rudest thing anyone has ever said about your weight?



  • OhReally42
    OhReally42 Posts: 138 Member
    soinfinite wrote: »
    In June, my ribs popped out of place to the point where I couldn't breathe. I thought I was having a heart attack, so I called 911 and they sent an ambulance to my house. Everything was fine until I was laying in the hospital bed, and the doctor told me I should really consider trying to get rid of some of my extra weight. Which wasn't rude at all, but it was definitely hard to hear. It was my wake up call, though!

    Like you said, it probably wasn't said with malintent but I HATE going to the doctors when they start to mention my weight. I never eat fast food or drink soda but they always insist anyways that I need to stop doing those things -.-
  • OhReally42
    OhReally42 Posts: 138 Member
    One time I went into a store, shopping for some things for my daughter. I was looking at jeans, and the sales person came over to me and told me they did not carry any clothing in the store in my size. It was basically an invitation to leave. "We don't want anyone your size in our store.". It was pretty clear.

    I had this problem once. My mom had recently moved to another city and when I was visiting her wanted to buy me some new clothes like she used to before she moved, so we went to their mall. I was overweight at about 180 but I was and am a size 13 pant, not considered plus sized yet, and the lady at the store came up to us and asked what we were shopping for and made a point to show us that the plus sized section was across the store.

    Humoring the lady we walked over there and looked at some of the clothes. I held up the pants to myself and even tried some on, the size she suggested all fell right off of me....
  • dougpconnell219
    dougpconnell219 Posts: 566 Member
    I like to just come back over the top with the rudest stuff I can think of when people do that.

    Once a total stranger looked at me at a store and said something about me being fat.

    I replied "hey, I can lose weight. But you will always be a vapid tvvat."

    That sort of thing.
  • jillianedwards
    jillianedwards Posts: 67 Member
    edited February 2015
    I've been called a lot of things in my life one time I was walking minding my own business and a group of people called me a manatee (I only weighed like 150-160 at the time. I've also been told I have a fat a s s while walking past someone's house in the summer haha people are so rude!
  • jenmovies
    jenmovies Posts: 346 Member
    edited February 2015
    When I was skinny, people told me to eat. Now that I'm chubby, friends and family do the sly insults but most strangers are silent in the sizing up. I also live in Australia where most people are less likely to say rude things to strangers. Once working in a pub I got "Are you pregnant?" and I smiled and said, "No, just fat!" and we had a laugh. In Cambodia, my friend's landlord brought me fruit, pointed to my tummy and said 'cholesterol'. Too funny! But he also said it to my super hot friend. Everyone has their opinion! All we can do is shrug it off and do our own thing. Don't let it get you down. :D
  • loveby30
    loveby30 Posts: 76 Member
    A lot people have commented on negative comments after or as your losing weight. I have one that stands out.
    When I had gotten down to just about my goal weight I went to a party and saw a few random folks that I hadn't seen since before I started getting healthy. One guy came up to me and said "WOW you've lost sooooo much weight!!!" which was great until he followed it up with "I mean you were pretty before, and I would have totally banged you, but now I would call you the next day and not just sneak out in the morning."

    Needless to say everyone was shocked. Some guys.... :o
  • Noelv1976
    Noelv1976 Posts: 18,948 Member
    About ten years ago, I failed my height and weight test for my semi-annual physical training test. One of my leaders said I have a belly made for a 40 year old. It hurt, but that motivated me to get my buttucks back in shape
  • bella60kg
    bella60kg Posts: 5
    edited February 2015
    When I was doing nursing and one of the patients said to me when I was helping her in the shower "How could you let yourself go that much? Why would you waste your youth on having a big fat disgusting body? Girl, get it together!"

    Why can't people just mind their own damn business?!
  • bella60kg
    bella60kg Posts: 5
    edited February 2015
    I have experienced it from the other side of the scale too "you're getting too skinny, do you throw up your food" "oh my god look at the little bones sticking out in your hands- you look anorexic! Are you anorexic?! You are withering away!!! " that was when I went to 56 kg from 116. And it hurt just as much as being called out for being obese. It made me realise that no matter what size you are, people will be mean.
  • priyaFitnessFreak
    priyaFitnessFreak Posts: 105 Member
    Chezzie84 wrote: »
    I recently had an incident in a busy supermarket the other day.
    There was 3 young girls (about 16/17) behind me following me around the shop repeating over and over "oi fatty fatty fatty fatty fatty and ohhhh should you really be putting that in your basket?"
    The looks of disgust they were getting as I walked through the store was phenominal because they would turn and say it to other people too.
    I ignored them until I got to the most crowed part of the shop and then I let rip.
    I wont tell you what I said because it was horrible and I felt a little ashamed, until shoppers starting applauding.
    The girls look horrified and ran off.

    Good for you! Applause!!!

  • winterWind341
    winterWind341 Posts: 24 Member
    Thankfully, I was never bullied in school because of my weight on a daily basis (only because I was not the heaviest kid there). Yes, they did call me cow and pig but I laughed at them and how pathetic they were (never hesitated to tell them that) so they stopped relatively quickly. I was never hurt by words because I knew that they insulted my physical apperance because they had nothing else to tease me about. I understand that kind of thing coming from kids but when a grown woman well in her fifties tells a 9 year old that she shouldnt jump in the water becuse she will cause a tsunami, thats where we have a problem. That lady was my grandmas friend and was spending summer with us and she was (an still is) really overweight. 9 year old me got out of the sea and told he to go and look at herself before she starts commenting on others apperance. Everyone stared laughing so I guess the joke was on her ;) It happened years ago but I still remember it not because it hurt me but because im the type of person that doesnt forget insults easily. Oh yes a month ago she called me anorexic you just cant please some people...
  • hippygirl325
    hippygirl325 Posts: 223 Member
    I recall being on Plenty of Fish a long time ago and a totally random guy messaged me saying "You would be really pretty if you lost some weight. I'm not trying to be mean, you just must be really insecure and I'm sure you'd feel a lot better about yourself if you lost weight." Needless to say I sent him a very indignant response, but looking back he was probably right, even though it wasn't really his place to say that.

    I've also gotten the pregnancy question a lot, or people assume I am. If they actually ask, I always wonder why in the world someone would actually ask that question. If you don't know, you probably shouldn't ask! lol Either way, I have also taken these types of things as motivation even though they have hurt at the time.
  • TheEats
    TheEats Posts: 49 Member
    At 14; mean girls at my secondary school beckoned me over just to say: "You're a fat pig."
    At 12; a boy a couple of years younger than me said: "You would be the prettiest girl I know if you were not so fat."
    At 12; my dad saying, when I had put on my new pjs and felt quite cute: "I think you should lose some weight." At twelve, how did he figure I should manage or understand how to do that? It only added to my self-hatred.
    At 15; my brother's friend: "Does the floor shake when you get up in the morning?" This was one of the most hurtful, because he repeatedly asked me if I understood why he asked that and my brother joined in, demanding me to answer, until I humiliated responded that it was "because I am fat".
    At 25; my ex mother-in-law: "I do not know if you will fit in the back seat." A ridiculous statement only to be cruel. I weighed 180 lbs, had no problem fitting into a back seat...
    At 30; my son: "I'm gamer pig, daddy is strong pig and mummy can be fat pig." There was something about my seven year old just reducing me to someone who is "fat", unable to think of a more suitable label.
    At 22; a co-worker, while eyeing me up and down with a smirk: "How's that diet going?"
  • pplastics
    pplastics Posts: 135 Member
    My husband's out of town friend was staying at our house one Saturday night. I was scheduled to have a hysterectomy on the following Tuesday due to painful fibroids and was doped up on some pretty hefty pain killers. I was watching a NASCAR race and Tony Stewart had just wrecked and was on camera. The friend said to me...."He reminds me of you." At first I thought maybe he meant how we speak (I'm a Midwestern transplant living in the south). Then the friend went on to say...."Yeah, you look just like him. You're both really big and fat." It took everything I had in me not to cry. Had I not been on the pain killers, I would've put him in his place, but I let it go. My husband (who was in the shower at the time) wanted to have him leave when he found out, but I said it was okay.

    I guess it all worked out, cause it did help motivate me to lose weight (.2 pounds from goal!!) But, I still feel so fat and ugly anytime his name is mentioned....just brings it all back. Emotions are very powerful things!
  • FrancesAnnLFM
    FAT FAT ARMY BRAT...walked through many a school hall way with those words ring in my that was customer to me the cashier OH WHEN IS YOUR BABY about 9 pizzas friend told me hey to rude people..HEY I can loose weight but there is no cure for Rudeness or Stupid...
  • FrancesAnnLFM
    60 years later it still hurts...this old crone knows how to kick butt now..but it still hurts
  • steebsthegreat
    steebsthegreat Posts: 70 Member
    I'm 5'8" and at my heaviest I was 165 pounds (so in reality really not that big) and I had someone ask me when my baby was due...I wasn't pregnant! I didn't even think I looked fat...
  • fat2strongbeth
    fat2strongbeth Posts: 735 Member
    Reading through all of these is really making me tear up. I've had a few bad comments over the years, but the most memorable is from when I was a teenager. My step-mom told me that I should get a shorter haircut because my long hair made me look more like a triangle with my wider shoulders and hips. Over 20 yrs ago and still hurts.
  • Mommaannie2510
    Mommaannie2510 Posts: 67 Member
    On Christmas my uncle had the damn nerve to say that I had gotten fat and gained a lot if weight since the summer to my dad and my older brother.

    Glad my dad said that I was running a lot. My brother was the one who told me. But I'm doing it for myself not for him but so that this summer I can wear shorts and feel confident in my bathing suit!
  • bettieb1988
    bettieb1988 Posts: 122 Member
    Right after my first child was born someone said to me Damn girl you blew up!!! What do i say to that? Thanks ?