FireRunners (C25K May 9th group) Week 1!!



  • HaleyAlli
    HaleyAlli Posts: 911 Member
    Welcome kmarker, you're our 49th member! Who will be #50? :happy:
    probably tmi, but I just bought a new super hardcore sports bra for the challenge. LOL

    That is an EXCELLENT idea. Probably MORE tmi, but I wished I'd had one today XD lol... Let's just say the girls wanted out of there, bad :laugh:
    I'm going to go a bit further into TMI land and say I'm doubling up today. It's been 10 months since I've run because I was on bed rest for the first few weeks of my pregnancy, and I don't remember *totally* what happens when I jog...:blushing:

    Hahaha the more support the better! That goes for motivation partners and I guess it goes for boobs too, lol XD
  • DEgal99
    DEgal99 Posts: 100 Member
    Did the first day today! Well, more like a warm up (aka, I walked longer than I "should" and jogged less than I "should". But, I got both in!). :) Asthma combined with basically starting from scratch endurance-wise means that I might take longer than 9 weeks. But I'm up for a challenge!
  • Cyndi146
    Cyndi146 Posts: 411 Member
    I'd like to join. I do the gym on Mon, Wed, Fri mornings, so I think I'll do the jog, Tues, Thur, Sat :)
  • alygoo615
    alygoo615 Posts: 35 Member
    If it's not too late- I'm in too! I started this before and didn't make it past Week 2- I just didn't have the motivation in January. Now that I'm closer to my goal weight and it's almost bikini/shorts season, I have a little more motivation!

    I am about to complete Week 2- but I did the first 2 weeks in 6 days. I'm sure that as the runs get harder, I will spend more time on each week before I move on to the next week. I have hated running my entire life and have always made excuses not to run. It is just a good feeling getting through the first couple weeks! The later weeks absolutely terrify me though!
  • tatiana_13
    tatiana_13 Posts: 325
    I did my week 1, day 1 run this morning. Put on the shoes and hit the pavement. The first 5 intervals were fine. But for the last 3...I was going through the jogging motion, but I'm not sure I was going much faster than a brisk walk!

    Also, a caution about over-training. Don't do it! Although you may feel like these early running sessions don't feel "as hard" as your spinning class or eliptical machine routine, please take the time to build up...running isn't just taxing to your cardiovascular system, it also taxes different muscles, joints and connective tissues. If you give yourself shin-splints, hurt your ankle, or pull a muscle, you will be kicking yourself when you have to stop running in order to heal first.
  • Makers72
    Makers72 Posts: 65
    about to go and do day one now! We should all try to plan a 5k together in nine weeks!
  • cobylea
    cobylea Posts: 194 Member
    Would love to join! I've been wanting to start the C25K for awhile now and have finally got the motivation to give it a try. My first run at it is gonna be tonight after work!

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  • HaleyAlli
    HaleyAlli Posts: 911 Member
    Welcome and great job/advice everyone! Just a question; do you think we should ever close this group or just leave it open for anyone who wants to complete a 5K this summer?
  • Just finished my first run of the week 1 5k!
    I really like the music. I haven't used my ipod while going out before because I usually have my boyfriend and son with me.

    To boot, the intervals make running more challenging. Before this I was running consisting for around 16-20 mins but not getting nearly the same challenge as breaking up like this.

    Excellent group name! Very excited to get to know you all :)
  • bethany7687
    bethany7687 Posts: 44
    OOPs, I started on Saturday, but I'll restart tonight. Who has signed up for a 5k race? I have. It's on July 6th.
  • htuzzi324
    htuzzi324 Posts: 20 Member
    Just finished day 1! Oh my goodness that was challenging, especially with the added bonus of pushing a stroller, too. I just barely finished it. May need to do a couple weeks of week 1, hahaha.
  • HaleyAlli
    HaleyAlli Posts: 911 Member
    Glad everybody likes the name! I had a hard time coming up with a good one lol :)

    I haven't signed up for a 5K because I want to make sure I'm able to run it easily before committing... Don't want to injure myself in the process, just want to take this at my own pace :)

    @htuzzi--WOW, my hat goes off to you! I couldn't do that with a stroller lol!
  • Welcome and great job/advice everyone! Just a question; do you think we should ever close this group or just leave it open for anyone who wants to complete a 5K this summer?

    Well, I think the more the merrier! However, if the thread each week is filled with new people wanting to join, I think we might get too cluttered pretty fast, and after a while the ones starting fresh will be way behind..

    I would say, keep it open for the first 2-3 weeks and maybe then close it?
  • htuzzi324
    htuzzi324 Posts: 20 Member

    @htuzzi--WOW, my hat goes off to you! I couldn't do that with a stroller lol!
    oh, trust me, I'm pretty sure I almost died, and now I'm laying on the couch and I don't think I'm moving for a while. Thank goodness my son only weighs 9lbs.
    ...and the things that are jiggling now make me feel a bit ill to think about ...blehh.
  • HaleyAlli
    HaleyAlli Posts: 911 Member
    @wildmustng--I like that idea of closing it after week 2 or 3. We'll see how it goes.

    @htuzzi--Hahaha awww, I feel ya :) Your son is sooooooo cute btw! :heart:
  • I'd like to join this group. I'm using Cool-Running's walk/run method to train for a
    10K in 8 months. Right now I'm at 50" (mixed walking and running) and I've had
    no injuries. Right now, I only run every other day and once I get to 60" straight
    running, will start to gradually add running to my "off days".

    A couple of things I've learned.

    #1. If it hurts. Stop. Walk. There is no point in injuring your self.

    #2. Spend some time shopping and get some good shoes. Make sure they
    are comfy, have lots of support and lots of cushion.

    #3. For the Ladies. Get the best sports bra you can find. There are many discussions
    on MFP re: sports bras. Two that are mentioned as fab are the "Ta Ta Tamer" by Lululemon
    and bras made by Enell. There are others I'm sure. I use the Ta Ta Tamer and love them
    (I'm a D) and used to bounce all over the place with my other sports bras. :(

    If you can use a heart-rate monitor, that will be another good tool to monitor your intensity,
    fatigue and over-all fitness.

    You're gonna love it. :love:
  • Chika_2015
    Chika_2015 Posts: 357 Member
    I am probably late on this topic, But I started this program a couple of weeks ago and I am on Week 3 Day 1. This app is pretty awesome. For a person who hates to run this is a good begineers training app and just right for me. Please add me and I can help motivate. Good Luck to all. ~Chika
  • jaybug77
    jaybug77 Posts: 12 Member
    id love to join! :) please count me in!
  • love the name! and i'm gonna hit the gym in a little bit to get my first day in :)

    and also, just in case anyone is interested, i found this link with the c25k schedule broken down in treadmill intervals (if you didn't have a playlist or podcast to follow and wanted a super easy schedule to follow) & there is also a schedule on there with metric conversions if anyone is interested in that. AND it suggests different c25k podcasts, and there's inspirational stuff and whatnot on there too!

    hope everyone FIRES through this first day!

    p.s. excuse my slight name change - went from "soxtonguetied" to "x_sotonguetied"
  • If it's not too late- I'm in too! I started this before and didn't make it past Week 2- I just didn't have the motivation in January. Now that I'm closer to my goal weight and it's almost bikini/shorts season, I have a little more motivation!

    I am about to complete Week 2- but I did the first 2 weeks in 6 days. I'm sure that as the runs get harder, I will spend more time on each week before I move on to the next week. I have hated running my entire life and have always made excuses not to run. It is just a good feeling getting through the first couple weeks! The later weeks absolutely terrify me though!

    Oh, don't worry about the later weeks. They are actually more fun. The run/walk method gradually increases
    your fitness level. If you find you are in pain, or "whatever', just do another day(s) or week(s) at the pace
    you are comfortable.

    I used to hate running also. Good equipment is SOoooOOOOO important. (Bra and Shoes!).

    Hang in there. There's nothing like running to get the hips and thighs ready for the bikini. You can do this. :)