Guys like heavier girls?



  • VictorinoDennis
    From a guys perspective;

    1) It could be a security thing. If you are a bigger guy, it may be uncomfortable with a very small woman.

    2) Every guy likes different things.

    3) Maybe he would like to 'be with' the bigger girl, but I'm sure he would love to 'sleep with' the smaller girl. I mean we are guys after all right?

    4) Guys lie. Just because a guy says he would prefer the bigger girl doesn't mean he actually does. If the question was coming from a girl who was a size 6 maybe the answers would be different?

    Agreed. My boyfriend does like curvy girls - but curvy to him means nice T and A, but flat stomach and thin waist....curvy to other people may mean something else. I've seen very large women refer to themselve as I dont know. He would not be attracted to someone that would be considered fat or overweight but says he likes curvy girls, by curvy he means nice breast/wasit/hip ratio....not fat.

    Also the smaller I get, the more he wants me so I dont believe these men were telling the truth lol

    I agree with your hubby but cofidence makes the woman sexy, hot whatever you want to call it. So maybe your confidence makes him want you
  • chilipeppers
    chilipeppers Posts: 119
    I watched A tv show called "I can make you thin" and the guy on it always does a self confidence builder before he starts helping women lose weight and one of the things was he had random men on the street talk about what parts of the body turn them on. One of the big parts they said was a bit of a belly. I thought that was interesting, but it totally makes sense because yes, it is the nurturing aspect. I think women should have a bit of meat on them.
  • VictorinoDennis
    My understanding is that they guys like boobs and butt, but they also like a slim waist line, defined legs and arms. They want us to be smaller than them but not so frail we will break when in the bedroom.

    Totally agree
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    My husband (bless his heart) is constantly telling me I've lost enough and that I should stop doing Zumba because my bum is disappearing. Finally I dug out a pair of jeans from 5 years ago when we first got married and showed him that while I can now pull them up (yay me!), I still can't zip them without laying down on the bed. But he definitely does not want me to get down to "skinny", which is just fine with me.
  • ValMae
    ValMae Posts: 52 Member
    My boyfriend and two of his best friends say the same of his friends always teases that now that I'm losing weight (I'm a size 14/16) am getting too skinny for them now. Haha...I always thought that guys preferred those thinner, leaner girls too...maybe not??
  • amymrls
    amymrls Posts: 1,673 Member
    My husband loved me and was married to me when I was 300 lbs and when I was 180. He loves me no matter what size I am. No matter what size I was we always had a great love life. I would think I woman would want to look for a man that loved her for her and not for what size she is. When a man is in love with you he loves you not your body. It makes no difference to my husband what size I am and if it ever did he never said a thing about it. He supported me when I was really heavy and he supports me now. Not all men are complete jerks and only look for a woman by their waist size. If they do then maybe you should question what kind of guy you are dating or with.

    I say love you for you and find a man that does the same.
  • melham
    melham Posts: 233 Member
    I haven't been able to get through this entire thread, so forgive me if this has been covered, but I have three words for your consideration:




    Yeah. Not size 16s, yet somehow I have NEVER heard ANY guy say "ewwww, look at all those ugly skinny chicks" when they've seen one. Just because you're a size 0/2/4 doesn't mean you're a stick, that you look sick, or that you can't have curves.
  • Qarol
    Qarol Posts: 6,171 Member
    Most of the guys I've dated have preferred bigger girls. Even my husband. If he had his way, I wouldn't get below 180, even though my goal weight is 160. So it all depends on the guy. But yes, probably more guys than some women would realize prefer bigger girls.
  • VictorinoDennis
    I haven't been able to get through this entire thread, so forgive me if this has been covered, but I have three words for your consideration:




    Yeah. Not size 16s, yet somehow I have NEVER heard ANY guy say "ewwww, look at all those ugly skinny chicks" when they've seen one. Just because you're a size 0/2/4 doesn't mean you're a stick, that you look sick, or that you can't have curves.

    Not to be rude but those guys need to relize that Victorias Secret doesnt make a bra bigger than a c cup. LOL
  • smc1277
    smc1277 Posts: 239 Member
    I think that a lot of this might not be which do they find more attractive, but which are they less threatened by / which do they think will not leave them for another better looking guy?

    I mean really - if guys really thought that heavier women were MORE ATTRACTIVE then there would be fluffy gals in all the porn (not just specialty more to love porn) and in all the action movies.

    But, which is more attractive and which are you comfortable sharing a relationship with are two totally separate questions. I'd be interested in seeing a study with slightly different worded questions to find if this makes for different responses.

    also, key question - who had bigger boobs? :wink: :laugh:

    How many "fluffies" have the confidence to be in porn. Smaller women are more confident in theireselves to be in it. Larger women in Large women porn are probably paid very well for that market. Women probalby pay more attention to non fluffy chic porn out of their own insecurities.
  • ceebs9
    ceebs9 Posts: 511 Member
    and some surprising size 6s here. You'd guess larger for most of them.
    I found it interesting that this article compared a bunch of size 6s with out mentioning height. A 5'0" woman in a size 6 is much different from a 5'10" woman in a size 6.

    This! I'm a 0/2 now and get way more attention than I did as a 6/8. But I'm short and it makes a difference.

    I kept reading this thread and it was kind of making me sad but then I realized I don't really give a crap what someone else thinks of my body. I know where I look and feel best.

    Pfft size 0 or size 8, I'd take you home with me.

  • pittielover23
    pittielover23 Posts: 268
    My husband loves curves (esp. in the boobs and butt area lol), but I think you can have curves and be fit at say a size 8 (which is my goal). Right now I am a 14 and WAY to blubbery, none of it is toned or anything.
  • decu68
    decu68 Posts: 78
    Just like women, all men have different tastes; likes and dislikes.

    For myself I can like both. For me it depends on a lot of factors. First there has to be a physical attraction; is she good looking to me? Nice hair, nice ice, pretty smile; those are big for me. Can she be slightly over weight; sure but I think I'm more drawn towards more fit women. Does breast size matter? Not at all for myself. And finally does she have a nice personality and is she confident in herself. That can be the real ice breaker.

    I would be interest to see the photos to make the decision as the size 14 could be gorgeous while the size 6 might not be.
  • darkrider42
    darkrider42 Posts: 5,340 Member
    and some surprising size 6s here. You'd guess larger for most of them.
    I found it interesting that this article compared a bunch of size 6s with out mentioning height. A 5'0" woman in a size 6 is much different from a 5'10" woman in a size 6.

    This! I'm a 0/2 now and get way more attention than I did as a 6/8. But I'm short and it makes a difference.

    I kept reading this thread and it was kind of making me sad but then I realized I don't really give a crap what someone else thinks of my body. I know where I look and feel best.

    @cbarber9 - Don't be sad. You look fantastic and should feel very proud. Besides what the previou poster said about height whacking out the size numbers, body comp totally does too. Case in point, the pictures of the size 0 model from way at the beginning of this thread looks sickly with bones sticking out and completely turn me off who wants to be with someone as thin as a mop handle?... but you at a size 0 being athletic, fit, muscular (pick your favorite adjective...), makes me have to remind myself to be a gentleman.

    That said, there's still so* much more than looks to what I find attractive...once a woman speaks, or better yet smiles (that's my personal window into a woman's soul), well then they have the ability to open me up to a much wider variety of body types and sizes.

    What I find attractive is a woman that a) is comfortable and confident with their body, and b) likes to workout and be active because that reflects the lifestyle I would desire to have and share with them...whatever shape package that happens to come in would probably be just fine...I mean if I weren't married and was looking at women that way... LOL :noway: :smile:
  • chuisle
    chuisle Posts: 1,052 Member
    It's important to distinguish what kind of models we're talking about. Although I love the way skinny women look most guys DO think runway model thin is gross (sometimes it is).

    But you will be hard pressed to find one that doesn't like Victoria's Secret models (my personal demon)

    They're gorgeous, thin AND have big boobs and great butts. Perfect package. Never going to get there since I don't have the boobs but I am hoping to at least look decent in a bikini :)
  • ceebs9
    ceebs9 Posts: 511 Member
    It's important to distinguish what kind of models we're talking about. Although I love the way skinny women look most guys DO think runway model thin is gross (sometimes it is).

    But you will be hard pressed to find one that doesn't like Victoria's Secret models (my personal demon)

    They're gorgeous, thin AND have big boobs and great butts. Perfect package. Never going to get there since I don't have the boobs but I am hoping to at least look decent in a bikini :)

    I gave up looking like a VS model a few years ago. I swear that mindset was holding me back. Why bother if I'm never going to look like one? But then it occurred to me that I could still be the best *me* I could be and it set me on the right track. Honestly, performance in my workouts is much more important to me now. I want to lift heavy stuff and move fast. But I'd be lying if I said I didn't want to look giood nekkid, too.

    Thanks DR. *smooch*!
  • darkrider42
    darkrider42 Posts: 5,340 Member
    Options who wants to be with someone as thin as a mop handle?

    Clarification before I get flamed for the generalization.... Sorry, not all men think this. like super skinny women. This was just my personal preference and opinion. I'm a pretty tall & large-framed guy. I'd rather not have to worry about crushing or snapping someone like a twig... :noway:

    ETA: Removed my stuttering. :)
  • chuisle
    chuisle Posts: 1,052 Member
    [I gave up looking like a VS model a few years ago. I swear that mindset was holding me back. Why bother if I'm never going to look like one? But then it occurred to me that I could still be the best *me* I could be and it set me on the right track. Honestly, performance in my workouts is much more important to me now. I want to lift heavy stuff and move fast. But I'd be lying if I said I didn't want to look giood nekkid, too.

    Thanks DR. *smooch*!

    Totally agree! If I sat around sad because I wasn't ever going to be asked to swimsuit issue I would be a very depressed person. I still want to get fit and happy for me...and look hot, duh. Just because I'll never be a VS model doesn't mean I can't try to be fit and sexy.
  • kdao
    kdao Posts: 265
    This thread is hilarious.
  • sharifikim
    sharifikim Posts: 5 Member
    My husband of 25 years says he like girls with a little bit more on em. He said he likes me heavy or thin but he said I seem happiest when I am a little thiner and so that makes him happy. He says happy wife = happy life!