Singles: Does Valentine's Day depress you?



  • BillMPE
    BillMPE Posts: 42 Member
  • Khukhullatus
    Khukhullatus Posts: 361 Member
    I heard someone say once that "being single is a battle between loneliness and euphoria. loneliness for the fifteen minutes before you go to bed at night, and euphoria the whole rest of the day."
  • deminickle
    A few times I've had someone on valentines, but this year I don't. I've never thought of it as depressing though. Because when I'm not with someone I have a skype date with my friend and we watch movies all night long. You don't need to have a relationship to be happy on valentines, you just need someone to make it fun. Like I'm most likely going to have a nice Skype date again with my friend unless something drastically change in the next two weeks lol
  • Just115Pounds
    Just115Pounds Posts: 81 Member
    No, I just hug my dog a little bit tighter :)
  • Honeysuckle3
    Honeysuckle3 Posts: 644 Member
    I'm single but I'm excited for Valentine's Day. I get my kids little gifts and leave it on the table the night before so they can get them in the morning. And we make heart pancakes and strawberry milk for breakfast.
  • BillMPE
    BillMPE Posts: 42 Member
  • yopeeps025
    yopeeps025 Posts: 8,680 Member
    short answer is NO.

    Long answer is the same thing NO.

    Why would people feel ok about this BS holiday anyways. You should always be doing these things throughout the year.
  • IrZeo
    IrZeo Posts: 58 Member
    IrZeo wrote: »
    I think it should only matter to those who have a special someone. If the holiday itself makes you sad, you should probably find a special someone for yourself! personally, after coming out of a long-term relationship last year, I'm enjoying being single. There is more to life than relationships (in my opinion).. though, Valentines day is cute and I like the time of year. :wink:

    The holiday is supposed to be about love, regardless of whether you're in a relationship. Love for your family, love for children, love for your peers, etc. It's just unfortunate that commercialism (as usual) has made it out to be something only lovers can participate in.

    Well.. I honestly didn't have any idea. Thank you for educating me! you have changed my view forever. :)
  • 4homer
    4homer Posts: 457 Member
  • Dadof3bbg1
    It'll be my first "alone" vday for over 10 years.
    Maybe all the divorced mfpers should have a party!
  • Melissa90xo
    Melissa90xo Posts: 1,020 Member
    Plans for this Valentine's Day: footy with my equally single best friend. Life is sweet :blush:
  • iwillsucceed0444
    iwillsucceed0444 Posts: 432 Member
    4homer wrote: »

    Lol :(

  • iwillsucceed0444
    iwillsucceed0444 Posts: 432 Member
    Thanks everyone...your posts have made me feel better. Hopefully I'll have that special someone in the future... <3
  • TiliaIvanovska
    TiliaIvanovska Posts: 73 Member
    Valentine's what?? No no, I'm watching NBA All star weekend ;)
  • Arliah
    Arliah Posts: 266 Member
    Won't have anybody for V-Day this year either. I've been single since my ex left me in 2011, but for the life of me I can't figure out that whole dating thing *lol*.
    So I think I will spend V-Day with my puppy and give him lots of treats. He'll appreciate that :smiley:

    Maybe next year all of us singles will be luckier and have a special somebody that will send us an "I love you card" (which is really all I am missing on V-Day ... I love greeting cards).
  • _riddikulus_
    _riddikulus_ Posts: 59 Member
    nahh, vday is fine, it's just a holiday. I prefer february 15th when all the candy goes on sale. march 14th is even better.
  • kar328
    kar328 Posts: 4,157 Member
    edited February 2015

    As the perpetually single person, it's a hard "holiday" because you're bombarded with the whole couples thing. And unless it's leap year, it's a reminder that my birthday is exactly six weeks away. I love the Facebook posts that pop up proclaiming it Single Awareness Day. Some of the anti-Valentine cartoons/gifs/jpgs I find are great.

    I've gotten less depressed over the years, because that's the way it's going to be, but I try to be my own valentine and by myself a rose and definitely partake in some cheap, yet yummy chocolate. And even a chocolate rose. Also, Dunkin donuts makes a brownie batter donut for this time of year, shaped like a heart, with lovely brownie batter inside. It's the one day of the year I have one of their donuts. Worth every calorie and carb.

    So, I just try to remember that no matter what, I always have me :kissing_closed_eyes:

  • salembambi
    salembambi Posts: 5,585 Member
    nope ... im my own valentine..ill get myself lots of candy and junk food and watch movies

  • MyM0wM0w
    MyM0wM0w Posts: 2,008 Member
    I'm single but it's not so bad. I work with 5 guys who have become big brothers. I get a box of candy and flowers from them, plus they treat me to lunch on Valentine's day.

    Of course, that might be payment because I'm the one who reminds them of birthday's, anniversaries, and Valentine's day.
  • JeriAnne84
    JeriAnne84 Posts: 543 Member
    salembambi wrote: »
    nope ... im my own valentine..ill get myself lots of candy and junk food and watch movies

    I always watch horror movies on Valentine's Day. Freddy Kruger is the original Dream Weaver.