So what do you need to see on the resume of your next spouse

Aesop101 Posts: 758 Member
edited September 27 in Chit-Chat
I was out in the yard preparing the garden for planting. Just digging away and thinking about the bounty to come and the calories being burned.

Mom calls, she's sending her boyfriend over with some pears. He's walking and has been for about a month. I think I've inspired him. He's a good guy and a former chef at a downtown club. So after digging a few more minutes I run to the front of the house to see if he's coming. Mom doesn't live far away. Yep there he is and with the pears.

He wants to see the garden. So I take him back there and he is impressed with how much I have dug. It is quite a bit for doing it by hand. We talk some about the garden and what I'm planting. I pulled a green onion up and it was perfect. I let him smell it.

Then somehow the conversation turns to his long ago ex-wife. He was talking about her gaining weight after they got married. I said Don, You're a chef! Well she didn't like my cooking. LOL err okay. I said my ex didn't like my cooking either.

So there you have it, new Mrs. must like my cooking. Adding to resume requirements as I type.


  • SoldierDad
    SoldierDad Posts: 1,602
    I was out in the yard preparing the garden for planting. Just digging away and thinking about the bounty to come and the calories being burned.

    Mom calls, she's sending her boyfriend over with some pears. He's walking and has been for about a month. I think I've inspired him. He's a good guy and a former chef at a downtown club. So after digging a few more minutes I run to the front of the house to see if he's coming. Mom doesn't live far away. Yep there he is and with the pears.

    He wants to see the garden. So I take him back there and he is impressed with how much I have dug. It is quite a bit for doing it by hand. We talk some about the garden and what I'm planting. I pulled a green onion up and it was perfect. I let him smell it.

    Then somehow the conversation turns to his long ago ex-wife. He was talking about her gaining weight after they got married. I said Don, You're a chef! Well she didn't like my cooking. LOL err okay. I said my ex didn't like my cooking either.

    So there you have it, new Mrs. must like my cooking. Adding to resume requirements as I type.

    If I ever remarry she has to love kids. I am a single dad and they are my world so they would have to be her world to. And if my new wife already had kids I would love them as my own. Next on my list is she has to love God, the Yankees & and be a country girl (at least at heart). Lol thats my list brother.
  • Aesop101
    Aesop101 Posts: 758 Member
    I was out in the yard preparing the garden for planting. Just digging away and thinking about the bounty to come and the calories being burned.

    Mom calls, she's sending her boyfriend over with some pears. He's walking and has been for about a month. I think I've inspired him. He's a good guy and a former chef at a downtown club. So after digging a few more minutes I run to the front of the house to see if he's coming. Mom doesn't live far away. Yep there he is and with the pears.

    He wants to see the garden. So I take him back there and he is impressed with how much I have dug. It is quite a bit for doing it by hand. We talk some about the garden and what I'm planting. I pulled a green onion up and it was perfect. I let him smell it.

    Then somehow the conversation turns to his long ago ex-wife. He was talking about her gaining weight after they got married. I said Don, You're a chef! Well she didn't like my cooking. LOL err okay. I said my ex didn't like my cooking either.

    So there you have it, new Mrs. must like my cooking. Adding to resume requirements as I type.

    If I ever remarry she has to love kids. I am a single dad and they are my world so they would have to be her world to. And if my new wife already had kids I would love them as my own. Next on my list is she has to love God, the Yankees & and be a country girl (at least at heart). Lol thats my list brother.

    Now wait a minute! Doesn't she have to know how to knit? <G>
  • SoldierDad
    SoldierDad Posts: 1,602
    I was out in the yard preparing the garden for planting. Just digging away and thinking about the bounty to come and the calories being burned.

    Mom calls, she's sending her boyfriend over with some pears. He's walking and has been for about a month. I think I've inspired him. He's a good guy and a former chef at a downtown club. So after digging a few more minutes I run to the front of the house to see if he's coming. Mom doesn't live far away. Yep there he is and with the pears.

    He wants to see the garden. So I take him back there and he is impressed with how much I have dug. It is quite a bit for doing it by hand. We talk some about the garden and what I'm planting. I pulled a green onion up and it was perfect. I let him smell it.

    Then somehow the conversation turns to his long ago ex-wife. He was talking about her gaining weight after they got married. I said Don, You're a chef! Well she didn't like my cooking. LOL err okay. I said my ex didn't like my cooking either.

    So there you have it, new Mrs. must like my cooking. Adding to resume requirements as I type.

    If I ever remarry she has to love kids. I am a single dad and they are my world so they would have to be her world to. And if my new wife already had kids I would love them as my own. Next on my list is she has to love God, the Yankees & and be a country girl (at least at heart). Lol thats my list brother.

    Now wait a minute! Doesn't she have to know how to knit? <G>

    Oh yeah! I forgot that! I want my hand knitted sweater!
  • Karleyyy
    Karleyyy Posts: 857
    Requirements..would have to like kids and be able to deal with the fact that I have two. And I am really young, so I don't have much hope in guys my age really accepting that- and I don't really care. I am in no hurry and my life is going to be quite busy when I start college in August. Anyway....

    They must like kids, and have patience with everything that comes along with parenting.....and also they need to be mature. Not necessarily completely mature, but...they need to be a man. Haha.
  • FitJoani
    FitJoani Posts: 2,173 Member
    I will use this for boyfriend...
    I will make a MANDATORY prerequisite of FAITHFUL. Must be faithful...
  • daiisyy
    daiisyy Posts: 9 Member
    hmm. they would have to be responsible n know that iam a prioriety lol
    and be VERY honest !
  • JEK717
    JEK717 Posts: 1,497
    Haha i have a LONG list and a HUGE test.

    He has to LOVE kids and want like a million...since i do.
    He has to LOVE animals since they are my passion.
    He HAS to be a Christian with relatively the same views on God as me.
    It would be NICE if he could cook since...haha i dont:) the moment.
    He has to be funny....sorry boring way.
    He was to be determined and know what he wants.
    He has to be....i like Karley's answer....mature in the sense that he is a man...not some young guy who acts like a child.
    He has to have patience and be willing to deal with my hyperness.

    I will end with that...too many to list:)
  • ceebs9
    ceebs9 Posts: 511 Member
    Requirements..would have to like kids and be able to deal with the fact that I have two. And I am really young, so I don't have much hope in guys my age really accepting that- and I don't really care. I am in no hurry and my life is going to be quite busy when I start college in August. Anyway....

    They must like kids, and have patience with everything that comes along with parenting.....and also they need to be mature. Not necessarily completely mature, but...they need to be a man. Haha.

    Your kids are beautiful. :flowerforyou:
  • Karleyyy
    Karleyyy Posts: 857
    Requirements..would have to like kids and be able to deal with the fact that I have two. And I am really young, so I don't have much hope in guys my age really accepting that- and I don't really care. I am in no hurry and my life is going to be quite busy when I start college in August. Anyway....

    They must like kids, and have patience with everything that comes along with parenting.....and also they need to be mature. Not necessarily completely mature, but...they need to be a man. Haha.

    Your kids are beautiful. :flowerforyou:

    Thank you!! :)
  • rhodes2b
    rhodes2b Posts: 304 Member
    I don't plan on getting married again... but I would make sure that whomever is in my life want to participate in life and not be sitting there on the sidelines. Instead of watching it- let's do it!
  • Walt75
    Walt75 Posts: 182 Member
    .....At least six years experience as a sex slave baaahhhaa!!
  • Karleyyy
    Karleyyy Posts: 857
    I thought of another requirement. Not dramatic. I like the quote.. "What other people think of you is none of your business."
  • Heather75
    Heather75 Posts: 3,386 Member
    Smart, passionate, hilarious and must worship the ground I walk on.
  • SoldierDad
    SoldierDad Posts: 1,602
    Haha i have a LONG list and a HUGE test.

    He has to LOVE kids and want like a million...since i do.
    He has to LOVE animals since they are my passion.
    He HAS to be a Christian with relatively the same views on God as me.
    It would be NICE if he could cook since...haha i dont:) the moment.
    He has to be funny....sorry boring way.
    He was to be determined and know what he wants.
    He has to be....i like Karley's answer....mature in the sense that he is a man...not some young guy who acts like a child.
    He has to have patience and be willing to deal with my hyperness.

    I will end with that...too many to list:)

    Sigh! All the perfect women (or women whose list matches mine) are to young for me. lol :-)
  • Aesop101
    Aesop101 Posts: 758 Member
    I thought of another requirement. Not dramatic. I like the quote.. "What other people think of you is none of your business."

    I use this adage, Don't waste time on people who don't waste time on you.

    Oh, you do have beautiful kids!
  • LOL!! I just started my weight loss journey and this post caught my eye, my divorce was final last month and I'm not even thinking about a next spouse right now! But I love my horses! lol and I could use some friends! This site looks wonderful.
  • Aesop101
    Aesop101 Posts: 758 Member
    Haha i have a LONG list and a HUGE test.

    He has to LOVE kids and want like a million...since i do.
    He has to LOVE animals since they are my passion.
    He HAS to be a Christian with relatively the same views on God as me.
    It would be NICE if he could cook since...haha i dont:) the moment.
    He has to be funny....sorry boring way.
    He was to be determined and know what he wants.
    He has to be....i like Karley's answer....mature in the sense that he is a man...not some young guy who acts like a child.
    He has to have patience and be willing to deal with my hyperness.

    I will end with that...too many to list:)

    Sigh! All the perfect women (or women whose list matches mine) are to young for me. lol :-)

    Except for age, I'm 57, I was good to go except for that last little requirement. Which should be in red! <G>
  • traceybarbour
    traceybarbour Posts: 226 Member
    There will be no next if ever a ex
  • JEK717
    JEK717 Posts: 1,497
    Haha i have a LONG list and a HUGE test.

    He has to LOVE kids and want like a million...since i do.
    He has to LOVE animals since they are my passion.
    He HAS to be a Christian with relatively the same views on God as me.
    It would be NICE if he could cook since...haha i dont:) the moment.
    He has to be funny....sorry boring way.
    He was to be determined and know what he wants.
    He has to be....i like Karley's answer....mature in the sense that he is a man...not some young guy who acts like a child.
    He has to have patience and be willing to deal with my hyperness.

    I will end with that...too many to list:)

    Sigh! All the perfect women (or women whose list matches mine) are to young for me. lol :-)

    Haha thank you thank you...yeah....all the good guys are either taken or a little too old. So i *sigh* with you:)
  • Aesop101
    Aesop101 Posts: 758 Member
    There will be no next if ever a ex

    I pray you will have a long and happy marriage.
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