Girls and Weight training? Yes or No?



  • Thank Goodness we girls have the OP to tell us it's OK to lift!
  • savvyfantastic
    savvyfantastic Posts: 112 Member
    I feel like this question is supposed to just be bait, irrespective of whether or not women do or do not weight train, or what their reasons are (which, as pointed out above, are often valid).

    I don't know whether you're seeking to empower women or pick up, but the way you postulate your post (with an immediate 'well this is why you should') just gets me so offside.
  • angielisa75
    angielisa75 Posts: 46 Member
    I am naturally a wimpy person, I have a hard time lifting heavy things with hurting myself, I have very skinny arms. About a year ago I decided I wouldn't get stronger so I can help my husband with the heavy work around the house with out him needing to call one of his buddies with enough strength to help him. So I started doing Insanity and Jillian Michaels No More Trouble Zones dvd. Now I can help my husband lift anything without him asking someone else for help and I slowly adding heavier hand weights to my routine.
  • bevhillsilly
    bevhillsilly Posts: 48 Member
    I enjoy training more than cardio but its amazing how if you take a few weeks off you can't just jump back where you were...PR for DL 135. Working on my goal of 170.
    136. I've always found all the bros in the free weight area to be nice and helpful and usually a little curious.
  • JuliMoriarty
    JuliMoriarty Posts: 8 Member
    I lifted for half a year - and stopped because I just didn't enjoy it. :) But I recommend it to everone who hasn't tried it already.
  • EvgeniZyntx
    EvgeniZyntx Posts: 24,208 Member
    My girls don't weight train - they are a little young for it and I'd be concerned about impact on bone development, etc. maybe later. They do fence, run, climb, etc....

    They are 10 and 12.

    But why exactly are you interested in what my girls do?
  • marysamezz
    marysamezz Posts: 47 Member
    Lifting is primarily what I do. When I first started trying to tone up and lose some fat, I would run on the treadmill for 45min-1hr I did this for 3-4x/week for months and saw barely any results. Now I'm working of TDEE, heavy lifting 3x/week and cardio 1-2x/week. And I'm toning up and losing inches, I feel happier and each time I go up in weight in lifting it feels like a great accomplishment. HIIT cardio is also great for women who don't enjoy lifting or think it's boring. (I have that exact problem with cardio). Everyone's preferences are different!

    But like you said, its difficult for lifting to make a woman "jacked" or "manly" simply because we don't make enough testosterone for our bodies to accomplish that. I think it's a great addition to a work out plan for women if it's safe for you to do so and you enjoy it :)
  • Keliandra
    Keliandra Posts: 170 Member
    I lifted in my teens and 20s, and I am just starting to get back into it now.
  • Keladelphia
    Keladelphia Posts: 820 Member
    I love weight training for all of the reasons the OP listed plus because lifting heavy stuff is a hell of a lot of fun!
  • Jelaan
    Jelaan Posts: 815 Member
    Well I'm a woman and I love weight training. I enjoy the challenge and especially how it makes my body feel and look. I find cardio a little boring so I have to keep switching up what I am doing there but I never find weights boring.

    btw if you want to know if women find being called a girl offensive then ask them. Personally I find it patronizing (although I realize that was not your intent) and I would never call a grown man a boy.
  • MarziPanda95
    MarziPanda95 Posts: 1,326 Member
    I don't do it because I find it boring and I'm very lazy.
  • renaore
    renaore Posts: 11 Member
    Love weight training. I have always used free weights but now I am moving onto barbell compound lifts (deadlifts and squats).
  • yopeeps025
    yopeeps025 Posts: 8,680 Member
    Technically adding muscle adds testosterone which means technical we can call women get some manly hormones in them which they need. Fat has estrogen so does that mean men with lots of fat are more womanly?
  • amusedmonkey
    amusedmonkey Posts: 10,330 Member
    It's one of those unwritten rules... Thou shalt not call a female "girl" unless one or more of the following is true:
    1. She IS a girl (read a 10 year old).
    2. YOU are a girl (identify as the same genter).
    3. You are are old friends (and preferably the same gender).

    Personally it does not offend me. It's just a word sometimes used to refer to a woman in a casual setting. It needn't be a charged term, but just for the sake of being politically correct, start referring to women as "my good lady."
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    edited February 2015
    How many of the girls here do weight training? and If not why not?

    All the benefits are to numerous to list, and the reasons not to are based on myths an misconceptions!

    - Weight training can even majorly effect how efficient your body is at burning fat meaning you can eat more.
    - It can fight skin, muscular and skeletal ageing.
    - You'll look better naked
    - daily life is easier when you're stronger
    - Weight training will boost the amount of kcals you burn in the gym and can be incorporated into your cardio routines easily

    A basic weights program categorically will NOT make you "bulky" "manly" or grow a beard! :p


    p.s feel free to add me, I'll do the same ;)
    Wouldn't you be worried that they'd grow "boy-ly"? rather than manly? Since you were talking about girls, rather than women. :p Sorry, just thought I'd join in the ribbing on you.

    I've been lifting since 1996. I'm now 49.999 years old.
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    apple173 wrote: »
    I'm not a "girl" either. I do weight train. I lost weight, gained strengrh etc. Love weight training.
    jakicooke wrote: »
    im not a "girl" im a fat ole bird ha ha but I do weight train. doing heavy full body compound weights, circuit training and insanity (cardio and body weight training) has helped me lose over 60lbs so far. still got a way to go but working on the weights is my favourite training and something I want to progress even more with

    Sorry ladies(that better?) no offence meant just the informal way I speak ;)

    Im glad you are "on board" so to speak, I see way too many women who avoid the free weights entirely

    You won't see a lot of that here. Many of the women lift, quite seriously. There are strong lifts 4x4 groups run by women here, and many more of us have done strong lifts at some point. Lots of us have read and followed NRoWLfW. There are many women who come to discuss their deadlift form, their squats, the bench personal bests....
  • jesiann2014
    jesiann2014 Posts: 521 Member
    I'm a girly girl and I love lifting.
  • DangerousDUCK
    DangerousDUCK Posts: 181 Member
    Thank Goodness we girls have the OP to tell us it's OK to lift!
    I feel like this question is supposed to just be bait, irrespective of whether or not women do or do not weight train, or what their reasons are (which, as pointed out above, are often valid).

    I don't know whether you're seeking to empower women or pick up, but the way you postulate your post (with an immediate 'well this is why you should') just gets me so offside.
    Just offering an opinion, no more no less...
    I am naturally a wimpy person, I have a hard time lifting heavy things with hurting myself, I have very skinny arms. About a year ago I decided I wouldn't get stronger so I can help my husband with the heavy work around the house with out him needing to call one of his buddies with enough strength to help him. So I started doing Insanity and Jillian Michaels No More Trouble Zones dvd. Now I can help my husband lift anything without him asking someone else for help and I slowly adding heavier hand weights to my routine.
    well done. being stronger is all win
    My girls don't weight train - they are a little young for it and I'd be concerned about impact on bone development, etc. maybe later. They do fence, run, climb, etc....

    They are 10 and 12.

    But why exactly are you interested in what my girls do?

    Is that a serious question?

  • OllyReeves
    OllyReeves Posts: 579 Member
    Girls weight training? That's a terrible idea!! They might get all muscly or something....
  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
    I lift. I love lifting. I think everyone who can should try it.

    And yet, I find this post somewhat condescending. It might be the word "girl" but I think it's more the vibe I get that you're going to ride in and educate all the female masses about what kind of workout we should be doing and make sure we're not worrying our pretty heads about bulking up.
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