
    RENAEJAE Posts: 1,136 Member
    edited February 2015
    You know how you plan out your evening on your drive home and self-talk about how you will not snack while cooking and you'll hit the treadmill while dinner's in the oven? We'll I had such a great plan last night only to be derailed when I drove in. My DH had a buddy over and they were clearing snow. I made them a nice dinner and dessert. Oh well - that's what friends & families do. It was a nice evening and I kept within my calories (homemade blueberry cobbler and all). That was the first dessert I've had in weeks.

    I am thinking about joining a gym again. The only downfall is that the one that is close to my office is rather run down, but the convenience really out weighs that.

    Terri in Milwaukee - nice way to get your biking in with 10 min here, 10 min there. Thanks for the reminder that I need to cease the moment!

    Michele in NC - I like the variety of exercises you do. I need to mix it up a bit!!

    Tina from MD - no brussel sprouts for you? They are one of my favorites (sauteed with fresh garlic and onions). I hope dinner was a success for you!!

    Today my goal is the watch my sodium. I feel like I haven't done very well with that since I cook in a crockpot with seasonings often for my family. My portions have been small but the seasoning is not my friend.

    Keep it skinny!

    ReNae, Maine
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,601 Member
    Hi ladies!
    Better be quick as dinner is calling! Got to negotiate my way sround a new hotel menu. I had the last one taped! I just take a very small portion of the things thst are delicious and leave out rice etc. Doing ok I think.
    Joyce - we are now in Yala National Park.
    - we drove down today via the Ella Falls. A wonderful scenic drive of mountains and valleys with waterfalls. I did take a photo of one location, but I haven't got it on my tablet yet.
    - We arrived at Cinnamon Wild, which is a series of little cottages arranged out in the jungle. We have to phone reception yo get to the main restaurant after dark.! Wild boar and elephants and lots of monkeys scampering across the roof. Almost immediately we went out for a game drive in a jeep. It was HOT! Fortunateltheirre was a breeze once we got going. We saw some amazing birds - water birds of all sorts, and a hornbill, peacocks etc. We found an elephant eating tree branches and several crocodiles sunning themselves. Baby wild boar. The tracker who rode along in the jeep with us was pretty useless, so we are not having him tomorrow. Our guide and the driver have good knowledge. There were so many jeeps it was a traffic jam! Tomorrow we have to be ready to go on our next drive by 5.30 am! ! ! ! We will have a breakfast box to take with us. Of course, everyone hopes to see a leopard, but we would be lucky to do so. This park has the greatest concentration of leopards in Sri Lanka, but they are shy.
    - Got to get off to dinner. I'm starving! ! ! ! ! all.must just say we visited a beach where hundreds were killed in the tsunami. There is a memorial there. Beautiful beach. :ohwell:

    Love Heather
  • RENAEJAE wrote: »
    You know how you plan out your evening on your drive home and self-talk about how you will not snack while cooking and you'll hit the treadmill while dinner's in the oven? We'll I had such a great plan last night only to be derailed when I drove in. My DH had a buddy over and they were clearing snow. I made them a nice dinner and dessert. Oh well - that's what friends & families do. It was a nice evening and I kept within my calories (homemade blueberry cobbler and all). That was the first dessert I've had in weeks.

    I am thinking about joining a gym again. The only downfall is that the one that is close to my office is rather run down, but the convenience really out weighs that.

    Terri in Milwaukee - nice way to get your biking in with 10 min here, 10 min there. Thanks for the reminder that I need to cease the moment!

    Michele in NC - I like the variety of exercises you do. I need to mix it up a bit!!

    Tina from MD - no brussel sprouts for you? They are one of my favorites (sauteed with fresh garlic and onions). I hope dinner was a success for you!!

    Today my goal is the watch my sodium. I feel like I haven't done very well with that since I cook in a crockpot with seasonings often for my family. My portions have been small but the seasoning is not my friend.

    Keep it skinny!

    ReNae, Maine
    RENAEJAE wrote: »
    You know how you plan out your evening on your drive home and self-talk about how you will not snack while cooking and you'll hit the treadmill while dinner's in the oven? We'll I had such a great plan last night only to be derailed when I drove in. My DH had a buddy over and they were clearing snow. I made them a nice dinner and dessert. Oh well - that's what friends & families do. It was a nice evening and I kept within my calories (homemade blueberry cobbler and all). That was the first dessert I've had in weeks.

    I am thinking about joining a gym again. The only downfall is that the one that is close to my office is rather run down, but the convenience really out weighs that.

    Terri in Milwaukee - nice way to get your biking in with 10 min here, 10 min there. Thanks for the reminder that I need to cease the moment!

    Michele in NC - I like the variety of exercises you do. I need to mix it up a bit!!

    Tina from MD - no brussel sprouts for you? They are one of my favorites (sauteed with fresh garlic and onions). I hope dinner was a success for you!!

    Today my goal is the watch my sodium. I feel like I haven't done very well with that since I cook in a crockpot with seasonings often for my family. My portions have been small but the seasoning is not my friend.

    Keep it skinny!

    ReNae, Maine

  • Hello ladies...I would like to join your group...I am 56..turning 57 the 12th and have 65# to lose. Can't do it alone.
  • terri_mom
    terri_mom Posts: 748 Member
    Happy Wednesday ! ! !

    Lesley - there is absolutely no way I could give up all caffeine. I tried it once, and had migraines every day for the entire 5 weeks. My doc finally said to start drinking coffee again. You are my hero ! I hope your headaches go away quickly for you.

    Barb from So. Louisiana - sending hugs for the passing of your friend/neighbor. It sounds like (she and) you have a great attitude. Celebrate Life !!! All of her loved ones are in my prayers.

    Everyone in the NorthEast US - Congrats on a day with less snow. Enjoy the break. I hope it lasts longer than a day, because you all deserve some time off from snow removal.

    I couldn't get DS out the door before 6am today, so I didn't have time to exercise before work. But my left knee is getting much worse, so I think I will use the hand bike for 20 minutes during lunch, then ride the regular bike for 10 minutes after work (or at my Dad's, since he is going to a movie tonight). I need to get to the bowling alley as promptly as possible, to fine tune the details of pre-bowl and car-pooling for this weekend and State in March. But luckily DS ate the entire piece of cake that my Dad left in my car, so that's 1 thing I don't need to worry about.

    I had a struggle last night. When I woke up for my midnight hot flash, I ignored the water and/or popsicle that I usually have, and ate a piece of pizza instead. Plus, I loaded it with garlic salt. Today is a new day, and I will drink lots of water to flush out the sodium. I will also by-pass the cookies brought in by a patient. I have cantalope, banana, and/or grapes to munch on instead. I can do this ! ! !

    Hugs for Everyone ! ! !

    Terri in Milwaukee (32 degrees, but expecting it to drop to single digits)
  • yanniejannie
    yanniejannie Posts: 1,090 Member
    Good morning, all. Got caught up with phone calls to some of the cousins. Ordered flowers for Valentine's Day for the one in a nursing home. The most interesting bit of news is that the DH of a cousin in Az. was bitten by a rattlesnake! He was trying to move(???) it. That's a new one for anyone in our family. He'll be OK but the hand is very swollen and discolored.

    meg..... I'm thankful your DD wasn't injured or at fault. Good news that she's a better driver than you thought!

    Lillian........Just had to check to see what -30 C is in F. -22, I think.........Brrrrrrrr! My former states, Mi and Pa. got plenty cold but I don't think ever quite that cold; although Mi. got close, I'm sure!

    Barb..........I think you did GREAT in the restaurant!!! Going out to eat is something most of us can't or are unwilling give up in our social lives and what you did was what I consider "defensive eating", NOT weirdness........and it's great that your family supported you but even if they hadn't....you are looking out for you! Now, do I get an award for the longest run on sentence?
    I am so sorry about the loss of your neighbor; she sounds like she was a gem. ((((Hugs)))

    joyce........congrats on your windfall!!!

    peach (carol)......I wish your DH many sales today at Scotts!

    Barbie........I do at least three lunches with groups each month and run into the obnoxious tablemate now and then. I feel, for me, that, without question, the pleasure of the group dining outweighs any one person. Since I don't work and my DH is not social at all, going out for human social contact esp. with women close in age means a lot to me.

    ReNae......As long as that gym has safe equipment and is in a safe neightborhood, I'd say do it! Also, a brussels sprouts lover!

    Heather.......Still enjoying the thrill of your trip with your reports. LOL; I misread one part and thought you had elephants on the roof!!! Gave me quite a laugh. You are truly on the trip of a lifetime!!! Hope you see the big cats!

    Welcome newbies!

    Not much on agenda today. Will do some on the bike and maybe a youtube video. Have a meeting for the police group I volunteer for this evening. Possibly making some banana bread to take there.

    Hunger is not an emergency.

  • nccarolb
    nccarolb Posts: 858 Member
    Good morning! I was so tired last night that I forgot to eat my evening snack/treat! I'm trying to catch up at work after being out two days each out of the past two weeks and worked until 7 p.m. Long day! Today, I have meetings from 4 p.m. until whenever they're done, so I will be even further behind. Arrgh!

    Lesley - Is Brian the one who is suggesting the juicing for you? I'm sure you probably said at some point but I missed over 300 posts and can't catch up.

    Michele - That fear or re-detaching the retina is overwhelming! I made an emergency visit after my surgery because I suddenly started seeing a multitude of floaters. Luckily, it was nothing wrong (my doctor explained that it was like a carpenter trying to be sure he gets all of the sawdust, but there is inevitably some hiding somewhere). Then I got the Norovirus and was terrified that the retching would destroy the surgery. The whole thing is just super scary!

    Not much going on in my corner of the world other than cold weather approaching and lots and lots of work! I plan to spend the frigid weekend working to finish those last niggly unpacking things.

    Hope everyone has a great day!

    Carol in sunny NC
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,062 Member
    hoff2002 wrote: »
    Hi everyone! Welcome to all those who are new. Congratulations to all who are staying true to their diets and exercises. I usually try to respond to as many of you individually as I can, but I hope you will understand that I'm just not feeling it tonight.

    Thanks to everyone for the Happy Anniversary wishes. DH and I went out to lunch with DD#2, DD#3 & DSIL today. DD#3/DSIL paid for all our meals. It was really sweet of them, but it always concerns me because I know they can't afford it. We went to a Sushi bar and I really had a rough time...I guess a mini-melt down. I was so concerned with making sure that I stayed within my calories that I think I was just overly stressed. I ended up going to the ladies' room and having a good cry. I looked at myself in the mirror and told myself that my face looks smaller and that I have been doing well on my diet. I thought about the menu and reminded myself that it was ok to ask for substitutions or sauce on the side if that what I wanted to do. I felt like a total idiot. I don't want to be someone who cannot go out to a restaurant if the situation presents itself. I want to be someone who can control myself and make good choices. Ugh! I ended up ordering the grilled sea bass with veggies. Told the waitress to put the sauce on the side and that I'd like a small house salad instead of the rice. I asked for no dressing on the salad and no croutons. She brought me a salad that was soaked with dressing. I politely sent it back. Fortunately, my family was ok with my weirdness and was very supportive of me wanting to stay on track.

    Then we came home. We passed in front of my neighbor's house...the one who has lung cancer with mets to the brain. There were a couple of men in a van who were very dressed up. I said, "That doesn't look good." DD#2 read a post by her daughter that she had just passed away. That really has put a damper on the rest of our day. It's just so sad. DH and I were going to go out for a date, but neither of us felt like it anymore. My friend had started a forum on facebook where she wrote about her life and talked about her cancer. All I did all afternoon was read what she had written. She told me when she first was diagnosed last summer that she didn't want to die, but if God was ready for her, then it was ok. She hoped that she wouldn't linger like another neighbor had. She said, "I did this to myself by smoking. The ones I feel sorry for are those little children who haven't done anything and are suffering and dying of cancer." She made "No More Chemo Cakes" for the children who had finished their chemo treatments at a hospital near our home. She was such a wonderful, positive woman with a smile that was contagious. I have no doubt that she is with the Lord. She made all of us who knew her better people! My heart breaks at her loss.

    After finding out about her passing, I ended up over eating a bit. I limit my calories to 1200 and I ate 112 over that, plus I didn't walk like I planned. Tomorrow is another day though. My friend would not want me to be sad, so I will pick myself up and put on my big girl panties and go on with life.

    Love to all. Thanks for your patience and your support!

    Barb from South Louisiana

    oh honey... I just read your post and I just wanted to give you the biggest long *kitten* hug I could muster up.... I am so sorry for what you are going thru. going out to dinner is hard sometimes because you don't want to have stuff that you are working so hard to take off what it has done to your body, but you ended up making very good choices and going over 112 is really not that bad at all so you did AWESOME considering. I dealt with that when I first started and my husband is good and patient with me when we do go out so I give props to your company for not giving you grief about thinking about what you wanted to eat so that you can stay on track.
    my sister died of cancer not that long ago and finding out stuff like that for me at least has always been a blessing to know that even though I don't want to, I work out anyway. I remember when I got back home (I was in California with her when she died and I then flew back home to Washington) the very next morning, I did as I always do, ride the bike to the gym, workout, ride the bike all the way to work (hilly/flat 10miles). during class I was spontaneously crying (like I am now) and when I was riding to work, I have a speaker in my water bottle holder and I have music that is blaring.. so I am spontaneously crying all the way there. keep going, when I workout, it helps block everything out for that moment. don't stop. take care.
  • drkatiebug
    drkatiebug Posts: 1,971 Member
    Barb, hugs to you! Congratulations on surviving a really, really, really bad day. I would say the restaurant was a great NSV. I would also say only going over 112 calories was another NSV considering the rest of your day.

    Have been meaning to chime in on the retina discussion. My DH goes regularly to a retina specialist to monitor his glaucoma. He has had several retina tears that have had to be lasered back together. The scariest day ever was when the eye doctor called me at work to tell me I needed to come get him and take him to surgery. He puts two different kinds of drops in his eyes, one morning and bedtime and a different one mid-afternoon. It seems to be under control at the moment.

    I'm doing ok at the moment with my boundaries. The scale is moving slowly, but it is going in the right direction. Walking is going well. I walked 87 miles in January and am on track for February. Although my goal is 750 for the year, in my heart of hearts I want to reach 1000.
  • dogbydog123
    dogbydog123 Posts: 30 Member
    I'm feeling frustrated, but still determined. I am battling the weight-enhancing properties of both cymbalta and gabepentin. I've lost $40 lbs since July 1, but have stalled. This is half way to my goal.

    Just did 75 min. on the stationary bike which both my PT and ortho recommend for my arthritic knees, plus it'good cardio work. I gradually go up to level 6, stay there a while, then come back down. I'll have Range of Motion class here in a sec which includes free wts and exercise bands. Walking is on the schedule after lunch.

    I am sticking with my 1400 cal., moderate carbs as prescribed by my wt loss Dr at University of Kentucky. (She's very proud of me. My labs all look great now!)

    BUT this plateau really has me frustrated. Actually, it's at a wt where I have stalled in the past. Must be one of those wts my body likes. I cannot give up though. I've made it this far.
  • dogbydog123
    dogbydog123 Posts: 30 Member
    Lilymay--you are so right about staying away from A&W. That stuff is toxic, as is most "fast food." And I have given up soft drinks entirely. Just reading the ingredients is a shocker. I don't want that stuff in my body! I'm into water.
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Sue in SD: Thanks for the tip on the frozen strawberries. Where did you find them?

    Leslie in Tasmania: I am so sympathetic to your caffeine withdrawal. I’m on my last cup of coffee for the day. I did switch to decaf a few years ago and that was an ordeal. I‘ve been drinking caffeinated coffee again for several years.

    Newbies: Welcome to a great group. Success is possible if you are patient and count your calories faithfully. This is a good place for encouragement.

    Barb from S Louisiana: I am so sorry for the loss of your neighbor. She sounds like a wonderful person.

    Barbie: I’m sorry your dancers are so filled with negative talk that you can’t enjoy lunch with them. I’m not particularly surprised, though. It seems like negative social talk is contagious. Have you asked them to consider more positive topics?

    Renaejae from Maine: I love Brussels sprouts, too. I’ve always liked them frozen, but lately I’ve liked them fresh oven roasted with garlic, soy sauce, and caraway seeds. I crush the caraway seeds with a mortar and pestle.

    Heather: I look forward to your travel reports. I would find ordering food a risky adventure and might end up with rice and veggies every day. It is the spices that worry me.

    Terri in Milwaukee: Good luck with your knee problems & forgive yourself the pizza attack. Today is a new day.

    Yikes! I’m out of time and haven’t finished my post to all. I’m off to the gym for yoga. I’m glad I joined and am meeting people there that I like. Best wishes to all.

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon

    “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” Thomas A. Edison

    February Goals:
    1. Log every bite and swallow.
    2. Cardio exercise at least 3 days a week.
    3. Have fun every day.
    4. Drink at least three glasses of water daily, preferably more!
    5. Eliminate alcohol.
    6. Monitor sleep.


  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,203 Member
    Good Morning,

    Went to the dentist yesterday. No cavities but the beginnings of periodontal disease in one area. I will go back for treatment next week. I did look up some things I can do in the meantime. It does explain some why some of the issues I have had with how I have been feeling tired and recent weight gain. A low grade infection which this is causes low levels of inflammation. That inflammation wants to be fed. Number one on its list is sugar. My teeth are giving me a warning I will listen. I told the hygienist that if anyone has doubts about getting this treated remind them of the heart disease connection. This is enough of a jolt to get me back on a healthier track.

    Sylvia I am glad the roast was for your husband. It still surprises me they did not give you better direction about your diet. Then again how you described your hospital experience it should not surprise me. I am so glad you are back in clean home thanks to hubby and fur babies. Take care.

    NE friends spring is not too far away.

    :heart: MNMargaret

  • SelenaP63
    SelenaP63 Posts: 61 Member
    Good morning... I am new and keep reading DH... dear husband? dreadful hangover? doll house? Do help me with the abbreviations! Not sure how to navigate these next two days where I'm on the run and away from home. Any tips would be grand! Thanks and have a successful day :)
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Good morning!!! I had my first outing this morning, since my surgery. My son went to the grocery store with me. It was only about an hour, and I'm exhausted now, but it was worth it to actually put on real clothes and real shoes and get out of the house. Now I'm resting and getting ready for a nap. Since it went well, tomorrow I intend to go drive the kids to school and then go to the studio for an hour or so. Getting back in the saddle a little bit.

    My weight was down another 9 pounds this morning. Only two more pounds of water till I'm back where I started. So I'm feeling better about the whole thing. My tummy is still a little swollen, and I can't wear my jeans yet, but I'm getting there. I was supposed to go to a liberal ladies lunch today, but I've begged off. There would be laughing, and laughing is still very painful.

    Barb, I'm so sorry about your neighbor! How sad!

    Heather, Sri Lanka is not a place I have ever wanted to visit, but I'm really enjoying your descriptions of it. I feel like I've been there!

    Here is today's joke of the day:


    An employee comes into her manager’s office to take a day off from work. The manager replies:

    "So you want a day off. Let's take a look at what you are asking for. There are 365 days per year available for work. There are 52 weeks per year in which you already have 2 days off per week, leaving 261 days available for work. Since you spend 16 hours each day away from work, you have used up 170 days, leaving only 91 days available. You spend 30 minutes each day on coffee break, which counts for 23 days each year, leaving only 68 days available. With a 1-hour lunch each day, you used up another 46 days, leaving only 22 days available for work. You normally spend 2 days per year on sick leave. This leaves you only 20 days per year available for work. We are off 5 holidays per year, so your available working time is down to 15 days. We generously give 14 days vacation per year which leaves only 1 day available for work and I'll be darned if you are going to take that day off!"


    Have a great day!

  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,601 Member
    Hi again,
    Just wanted to tell you all of my restaurant triumph this evening! Barb, I feel for you! WTG on sticking to your guns
    We chose to go to the a la carte poolside restaurant because the barbecue and the buffet were expensive and neither of us eat a lot. We had one rice and curry, vegetarian option, and one currried prawns. The prawns were delicious, but the beetroot curry and the dhal (lentils) were far too salty! I immediately thought of Sylvia. Of course the waiter comes over to ask if everything is fine, so we complained about the salt. Profuse apologies and they offered us free dessert. Result! We had papaya with lime, pineapple and water melon. Yum.
    So it really can work to complain!
    Good wifi here. The last two places have been full of rogue websites. Got the alarm set for 5 am. :ohwell:
    Love to all, Heather in the jungle x27681614.png
  • stephv710
    stephv710 Posts: 7 Member
    Happy hump day! Just checking in and trying to read everyone's posts. Love that there are so many here to support and lift each other up! It's the first thing I do to start my day (after logging my meals)

    Barb - So sorry about your friend.

    Allison - Yay for no shoveling! I'm still can't believe that the doc just sits there while you work your tail off. He should be hire someone to do that.

    ReNae - Blueberry cobbler sounds wonderful! Especially when you can work it into your daily calories.

    Healther - I am enjoying reading your about your travels! Enjoy!

    Cuyanne674 - Welcome and jump right in. I'm fairly new too and everyone is very supportive and welcoming.

    Greetings to everyone else as well. It is unseasonably warm (61) here in Central Oregon. We just moved here from Southern California so our first winter has been pretty easy. Trying to take advantage and get some walking in.

    Our next two weekends we will be away from home so it will be challenging. I struggle with eating out but will do the best I can. Need to remember that this is a marathon, not a sprint.

    Have a wonderful day everyone!

    Stephanie in Central OR
  • CynthiaT60
    CynthiaT60 Posts: 1,280 Member
    Just checking in. Wow, 59 posts. I skimmed them all and wish everyone the best.
    Still enjoying the hugs...

  • suebdew
    suebdew Posts: 1,330 Member
    Taking a friend to lunch for her birthday. Haven't had many calories today so this may be my big meal.
    Barb in LA - so sorry about your friend. Sounds like a great Christian woman.
    - Be Back later. I forgot who ask but DH means dear husband.
    - Sue in TX
  • CynthiaT60
    CynthiaT60 Posts: 1,280 Member
    Where's Jane?