Ashley Graham's plus sized Sports Illustrated Cover



  • kjarvo
    kjarvo Posts: 236 Member
    Deanna886 wrote: »
    Why is there a line to draw? Whose business is it to judge the health of the person? Yours?

    No not mine. I am not trying to judge her. I mean societies business. Should doctors, the general public, the health industry etc. never encourage anyone to lose weight because we would be judgemental? Should we just overlook the rising obesity levels because it is seen as 'fat shaming'?

  • CupcakeCrusoe
    CupcakeCrusoe Posts: 1,382 Member
    Man, she's hot. Overweight yes, plus sized yes, those are facts- and I make no judgement on the health of someone I don't know, because it is not a fact that I know.

    But as far as people calling her "normal"- depending on her size, she is around the average American woman, so I can see where those comments come from. I don't think that people that call her "average" are all of a sudden going to start shunning people of healthy weight. It's just a little backlash from super crazy skinny days.
  • SofiaofNY
    SofiaofNY Posts: 63 Member
    kjarvo wrote: »
    Deanna886 wrote: »
    Why is there a line to draw? Whose business is it to judge the health of the person? Yours?

    No not mine. I am not trying to judge her. I mean societies business. Should doctors, the general public, the health industry etc. never encourage anyone to lose weight because we would be judgemental? Should we just overlook the rising obesity levels because it is seen as 'fat shaming'?

    Unless you are her Doctor - I think you should keep quiet about it or be happy for her. Its not your business to judge or be concerned. Do you want all fat people to hide in the back booths of burger king where they belong or is it ok with you if they show their healthy bodies with pride?
  • lawandfitness
    lawandfitness Posts: 1,257 Member
    She looks amazing! To me there should be a variety of women on these magazine covers because at the end of the day, everyone is different. She may appeal to certain people, and others may find smaller models attractive. I do not see this as making obesity acceptable, I see it as women come in all different shapes and sizes. It is not like I looked at this and thought, damn, I want to be obese now, so pass me a cupcake...

    I believe this, there is no image that can be put out there that would make a person believe being obese is ok. Everyone knows the difference between being fat or thin and what the effects are on their health are. If a person chooses to overeat, then they live with the consequences that come with it. We are not doctors, we are normal people. If a person is living an unhealthy life that is their business to take up with their doctor, not for us to sit here and criticize. People have choices in life, and someone else’s choice does not affect the way I live so who am I to say *kitten*
  • kjarvo
    kjarvo Posts: 236 Member
    Deanna886 wrote: »
    kjarvo wrote: »
    Deanna886 wrote: »
    I think she is beautiful and healthy looking. Remember waifish Kate Moss and her crack or meth or whatever addiction? Seriously - how dare anyone assume someone isnt healthy based on their dress size. Dont be a judgey mean girl.

    Where do you draw the line? Can you say a 400lb person is perfectly heathy because we don't know what their health is and because we shouldn't judge based on dress size. She probably in reality IS perfectly healthy because she isn't that overweight, and the the majority of people don't have problems. But diabetes, heart disease etc. DOES increase with obesity increasing.

    Not to mention - on your profile you write over and over again that you're fat - just because you dont love yourself doesnt give you the right to judge other people so harshly.

    I WAS overweight, no question about it. I loved my boobs and bum and didn't hate myself, but because I am apple shaped and things like the pill aren't as effective when you are overweight, it is unhealthy. I am not trying to pick on Ashley, I am just trying to discuss whether people think fat acceptance is okay and because, as she is an average sized compared to the average person whether or not she should be referred to as a plus sized model or not.
  • JM1481
    JM1481 Posts: 88 Member
    edited February 2015
    I really don't think it's as controversial as people are making it. We constantly have underweight gals without a lot of muscle tone thrown in our faces in magazines etc. and it's just "par for the course" (and no, I'm not implying all underweight girls are unhealthy AT ALL.) We know it can be bad for us to be overweight, we also know being underweight can be dangerous too. There is actually less wiggle room when it comes to being underweight than overweight.

    The "hot or not" thing will vary from person to person. I personally think she's smokin. She talks about being into fitness so I can only assume she cares about her health. Is it the ideal body I want for myself? No. I still think she looks amazing though. I think when it comes to pandering and advertising there is room for variety. We don't have enough as it is. If there were a wider variety, it wouldn't really be promoting one thing or the other. It would just be reflecting our society, our reality.

    I do appreciate how it wasn't OVER Photoshopped like a lot of plus sized models are. Sure she's shopped a bit, but usually they flatten the tummy and get rid of the lumps and they didn't do that for her. Its a bit more realistic.

    *sorry for the edits :/
  • nilbogger
    nilbogger Posts: 870 Member
    Yes, she's plus sized, and yes, it's OK that she's plus sized.
  • jenjencin78
    jenjencin78 Posts: 4,415 Member
    Here's my .02. She looks amazing and she is confident enough to model so good for her. I would love to be able to rock a bikini like that and not feel self conscious. I have lost 100 lbs through lifestyle change and still don't feel comfortable in a bikini. As for her health, who are we to presume her as being unhealthy? Do you know her blood pressure, cholesterol levels or BMI? I've been obese and I've also been underweight. Neither were healthy but the biggest difference was no one ever made comments about me being too skinny. Just a thought!
  • salembambi
    salembambi Posts: 5,585 Member
    "i dont want to body shame"

    *spews out a bunch of fat hate*


  • softblondechick
    softblondechick Posts: 1,275 Member
    She looks better than the waif models with fake boobs.
  • DebEaker10
    DebEaker10 Posts: 7 Member
    Yes she looks amazing and I really don't think she's plus size, however, her pictures are just as photoshopped as the not plus size models. She doesn't really look like this. No one in magazines actually look the way they look. Well, okay, some do, so she might, but the lighting, the blemish remover, everything adds up to a person that looks incredible. Also, you can't judge a person by their size. I'm still overweight according to my height, but I'm healthier than I've ever been. My cholesterol, my blood pressure, my sugar, everything is perfect. Weight doesn't always equal health.
  • TheRoadDog
    TheRoadDog Posts: 11,788 Member
    She probably doesn't have what is considered a healthy BMI. Personally, I think she is gorgeous.

    But.....I don't think she is concerned with anyone else's opinion. I think she just took that big check from Sport's Illustrated to the bank. Giggling all the way.
  • StaceyJ2008
    StaceyJ2008 Posts: 411 Member
    edited February 2015
    Ashley Graham is 5'10 and weighs 165 pounds. She wears a size 14
    And according to the fashion industry, plus size models start at a size 8. which is ridiculous. I think she's gorgeous and so is Katya Zharkova, another plus size model. I think they are both great role models. Neither one of them is fat.
    And yes, she does look pretty damn close to that in "real life"
  • retropactum
    retropactum Posts: 75 Member
    undergloom wrote: »
    I'm a perfect gentleman, but I would wreck that


  • 3shirts
    3shirts Posts: 294 Member
    She is really hot. I don't know if she's a healthy weight, only her doctor can tell us that, but she is certainly very attractive. I do agree with OP though, being average doesn't necessarily mean healthy.
    The population is getting fatter and simple maths means the average is therefore increasing. Being average could easily still put you in the 'overweight' category.
  • Lizabelle1212
    Lizabelle1212 Posts: 252 Member
    I LOVE Ashley Graham. And being a size 14 at a height of 5'9" or 5'10" is not the same as being size 14 at a height of 5'5" or something. I'm 5'11" and was a size 14 when I was younger, and my weight was just slightly above the high end of healthy BMI range. I played basketball and softball and was active every day, and perfectly healthy. I follow Ashley on Instagram and she does work out regularly. It's impossible to judge whether or not someone is healthy just by looking at a picture and acknowledging that they're labeled as "plus size."
  • dapunks
    dapunks Posts: 245 Member
    She looks amazing! To me there should be a variety of women on these magazine covers because at the end of the day, everyone is different. She may appeal to certain people, and others may find smaller models attractive. I do not see this as making obesity acceptable, I see it as women come in all different shapes and sizes. It is not like I looked at this and thought, damn, I want to be obese now, so pass me a cupcake...

    I believe this, there is no image that can be put out there that would make a person believe being obese is ok. Everyone knows the difference between being fat or thin and what the effects are on their health are. If a person chooses to overeat, then they live with the consequences that come with it. We are not doctors, we are normal people. If a person is living an unhealthy life that is their business to take up with their doctor, not for us to sit here and criticize. People have choices in life, and someone else’s choice does not affect the way I live so who am I to say *kitten*

    ^^This. We are different shapes, sizes and colours. Lets celebrate it and not go on about it.
  • PRMinx
    PRMinx Posts: 4,585 Member
    She is really beautiful woman and I'm all for different body types being showcased. I think it's great.

    Would I describe her as healthy and fit? Don't know. No more than I would describe any other model as healthy and fit.

    Big, small, short, tall, cellulite, smooth, etc. etc. - it doesn't matter. All these models are airbrushed to look like the best possible versions of themselves.
  • dym123
    dym123 Posts: 1,670 Member
    Ashley Graham is 5'10 and weighs 165 pounds. She wears a size 14
    And according to the fashion industry, plus size models start at a size 8. which is ridiculous. "

    This is hilarious, I'm 5'4" and around 165lbs and wear a size 8, which according to the fashion industry also makes me plus size, though I'm not a model, so not sure what that makes me. Another reason why the scale doesn't matter.
  • branflakes1980
    branflakes1980 Posts: 2,516 Member
    edited February 2015
    Deanna886 wrote: »
    kjarvo wrote: »
    Deanna886 wrote: »
    I think she is beautiful and healthy looking. Remember waifish Kate Moss and her crack or meth or whatever addiction? Seriously - how dare anyone assume someone isnt healthy based on their dress size. Dont be a judgey mean girl.

    Where do you draw the line? Can you say a 400lb person is perfectly heathy because we don't know what their health is and because we shouldn't judge based on dress size. She probably in reality IS perfectly healthy because she isn't that overweight, and the the majority of people don't have problems. But diabetes, heart disease etc. DOES increase with obesity increasing.

    Not to mention - on your profile you write over and over again that you're fat - just because you dont love yourself doesnt give you the right to judge other people so harshly.

    Holy cow. I don't think she was judging as harshly as you are thinking, and no where did I read anything that would classify her as a "judgey mean girl" Mountains out of molehills, its the MFP way. SMH! And if we are being honest, just because someone says that they are fat doesn't mean they don't love themselves. Who is being judgey now???