rudest thing anyone has ever said about your weight?



  • clairemaj18
    clairemaj18 Posts: 3 Member
    Not that anyone actually said, other than one guy told me he wouldn't date me because I was a "big girl" - lol at you, pimple face

    ...but my bosses gave me "special tea" for Christmas. They said, "This tea is good for diabetes!" Um, yeah - I don't have diabetes. They are from a different culture, so I wasn't offended, but I had to laugh about it when I got home.
  • mkasarda570
    mkasarda570 Posts: 12 Member
    The rudest thing ever said to me was a doozy. My husband's Russian babushka refused to get into an elevator with me because she said I would make it crash. She also said to me that I was too fat for her bathroom. When I lost weight she then started telling me I was too thin and was trying to force feed me.
  • arditarose
    arditarose Posts: 15,575 Member
    The rudest thing ever said to me was a doozy. My husband's Russian babushka refused to get into an elevator with me because she said I would make it crash. She also said to me that I was too fat for her bathroom. When I lost weight she then started telling me I was too thin and was trying to force feed me.

    My Russian boss always pointed out how thick my behind was, then when I lost weight she told me she could count my teeth through my cheeks.
  • priyaFitnessFreak
    priyaFitnessFreak Posts: 105 Member
    joybedford wrote: »
    The rudest thing anyone ever said to me came from my aunt. It was about 5 weeks after the birth of my twins, I went to visit my sister and lots of family members were their, my sis, mum, nieces, 2 aunts and a couple of cousins. I walked into the room with a baby in each arm and a bag over my shoulder, my aunts immediately relieved me of the babies and then one of them said after looking me up and down "are you sure their isn't still one in their". I was so upset because they obviously expected me to have a perfect figure 5 weeks after twins who had a combined weight of 14lb 4. Now the same aunt tells me I am too skinny and need meat on my bones you can't win with some people.

    Your aunt sounds like a bi***. I have an aunt like that. She's always criticizing me for my features, my complexion, my body, my clothes. As a kid I took it all and pretended to not feel hurt. But the last time I saw her I told her off so much that she was almost reduced to tears. One of the best moments in my life!
  • karen_fitzgibbon
    karen_fitzgibbon Posts: 736 Member
    I have a lovely resident at my work that is in the later stages of dementia. She oinks at me and calls me a fat pig every time I see her. I don't let her get to me though. She can't help it. It's her mind deteriorating...

    But when the more mentally stable residents talk to me about the depression era and casually add into the conversation that if I didn't eat so much in wouldn't be as fat. That hurts a bit.
  • priyaFitnessFreak
    priyaFitnessFreak Posts: 105 Member
    Jestinia wrote: »
    A part of me is spiteful and I want to lose weight because of a rude women who makes snide comments at my weight.

    This women is European and she thinks all Americans are fat lazy and uneducated. She married my boyfriend's brother and she would constantly talk about my weight.

    One of the craziest things shes ever said to me was when I told her I got a second job. I was so excited to have another source of income because I was really struggling for some time.

    instead of congratulating me she said " that's you less time to eat"

    She said this in front of my boyfriend and her husband and they didn't think anything of it. I felt like i had gone insane.
    Her theory is BS; I am european, lived in east-block country till I was 11, most of my family had weight struggles. I've now lived in Canada most of my life & once had a woman (a mutual friend) comment on how she has the same "european knees" like me. Meaning pudgy. I didn't think it was funny, since I had been at a fairly low weight at the time and always struggled with weight. Thanks for pointing that out.

    That reminds me. A friend of mine once said, "You look so good, so thin! And don't worry about your thighs, I have thighs like yours, they're hereditary, nothing you can do about it.

    Well, I had never thought twice about my thighs before she said that and had no problem with them at all. I still don't, really.

    Sometimes people mean well, the mouthy little buggers.

    At College, a "friend" once asked me what the name was of my medical condition. When I told her that I had no medical condition she pretended to be taken aback and said "then why are your thighs so big?" Since this I've been very self-conscious about my things.

  • JenniferInCt
    JenniferInCt Posts: 431 Member
    Been asked my multiple people (strangers!) when am i expecting, are you pregnant, etc... I mean im overweight but its not like i have a "pregnant" looking belly (just lots of hills and valleys lol). The worst part to me is that ive always wanted kids, im 30 and dont know if itll ever happen. The first time someone said it i just said no and laughed it off while i almost cried it off in private. Ive since realized that it is just unbelievably rude to say something like that, esp to a stranger, and now i make them feel bad- no i am not pregnant but thanks for the insult. I would never say that to any women, esp a stranger. People are incredible jerks sometimes. The last time i remember, it was a female cop who i held the door for. Ugh
  • mhauswir18
    Yikes, what an awful thing for her to say. When I got a job my husband (now my ex) said, "Great, less time for you to shop".

    So the rudest thing anyone said to me was to inquire about my due date. I was not pregnant.

    Speaking of the ex, while we were married he used to describe me as a "skinny fat girl". He also said he was only attracted to me if my weight was in double digits, i.e. 99 lbs or below. I did develop an eating disorder and got down to 92. That weight was not healthy and it took me 3 years and therapy to like the way I looked at normal weight.

    We can't let anything anyone says about our appearance effect us to the point that it makes us ill. Best wishes to everyone who may be struggling to overcome abusive people who have said rude things. You know what they say about living well? It's the best revenge.


    Love this. So true! We shouldn't let other's perceptions or comments affect us in a negative way. All that matter is that you are happy with where you are, and where you are heading ( a lot easier said than done). I had an issue with a boyfriend in high school who did the same thing to me. Told me I was too "thick". I dropped down to 85 pounds, but at 16 I bounced back pretty quick, but it was awful for a while. I hope things are better for you!!!

  • softblondechick
    softblondechick Posts: 1,276 Member
    From my Mother, " He must be cheating on you because you are fat.". I weighed 160 at the time, and I am 5'11".
  • soygorda18
    soygorda18 Posts: 17 Member
    Allyvegan wrote: »
    My dad told me that I was fat and needed to lose weight in 3rd grade. :(

    That's awful. I first asked my parents if I was fat when I was seven, but to have it happen the other way around...I can't even imagine.
  • cheethnico
    cheethnico Posts: 57 Member
    Jeeze some people seriously don't have a filter I'm sure we have all thought it at some point about another person we havnt seen in a while but I would never say it to them I'm sure they are already aware if they have gained weight ect without it being pointed out I put a lot of weight on whilst pregnant with my now 4 month old and ooooh how people broke their neck to tell me I'm huge, your clapping it on, you sure it's not twins what you carrying an elephant bla bla bla cheeky so and so's
  • salembambi
    salembambi Posts: 5,592 Member
    herrspoons wrote: »
    Get over it, folks. Dwelling on the past is pointless.

    so helpful so compassionate
  • Blueseraphchaos
    Blueseraphchaos Posts: 843 Member
    Mine are more funny, i think. At least, i laugh about them....i mostly blow everything off because i just don't care. But when i was 12, i was 5'4" and weighed about 135. My stepfather told my mother i was getting fat and needed to be put on a diet...meanwhile, his daughter was 5'6, 13 years old, and 200 lbs. XD

    A few years ago, when i first started dating my now-husband, there was a huge fiasco. My husband is a bass player in high demand where i live. He was playing in a band at the time. He had just broken up with his previous gf of 5 years, who was 275 lbs. (I weighed about 210.) his band's drummer (who admitted he weighed 276 lbs and is about 5'7") told him that ditching one fat girl to date another just made the band look bad. My husband tried to hide it from me, but he let it slip while he was drunk one day. I was like....this, coming from a guy who looks like he just might have a heart attack every time he drums? And i just laughed it off, until one day the drummer attacked me on Facebook just out of the blue. So i asked him how he could have the gall to call me fat when he was twice as fat as i was, to which some stupid female replied "well, if he said it, it must be true "...i still laugh over the whole thing because that female has had lapband surgery and regained all the weight back and then some, so now she weighs a good 50 lbs more than i do, and the drummer weighs over 100 more than i do, and his band has been searching hard for a good bass player since 2013, after having gone through a bazillion.

    It's all a big LOL to me. but I've never been a very sensitive type, and honestly I'm a complete and utter ***** most of the time. Soon, everyone can just call me a skinny ***** instead of a fat one. I'll never win, so I'll have as much fun as i can along the way. ;D