in that load. Farmers have a huge financial incentive to bring clean milk to the dairy.

  • brower47
    brower47 Posts: 16,356 Member
    They both have different nutrition profiles. Whichever profile fits your goals better would be the better choice for you.

    There is no "us", just you when it comes to food choices.
  • Slacker16
    Slacker16 Posts: 1,184 Member
    I just licked my phone. One of the perks of a good immune system.

    That being said, full-fat milk tastes like grease-flavoured water and skim milk tastes like water-flavoured water...
  • Showcase_Brodown
    Showcase_Brodown Posts: 919 Member
    I opt for milk because of the protein content (which is a lot of times why I opt for anything). Usually 1% because it's what my wife likes. Otherwise I would go 2% or whole.