

  • Lilymay2
    Lilymay2 Posts: 2,524 Member
    Wow I have a lot of catching up to do!!

    Janet – have fun on your cruise. You were maybe wearing something different when you meet your friend and it showed your weight loss better? It is a great feeling to pack I always think I can get more clothes in because my clothes are smaller…ha ha… I will let everyone know how that goes for me as I pack for my trip to Vegas on Friday.

    For all those that hide the cookies… I don’t bake anymore. Hubby says he doesn’t need too many sweets (this is good – both his parents were diabetic) so I will buy him a box of cookies every once in a while.
    When I go to a restaurant – I either order a baked chicken breast or a steak with vegetables and a naked salad. I do not eat anything white – so no potato. I am sensitive to yeast so breads are for sure out of the question. Yeast is a preservative and it is in a lot of processed foods.

    YannieJannie – Williamsburg sounds like an interesting place to go and you had a great time. And CONGRATULATIONS to your daughter!

    Meg – Copper thieves !! Taking the pipes right out of the houses!! My goodness that is sure “brassy”!!

    Sylvia – oh my goodness. Maybe your hubby better stay. When my mom was in the hospital we had someone stay with her all the time. Some nurses don’t mind and some do… but they were never around when she needed help. Get better soon.

    I am watching the Weather Network on TV as I read thru the posts. So for everyone in the east – just to try make you feel better – Terrace, British Columbia received 111 cm of snow in 24 hours. So for my US friends – that would be 44 inches. Their snow will not melt by the weekend. And it is still storming here in West Central Saskatchewan.

    CP – ballroom dancing is so graceful and I love to watch it. I have a couple of friends that are very good at it and teach lessons. That is a great goal and as you get back at it – you will burn calories too!! And just a footnote DH’s cousin is 350+ pounds and he is a very graceful dancer.

    Wildfire – ((((hugs))))

    Toni – I know the cost of those things that make us feel good are sometimes out of reach. I haven’t tried acupuncture, why are you doing it…? I must have missed why.

    Sharon in Alberta: Congrats on the weight loss! It is a great feeling to be under 200.!! And I hope you are enjoying the plus something weather!! Pineapple express they are calling it on the weather network.

    Barb from Louisiana – I too have a sedentary type job. It is really hard to get the extra steps in. If I am at the photocopier I do side steps. I go and get each piece of paper from the printer. When I go get water in the break room I walk around the table twice. I drink lots of water at work so I can make trips to the bathroom …and so I don’t have to drink so much when I get home. If I make 5000 steps at work I am doing really well. My work out on my rebounder sure helps. My goal for every month is to reach 10,000 steps on at least half the days. In January – I had 10 days and that is a record for me!!

    Viv - some days those people we work with can be so annoying!! I just have to say to myself – “It is all pensionable time. They get paid the same as me and I am sure they don’t think before they say some of the rude things they say”.

    MNMargaret – beautiful lilacs!! Thank you for the flowers.

    To any I have missed - take care, this is a great place to come to. :):smiley:

    Oh my goodness – I think I have caught up!! So now – off to go for a walk. I have to get into all my -40 clothes anyway to go and feed the outdoor furnace so may as well go for walk too!!

    Lillian in West Central Saskatchewan

  • Lilymay2
    Lilymay2 Posts: 2,524 Member
    Ok that was a short walk. Got 1/2 mile up the road and there was a moose bedded down in the trees. Thank goodness my black lab didn't see it, sometimes the moose get scared and chase, so I managed to call my dog back and we headed home. the moose kept a close watch on us, as best they can - they don't have that great of eyesight.
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,369 Member
    Ladies, I hope you will bear with me if I don't reply to many as I have been out all day and have lost track. I have skim read and want to offer congratulations to Yanniejannie's daughter WTG. :flowerforyou:

    Janet - Bon voyage!

    Michele - congrats on not going for the cookies! :flowerforyou:

    Last night DH had a melt down because I was not % 100 happy with the hotel. It makes him very tense and almost tearful when I am not happy. He got over it eventually and has been fine since. It reminded me of the old days as he has been so much better recently. Today we went to a gem museum/shop and he bought me a blue topaz ring that I chose. :love: Will post a photo tomorrow.
    This morning was the Royal Botanical Gardens. Wonderful palm trees, fig trees and hosts of fruit bats. Also a tree called a cannon ball tree with huge round fruits. I took a photo of DH standing underneath it for DGS.
    We had a rice and curry lunch (I have hardly any rice) with mainly veg, and then we had a quick cup of tea and a nap at the hotel. Then it was the Temple of the Tooth. The interesting thing is the pure devotion of the people to their Buddha. Our driver is a real believer and bought us lotus flowers to make an offering. Yesterday we had the cotton wound round our wrist in a blessing. The whole story of the tooth is preposterous and it is probably a rhino tooth, but it is the belief that makes it fascinating. The tooth is kept in a gold casket and is rarely seen. The room it is kept in is opened twice a day to drumming and offerings. Believers just walk past the room. Then we went to the adjacent museum of Raja the Tusker. He is the elephant who carried the tooth casket in procession every August for 50 years. He died to national mourning. He is stuffed in the museum.
    Then we got a tuktuk to the cultural centre and saw the traditional dancing with drumming and some fire walkers. Very colourful and we told someone in front of us who kept standing up to take photos to sit down! ! ! ! ! :bigsmile:
    Then dinner. We didn't eat in the hotel as they only do very expensive Western food. Our driver took us to a nice local place. I had rice and curry with cuttlefish, DH had prawns. I eat hardly any rice and all the components are veggie and delicious, but I do not think they are low in cals. There is a leafy thing called an ash plant which they mix with coconut. Very nice, but coconut is high in cals. Otherwise, eggplant, pumpkin, lentils. We left a lot on the table and I hope I haven't overdone it. More than two hours walking today.
    Tomorrow we are leaving at 7.30 to catch the train through the hilly areas on one of the most scenic rides in Asia. Hope we can get tickets. Got to pack tonight and wash my hair. We are going to the upland tea area where the British went in the hot weather. Apparently it can be quite chilly, especially at night! :ohwell:

    Sylvia - hope things improve! Thinking of you!

    Ok , got to get on! Heather in Kandy, Sri Lanka

  • terri_mom
    terri_mom Posts: 748 Member
    Happy Saturday ! ! !

    We are only open 1 Saturday per month, and today is the day. Next month I will be in El Paso, so someone else has to sit at my desk. I was able to arrive at work early today, so I already rode the bike for 10 minutes. DS doesn't have basketball until 2:00pm, so I will have time to ride again after work, make him lunch, and get him to basketball while DH takes a nap to work 7pm - 7am tonight. Then, only 1 bowling league tomorrow.

    I'm a little sad about El Paso. Since DH and I were both so sick for so long at the same time, and missed so much work last month, we had to shorten our trip. We fly out mid-day Thursday (March) to arrive late-evening, so I will likely spend some alone time in the hot tub. Since I have never seen a live horse race, that's what we will do together Friday. Saturday he bowls, so I will take the Walking Tour, and we will hang out with his team in the evening (probably another casino). Sunday he bowls again, but I will either get a massage close-by, or just stay and watch. Evening will likely be with his team again, then Monday we fly back home. Not much of a vacation, but as close to it as he is willing to give me. Hopefully I will have more alone time, so I can stop in the fitness center of our Hotel (Wyndom), to work-off all the yummy Mexican food we will likely be eating.

    YannieJannie - Congrats to DD. Very exciting ! ! !

    Viv and Wildfire - (and eveyone else) Hugs ! ! !

    - consider all the muscle you have increased from all the snow removal. Your body is going to be a well-oiled machine once you are ready to start losing again. I know you can do this ! ! !

    Yesterday I bought some "extra soft" tofu (silken tofu spot was empty). So, if I remember right, I mix it with banana and cocoa powder for a low-fat dessert? I plan to try that tonight.

    Hugs for Everyone ! ! !

    Terri in Milwaukee
  • drkatiebug
    drkatiebug Posts: 1,947 Member
    edited February 2015
    I got a Fitbit last week - so far I am really glad I did. today I logged almost 19000 steps! Does anyone know how to put step count into the exercise part?

    To sync to MFP, click on the apps tab at the top of the page and follow online instructions. I have found that the best way to integrate the fitbit and MFP is to let the fitbit handle the exercise (ie, don't log exercise again in MFP) and let MFP handle the food and water. They sync beautifully this way.

    Hope this helps!
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,729 Member
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Dorene in NM: You’re doing things the right way and 7 lbs is an excellent loss in a month. Congratulations.

    Michele in NC: I am so sorry your son continues to hurt you. I hope he grows up a notch or two soon.

    Viv: I’m so sorry things are not going well right now. Sending good thoughts your way and to your son. It may be a while before your emotional resiliency returns to its full strength. You’ve had a lot to deal with in the last while.

    Alison: Yikes! It looks like you’re going back to basics. You can get good results again. The thing I learned over the years is that if we return to old habits, we get old results. That is why I’m still here every day and still counting every calorie.

    Sylvia: I’m so glad to see your posts and know you’re making progress. You’ve been taking care of everyone in your life for quite a while. Time to let others take care of you until you’re feeling stronger. I know I’ve said this before, but I am very happy you caught this in time.

    Cindy in S MD: It looks like you’re doing the right things and getting great results. I’m glad you’ll be around for the long haul.

    Meg: In our town a woman’s own son stole all the brass out of his deceased father’s boat to by meth. Drug addiction is a powerful and negative force in our society.

    Lilllian in West Central Saskatchewan: I’m curious about an outdoor furnace. What does it heat? I hope you enjoy being outside for a walk.

    Regarding the acquisition of MFP by Under Armor, I hope they don’t mess things up and make unpalatable changes. I would hate to lose the wonderful support we’ve all experienced so that they can push their products. I’m guessing the developers of MFP are now VERY rich. I wish them well. They created something remarkable.

    On a personal level, I made gains in two-point riding but have miles to go before I’m remotely competent. I was exhausted by the time I got home. I don’t remember being so tired after a lesson in the past. My knee is fine this morning and wasn’t the cause of my exhaustion. The physicality of the day was more than I think I’ve ever done before. I plopped down in front of the TV and watched an episode of Oregon Field guide on PBS. There were two big stories. One was about an Oregon coastal town where an elk herd has moved into town. There are large numbers of them and they go wherever they want. There were pictures of them in people’s yards, on city streets, on the golf course, and swimming the surf for fun. The other story was a 100 mile endurance horseback riding race in Central Oregon-won by a 71 year old woman. She looked great, by the way. Wahoo! I’m sure you can view this episode on line if you are interested.

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon

    “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” Thomas A. Edison

    February Goals:
    1. Log every bite and swallow.
    2. Cardio exercise at least 3 days a week.
    3. Have fun every day.
    4. Drink at least three glasses of water daily, preferably more!
    5. Eliminate alcohol.
    6. Monitor sleep.


  • momof10
    momof10 Posts: 122 Member
    Good afternoon all so nice to see page is running Imiss talking with everyone and this was my support that iImiss very much hope everyone new year has been well my is blessed and iI will always be thankful, we have an illness in my home my daughter Lisa who is 15 has cancer we have stage 4b lymphoma Hodgkin she just finish her 3rd cycle of chemo with 3more to go before we learned she was sick we had been going to the gym I started at 215 got down to 191 now 206 Lisa and I have stated working out again and we are going to kick cancer and extra lbs gone anyone getting the snow as we are stay warm and safe Debbie and lisa
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,819 Member
    thank you all for the love and support, truly means alot..
    Janet~ have a wonderful time.. I love cruising..
    I found a wonderful quote, by Ralph Waldo Emerson
    The only person you are destined to become
    Is the person you decide to be~
    I decide I want to be a healthy vibrant grandma ,and enjoy my older years with health and vitality
    so that my dear friends is what I plan on doing...
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,729 Member
    well, yesterday when i was riding home i had a raging headache and my stomach was hurting. i knew i was feeling bad at work but i made my way thru the day. after i got home, it hit me... the last time i felt like that was when i got food poisoning. i was nauseated, felt like crap, i was bent over, i couldn't take off my bike gear, i didn't eat anything for dinner, i got the shakes, i was cold but i couldn't throw up. i laid down in front of the fireplace to get warm. i had to crawl up the stairs, then i was breaking out in a cold sweat. my husband had to help me take off my stuff and put me in bed.

    i am regimented in what i eat all week so it's very predictable. the only thing i could think of was the less than a 1/4 cup of milk that i had in my protein shake..

    this morning, i was dizzy and slow to move but i went to the gym anyway. didn't go to starbucks after the workout (if that's what you want to call it) or to costco for free lunch (samples, ehehe). i am not feeling 1000% but i do feel a little better that i went. i never regret going when i feel this way.. i am actually shocked that i even broke 200 calories. i hope everyone is having a better day than i am.
    stat for the day:
    lateral machine, 35min, 3160strides, 52floors, 7laps lateral-3, lvl1- 1.70miles = 210cal.
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    They gave me mashed potatoes for lunch, in spite of being on a clear liquid only diet. The nurse came in and said, where did that come from? I only ate a few bites. They didn't sit well, and now I have heartburn and a fever. I just assumed the surgeon changed my diet. Guess not. My iv blew out and my left hand swelled up like a balloon. It took four different people to get a new iv started. Finally a male nurse fron the ER got it done. I'm really not a very happy camper right now. I just keep reminding myself that this will pass.

    I have started to notice how dirty this place is. There is crud on the floors and - I kid you not- a pubic hair next to the sink. It's not my color. The whole building is old and shabby. The decor is from the 70's except for the computer station and the bar code scanner.

    I hope you are all enjoying good weather. Hubby tells me it's almost 70 degrees today. He was outside playing with the dogs. He said Spot has been staying by the door to the garage like he's waiting for me to come home. Poor baby.


  • rupridul
    rupridul Posts: 2 Member
    Hi all, I am Rupridul from Victoria, Australia.
    I need some motivation. I have been doing so well with my exersize and diet until about 2 weeks ago. I am determined to lose a bit of weight (10 kilos is my goal). I swim once or twice a week (about 1 km each time), and run 5kms twice a week. I occassionally do a core type work out at home but am not very consistant with it. What my downfall is (I think), is I love to drink wine a the end of the day! I don't get rolling drunk, just relaxed. I know that these are pointless calories but am realy struggling to cut back! Any advice would be really appreciated. :)
  • Lestan48
    Lestan48 Posts: 489 Member
    Sunday here
    Training: Jillian Body Rev cardio 1 and walk the dog = 330 cals
    Food = 1652 and fibre = 21 all good
    House: wash clothes and iron tonight
    Stan making Sunday Brunch as I write
    Goin for a drive to Ulverstone, walk dog and buy stuff for before cardio juices.l Buy rest on Wednesday for the 3 day juice only
    Mildred beagle slept fairly well last night, but struggles

    Lesley in Tasmania
  • yanniejannie
    yanniejannie Posts: 1,090 Member
    edited February 2015
    First, thanks to all of you for the many congratulations offered to my daughter; she's still walking on air and currently wearing a Va. Tech Vet Med T-shirt that I bought last summer........just in case.

    I was up and out early, helped time a 5K for the running club. Cold out there again this am!!! It was at DD's old high school. I had a nap when I got home and now have a headache. She lifeguarded 8 to 4 and has now gone off to a tack auction with a barn friend.

    Meg........Copper thieves??? Stole plumbng? How low!!! Keep an eye on that BP!

    Tina.....I hear you on marrying a chiro; actually, I dated one (before he went to school for it); that might have made him more of a "keeper".

    Barb......Your step count is getting higher; good work!

    Michele....Thanks for the news on MFP. Good for you for letting Bryan know how hurt you are; the ball is in his court now.

    Viv.......Sorry you are having such a bad time of it (((hugs))))

    Sylvia........Low staffing is common on weekends but there is no excuse for the dirty room. Whoever served you the incorrect diet should be reported and written up. Some people are just more gifted when it comes to starting difficult IVs. Sadly, it truly is best to have someone around to advocate for you and ask questions when in a hosptal. Question everything!! (((((((Big Hugs)))))))) to you!

    Lillian..........Good grief.......a moose??? Sounds like you know how to handle them; I probably wouldn't have even noticed until I was on top of it. I'll take about 4 inches of that snow.

    Heather.........Can't wait to see that ring!!! Enjoying hearing all about the food and your tours.

    terri......Sorry El Paso won't be as long as you had planned.

    Katla.........DD says two point is ALL about core, so you are building some great muscles!!

    Must run, DH is making noises about dinner.

    Hunger is not an emergency.
  • bumblebeejec
    bumblebeejec Posts: 26 Member
    jinkmomm: Thanks for the feedback on the medicine. I read what was online about it, but it always helps to hear someone else's experience.

    sylvia: So glad you have your husband there. And, I hope you get out of there soon. . . doesn't sound like they are attentive at all to what you need. Get well soon!!!

    Rupridul from Victoria, Australia: Just keep coming in here and you will find lots of motivation. . . it's working for lots of other folks. Do you post the wine (calories) that you drink on MFP? That will help to make you think about every glass that you drink. Can you substitute something else (water) for the wine? I know at first it won't be easy.

    moon: (Sorry I don't remember your whole tag and I tried to go back one other time and lost my whole post), so sorry to hear about the loss of your grandmother. I hope you have other family/friends you can lean on right now. Sending you lots of hugs from PA!

    Today was a sunny 45 degrees outside, no wind. It was really pretty. Still dealing with the physical stuff, but trying to keep the food in line. It really helps to know that there is accountability on MFP. It has kept me in line more than once. Knowing that I have to post my food on here makes me careful what I put in my mouth.
    Peace to All,
    Judy in PA
  • terri_mom
    terri_mom Posts: 748 Member
    Debbie and Lisa - Hugs and Prayers. I will keep my fingers crossed for both of you kicking some butt :p
    Rupridul - Good luck with the wine situation. I like it, too, but like food better, so I rarely get to enjoy. I am hoping to make time for a vineyard tour in El Paso, then I feel those empty calories will be worth it, but we'll see. Just keep logging everything, and I believe it will prioritize itself.

    Sylvia - Sorry things are going so rough for you still. My mom often had a tough time with IV's. I'm glad they found someone who could get it started again. Poor Spot is going to be so happy when you get back home. :D

    Now, I am going to enjoy watching Criminal Minds from the center of the bed (hubby at work). I have to get up extra early to wash my hair in the morning (it is a 30 min. + project for me, and takes up lots of my energy for the day). The RA is working itself back into my right ankle and both knees, so it takes me a little longer to get ready in the morning. Proud of myself for being able to ride the bike at work another 10 minutes before heading home.

    Hugs for Everyone ! ! !

    Terri in Milwaukee

  • Red94568
    Red94568 Posts: 36 Member
    Hello, my name is Red and I drank martinis for lunch.

    Have a great weekend! Hope diverting stays healthy and happy!

  • Gardengail
    Gardengail Posts: 596 Member
    We went to see Imitation Game this afternoon with friends, then went to Olive Garden for dinner - and brought half the dinner home for tomorrow. Dread the scale tomorrow from the sodium, but it was tasty! Really enjoyed the movie.

    Sylvia, hope you're soon back home.

    Debbie & Lisa, love your fighting spirit!

    Gail, metro ATL
  • megblair1
    megblair1 Posts: 1,225 Member
    Hello dear ladies! Today was blood pressure screenings at the mall. We go to a mall in council bluffs Iowa that has slowly been losing steam. We usually still manage to get over 1000 BPs in the 2 days we are there, but today it was very quiet. About half the stores are closed, and the usual mall walkers are not happy because they can’t get in until 8 instead of 6 now. But it was still good and the same old guys are still there walking every day and coming by to harass and tease us. Some of these guys are in their late 80s and 90 and look great! It’s inspirational!

    CP: what a great goal! Hubby and I were set to sign up for swing dance lessons then my knee happened! I’m sure you will make your goal!

    Sylvia: WHAT???? Where are that one nurse is caring for 27 patients without help??? I agree that is third world! OMgoodness! I hope beside those things, you are doing better! And the old nurse in me says hooray for gas!

    Farmwife; I don’t put my fitbit steps in here at all. I find the calories burned are very different between the fitbit and this site. Either way, just be consistent.

    Janet: love your attitude!

    Yanniejannie: congrats to you and your daughter! She must be delighted!

    Wildfiremoon: I’m so sorry for your loss and the continuing pain. Sending you healing and peaceful thoughts

    Tngran: I’d love to hear more about your acupuncture. I have considered trying it before for my back pain.

    Barb: great nsv! Good for you for staying within your limits!

    Dorene: good for you!

    Michele: good for you to recertify your CPR. Yes, those pesky questions are usually found elsewhere! That ladybug is sure cute. Great nsv! Hugs to you

    Viv: I totally agree that stuff comes down in buckets!

    Alison: I’m sure you will figure all this out!

    Janet: have a great crusie!

    Lilian: I had to laugh at your brassy comment LOL

    Heather: such a wonderful trip. Glad DH got over his spell

    Terri: enjoy what you can of El Paso and definitely enjoy that Mexican food! My favorite!

    Katla: I’m glad you are doing so well with your riding lessons!

    Momof 10: so sorry to hear about your dear Lisa. Sending healing thoughts your way

    Pip: goodness I sure hope you are feeling better by now

    Gail: we really enjoyed the Imitation game

    Well gals I’m off. Welcome to all the new ladies. Keep coming back! Take care all Meg from Omaha

  • megblair1
    megblair1 Posts: 1,225 Member
    yay my ticker worked!