Guys like heavier girls?



  • MiniMichelle
    MiniMichelle Posts: 801 Member
  • marci355
    marci355 Posts: 292
    This entire thread is hilarious!!! *I couldn't resist the correction on Victorias Sercret bra sizes....* Too, too funny!!!! LOL!!!:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
    FAKECED Posts: 61
    Curves, curves, curves and some meat on the bones never hurt anyone.
  • stephanielynn76
    stephanielynn76 Posts: 709 Member
    So after reading through most of this thread last night... I had a conversation with my husband about it. He, of course, said he liked me thicker and loves me thinner too. He also said it was about proportions. When I gain, I gain in the butt and boobs. He didn't mind the extra weight as long as it was concentrated there. I HATED the way I looked before. I'm much more confident now and that has translated to more... well... being naked (which, of course, my husband also likes)!!

    However... this older gentleman I used to talk to at the gym a bit stopped me this morning to ask me, "What's with the weight loss?" He goes on to say, "I liked you better when you were thicker. You used to have a booty and bigger legs and I thought you looked great like that... now you're too skinny." I almost busted out laughing. I guess that's just his preference. It did get me thinking though. I prefer myself at this size and I'm not going to gain weight just because of one person's opinion. I am not "skinny" by the way... I prefer the term "lean." I wanted to have the athletic look... lean with muscle... and that's what I achieved. It doesn't matter what anyone else thinks about it... I'm happy!!! Also know that my husband is BIG in to working out... he is very muscular and appreciates and values that. He might say he liked me heavier... but actions speak louder than words... he's more affectionate now than he used to be...
  • Kelnurse
    Kelnurse Posts: 145
    Dont have time to read thru all the posts from this popular thread now but what I did read is both funny and interesting haha Thanks for sharing! LOL I do know from talking with my husband he never wants me to get super skinny (he need not worry tho cuz this bod holds the curves pretty well :laugh: ) He is a boob man and says he likes me at the weight I am now. I love him for saying that but for me to be happy with my size I would like to get into the single digit sizes (6-8 preferably) and that means losing another 20-25 lbs. :sad: LOL
  • MarybethAltizer
    MarybethAltizer Posts: 226 Member
    Yeah, my husband would tell you that he likes the curves too. (Seriously, he told me not to lose my boobs or my butt, like I have a choice lol) But do I stop taking care of myself because of that? Nope! I'm sure he would rather me live to be 80 than to be thick. :) I want to be IN SHAPE, not just skinny!
  • doobabe
    doobabe Posts: 436 Member
    Ok, I am neither of those sizes or in between, but my husband told me that he "likes curves" and that I cant lose any more weight.....
  • astovey
    astovey Posts: 578 Member
    I was told by the large lady that sits by me that, "I want to be your size, not too skinny, not too're juuuuust right," LOL made my day.

    Im about a size 8-10
  • skinnywithin
    skinnywithin Posts: 1,392 Member it that they settle for a size 14 and have fantasies of a size 6? :noway:

    damn smitty you nailed it !!!! If men like the more curvier girls than why are so many of us single ! they tell us we want to hear !
  • ambie35
    ambie35 Posts: 853 Member
    I would really say every guy is different.
    I am 5 ft 3 and 115 pounds and my boyfriend is more attracted to me then ever since I have lost the weight.
    He has always like petite girls. But even with that said if chickie has no hips/boobs/behind he isn't looking.
  • TeeGirl126
    TeeGirl126 Posts: 1
    While the size 6 girl might be nice to look at, when it comes to reality men like something they can hold onto. Who wants to curl up in bed with a bag of bones? Really? I think we are so concerned with the media's representation of what we should look like, we fail to really get the reality of it all. The average woman is a size 14 NOT a size 6. Teenagers are size 6. Once you are married, have children and deal with the other realities that life hands out to you, being a size 6 is virtually impossible. C'mon ladies, stop *****in and moaning and starving yourselves to be something that is unattainable. Do a little exercise everyday, watch the carbs and be happy with your size 14 bodies. I'm striving to be a size 14 now because I let myself get a little crazy with the desserts and carbs. Size 6? Never.
  • mandy935
    mandy935 Posts: 6
    From a guys perspective;

    1) It could be a security thing. If you are a bigger guy, it may be uncomfortable with a very small woman.

    2) Every guy likes different things.

    3) Maybe he would like to 'be with' the bigger girl, but I'm sure he would love to 'sleep with' the smaller girl. I mean we are guys after all right?

    4) Guys lie. Just because a guy says he would prefer the bigger girl doesn't mean he actually does. If the question was coming from a girl who was a size 6 maybe the answers would be different?

    I almost hate to agree with this and your other posts, I think guys say what we want to hear and if you are skinny they will say they like skinny, if you are bigger they will say they like bigger. I have been around 120 lbs most of my life and gained some weight after college and my second child when I spent most of my time at a desk, I am close to my weight goal of 125 to 130 but still have curves in the hips and chest; although I got looks when I was a size 12 I get much more now....and someone else mentioned that is guys really liked bigger then porn and magazines, etc. would have way more bigger girls. Although skinny mini??? I think healthy, fit, thin but curvy is the ideal bottom line.....but I don't speak for all guys here as I know different traits attract differnt people. Guys may want to settle for bigger as I see that all the time, especially in the military where the guy may be away alot, but they will often fantasize or like to 'get with' skinnier women....and often do, thinking their wife may be cute but bigger so less likely to stray and just stay home and be a comfort and a mother to their kids....sorry to say it but I see it all the time. People and yes men especially often want what they don't have.
    That being said I want to be healthy, fit and athletic but for me and not for any guy.
  • doobabe
    doobabe Posts: 436 Member
    Ok seriously- a size 6 is NOT a "bag of bones", or a skeleton....... I am smaller than a 6 (at 5'7) and I have PLENTY of curves!!!! Geeeesh- Its not like were talking about a size 0 here...... lol Im going to get a complex over here with all of this talk!!!!!!
  • h3h8m3
    h3h8m3 Posts: 455 Member
    The problem is that you're trying to figure out what "guys" like. Guys like whatever they want. What kind of ice cream do guys like? What kind of car? It's all about tastes. The comments from an earlier poster really bug me, something to the effect of, "All guys like skinny girls, but they settle for big ones to not be threatened/left/whatever." Hogwash, everyone has their own tastes. I could come up with a lot more biting response about those who like skinny girls, but the truth is, they just like what they like.

    The one thing I will say as a general trend (certainly not a hard and fast rule), guys like girls who laugh easily, are not self-conscience, and are in a somewhat healthy range. Of course there are folks at either end (who want girls who are way too skinny, or way too large to be healthy), but I think that's a pretty safe general trend.

    As to the ladies who comment about how the skinny girls get a lot more looks, I'll say I think it has a lot more to do with what they're wearing, than anything else. Skinny girls usually seem to wear more provocative clothes... and what do the clothes provoke? Looks! Of course if someone's got their boobs hanging out guys are more likely to look. But I think that's equally true of a size 4 or a size 18.

    Just one guy's opinion.
  • sherry1002
    sherry1002 Posts: 7 Member
    I think that guys see confidence before they see "weight". :wink:
  • amerr
    amerr Posts: 190
    This thread made me laugh...

    Nice to learn that "curves" means boobs and butt to guys, neither of which I've ever had.
  • kdao
    kdao Posts: 265
    While the size 6 girl might be nice to look at, when it comes to reality men like something they can hold onto. Who wants to curl up in bed with a bag of bones? Really? I think we are so concerned with the media's representation of what we should look like, we fail to really get the reality of it all. The average woman is a size 14 NOT a size 6. Teenagers are size 6. Once you are married, have children and deal with the other realities that life hands out to you, being a size 6 is virtually impossible. C'mon ladies, stop *****in and moaning and starving yourselves to be something that is unattainable. Do a little exercise everyday, watch the carbs and be happy with your size 14 bodies. I'm striving to be a size 14 now because I let myself get a little crazy with the desserts and carbs. Size 6? Never.

    LOL....seriously....LOL. I am a size 4 with plenty of curves, 5 kids and deal with the realities of life. I just choose to stay fit, regardless. Go ahead and keep putting down smaller size women, if that makes ya feel better. Haters gonna hate.....
  • fteale
    fteale Posts: 5,310 Member
    Surely the fact that most guys will say what they think you want to hear means they don't really care either way, they just want to get laid?
  • Brandicaloriecountess
    Brandicaloriecountess Posts: 2,126 Member
    I think that guys see confidence before they see "weight". :wink:

  • Kellee_76
    Kellee_76 Posts: 91
    When I was a size 14, I felt unattractive. I rarely got much attention from guys. When I lost weight and wore a size 6, I felt *hot* and started to dress like I was hot. I got LOTS of attention from guys. I walked into a room feeling like I owned it and guys really noticed me and went out of their way to get my attention. Yeah, it may have been the size difference. But I'm willing to bet that that level of confidence would beat out size any day.
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