
  • DeeDee2211
    DeeDee2211 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Lesley :) so sorry to hear about Mildred :'( ! Sending you a hug!!!

    DeeDee in NC
  • trisH_7183
    trisH_7183 Posts: 1,486 Member
    Diana..love the pic. You are so pretty & look much thinner than your other pic.

    The cactus is in a closed off room .....when it is super cold,so forgot to take a pic when it had at least12 blooms on it. :\

    It's 1* right now,but no wind ...that makes a big difference.Looking for snow later,but nothing compared to Boston.Our car is 4 wheel drive ....makes it easier for us when we need to be out.

    Heatherhave a safe trip home.

    Gail I am the tosser here.Do go thru the freezers often....even so ,there are mystery packages that have to go.Your appetizer sounds good.

    Sharon are the flowers miniature petunias? Dd gave me a huge hanging basket of them last yr.....very pretty. Pat

  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Today's jokes of the day:


    A man and a woman get in a terrible car wreck.

    Both of their vehicles were completely destroyed, but fortunately, no one was hurt.

    Thankful, the woman says to the man in a flirting tone, "We're both okay, we should celebrate."

    So the woman gets a bottle of wine out of the trunk of the smashed car, and hands it to the man with a smile.

    The man almost forgetting about the accident takes a really big drink, and hands the bottle to the woman.

    The woman closes the bottle and put it away.

    The man asks, "Aren't you going to take a drink?"

    And the woman replies, "No, I'll celebrate after the cops leave."


    My wife asked for the broom...

    And I said, "Why? Are you going somewhere?"

  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Thanks for the jokes Sylvia :D
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,996 Member
    well I shoveled the dog pen and one driveway, and dressed and waiting to take Chester to the vet. from there the refacing guy should be here.. hopefully, they are based out of mass. and dont know how much snow they got,,
    left a message to tell them to come a little later so we wont have a conflict with being late at the vet..
  • nccarolb
    nccarolb Posts: 858 Member
    Good morning! We're supposed to get some snow and even more ice here beginning around 4 p.m. and continuing through tomorrow morning. I'd be much happier if it was all snow! I'd also be much happier if it was arriving on a Friday afternoon. :grin:

    As I mentioned yesterday, it was a self-sabotage day, although I guess a self-abuse (not dangerous stuff!) day would be more accurate. Things like skipping church (I like church!), not exercising, eating horribly, etc. I think part of it is the screw up with all of my medication over the past couple of weeks due to insurance crap and part of it is that I hate going to the Stewardship meeting at one of my work churches so much that my Sunday evening blues begin when I wake up on Sunday morning. I really just want to lie in my bed and not get up (yes, a strong sign of depression, I know) then eat junk food all day.

    I also spent a good bit of time thinking about why I am so resistant to the idea of dating that everyone seems to be pushing me towards. I know that I can be exceedingly stubborn and don't like being told how to live my life, but I came to the conclusion that I am simply still trying to decide who I am now that the day-to-day "mommy" days are over. I spent 30+ years putting my own needs and wants to the side to please others and I want to indulge myself a bit now. When and if the time comes that I want to date, I will pursue it, but I'm just not interested right now. I really need a vacation! :neutral_face:

    Michele - Do you have snow already? They called off school in Guilford County for today (as of last night). I guess they thought it would be cold enough this morning to have a delay and then a potential early release so they just didn't bother. We never got time off from school because of cold. I think there are a lot of wimps out there!

    Well, I am back on track today and am going to go take a walk around the building to get in some steps. Hope everyone has a great day!

    Carol in NC
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Sylvia: Freezing rain is the worst weather I can think of because it is so dangerous. Be careful today and on the lookout for black ice. I can attribute a nasty fall and broken wrist to it, and hope that doesn’t happen to you.

    Madierdorf: I hope your mission trip is satisfying and safe.

    Kim: The bacon roses are amazing. They really look good! (And make me hungry.) You are probably the best Godmother in the world.

    Margaret: Good luck at the dentist’s office on Wednesday. I hope you get encouraging news.

    Alison: I think you are getting everybody’s snow this year. I watch a reality series from Alaska, and they’re experiencing a warm winter (for them) with little or no snow.

    MammaLauraB & all newbies: Welcome to an amazingly supportive group.

    Sylvia: Thanks for the jokes today.

    I’m not sure what hit me, but I spent a chunk of time in bed napping yesterday, went to bed early and slept through the night. I may be fighting off a bug. I took some Airborne yesterday and will take some again today. Airborne has a lot of vitamin C and it has been helpful at keeping sickness away when we visit the grandbabies. I hope it will keep me healthy now.

    I’ll be off to the gym this morning for core class & yoga. They seem to be doing me a great deal of good and I don’t want to miss them. We have a substitute core class teacher and she really gave us a workout last week.

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon

    “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” Thomas A. Edison

    February Goals:
    1. Log every bite and swallow.
    2. Cardio exercise at least 3 days a week.
    3. Have fun every day.
    4. Drink at least three glasses of water daily, preferably more!
    5. Eliminate alcohol.
    6. Monitor sleep.

  • DamitJanit
    DamitJanit Posts: 1,329 Member
    Call me crazy but I love to see other people happy and succeeding.
    Good cold morning, ladies. It got to about 20 last night in SC. Rain tonight might freeze but no snow. My heart goes out to all of you suffering the bad weather.

    *Leslie, long hugs for you both.

    *I love all the pictures, especially the beautiful fur babies.

    *Heather, what a wonderful trip. Have a safe and comfortable trip home.

    *Allison, I hope Chester is okay. I hate it when they have problems and can’t tell us if they hurt. I know you are giving him the best care.

    *LauraB, welcome to you and all the newbies. We are happy to have you join us on this wonderful, healthy journey. Come often and join in any time.

    *Pat, beautiful cactus. Thanks for sharing.

    *Sylvia, thanks for the smiles.

    *Carol (NC), you definitely deserve to put yourself first at this stage of the game. And I agree that you should date, when you are ready and not for others. Some people just don’t get it that we can be fine with ourselves. I have a good friend that says the last thing she wants is a man that is looking for a lady to take care of him. LOL

    On my cruise I told you that I was way over calories every day, not only because of the food I ate, but the alcohol and mixers that I drank. I weighed yesterday and had only gained 4 ½ pounds. Woo hoo!!! Today I woke up and had lost 2 ½ of those so I think I’m back on track. This also goes to show that if we have one day (and not 7) of going over, it is not the end of the world. We just have to get back on track and do what we know works.

    My word #1 is savor. I have to slow down and savor every bite.

    #2 is opportunity. Each day offers new opportunities for good health and happiness if we just look for them and choose them.

    in Myrtle Beach, SC
  • MMinMD
    MMinMD Posts: 53 Member
    Today is Southern Maryland’s day to finally get snow. 9 degrees here this am. I’m supposed to fly to Boston tomorrow, so we’ll see how that goes. I wouldn’t worry much about it, but I am taking my elderly father to a funeral, so that complicates travel.

    I just had two great days of focusing on planning my eating and cooking healthy stuff. Made my calories goals, and my goals of 5 fruits and veg; and <150 g of carbs.

    Margaret – I use a Sonicare toothbrush and it’s gotten my gums in great shape. It feels a little strange at first, but once you’ve used it for a while u can use it on gums too and it does a great job. My dentist recommended it. It might take you a while to get there if your gums are so sore.

    Carol – at 41 pounds down you know you have the willpower to keep it going. Sounds like maybe you need to find a way out of that Sunday nite Stewardship meeting (is it part of you work tho?). It's hard to lose weight when you're not happy. My “mommy days” are just behind me too, and I’m trying to focus on getting to a healthy weight for so many reasons.

    Today’s reason to lose weight: STOP SNORING.

    Southern Maryland


  • SelenaP63
    SelenaP63 Posts: 61 Member
    edited February 2015
    Lesley Thinking of you and your precious Mildred today. Hugs from Utah!

    Carol from NC I'm new here and don't know your back story, but what you said about resisting dating struck a chord. I remember being resistant after the breakup of my first marriage; in fact, I'd determined never to marry again. I suppose my best advice would be to keep the door open, just a little. God knows what he's doing and what we need and apparently I needed a southern gentleman. But all in His time, which is perfect. Follow your instincts and treat yourself to happiness. :)

    One week down and 2.6 lbs! Off to a good start today. Kim, Heather and Katla How do you attach your little progress slide chart to your posts? They are so motivating to see! Good for you!

    It's interesting because I've been gearing up to getting serious with diet for 10 months now when I started exercising 4 - 6 times a week last April. If you haven't heard of Classical Stretch, by Miranda Esmonde-White (a former ballerina), I HIGHLY recommend this for women over 40. She pays attention to every body part from fingers and toes to shoulders to necks, feet, knees etc. The workouts are only 23 minutes long (approx.) and are graceful, but effective. Those plies are cursed, but man, I am so much stronger and more flexible than I've been in years! I thought yoga would be my golden years go-to, but Classical Stretch (Essentrics) all the way.

    Looking forward to spring... I miss my hummingbirds :)

    Have a successful day all!


  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,063 Member
    Just because
  • peachstategal
    peachstategal Posts: 398 Member
    Selena, thanks so much for the ClassicalStretch suggestion. I found the videos on Youtube and plan to do some.

    Carol ~ Ga
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,602 Member
    Hey all!

    Kim - adore the roses! :flowerforyou: How clever are you!

    Thinking of you in the snow!
    Thinking of Lesley today.

    I had a lovely swim in the pool for 35 mins and a nice bath and hair wash afterwards.
    Do any of you feel, like me, that you would be more inclined to go swimming if there were a foolproof method of keeping your hair dry? I do proper swimming with goggles and my face in the water and whatever I wear my hair gets wet. As I am an unnatural blonde with shoulder length hair that necessitates the whole shebang of hair wash, condition, blow dry etc. Such a drag! I would love another swim tomorrow morning, but I can't be bothered with all that business. Then it's sun cresm, then insect repellent, then makeup - phew!

    I had a nice, if fattening, crab and coconut soup this evening, resisting the rolls and butter. Then I ordered "black pork" curry as it's a Sri Lankan speciailty. Tasty, but oh so salty! Almost inedible! I only had a tiny bit of rice, pushed the delicious papardoms to the other side of the table and had no chutney. Not fabulous overall, but OK. DH had an indifferent osso bucco. I had a couple of teaspoons of his creme brulee, scraping off the quite unnecessary fruit sauce they had put on top. Don't mess with the classics! They are classics for a reason! We enjoyed the wine we had bought very much, but the alcohol calories were surplus to requirements. :embarassed: Any weight I will have put on is slmost entirely due to alcohol. I started the holidsy being really good, but slipped In the last week. I'm pretty sure it will take me a few weeks to get back to normal, but I'm looking forward to buckling down to the old routine and seeing the poundage off. :bigsmile:

    I get my ticker by once copying the code they give you and pasting it each time at the end of my post. I am on an Android tablet and if I don't copy anything else I can just press and paste each time, not having to copy again. Some people do a Word doc.

    Love to all. Heather, wishing I had a magic carpet now. :ohwell:
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,602 Member
    edited February 2015

    One last view! This is the view taken from the train window as we crossed the hill country. Aaaaahhhh!
  • thlavallee1
    thlavallee1 Posts: 23 Member
    pipcd34 wrote: »
    Just because

    That's adorable

  • thlavallee1
    thlavallee1 Posts: 23 Member
    pipcd34 wrote: »

    Just because

    What beautiful dogs! :)

  • nccarolb
    nccarolb Posts: 858 Member
    edited February 2015
    Cindy - Unfortunately, the meeting is part of my job. There is one particular woman on the committee that I have a problem with--she likes to give lots of orders and, instead of talking to me, she goes behind my back to the pastors if she doesn't like something. I volunteer for the Finance Team at my own church and never mind those meetings!

    Selena - Thanks! My saying is that "I am open but not looking" for a man in my life. I haven't barricaded the door but it's not standing wide open, either.

    Heather - I totally get it about the hair! I hate swimming caps--they pull my hair and I look atrocious. Then, by the time my hair has been bunched up under something, I need to wash it just to make it look right again.

    Back to work I go...

    Carol in NC

    Edit: According to the radar, I may be heading home very shortly. The snow is not far away. :scream:
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,996 Member
    Love the hummingbirds <3 ,love the picture of the puppy..
    speaking of puppies. Chester has to have the cyst removed, well just today, bloodwotk, check up and rabies shot 162.00, then for the cyst removal it will be 350-375.00. oy so expensive,but nessasary..
    had the reface guy come and give an estimate, 5500-6500.. not bad, but will get another few estimates
  • lireesa
    lireesa Posts: 1 Member
    Lisa in St. Louis MO, where it is snowing and cold! Can't wait for summer. :)
  • thlavallee1
    thlavallee1 Posts: 23 Member
    I love looking at all the the beautful pictures you all post and reading about how you all are dealing with challenges and sharing successes. I don't comment on many but I do want you all to know that I appreciate all of it and it definitely helps knowing that we are all facing similar challenges. Thank you all!

    Here is a picture of my dear girl Sugar who fractured her ankle in two places last week and was placed in her "lucky rainbow" cast on Saturday.
