Postnatal-May 2011



  • sculley
    sculley Posts: 2,012 Member
    I have been having complications and started bleeding extremely heavy almost two months later I am thinking it was my cycle but omg it was rough. I hope your feeling better
  • sculley
    sculley Posts: 2,012 Member
    My little one is a side sleeper lol hates being flat on his back he sleeps on his back only when elevated lol he has alot of personality :)
  • Soon2Bfitmamaof3
    Soon2Bfitmamaof3 Posts: 1,911 Member
    My little one is a side sleeper lol hates being flat on his back he sleeps on his back only when elevated lol he has alot of personality :)

    sounds like mine, we put her in her boppy or daddy's arms
  • singingmom
    singingmom Posts: 29 Member
    Hi I'd like to join. I have 15 month old twins. I am now back at my pre-pregnancy weight as of this week yay! However I do need to lose more at least 10-15 more lbs. Overall I lost about 45 lbs from last year til now. I find that working out is the hardest thing for me to do. Not because I am all that tired my LO's nap like champs but I just have so much to do that the last thing I want to do is workout. Plus I don't go to a gym I just workout to dvds in my basement which can get dull. Im doing weight watchers which has been wonderful.
  • mwilson1018
    mwilson1018 Posts: 509 Member
    I'm interested to hear what your bedtime routines are (if any at this We try to put Annabelle down around 10 or so but she never goes to sleep until 12:30 or so...and is usually fussy the whole time in between there... She is sleeping most of the day, so I'm trying to keep her up more today to see if that helps (she didn't get to sleep until 2 last night, and was extremely fussy :cry: ). Just curious to hear what works or doesn't work for your LOs. Maybe I'll try the tummy sleeping and see if that helps. She use to sleep good in her swaddler blanket but now she can't stand to be bundled up, she jsut wants to throw her arms about (mainly cause she's upset I guess)

    I'm 3 weeks PP and still have bleeding/spotting. I'm just using pantiliners though, not enough for a pad. A week after my delivery I had a stitch come out (I think...) so I've been kind of worried something isn't healing right, but I guess I'm not too concerned because I haven't called the doctor.

    Would you all take anything or call the doctor for a sore throat? Usually I wouldn't and would just take something over the counter, but being that I'm nursing and around the baby 24/7 it makes me feel like I should. DOn't know what medicines I can tkae though. I am hoarse today but my throat feels better today than it did yesterday, but it was bad last night. Probably didn't help that I was geting emotional when she was crying forever :cry:

    Welcome, singingmom! Congrats on pre-preggo weight! I have 10 pounds to go, then I would like to loose another 15.
  • Soon2Bfitmamaof3
    Soon2Bfitmamaof3 Posts: 1,911 Member
    I'm interested to hear what your bedtime routines are (if any at this We try to put Annabelle down around 10 or so but she never goes to sleep until 12:30 or so...and is usually fussy the whole time in between there... She is sleeping most of the day, so I'm trying to keep her up more today to see if that helps (she didn't get to sleep until 2 last night, and was extremely fussy :cry: ). Just curious to hear what works or doesn't work for your LOs. Maybe I'll try the tummy sleeping and see if that helps. She use to sleep good in her swaddler blanket but now she can't stand to be bundled up, she jsut wants to throw her arms about (mainly cause she's upset I guess)

    I'm 3 weeks PP and still have bleeding/spotting. I'm just using pantiliners though, not enough for a pad. A week after my delivery I had a stitch come out (I think...) so I've been kind of worried something isn't healing right, but I guess I'm not too concerned because I haven't called the doctor.

    Would you all take anything or call the doctor for a sore throat? Usually I wouldn't and would just take something over the counter, but being that I'm nursing and around the baby 24/7 it makes me feel like I should. DOn't know what medicines I can tkae though. I am hoarse today but my throat feels better today than it did yesterday, but it was bad last night. Probably didn't help that I was geting emotional when she was crying forever :cry:

    Welcome, singingmom! Congrats on pre-preggo weight! I have 10 pounds to go, then I would like to loose another 15.

    Megan- You have got to keep her up, on Mothers Day there was so much going on that I let Brooklynn sleep in everyone's arms and she was up til 1am, then up at 3 and 6 to feed. Our boys have to get up at 6:30 so there was not much sleep :cry: I am trying to get her into the routine we have with the boys, last night was awesome. After a week of cranky butts I have moved bedtime from 8:30 to 8 which will work well for me when I return to work next week. We are a early family so I usually cook dinner around 3:30 so we can eat between 4:15-4:30 baths are between 6-6:30 snack is at 7 and bedtime is at 8. I am throwing the baby into the routine, if she is up for atleast 2-3 hours before bedtime. I deal with a cranky baby who wants to eat so I can nurse her from like 7:30-8 and she is good until about 10:30-11 and about every 3 hours after. Baby wants to sleep but so do I :laugh: just move her around in different ways so you can get her down, if she is not tired she will not sleep and she is getting to the stage where they can be up hours at a time.

    The doctors wont do anything for a sore throat, my oldest has strept so he got penicilin but otherwise they say you can take tylenol/motrin for pain and use sucrets/chloraseptic and ofcourse hot tea will help. All are safe for baby
  • carina73
    carina73 Posts: 270 Member
    I thought I gained 25 pounds over night.... until I realized my husband had his FOOT on the scale!!!!!!


  • Soon2Bfitmamaof3
    Soon2Bfitmamaof3 Posts: 1,911 Member
    Hi I'd like to join. I have 15 month old twins. I am now back at my pre-pregnancy weight as of this week yay! However I do need to lose more at least 10-15 more lbs. Overall I lost about 45 lbs from last year til now. I find that working out is the hardest thing for me to do. Not because I am all that tired my LO's nap like champs but I just have so much to do that the last thing I want to do is workout. Plus I don't go to a gym I just workout to dvds in my basement which can get dull. Im doing weight watchers which has been wonderful.

    Welcome! Yay for prepreggo weight. I workout at home to dvds as well, I just try to switch it up and got Zumba for Wii. That is super fun/hard to do.
  • Soon2Bfitmamaof3
    Soon2Bfitmamaof3 Posts: 1,911 Member
    I thought I gained 25 pounds over night.... until I realized my husband had his FOOT on the scale!!!!!!



    How mean :laugh: I would have cried
  • mwilson1018
    mwilson1018 Posts: 509 Member
    Sheri - what are ways to keep her up? All she wants to do is sleep! I try carrying her around and she just falls asleep, I put her on play mat and she I'm sure It's a process though, she's not just going to do it on the first day probably. Thanks! Man, 8 oclock would be nice to have some me and hubby time at night, but with her late nights we aren't getting any of that!

    Carina - that reminds me of the v8 commercial! lol!
  • Soon2Bfitmamaof3
    Soon2Bfitmamaof3 Posts: 1,911 Member
    Sheri - what are ways to keep her up? All she wants to do is sleep! I try carrying her around and she just falls asleep, I put her on play mat and she I'm sure It's a process though, she's not just going to do it on the first day probably. Thanks! Man, 8 oclock would be nice to have some me and hubby time at night, but with her late nights we aren't getting any of that!

    Carina - that reminds me of the v8 commercial! lol!

    It sounds mean but make her uncomfortable, I feel bad but we move her around. Make her stand up on our laps, talk to her and play/sing. Just do anything possible to get her up, Brooklynn HATES bath time as well as being lotioned so those are GREAT things to do. You just have to be prepared to deal with a fussy baby, but I have noticed whether it is 8pm or 12am she will adjust and go to bed all the same. You have to figure out how to torture her by what she does not like. Geez that sounds mean and makes me look like a horrible mom.
  • htuzzi324
    htuzzi324 Posts: 20 Member
    Hi ladies! I hope everyone is having a good day! I just had to pop in and share my wonderful night.
    Patrick not only slept for 6 hours last night, he slept in his crib! That's marvelous for a one month old who always wants to be held.
    Now if i could just eat without him screaming his head off, we'd be good.
  • carina73
    carina73 Posts: 270 Member
    I thought I gained 25 pounds over night.... until I realized my husband had his FOOT on the scale!!!!!!
    How mean :laugh: I would have cried
    I would have, if I hadn't just done it to him 2 months ago. :laugh: ROFLMBO!
  • mwilson1018
    mwilson1018 Posts: 509 Member
    Annabelle loves her bath and lotion time! HAHA. I've just been moving her around a lot today, and i think she is so worn out lol. I think it will just take time and she'll get more use to it. She has been up a lot more today than usual anyway, so it's a start! Thanks for the advice! I took her outside and tried to go for a little walk but it was SOOO hot that we will have to wait until later when it gets cooler. That will be good for me and her! Exercise!! :smile:

    Bethe and Amanda - In regards to your BFing position, is that you sitting up and he's on your lap with just a rolled blanket underneath? Annabelle wouldn't be nearly high enough.
  • mwilson1018
    mwilson1018 Posts: 509 Member
    Hi ladies! I hope everyone is having a good day! I just had to pop in and share my wonderful night.
    Patrick not only slept for 6 hours last night, he slept in his crib! That's marvelous for a one month old who always wants to be held.
    Now if i could just eat without him screaming his head off, we'd be good.

    LOL I know the feeling, it seems like she knows exactly when I'm going to eat and decides to wake up crying...

    We have bassinet in our room by my side of the bed but she's growing so much and getting so long I think we'll have to upgrade to the pack n' play until I'm ready to move her to her room (definitely not yet! I couldn't walk across the house to feed her, come back, etc all throughout the night)
  • Soon2Bfitmamaof3
    Soon2Bfitmamaof3 Posts: 1,911 Member
    Annabelle loves her bath and lotion time! HAHA. I've just been moving her around a lot today, and i think she is so worn out lol. I think it will just take time and she'll get more use to it. She has been up a lot more today than usual anyway, so it's a start! Thanks for the advice! I took her outside and tried to go for a little walk but it was SOOO hot that we will have to wait until later when it gets cooler. That will be good for me and her! Exercise!! :smile:

    Bethe and Amanda - In regards to your BFing position, is that you sitting up and he's on your lap with just a rolled blanket underneath? Annabelle wouldn't be nearly high enough.

    You do not need to keep her up all day, just for a good amount of time before bed. We will keep Brooklynn up from about 4-4:30 til bedtime 8pm that way she will be tired when we are all ready to go to bed. I hope you get a nice walk in, I am going to start walking after dinner again. Zumba is fun but 20 mins is pretty tiring so maybe that plus walking for now, I can tell that I am not recovered all the way.
  • Soon2Bfitmamaof3
    Soon2Bfitmamaof3 Posts: 1,911 Member
    Hi ladies! I hope everyone is having a good day! I just had to pop in and share my wonderful night.
    Patrick not only slept for 6 hours last night, he slept in his crib! That's marvelous for a one month old who always wants to be held.
    Now if i could just eat without him screaming his head off, we'd be good.

    LOL I know the feeling, it seems like she knows exactly when I'm going to eat and decides to wake up crying...

    We have bassinet in our room by my side of the bed but she's growing so much and getting so long I think we'll have to upgrade to the pack n' play until I'm ready to move her to her room (definitely not yet! I couldn't walk across the house to feed her, come back, etc all throughout the night)

    Lol I could not imagine having Brooklynn in her crib, not even sure why we as pregnant women worry so much about the crib. My first shared a room with us so he is the only one who slept im his crib, my second did,t move to his crib til about 3 months. We will probably do the same this time but she LOVES sleeping in daddy's arms.
  • Soon2Bfitmamaof3
    Soon2Bfitmamaof3 Posts: 1,911 Member
    Megan- I was thinking about what you said about wearing your baby, so I went on youtube and looked at some videos after looking at I have decided that I am going to take a trip to the fabric store and get a beautiful. stretchy fabric and tie her myself. It is super easy. You have got to check it out!
  • htuzzi324
    htuzzi324 Posts: 20 Member
    Megan- I was thinking about what you said about wearing your baby, so I went on youtube and looked at some videos after looking at I have decided that I am going to take a trip to the fabric store and get a beautiful. stretchy fabric and tie her myself. It is super easy. You have got to check it out!
    I wear my son all the time. I have a long wrap and a short wrap and getting some more fabric to make a ring sling. Patrick loves it and it really helps with his reflux. I spent $15 on my fabric, but I'll probably have to spend a little more for the woven wrap I want. is a good resource for all things wrap/sling related.
  • sculley
    sculley Posts: 2,012 Member
    I am taking Ethen to the doctor he is stuffy and coughing etc it worries me I think he got it from daycare so I worry.