I'm a hypocrite



  • sinclare
    sinclare Posts: 369 Member
    You're a rockstar! My family is the reason I started on all the disordered eating in the first place --- they make fun of me because when we go out I don't eat the fattening artichoke dip and don't eat the fried food,etc.

    get used to it, they will not stop. all you can do is control your reaction. I just smile and don't say anything. or say, yea, I started working out again.

    I like to wear things that I know I look GREAT in when they are around. Just to piss them off! ( 48 years old and I still got it ;)
  • CandiesAndSweets
    CandiesAndSweets Posts: 167 Member
    This may not make much sense at first, but it's been helping me a lot lately. No matter what negative feedback you hear about your accomplishments or anything else for that matter, say this phrase to yourself 'I am safe'. I begun using it recently when I was feeling unsure or scared of my issues or hearing criticism. We are stronger than we really think, we just have to remind ourselves of that sometimes. And the 'I am safe' reassurance mantra does it for me. Maybe it will be able to help you too.

    Great job on your accomplishments! :)
  • maryh1974
    maryh1974 Posts: 41
    to me you are a winner..not a hypocrite they are
  • Don't let your family get you down. Mine do that to me as well. Even though I have not lost much, I have been learning a lot. You are just going to have to prove them wrong! Don't ever be afraid to share knowledge.
  • nurserae7
    nurserae7 Posts: 43 Member
    You are doing GREAT!!!!! Keep up the good work!!
  • ColoradoRobin
    ColoradoRobin Posts: 510 Member
    There's an old fisherman's saying that Tom Venuto brought up in a book of his. If you put one crab in a bucket, you have to put a lid on the bucket to stop it from climbing out. But if you put a bunch of crabs in the bucket, you don't need a lid, because any crab that tries to climb out will be pulled back down by the rest of them. Negative comments by friends and family are like the crabs trying to pull you back down to their level. Seeing you change can be scary to people who know you well, and it also may highlight their own shortcomings. Don't let them get you down, and keep on climbing up!
  • Slimithy
    Slimithy Posts: 348 Member
    At the risk of echoing everyone else on this thread...

    You are doing AMAZING and should be very proud of yourself.

    You are not a hypocrite, you're a fitness convert.

    Also realize that your lifestyle will act like a mirror to those around you. Your family may have consigned themselves thet they "will always be big and/or unhealthy". Seeing you make changes shows them that it is possible and that they are simply choosing to stay unhealthy.

    Knowing that you are living unhealthy because you are choosing to live that way can be frustrating, so they lash out at you. It is much easier to drag someone down than it is to build yourself or others up.

    In otherwords, they're Haters. Don't get mad at them for it, just use it as fuel. Keep it up!!
  • msmagic
    msmagic Posts: 9 Member
    often when family/friends see you succeeding... this can remind them of their own failings.. It is comman human behaviour to try to knock other people around us down to a lower level as the natural effect of this (without them realising it) is that this highers their position. This is basically also why people gossip! if eveyone around you is doing well and your not.... how does that make a person feel? Be proud of your achievements and your weight loss tells the rest of the world without words that your looking good and taking care of yourself.. Try to dismiss it and forgive them for their comments. xx
  • FluttershySweetie
    FluttershySweetie Posts: 216 Member
    Good for you!! You have realized what is healthy and what is not... mostly they are probably jealous of your new healthy lifestyle and they respond negatively. They as well want to lose weight and quit smoking or better themselves and because they have failed.... they feel they have to lash out.... and I agree if they ask you any questions just say exercise and eating healthy.... if they really want to know how they will then ask you more questions after that.... no need for negativity!!!
  • Tangerine302
    Tangerine302 Posts: 1,509 Member
    Congratulations on everything you are doing!!!! I wouldn't mention one more thing to them about it. Let us know how everything is going though! :) We care and support! :)
  • I have the EXACT same issue. Every saying "you're so skinny", especially my mom. She keeps saying that I'm "too skinny" and that I "need to eat". It hurts a little. Plus, I'm a vegan, so I get remarks from EVERYONE. "What do you eat?!" or "So, just a salad for you" Yeah..no. I do not like salads...then I get comments like "How can you be vegan without liking salad?" Like that's all we eat. I can't really say anything in defense of my diet/food choices because people are just so against any change of difference in their life. I used to be the same way. I hated vegetables; I looooved my meat and was skeptical of even vegetarians. If I can change and realize how truly healthy it is for me, then hey shouldn't judge. And exercise and healthier habits just goes hand in hand with a better, cleaner diet. I think it's impossible to have one without the other and be a truly healthy individual. Since going 100% vegan I haven't been sick, my allergies are nearly nonexistent, I have more energy in the mornings, and my insomnia is almost completely gone. And I've gotten even better since working out, cutting out added sugar/sodium, and useless fats. I've stopped worrying about what others say so much...it just furthers my resolve. ^_^ So what if I'll often be the butt of everyone's jokes just because I'm vegan and healthy? So what if you're always getting comments and judgments because you actually choose to change your life around? Embrace it! You're always going to get judged by someone...it might as well be for doing something right! XD
  • Vkoons3
    Vkoons3 Posts: 122 Member
    Good for you I hate when people, especially family give back negative feedback but keep up the good work!
  • thehulket
    thehulket Posts: 33
    I know exactly how you feel. My friends and family can be supportive, but can also smack me down unintentionally (I'm either not eating enough calories, eating too many, exercising too much, not exercising enough, etc.)

    That's why I keep MFP and my changes to myself now. If they notice, fine. But I don't talk about it anymore.

    You have to remember; could they be jealous of your success?
  • I went to our baby shower on Saturday ( coed) and they had cake and all that. I said something about eating right and no sugar and I got the same comments. People just don't want to hear the bad stuff about what they eat. They want to eat drink and be merry until it catches up to them. You keep doing what your'e doing let your confidence be your voice. Thats what we all need to do. Let our CONFIDENCE shine.
  • Grissay
    Grissay Posts: 112 Member
    Your motivation without their support is amazing! You seem like a very strong person and are inspiring to A LOT of people, so like you said, don't let them get you down. KEEP going! You are changing and maybe they will too :)
  • SoFancySoBlessed
    SoFancySoBlessed Posts: 224 Member
  • Onesnap
    Onesnap Posts: 2,819 Member
    Ignore the haters because haters going to hate.
  • gebnpb
    gebnpb Posts: 166
    Your doing great!!I'm so sorry to hear your family was not supportive!!DOn't let them get you down keep it up and stay positive!!:bigsmile:
  • TMLPatrick
    TMLPatrick Posts: 558 Member
    Ignore the haters because haters going to hate.

    Thats why they call them haters.... If you only have 10 haters now, you better be figuring out how to get to 16 haters by July....
  • Inspiredtobe
    Inspiredtobe Posts: 53 Member
    YEA You can prove them all wrong! Don't listen to the people who has negative things to say about you. Stay healthy and never give up. (:
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