Postnatal-May 2011



  • tahmed
    tahmed Posts: 409 Member
    Hi Ladies,

    After taking 2 weeks off after Ethan was born, to just focus on our new family of three, I am back at it, and ready to join all of you on the post pregnancy weight loss journey.

    I am down 22 lbs since giving birth, but boy is my body differently shaped now :cry:

    I know you have all mentioned this several times, but how do I track breast feeding? Is it listed as an exercise or as a food?

    Also, do any of you know when I can really start working out? The hospital said no exercise for 6 weeks, but I am feeling great, and anxious to get back at it. I have been walking around the neighborhood 1-2 times each day, but would like to get back to the elliptical and start weights and ab workouts again. Do I really need to wait 6 weeks?
  • Soon2Bfitmamaof3
    Soon2Bfitmamaof3 Posts: 1,911 Member
    Hi Ladies,

    After taking 2 weeks off after Ethan was born, to just focus on our new family of three, I am back at it, and ready to join all of you on the post pregnancy weight loss journey.

    I am down 22 lbs since giving birth, but boy is my body differently shaped now :cry:

    I know you have all mentioned this several times, but how do I track breast feeding? Is it listed as an exercise or as a food?

    Also, do any of you know when I can really start working out? The hospital said no exercise for 6 weeks, but I am feeling great, and anxious to get back at it. I have been walking around the neighborhood 1-2 times each day, but would like to get back to the elliptical and start weights and ab workouts again. Do I really need to wait 6 weeks?

    Hi Amanda, Ethan is so adorable, love the new pic! Breastfeeding is in the food journal it shows up as negative calories. Exclusive breastfeeding is supposed to burn 500 calories so just be sure to use the correct one as many come up. I would stay away from elliptical, weights and abs until you are cleared. I started walking right away, started aerobics at 4 weeks postnatal and last night I started Zumba for Wii.....still a bit tough for me so I will ease into it.
  • htuzzi324
    htuzzi324 Posts: 20 Member
    Hi Ladies,

    After taking 2 weeks off after Ethan was born, to just focus on our new family of three, I am back at it, and ready to join all of you on the post pregnancy weight loss journey.

    I am down 22 lbs since giving birth, but boy is my body differently shaped now :cry:

    I know you have all mentioned this several times, but how do I track breast feeding? Is it listed as an exercise or as a food?

    Also, do any of you know when I can really start working out? The hospital said no exercise for 6 weeks, but I am feeling great, and anxious to get back at it. I have been walking around the neighborhood 1-2 times each day, but would like to get back to the elliptical and start weights and ab workouts again. Do I really need to wait 6 weeks?
    Hi! Your son is too cute! I'm 4 weeks post-pregnancy, and I started the c25k challenge today. It's pretty much walk/run intervals, and other than it kicking my butt and finding new things that jiggle now, I feel great!
  • jamielangner
    jamielangner Posts: 165
    Hi! I'd love to join you ladies! I had my son April 8th. Started out at 168, 207 at birth, and down to 172 right now...but hoping to lose a lot more than that. And who knew babywearing burned so many calories!

    I love babywearing! I never did it with my older daughter, Brielle, and I can't believe I missed it! I wear Hayley around the house all the time & for walks. I'm really looking forward to our first hike.
  • jamielangner
    jamielangner Posts: 165
    Hi! Your son is too cute! I'm 4 weeks post-pregnancy, and I started the c25k challenge today. It's pretty much walk/run intervals, and other than it kicking my butt and finding new things that jiggle now, I feel great!
    I'm doing c25k also & I love it so far! I feel like it gives me motivation because I want to stick to the schedule & I also feel better after doing the intervals than the regular running I was doing. Good luck with it!
  • mwilson1018
    mwilson1018 Posts: 509 Member
    Hey Amanda! I've been thinking about you! Glad you, DH, and Ethan are doing well!! I still haven't started back exercising yet. When I went out shopping the other day I found that my body is still really tired. I know it will take some getting use to but when I'm up on my feet too much my back and legs start hurting. You sound like you're doing great through with your walking!

    A few questions...what positions do you ladies prefer to breastfeed? While at home and especially while out...? I can't seem to get the hang of BFing while standing or without the boppy. She seems so uncomfortable and it seems like she spits up so much more afterwards if I'm not sitting down becuase she's being moved around more....?

    Also, it sounds like she may have a tiny bit of congestion. She's 3 weeks old, and most often I hear it more after she eats, but I woke up with a sore throat this morning so I was concerned she may have something too... She doesn't seem to be in any pain or anything, just a little louder breathing. Any advice?
  • sculley
    sculley Posts: 2,012 Member
    Definitely :) Nice to mee ya
  • tahmed
    tahmed Posts: 409 Member
    Megan - Ethan has the same congestion type issue after he eats. I am not sure why, but his breathing is all raspy sounding for about 15 minutes after feeding. I haven't noticed it when he is sleeping, so I am trying not to worry about it too much. I will put it on the list to ask the pediatrician about next time we see him though.

    As far as positions, Ethan prefers to lay flat on his back, and to just turn his head towards me. This isn't one of the positions the lactation consultants recommended, but it is what he seems to like the most. I tried using the boppy, but it seems to make him too high, so I just put a folded up blanket under him.

    Thanks for the advice on working out. I will keep it to walking for now, and maybe increase the intensity in a few weeks.
  • Soon2Bfitmamaof3
    Soon2Bfitmamaof3 Posts: 1,911 Member
    Megan- I hold Brooklynn in a cradle position, it keeps her head up, especially while out and about. You do not have to work on a position to feed her while standing/walking.... I think it really just depends on the person but my little chunky butt loves to eat and I would never get anything done otherwise :laugh:

    Megan and Amanda- Brooklynn has that congestion/raspy sounding breathing and the doctor says that it is perfectly fine. Seems odd to me because I do not remember my older 2 having it but I asked him at her 2 week check up and again when I took my boys in for their visit. I would just pay close attention to see if it is all of the time or just with feedings. Sometimes she seems like she is having to struggle a little after feeding , like catching her breath. I think I am going to message Annabelle from the pregnancy group and see if she has any suggestions :happy:
  • mwilson1018
    mwilson1018 Posts: 509 Member
    Thanks Amanda and Sheri! I'll keep an eye on it. Sheri, if you hear anything form Annabelle please let us know :smile:

    Also, some of you have said that you like to wear your baby. I would love to, but Annabelle seems to hate being put in the sling I have from It's like she feels too tight. I have two different sizes, because I thought one was too small, but she still doesn't like the bigger one either. What kind of sling or carrier do you all have?
  • dragonfly74
    dragonfly74 Posts: 1,382 Member
  • Soon2Bfitmamaof3
    Soon2Bfitmamaof3 Posts: 1,911 Member
    Megan and Amanda, here is what I got from Annabelle

    Gooky/congested sounding babies is normal, nothing to worry about. Some would say you could eliminate dairy in your diet, but that is only a hunch. If baby is fine, not unhappy otherwise etc I wouldn't do a thing. Sometimes we think an issue is one, isn't really one. All three of you are brilliant, exclusively nursing!!!!!!!! I am so thrilled. I cannot wait for our wee one to come, I am thinking end of May or right at the beginning of June.

    Bethe- I am glad everyone is getting better
  • dragonfly74
    dragonfly74 Posts: 1,382 Member
    Megan - Ethan has the same congestion type issue after he eats. I am not sure why, but his breathing is all raspy sounding for about 15 minutes after feeding. I haven't noticed it when he is sleeping, so I am trying not to worry about it too much. I will put it on the list to ask the pediatrician about next time we see him though.

    As far as positions, Ethan prefers to lay flat on his back, and to just turn his head towards me. This isn't one of the positions the lactation consultants recommended, but it is what he seems to like the most. I tried using the boppy, but it seems to make him too high, so I just put a folded up blanket under him.

    Thanks for the advice on working out. I will keep it to walking for now, and maybe increase the intensity in a few weeks.


    I agree with Amanda. This is how I feed too. As you know Wade was already on an antibiotic (we all had sinus infections). My husband and I are finally finishing our antibiotics today. But my head still "feels" full so I hope I am really over this. My second child I was unable to breastfeed while lying down because the milk would come up her nose! I thought something was wrong but it was just the way she was. Wade has been the best by far! He can nurse any which way. We had a few times with the major spit up (because of congestion) and one time he spit up today because I had him lying down next to me and then picked him up way too fast. I am mostly breastfeeding but need to supplement and he has been SOO gassy! I finally switched back to my old stand by, Good Start formula. The Similac I now have tons of, but it has never been kind to ANY of my babies.

    I am bad. Since this is my fourth child I have only had him into the doctor once, and it was for the congestion issue. He is one month today! No appointment set yet for another check up. Guess after #3 you know they are okay. :blushing:

    Oh and we have a bjorn carrier. My second two loved it. Wade cannot stand it!

    And to clear up our congestion here. Wade had yellow gooky stuff coming out as well so we knew it was a different issue than our second child who always just got congested while nursing. We knew it was an infection.

    Hugs to you all!
  • dragonfly74
    dragonfly74 Posts: 1,382 Member
    Thanks Sheri!

    Finally but baby to sleep on his tummy last night and he actually slept. We did it with the rest of our children and so happy he seems to like belly too.

    So with everyone feeling better and him sleeping the house is much calmer. My husband works from home so we need some peace during the day.
  • dragonfly74
    dragonfly74 Posts: 1,382 Member
    Oh I am also starting to wonder why I am still having slight bleeding 4 weeks later. I don't remember this with my others. I am starting to wonder if my stitches healed correctly. I have an appointment set for the 20th. I felt so good after my third that I never even went in for a check up (and had stitches with her too).

    Anyone else still having this?
  • mwilson1018
    mwilson1018 Posts: 509 Member
    Thanks for the info ladies! Hopefully it just has to do with feeding. I'll keep an eye on it. I've heard that even if I'm sick, or feel like I'm getting sick, to continue BFing... right?

    Annabelle loves sleeping on her tummy on us, but I'm afraid to let her sleep on her tummy in her bassinet... We have the angelcare monitor which I LOOOVE me so much peace to know she's breathing/moving. So you all let yours sleep on their tummies?? My doctor would flip if I told her we were considering

    I've seen those Bjorn carriers, but they're so expensive!!
  • dragonfly74
    dragonfly74 Posts: 1,382 Member
    Thanks for the info ladies! Hopefully it just has to do with feeding. I'll keep an eye on it. I've heard that even if I'm sick, or feel like I'm getting sick, to continue BFing... right?

    Annabelle loves sleeping on her tummy on us, but I'm afraid to let her sleep on her tummy in her bassinet... We have the angelcare monitor which I LOOOVE me so much peace to know she's breathing/moving. So you all let yours sleep on their tummies?? My doctor would flip if I told her we were considering

    I've seen those Bjorn carriers, but they're so expensive!!

    We have let all of ours sleep on their tummies. Helps with gas too! We have had the Angel Care with our last two and it definitely helps ease our minds. Our babies simply sleep better on their stomachs. We had the best night's sleep last night. Still not great but okay. I'll take sleeping 3 hours in a row!

    Definitely keep breastfeeding even when you feel sick! I believe that is why Wade didn't get too sick when the rest of us in the house did.

    Love Annabelle's picture!
  • htuzzi324
    htuzzi324 Posts: 20 Member
    Oh I am also starting to wonder why I am still having slight bleeding 4 weeks later. I don't remember this with my others. I am starting to wonder if my stitches healed correctly. I have an appointment set for the 20th. I felt so good after my third that I never even went in for a check up (and had stitches with her too).

    Anyone else still having this?
    I thought I was finished, didn't have any bleeding or spotting for a week, but it came back today. So either My periods are now wonderful or I'm not done with PP bleeding. I think it's normal to have PP bleeding for up to 6 weeks.
  • Soon2Bfitmamaof3
    Soon2Bfitmamaof3 Posts: 1,911 Member
    Oh I am also starting to wonder why I am still having slight bleeding 4 weeks later. I don't remember this with my others. I am starting to wonder if my stitches healed correctly. I have an appointment set for the 20th. I felt so good after my third that I never even went in for a check up (and had stitches with her too).

    Anyone else still having this?

    MEEE!!! mostly spotting post workout though
  • carina73
    carina73 Posts: 270 Member
    Oh I am also starting to wonder why I am still having slight bleeding 4 weeks later. I don't remember this with my others. I am starting to wonder if my stitches healed correctly. I have an appointment set for the 20th. I felt so good after my third that I never even went in for a check up (and had stitches with her too).

    Anyone else still having this?
    if you over exert yourself you'll start bleeding again. When I had DD, it's how I knew I was doing too much. (too many trips to the bathroom and bedrooms upstairs) Fortunately, new house had 2nd bathroom on main floor when I had DS. :D