
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Janet In Myrtle Beach SC: You’re right. If we have a day that we go over it is not the end of the world. The next day we just count our calories, log our food and follow our plan.

    Cindy in S MD: 9 degrees. BRRRR! I hope your trip to a funeral with your DD went well despite the cold. DH uses a Sonicare toothbrush too, and loves it.

    Selena, UT: You’ll find the progress charts on the MFP site. Once you select yours, it will have a code. I have copied my code and pasted it into the word document that I use for most of my replies. I seldom write a direct response into MFP unless it is very short. I had too much trouble with losing posts that way. Now I write my comments and replies in the word document and copy/paste it into the reply box on MFP.

    Leslie: Placing Mildred near her favorite part of the garden is a lovely idea. I’m glad you were able to share grief with your friend who also lost her dog recently.

    Joyce: For a brief moment I thought your DGD was oddly dressed to play in the snow. She’s beautiful in her ballet dress.

    Gayle from Adelaide, Australia: Welcome to a great group. Lesley is from Tasmania but I don’t think we have anyone else posting actively from “Down Under.” Stop in often and get to know people. The support here is wonderful.

    Heather: Wishing you a safe journey home!

    Cutec: My mom was always a naysayer who tended to sap confidence. I hope you’ll be able to keep your mom’s less than supportive comments from derailing your motivation for success.

    Michele: Congratulations on a great victory! Holding your weight steady when traveling is a major accomplishment.

    SueBDew – TX: I hope the results from you eye procedure are not worrisome.

    My knee was doing great and then today something happened. I must have strained it in one of my classes at the gym this morning and now it is punishing me. Hopefully it will be back in the good column soon.

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon

    “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” Thomas A. Edison

    February Goals:
    1. Log every bite and swallow.
    2. Cardio exercise at least 3 days a week.
    3. Have fun every day.
    4. Drink at least three glasses of water daily, preferably more!
    5. Eliminate alcohol.
    6. Monitor sleep.


  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    edited February 2015
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Here is me back in 2011
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,132 Member
    :D It's late for me so I'll just say "Never, never, never give up". This is a one day at a time journey that will continue for our lifetime.

    :D I love all the pet pictures

    <3 Barbie

    The reason most people fail instead of succeed is that they trade what they want the MOST for what they want at the MOMENT.

  • dreamwriter
    dreamwriter Posts: 610 Member
    I know I missed some of you but this is the best I can do as I was quite far behind.
    Michele in NC - Seems like you are doing quite well with the crocheting. I was also a "know it all "teen and thought that all those skills were useless. In my early 20's I was hospitalized for a long stretch so I decided to surprise my Mom by learning to crochet and making her a table cloth. She opened a very, small doily. I haven't crocheted since.

    Heather - It's so nice that you had such a good guide. I have enjoyed being on this adventure with you. I probably wouldn't exercise at all on vacation. Grandchildren are just the best gift, aren't they ?

    Carol - Has your daughter been checked for B12. My sister was so bad that she barely got out of bed. They started giving her D3 and then a shot of B12. What a difference. DH also has to go for a monthly shot.

    Michele - Choosing cheese over Godiva chocolate! I don't think I have the will power for that.

    Lesley - I am sorry about Mildred beagle. It is hard to let go.

    Pat - Flower are pansies, trailing pansies and violas. I tend to overstuff that planter but I love the way it turns out.

    Exhausted. Thank you, ladies, for being here. I love all the supportive and positive posts.

    - Sharon in Lethbridge, Alberta
  • StrawbC
    StrawbC Posts: 167 Member
    Been gone for a bit but back now and feeling a little challenged by life. Any ideas about how to avoid comfort eating. I just wanna sit in front of the tv and eat pudding, preferably chocolate pudding... I'm uninspired... Please please please pearls of wisdom from those who have them to share
  • CynthiaT60
    CynthiaT60 Posts: 1,280 Member
    Special {{{{hugs}}}} for Lesley and Allison.

    Hope we all have a good day. :flowerforyou:
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,994 Member
    morning ladies~
    Chester doing well, we will schedule his surgery for a few weeks from now.. he had to get some eye cream,bloodwork, and his rabies shot.. also when I got home I looked over at our living room couch, which we dont use except for company and there on the corner and on the white carpet(what were we thinking :o }) the dogs had peed on the corner and on the carpet, carpet is eventually going ,but got the urine buster out and tried it on the couch.. the gates are back up...
    dont know when I will be able to get over to see DFIL the stomach bug is running through there and they dont want visitor's .. I called yesterday and he is doing alright..
    well off to sweep and wash the floors
  • A good place to find some positive energy, and help motivate others. https://www.facebook.com/projectpositivethinking
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,132 Member
    edited February 2015
    StrawbC wrote: »
    Been gone for a bit but back now and feeling a little challenged by life. Any ideas about how to avoid comfort eating. I just wanna sit in front of the tv and eat pudding, preferably chocolate pudding... I'm uninspired... Please please please pearls of wisdom from those who have them to share

    The reason most people fail instead of succeed is that they trade what they want the MOST for what they want at the MOMENT.

    Gretchen Rubin, the author of several great books including "The Happiness Project" wrote this list of loopholes that people invoke to justify getting off the path to what they want.

    The ten — yes, ten — categories of loopholes are:

    1. False choice loophole – “I can’t do this, because I’m so busy doing that” – this is one I often use, myself

    2. Moral licensing loophole — “I’ve been so good, it’s okay for me to do this”

    3. Tomorrow loophole — “It’s okay to skip today, because I’m going to do this tomorrow”

    4. Lack of control loophole — “I can’t help myself”

    5. Planning to fail loophole, formerly known as the “Apparently irrelevant decision loophole”

    6. “This doesn’t count” loophole – “I’m on vacation” “I’m sick” “It’s the weekend”

    7. Questionable assumption loophole — “the label says it’s healthy”

    8. Concern for others loophole — “I can’t do this because it might make other people uncomfortable”

    9. Fake self-actualization loophole – “You only live once! Embrace the moment!”

    10. One-coin loophole –“What difference does it make if I break my habit this one time?”

  • thlavallee1
    thlavallee1 Posts: 23 Member
    exermom wrote: »
    Did 20 minutes of yoga, held my plank for 2 min 40 sec, and then the extremepump class. Originally, I was planning to do a spinning downloadable workout, but if we get the snow they're calling for, I'll do a DVD at home....Stay tuned! Update: well, it started snowing so I'll just do a Kelley Coffee Meyers 30 Minutes to Fitness DVD at home.

    Selena - 400 calories over really isn't all that much. Now if you were talking 2,000...that'd be a different story.

    Did a load of laundry yesterday and just took it out of the dryer. Want to do another load before we go to FL

    madiedorf - safe travels! Just read something about a fast acting strain of HIV. Don't know how true this is or not. Stay safe!

    Sylvia - loved the jokes, particularly the one about the guy going away....lol

    Carol in NC - you and me both would be happier if the snow came Friday. Tell me about the wimps down here. Just the WORD "snow" and they are all in a panic. I went to Food Lion yesterday for one item. I swear, I have NEVER seen that store so crowded! You would think we were being snowbound for weeks on end. It's gone by the next day usually. The bad part is that they don't know how to deal with the snow down here. One time when we had a snowstorm, they plowed. I remember there was a lane for turning, but I couldn't remember where it started. They never even plowed (?) that lane. Say, do you (or anyone else in NC) know if there's a city called Burk (or it might be spelled Burke)? When we were in VA, there was mention on the Weather Channel that 80,000 people in Burk were without power. We'd never heard of a city called Burk so we assumed they meant Burke County which is near us. Yet, when we got home and looked at the papers, there wasn't any mention of a power outage. So maybe there IS a city called Burk

    - welcome!

    - how did Sugar fracture her ankle?

    kim - Vince would love those "roses". Even tho I was sure I'd gone over (calories) the day we went to Jess' (she wanted to make us chicken parm, but I did ask for shirataki noodles and she gave them to me. But still...the cheese and all.). She'd bought a bottle of wine for me (since she knows I like sweet wines) but I only had one glass, much to her dismay. The next day (and even the following day) I felt like I'd had too much to eat so I was under on calories. We got home yesterday and I was a bit over. According to the Wii, I didn't gain nor lose.

    - I hope your tummy is bettter now.

    - hope Chester is going to be OK. When we lived in PA and got multiple snowfalls, the biggest problem was where to put it all. In a sense, that was one of the good things about a snowblower, it spread the snow further.

    - welcome!

    Lesley - when our cat, Cocoa, was killed, it was suggested to me (and I thought it was a good idea) to plant some daffodils where he was buried so they'd bloom first thing in the spring and I'd always know where his grave was.

    Vicki - I don't think I'm getting the flu. I think I just overate and that made me feel "yukky"

    Michele in NC

    Exermom - Sugar just jumped down from the couch and landed badly. She got startled by the time in the stove going off. This isn't her first injury she fractured her hip two years ago. She is prone to lameness. Thank you for asking. I'm very impressed with the way you fit exercise into you busy day. I'm trying to do the same.
  • thlavallee1
    thlavallee1 Posts: 23 Member
    Hi Ladies ! I'm new to MFP it took me a week before I knew there was even a community ! I'm not sure if it helps I'm in this alone in my circle of friends ! Would love to join a support group .. My name is Gayle and I'm from Adelaide Australia! There doesn't seem to be to many Australians that use MFP ! I did see Leslie from Tasmania !! Wishing every one a lovely day or night !

    Welcome whitelite000 :)
  • peachstategal
    peachstategal Posts: 398 Member
    This is a wonderful poem for those of us who mourn the loss of our pets.
  • SueTN2
    SueTN2 Posts: 79 Member
    Today's jokes of the day:


    A man and a woman get in a terrible car wreck.

    Both of their vehicles were completely destroyed, but fortunately, no one was hurt.

    Thankful, the woman says to the man in a flirting tone, "We're both okay, we should celebrate."

    So the woman gets a bottle of wine out of the trunk of the smashed car, and hands it to the man with a smile.

    The man almost forgetting about the accident takes a really big drink, and hands the bottle to the woman.

    The woman closes the bottle and put it away.

    The man asks, "Aren't you going to take a drink?"

    And the woman replies, "No, I'll celebrate after the cops leave."


    My wife asked for the broom...

    And I said, "Why? Are you going somewhere?"


  • SueTN2
    SueTN2 Posts: 79 Member
    Love your jokes thought you might like this one. ..

    This is funny....from my friend in Florida. Exercise for all of us "older" folks:

    Begin by standing on a comfortable surface, where you have plenty of room on each side.

    With a 5-lb potato bag in each hand, extend your arms straight out from your sides and hold them there as long as you can.

    Try to reach a full minute, and then relax.

    Each day you'll find that you can hold this position for just a bit longer.

    After a couple of weeks, move up to 10-lb potato bags.

    Then try 50-lb potato bags and then eventually try to get to where you can lift a 100-lb potato bag in each hand and hold your arms straight for more than a full minute. (I'm at this level.)

    After you feel confident at this level, put a potato in each bag.
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    SueTN2 - I wasn't sure where that was going but it was sure funny!

    Mary from Minnesota
  • bumblebeejec
    bumblebeejec Posts: 26 Member
    strawbc: It's very hard for me to stay motivated, too. I just keep coming back on MFP and logging my food. I would be embarrassed to log pudding all day, so that would keep me from eating it. I have been slipping lately, but if I wasn't logging my food, it would be sooo much worse. It also helps me to realize how many calories are in different foods. This morning I logged a whopping 560 calories just for breakfast. It was that darn cinnamon raisin bagel that got over half of them. So, in future, I hope that if I have to have that bagel, I will settle for 1/2 of one. Hopefully, I will keep coming back on here because I need to get in better shape for my health. Good luck and kcb!

    jinkmomm: Love the cat pic!

    Judy in PA
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,061 Member